How to Add the Number of Items in Cart on the WooCommerce Cart Icon

How to Add the Number of Items in Cart on the WooCommerce Cart Icon

Divi Engine

2 года назад

6,676 Просмотров

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@Handtuchmensch - 09.01.2023 04:28

Hey! Thanks a lot for the video.

Is there a way to apply this on the Fullwidth Menu Module of Divi or on a single widget?

I couldn't make it work in the demo unfortunately..

@hamdanasr8574 - 19.05.2022 11:08

What is divi engine is it premium plug-ins for divi that offer more theme customize?

@alephcelis - 18.02.2022 15:43

Thank you! I will remove that extra plugin then!

@ZanderSwart - 18.02.2022 14:03

first like
