What is Gender? | Philosophy Tube

What is Gender? | Philosophy Tube

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@ermetetrismegisto5341 - 27.01.2024 03:29

Nope sex is what you performe, gender is what you are. Lying is not going to work.

@sourwitch2340 - 22.12.2023 00:09

I think the intrinsic inclination model makes the most sense to me. Specifically, the way I understand it, gender is purely a social construct, it is a frame, or rather in our society two large frames with a subset of many smaller frames that often act like they are definitely one and the same. And your gender identity, as I see and experience it, is based in which gender frame aligns most with your intrinsic inclination. What term feels most accurate to the things that intuitively feel like "you".

@cookiecat7759 - 08.12.2023 11:38

its so different now

@mr.trickystudio - 30.10.2023 17:20


@dogomage9003 - 28.10.2023 04:01

I keep forgetting she's trans

@LizinLouie - 29.09.2023 18:22

I have met Julia Serrano, and for my money, and in my experience; she gives the most complete and accurate explanation of what Gender is. (BTW; great video, Thank you!)

@disaster4550 - 26.09.2023 08:46

people are so funny saying we can't just get rid of the idea of "gender" because it is so imbedded in our society and has always existed ...well no it has only existed since 1955 and personally I only found out it was even a thing since like 16, you can live your whole life never hearing of it

@Livv_it_is - 19.09.2023 23:07

Thank you so much for this episode! I absolutely love your chanel! I'd love to dive deeper into butlers and seranos theories. Thanks for introducing me to seranos work!

@raven-cat-lover - 13.09.2023 15:52

a potentially interesting angle here: I have dissociative identity disorder. other people share the same physical body as me and sometimes we are concious at the same time, and i share some of their memories. this means i know what it feels like in no small way to literally be someone else, to have someone else's experience of gender. I, the person who most identifies the body as 'theirs' and with the name the body was given, am transgender and when anyone else makes themselves know to us or is concious for the 1st time, they have to work out their gender. so i have done so myself and witnessed 10+ people look inside themselves and go "i feel... masculine/feminine/nothing/somewhere in between" and i have come to the conclusion that genders are just categories of common traits and behavoirs shared that society lables "male" "female" "neither" "uhhhh some kinda gender going on here but we don't know what" and we want other people to correctly see which category we are so they can know us better. so they don't expect or ascribe behavoir and traits onto us from the wrong category. when you learn certains things about someone, a less complex and imperfect example is say they are a cat person, you learn more than just that they like cats, it "explains a lot", connects other things you know about them and allows you to make predictions about them, you understand them more fully, even though not all cat people act the same way. I think gender is like that. it so happens that most people fall into the gender category that matches up with their sex. we've gotten so used to being able to tell if someone is a cat person by their tail we've forgotten to ask.

@caineTheGoat - 10.09.2023 18:01

Gender performativism is really interesting to me because of how that idea could apply to alterhumans. I'm an otherlinker- I identify as a goat (in a weird way), but at least part of is voluntary and I intentionally reinforce my identity. So would me calling myself a goat be performativism in this case?

@someonesomeone25 - 14.08.2023 13:46

It's cool that these days I can, to at least some degree, be an open genderqueer bisexual objectum. The future will be even better and more free.

@spdzodzo - 08.08.2023 08:54

how does language cope with this many genders? in english it might be easier but for example in my language there is inflection based on who is speaking (currently he/she/it), i can't imagine the language having to inflex based on 200 genders, that would be a grammar nightmare

@rauldjvp3053 - 24.07.2023 08:59

Interestingly, Butler has come out as non-binary since 2020.

@Ryan78336 - 05.07.2023 09:21

I grew up without the vocab or any indication subconscious or otherwise that being anything but cis was okay but with the discomfort of that dissonance you speak of. When I found the vocab and community i began to advocate for myself and this was read by my parents with confusion first and then a kind of confused but loving support. I’m not cis and growing up I never really understood why being born a girl meant that I had to like certain things or be inclined to certain roles. I never understood societies definition of woman vs that of man. Biology makes this clear for the most part and with few exceptions but being born a girl means nothing to me and crept that I have the ability to carry and gestate children. This brings me no inherent sense of joy no anticipation. My anatomy doesn’t mean anything either, some of it is deeply uncomfortable to me and some of it is irrelevant. I go to significant lengths to hide those parts I’m unconfortable with and this to others constitutes that performance of gender. But for me it’s not only that but it’s my coping mechanism. In spaces designated for women, even though I have female anatomy and deserve to be there like anyone else, I often receive double takes and scowled from other women and questioning glances from their kids simply for being no there. Because I care so little for the binary, I have been known to use both bathrooms because you can guarantee that there will be no line outside the men’s bathroom. And I’m invisible there. Nobody cares, nobody notices and I absolutely love being invisible. Love it when I pass and nobody feels the need to ask me who I am or wonder. Bit because of who I am and the way I feel I should preform my gender, this almost never happens. My very countenance tends to confuse and baffle most people and yet when I am read as a woman this might as well be a snort of derision, a scoff of reducible. When I’m read as male, and for the life of me I have no idea why this is, I feel okay. I feel like that’s more correct. Yet I don’t want to transition. I grew up being raised and socialised as a girl, yet when I became a woman I quickly found this didn’t fit. So where do I fit? Still working my on that. But as a non binary person, I hope that one day I can get top surgery and legally change my name and live in a skin that truly reflects me. And I feel like this is an experience that’s common to many trans people. And had I not been introduced to my community by some of my wonderful peers, I may never have known how to describe myself and advocate for myself. 🎉thanks!

