djay Pro 5 Review - World's BEST Beatgrids + New Stems & FX

djay Pro 5 Review - World's BEST Beatgrids + New Stems & FX

Digital DJ Tips

1 год назад

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@matteotoaiari5880 - 20.12.2023 04:00

I ‘m not a fan of stems ( I don’ t use it honestly.. ) but if fluid beat grid will extend in Engine /Rekorbox And TRAKTOR will be a Dream…. Damn … too much innovation here but the other side or dark side .. these AI from dj pro are not much hardware compatibilities .. exept Reloop and some controllers 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😠😠😠😠😠😠

@crisdimarco - 20.12.2023 22:38

I'm thinking of getting two control vinyls for djay pro and using it for a while instead of serato to see how it goes. Can anyone tell me if there are mapping or other problems with the Rane Seventy mixer or if everything is ok?

@NeelleeStenat - 21.12.2023 21:54

In some cases DJay stems sound better and in some cases you can hear other instruments bleeding thru, but the way you can control stems with just knobs on your mixer is so cool and useful, I can't believe Serato hasn't done so.
BTW Serato crates system is not perfect but still better than in DJay

@Johnnyjawbone - 22.12.2023 22:52

Blows Serato out the water

@JHAN-DJ-ue3kd - 24.12.2023 23:46

Could you please post a step-by-step tutorial on the following for Rekordbox:

I have a track where the beatgrid changes about halfway through. I DON'T NEED TO ADJUST THE BEATGRID FOR THE WHOLE SONG. It's already on the grid. There's a half-bar thing that changes the grid about halfway through the track and throws it off the grid.

How do I adjust the grid from where the track changes halfway through so that it lines up properly from that point on, while not changing the grid on the first half of the track?

Can't find any tutorials on this.


@GTFlexNHCarnival20221 - 27.12.2023 22:47

I thought NI (Traktor) were first DJ software for STEMS. As a Traktor DJ where is Traktor with STEMS now vs all other software?

@djbigbobbyb - 28.12.2023 01:54

I really like that❤❤❤❤❤

@djmariocanova7301 - 04.01.2024 22:14

Hello, I'm Mario from Argentina, could you tell me the characteristics of your macbook because I need to buy a new one and I see that your macbook works very well, could you give me the characteristics if it is a macbook air or a macbookpro, thank you

@touchyfeely4855 - 15.01.2024 17:00

Will Serato and Engine be doing anything similar in the future?

@djsubculture2111 - 16.01.2024 10:13

Just an FYI, Bells of NY - House 2 House Mix is available on Traxsource.

@mobmeansmobmobmeansmob2125 - 25.01.2024 12:41

It’s ruined the app the tempo does not stay constant and added a lot of gimmicks that were not needed. I’ve now had to start using new software.. and 3000 tracks with que points and years of work destroyed.. why did they change it!!!

@user-yx9jr7or9y - 28.01.2024 01:03

Fluid Beatgrid is trash!!! My opinion, I don’t need fluctuating tempos!!! 💯

@neilsachs - 04.02.2024 10:42

Here's my example: Deck 1 is sync'd to deck 2. Yet deck 1 is playing at, say, a 15% slower tempo than it's original tempo. To get deck 1 back to it's original tempo, I used to adjust deck 1's tempo. And there appeared a kind of ghosted or shadow indicator that I could move until it hit the current tempo. And I would adjust from there. Now, that helpful ghosted or shadow indicator is gone. How do I get it back? Thank you so much!

@packfadly - 08.02.2024 01:39

wow. thanks for mentioning the beat grid capability Phill. Tested with LF System - Afraid To Feel. It works... Too bad Stems don't work with apple music

@seekems4090 - 09.02.2024 18:38

Does it work with Rane Four

@nebulae10 - 13.02.2024 21:03

damb so many possibility now

@djfunkykik - 15.02.2024 08:18

Thanks for the video, Do you think that Serato will come soon with the Fluid Beatgrid fonction ? Most of my music come from old time (motown, Soul, Disco) and that is such a important feature for me. Thanks for the time to answer.

@BigCountrySo-CaL619 - 20.02.2024 04:29

Actually Phil, DJ pro is backed up into the iCloud, so pretty much is on every single Mac device, and your apple music playlist will be on every single Apple device as well.

