Top 10 Rudest Countries.

Top 10 Rudest Countries.

World According To Briggs

2 года назад

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Evan Kalbach
Evan Kalbach - 25.10.2023 17:24

For France, I found what appears to be rudeness mostly in Paris and mostly the older generation. Try to speak a little French and attitudes change. Same for most of the other Countries on this list. I also think some on this list are not being rude, it's just the culture.

IceFire - 25.10.2023 15:12

I agree, French

IceFire - 25.10.2023 15:04

I had very good experience in Greece, totally no issues. Same in Turkey, no issues.

NSG - 24.10.2023 02:08

French people are great, there are plenty og very rude immigrants there though🤷‍♂️

40 YAŞ GAMERI - 23.10.2023 23:41

Turkish people are the most hospitaller people in the world. I think you were drunk while preparing this video ...
And i can also tell, our neighboors, Greeks are also so welcoming.
So i think you live in Mars or something like that ...
(Disliked - Unsubscribed)

Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 23.10.2023 05:59

i was just in Istanbul this summer and I didn't find people rude at all. Except those who worked at the airport. They sucked.

M S - 23.10.2023 02:33

Sweden. Rudest most boring country on earth.

RondaSim - 22.10.2023 20:36

That video is all personal opinions and no facts at all. You literally said that most of Europe is rude by a " survey". Dear. Your argumentation is weak af. And I am from Bulgaria, if ever heard of it. Dummy.

Alan Wood
Alan Wood - 22.10.2023 13:28

What about Scotland and wales?

Philipp Wise
Philipp Wise - 22.10.2023 13:17

Missing Ireland for sure

Alvin Aliathos
Alvin Aliathos - 22.10.2023 04:16

Kiwis are the worst ever

Денис Шагинов
Денис Шагинов - 21.10.2023 23:08

The most rude are in Europe.

Jurian’na - 20.10.2023 16:28

China people indeed are very rude, talk very loud & very dirty. Even when they are tourists in other countries. 🤬😤

pradeep shubakar
pradeep shubakar - 20.10.2023 14:54

I visited Germany and Italy, never had any issues. Except Germans are straight forward and hospitable at same time.

Willem van Oosterom
Willem van Oosterom - 20.10.2023 03:33

No 1:USA

Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez - 19.10.2023 23:47

I can tell this guy never met a Venezuelan.

Sam Bait
Sam Bait - 19.10.2023 10:00

Chinese and Italians shared some similar rude trades🤣🤣🤣, they middle finger to almost everything while talking between themselves to release stress by acting rude comically, don't do it to the police or immigration officer when you arrived to this countries do'h🤣🤣🤣

Ro3gues - 18.10.2023 22:11

You will never find Portugal on one of these lists

JOJO DIO - 18.10.2023 21:12

Mexican food over italian Food 😂 can you be more american?

Common Sense
Common Sense - 18.10.2023 17:52

Why spend your money on rude people.

Common Sense
Common Sense - 18.10.2023 17:50

If they can’t speak English, they are Speak RUDE.
No English, No Go.

CHARLES HATAN - 17.10.2023 23:12

"Americans" are mostly imported elements from Europe. True Americans were Native Amerindians nations. US have no history. It's why they constantly need to spread their vomit on other nationalities, to compensate their inferiority complex. In addition, it would be better to avoid to give lessons to others, from a place where mass shootings are the national sport. Pathetic.

Bobulation Nation
Bobulation Nation - 17.10.2023 18:30

I was shocked that every bad thing id heard about germans was true and couldn't believe how rude the French are to you if you are English, the dutch, spainish, Portuguese people ive met have been nice and most of the Indian people too, the Chinese just wont interact with you and Moroccans are just very annoying and won't stop pestering you if you're a tourist

Sean Morgan
Sean Morgan - 16.10.2023 05:48

I would say American's are the most rude.

Josefa m Erpelua
Josefa m Erpelua - 15.10.2023 18:47

They're rude its just because they're unhappy.

deborahmcallowayATgmailDOTcom - 15.10.2023 18:34

America should be in the top two. Americans don't give a hoot about anyone - especially in the state of Arizona, if you're black, don't expect any kind of niceness there - at all. However, YAY! Neither Ireland nor Scotland made the list! That's because people are super nice there! :P

minecraftgamer - 15.10.2023 00:40

America you go to school and theres a school shooting

Well Travelled Life
Well Travelled Life - 14.10.2023 16:20

There’s that old story of the guy walking to a village and asking an old man about the nature of the village inquiring, “Are the people kind?” The old man responds with his own question, “How did you find the people in the last village you visited?” The young man replied, “They were terrible - so rude!” Another young man was entering the village and asked the old man the same question about the demeanor of the people. He was met with the same question about how he’d found the people to be in the last village. He explained that they had been “warm, kind and very generous”. The old man told both of the men that they would find the people of this village to be just the same as those from the last one they visited.