@richaquilastokes - 24.06.2023 16:45

I have to think of a lot of Abigail's early videos as some sort of Chekhov's gun equivalent. Chekhov's gender discussion?

@michaeldamato9466 - 22.06.2023 06:36

Isn't the whole thing about boy, girl, just as a reference and what ever comes later is up to the individual, I mean at birth you're either one or the other, sure you can throw in the bit about they don't know what they really are, all you're doing is stirring the pot, and causing alot of problems for society.

@gabiballetje - 08.06.2023 22:35

So far this video cleared up nothing for me when it comes to this gender gobbledegook… Wonder if that will change…
Muchadoaboutnothing also sounds like it in some way ? Whatever the fuck your chromosomes are, fine, that’s what they are, however you feel, fine, how you act in this, fine, what’s it to anyone else I’d say, but then there are people that say their gender is alien or feline, and then I think you’re not right in the head for damn sure.
And somehow it may not be up to you. Sound alike those nutty parents that claim their 1 year old is not a male as it’s chromosomes would like you to think but rather female and want to start hormone treatments and maybe surgery already, riiiiight, how did this 1 year old explain that to you ? Some people claim to know the gender of their dog too. Some people then just seem to be not right in the head to me.
This video cleared up fuck all.

@mustafaonah9704 - 08.06.2023 20:33

when theories are based on lies no matter how much effort are put on them , they will just collapse and will make no sense , just read the quarn and you will find the truth about life and the real purpose.

@tinkergnomad - 05.06.2023 09:25

Honestly, I don't want a gender. I just want the luxury of being a person.

@lynandhenrymeyerding3392 - 02.06.2023 04:17

Sex is. Sexual dimophism in humans is minimal. If you add gender, then sexual dimorphism is amplified, if one is a part to the socialized norms of that gender performance. If you want to determine the sex of the person on the next ridge, if you share socialized gender values, then the sex of that person on the next ridge will be far easier to determine. That is what and all gender is... of course it also enforces the belonging to the same social group dynamic. If you and the other person share a common socialization, then you will also share the gender performance values that will make it more likel;y for you to pass your genetic material to the next generation.

@JoseLopez-rp4rv - 28.05.2023 06:31

Well you are a gender centric philosophy..just go with that. I respect your trans ..but honestly. Do you like man, women, or both?...that's where most people are just not even willing to adress..just to ambiguous. . Loosing me

@Coffeeisnecessarynowpepper - 26.05.2023 01:21

5:20PM 25 May 2023

@Yaxoi - 24.05.2023 00:37

Oldest in science: If you cannot explain it qualitatively, verify that it exists statistically and give the distribution a name. Very interesting; but idk if the inclination theory, at first glance, explains much.

@tymera - 19.05.2023 10:35

Cheers to the once 'really' committed allies.

@GenerationBright - 15.05.2023 04:08

this is being recommended to me now lmao

@lisee123 - 13.05.2023 15:42

I got this recommended to me, and it’s interesting to see pre-transition Abigail break down gender so well, albeit in a much plainer format than her more modern videos.

@jsraadt - 10.05.2023 02:30

Genderfluidity is difficult because people still think in a binary. Not trans, not cis. I guess some performances are being a good listener, advocating for people i care about, falling apart when psuedo-daddy gets disappointed, skirts, tights, hair clips, makeup, and et cetera

@DanCanning - 09.05.2023 20:35

It’s funny but Abigail’s early videos always make me feel slightly uncomfortable. I’m a cis man, so if my ignorance come across as bigotry, I ask your forgiveness. It is not my intent to do so.
The reason I find the early ones uncomfortable to watch, is because I assume that by this point in her life, Abigail, considered herself a trans woman and therefore social pressure was forcing her to hide her true self. No one should ever have to hide who they really are. I fully understand why she did, as best I can given I’m cis and have never had to face the bigotry that Abigail and all trans individuals have to deal with. It just sucks that she had to and the pain I’m assuming she must have been carrying makes me think of a butterfly with its wings strapped down so it can still pass as a caterpillar.
Again, if my ignorance has offended anyone (that isn’t transphobic) I ask your forgiveness.

