wow so informative, you really do learn something new everyday 🤩
ОтветитьVery good program!
ОтветитьI am right behind you ... keep on !!!!
ОтветитьProge- pronounced as in Project---- Prodge-eee-Cad...:) I might adopt pierogi cad though
ОтветитьPlease tell us what you purchased for a laptop.
Ответитьeven BETTER, maybe... ActCAD !! a similar ACAD-clone, from India. Imagine that?! :-) Me, an old CAD-Designer ('82). screw the greedy CAD-monsters!!! sub'd/liked [ IntelliCAD is the Core CAD-engine, btw. Out-of Portland, OR. Imagine :-) psstt..."proge" might be an Italian word for "project", no? heyy...this fella's CAD-work is EXCELLENT! Time for YOU to switch, right?!! do it, do it, do it :-]
ОтветитьThe usb license is so you can use several different computers and never need to contact them for license issues. (eg, your computer fries, rush to store, install software (you should have copies of the installer), plug your license thumbdrive in and good to go).
Having had a computer fry 2 days before a big commercial convention, I understand the benefit of that. (but I'd also be inclined to make a personal backup copy of the thumbdrive (using some kind of disk utility software to make a 1-for-1 copy).
Did the right thing, using Progecad with no difference 1 year now.
ОтветитьGood decision, I made the switch to progeCad a couple years ago. Definitely, a great replacement and in some ways better. Most of the commands are the same. ProgeCad also, converts pdf's to dwg easily. I also like the 3D PDF feature. Almost forgot the best thing about the program, they offer perpetual license.
ОтветитьI got many many dynamic blocks & lisp routines that I've fine-tuned over the years, I wonder how ProgeCAD handles these... Sadly I am very very deep in Acad and don't think I could ever crawl out!
Ответитьplenty of free PDF to DWG/DXF converters. 2k still isnt a lot for the industry standard CAD package for an architect but the competion is growing and some fantastic software out there even for FREE!
Ответитьwhat about Bricscad???