It is all about who we are.

ashwadhwani - 14.10.2023 15:59

There's nothing more rude AND stupid, than bad wine. Viva La France ;))

John Gurney
John Gurney - 14.10.2023 15:16

I am australian ant totally dissagree with this survey, i have travelled and indeed worked in a number of these countries, china was incredibly f4iend also Grease, turkey, italy and the US others fine but what id say is conservative,, John Gurney

SpareMe - 14.10.2023 12:45

Germans and Dutch might seem rude, but they are just blunt; they view English as a bit creepy with saying “Sorry!” when it’s not their fault.

It took me a while to adjust.

donttalkcrap - 14.10.2023 12:30

I think there is a difference between being rude (bad manners, insulting) and just being blunt.

saisir vous
saisir vous - 12.10.2023 12:24

Ppl who never been to China. Still deeply believe that China is the rude one. I think it’s a consequence of anti china hate media influence.

Sami Abdel-Fattah
Sami Abdel-Fattah - 11.10.2023 15:49

where is Croatia? it should be number one

Ferrari - 11.10.2023 15:31

Chinese certified rude and bully!

Y E - 11.10.2023 07:57

I thought the worst was the Chinese, but after the pandemic the Europeans came back.
Then I realized what the worst was.
Ugly fat people, smelly perfume, half naked, loud voices, smoking everywhere, thinking only of themselves.

ellen p
ellen p - 10.10.2023 21:39

Agree about French. But it is mainly people in Paris. Maybe because they hate the tourists like the Italians. If you go to smaller towns they are quite friendly.

KJJ - 10.10.2023 18:46

No there is a lot of rude Greek people, I knew one who was a Taylor and he never wanted to do his job, he put a sign in his store and be gone for a month, very rude man. Additionally I went to a Greek restaurant and the lady didn’t even know how to make her Greek sandwich, it was awful, and a Greek person told me she made it wrong

Mary's Faith - Topics
Mary's Faith - Topics - 10.10.2023 15:00


SUPERCELL SPAMMER - 10.10.2023 11:40

I wouldn't agree with Italy. When I was in Italy, people were friendly and welcoming to me. 🇮🇹

Anna Nananee
Anna Nananee - 10.10.2023 11:20

not even muslim country

jaat azad kundu
jaat azad kundu - 10.10.2023 08:33

I have visited 48 countries but in my opinion viatnamise and Iranians people are best they will treat u as superstar !!

Angela Rigido
Angela Rigido - 10.10.2023 07:08

I disagree with Italy. Italians are some of the most cheerful, generous, and friendly people around.

Cyber Kraut
Cyber Kraut - 09.10.2023 21:25

What a nonsense!
What a waste of time.
This thing has no substance.

Bryan Johnson
Bryan Johnson - 09.10.2023 18:31

Americans arent trying to be rude they're just stupid and dont know any better. The whole country is full of entitled Karen's and Brad's... and I'm an American, somebody please help us.

abhi - 09.10.2023 16:40

Thanks India was not in the list😊😅

Gina B
Gina B - 09.10.2023 13:56

I just came from a European trip 2 months ago and I would say, the French were the rudest. They were so miserable and rude for absolutely no reason. It’s like they hate seeing tourists and foreigners in their country.

Canaveral Man
Canaveral Man - 09.10.2023 07:53

Your survey doesn’t say much for Europe. However, I think most of the rudeness comes from misunderstandings of the people. I have found nice people in most of the countries you mentioned. For instance, In Rhodes, Greece I remember the old man helping to fix the chain on my rental bike that broke. He went out of his way to do that. That was great hospitality on his part. In Italy, a pretty woman from Naples I met on a train showed me all the local sites and she would not let me pay. She also took me to a couple places I am sure no American has ever seen. In Spain, I had the greatest time with both Spanish and non Spanish people. I loved the people there. One place that was unusual was Iceland. While the women were pretty friendly some men liked to pretend you didn’t exist. For instance, on a dance floor, if they wanted to go from point A to point B, the would do it in a straight line. And, if you were in that line, they would try to walk through you. Well, France, they have earned their reputation lol.