@StrategicWealthLLC - 02.05.2023 02:24

So gender is the same thing as a ‘sex role’… and those claiming to adopt normative ‘sex roles’ of the opposite sex do so by reinforcing the stereotypes associated with a given sex’s stereotypical behavior. Furthermore, the terms ‘trans man’ and ‘trans woman’ clearly imply that sex is binary. Lastly, the fact that ‘trans’ individuals alter their physical appearance (via surgery/hormones/binding/cosmetics, etc.) to make them look more like the opposite biological sex, the term ‘trans gender’ should be ‘trans sexual’. Of course, the term ‘transsexual’ is not quite accurate either given that it is currently impossible for one to change one’s sex. They can camouflage themselves to appear as though they are the opposite sex, however… much like a cricket can look like a leaf… even though a cricket is not a leaf… even if the cricket looks and behaves as a leaf.

@jamistardust5181 - 28.04.2023 09:32

I believe that there is an genetic role in the sexing of the brain during prenatal development and there is research that indicates this (there was a DNA study publshed in 2016). I knew I was different at the age of three.

@H3Wbris - 25.04.2023 09:56

Wow, this is some impressive foreshadowing...

@klduderino8449 - 17.04.2023 22:33

It's amazing how people still don't understand this. No wonder the theory of evolution, geocentrism and the shape of earth aren't even fully adopted yet...

@rorydodds4581 - 13.04.2023 21:47

Setting aside that it is ultimately a social construct and therefore a hindrance if treated as natural law (constraints/restrictions/borders of the proverbial 'box'), it ultimately becomes more and more arbitrary the more we come to understand the human body. Well, maybe we actually understand it less. We have reason to believe that "queer" people were appreciated for their insights into matters like these.

@danielodors - 10.04.2023 09:39

Why not just get rid of the idea of genders altogether?

@KatsudonArt - 08.04.2023 14:55

To this day, Mr. Beast still identifies as an attack helicopter lol

@geospider - 07.04.2023 00:20

gender is not that shit

@brentm9848 - 29.03.2023 21:58

Gender is like religion. And I'm agnostic.

@mickyetanotherone3401 - 24.03.2023 05:53

I'm skeptical that gender is even a concept that makes sense.

from what I can tell it's mostly there, as a social convention, to help people figure out who to make babies with. but ultimately people will get together with whoever they fancy, and gender doesn't really play a role.

so it's like trying to describe a pattern of behavior that's only sort of vaguely identifiable in the first place, but the description insists that it's definitely working one highly specific way... which means the problem isn't with the behaviors that have been clumped together with an alleged pattern that only sorta exists, but rather it's with the entire premise that the description is even possible, or perhaps more importantly, useful, in the first place.

clearly men will impregnate women regardless of how we think of this, so it doesn't matter. there is no social peril that comes with different interpretations of gender, and that includes the possibility of interpreting the whole affair as gibberish.

@iooog1 - 19.03.2023 07:11

I like the idea that Genger is whatever the fuck you want it to be. Im a big fan of "do whatever the fuck you want"

@jadefae - 19.03.2023 05:12

Making this is such egg behaviour.
(Actually upon finishing the re-watch it feels reductive to just say "haha u trans now". This is also just a straight up well made video about gender)

@arkarpan - 18.03.2023 23:21

Okay so this is the video from where it all started.

@ArcanePath360 - 16.03.2023 13:11

At the end of the day, you don't choose what you want to be, it chooses you. Choosing your identity is one thing, getting the world to agree with it is another.

@ultradevon04 - 03.03.2023 21:51

Gender is arbitrary. But if it is meaningful to you to let people know then use your gender designating words such as cis, trans, nonbinary, ect. Stop conflating sex with gender and then society will be fine.

@yanikjayaram - 01.03.2023 19:53

You didn’t even list out genders. Is Umpire a gender?

@JoeMicroscope - 27.02.2023 08:56

Typical academic philosophical crap. Good sound though. It is way overthought.

@whabaskeythethird - 15.02.2023 22:38

Imagine continuing to play pretend out of gradeschool and then forcing everyone around you to go along with it! 🤣🤣 so dumb! There are those with REAL gender dysphoria and those who ACTUALLY are attracted to the same sex, but most of the freaking population is playing a stupid, retarded social game and looking like a bunch of lunatics while they're at it. Grow up America before you get wiped off the map

@UomoCattivodeiBoschi - 10.02.2023 12:07

But why do these differences in identity have to be called "gender"? Can't there be masculine women and femenine men? Can't there be simply women and men which are different in temperament? Calling these things gender just makes them complicated in my opinion, I really don't understand

@karliegilbert7307 - 07.02.2023 21:46

Why can’t we just identify by what we are biologically and live our lives unique to your own individual self? I don’t understand why it’s becoming this complicated.

@platonkarataev550 - 27.01.2023 06:15

Have you ever thought about debating these issues with a anti-trans activist?