@gianlucat7343 - 23.02.2024 00:30

Sorry guys. "native" mapping for Pioneer DDJSX did not work with BOOTH out that I use for the audio monitor and I did not find a way to fix. Also the "native" mapping for the DDJ SX (As reported in website list) was showing an error message of wrong console setup everytime that I was starting the application. The worst thing is that, during the 7 day of free trial, i did not receive answer from support, hence software has been uninstalled and the subscription closed before paying. A suggest for Algoriddim is to give a longer period to test the app. Probably the issues coud be fixed with their support and a longer trial time.
This was the only product that I would choose to migrate from traktor pro 3.The software is really nice. Beatgrids are impressive. I tried to use it to keep in sync Santa Esmeralda with Gloria Gaynor to test and the result is nice, also with tracks as Spank and in general 70' s Disco, also if i do not need to use sync.
Stems separation works with a top quality. (tried on Serato and VDJ not at the same level i think)
Unfortunately,issues with natively hardware, no support and no enougth time to trial suggested me to avoid the migration to Djay pro.😭

@djchazzimmerman - 29.02.2024 02:45

Show a different songs

@69Jackmix69 - 02.03.2024 23:46

I has that on the Android phone version as well mate

@thireshannaicker4078 - 04.03.2024 21:17

I am a serato dj user. But I prefer using this when it comes to stems. This is my other option software to practice. When version 5 came out It blew me away. The best part was my library automatically loaded from my iPad library

@akirathedon - 13.03.2024 07:26

What the utter skateboarding fuck are Native Instruments even doing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

@ddetongre - 17.03.2024 12:52

I'd like to see Serato do that 😂😂

@lilart13ab - 20.03.2024 22:27

What is the best windows laptop for Algoriddim dj pro?

@jillsdancer - 23.03.2024 05:13

I don’t play that often but had some gigs recently so upgraded to the latest version of djay pro. This new release is amazing! I am still happy I’ve stuck with djay pro from the beginning!

@robertdpilgrim1924 - 02.04.2024 14:23

Good morning can this software work with my Pioneer Rev7 and how ?

@catcomestomorrow2030 - 02.04.2024 19:38

will saving a loop to a file , ever be a feature?

@RealSerie26 - 27.04.2024 18:16

Now they need to fix their automix. That crap doesn’t take anything, e.g. tempo, key, energy, genre, structure, etc into account. It just plays in random order making huge jumps.

@Itsallconnected_ShaneOrtega - 12.05.2024 16:40

Thanks for this review!

@xupp3896 - 17.05.2024 19:59

i just wish the vocal stems could be cleaner. imho, it’s not even close to hand seperated stems but their progress with the neural mixing system is promising. the beat matching is very impressive too.

@Dannyfr33sh - 24.05.2024 04:43

So is this software is better than serato ?

@786Muzik - 24.05.2024 21:54

Thank You Sir, Proper Review as always!!!

@alcivargas - 26.05.2024 06:51

Is this for Djay Macbook ? because I can't find the stems option .

@djchase206 - 25.06.2024 08:50

This is huge. Djay is really making Serato and Rekordbox look ancient. They need to get some solid hardware contracts and get HID support from Pioneer, Denon etc.

@johnlackner1193 - 01.07.2024 22:48

It doesn't work with Android?

@QRS365 - 06.08.2024 18:06

i wonder how the old school DJ's will feel towards this kind of software. will they embrace this kind of technology? it seems like the new era of DJing is going AI power/technology. I gotta up ma game now and start learning more of the digital world.

@khemindaimbulana2454 - 10.08.2024 22:38

Whats the track with the vocals you're using in this example, love it, can't seem to find it ..

@Lectrosoul - 19.08.2024 16:09

How come Algoriddim Djay stems are realtime and Traktor 4 takes ages just to extract stems on one track? the Algorriddim stems also seem cleaner to me? Real time stems are essential imo, thanks for the vid 🙏

@hansmulleur2017 - 25.08.2024 14:05

Thank you very much for what you do to our dj community globally. Please, is it possible to do a review on the dynamic beat grid on djay pro? I am a mobile and wedding dj and most if not all of my events are within the African community. Some of the music I play are currently not being accurately analysed by djay pro. The problem is, I am not to sure if the software allows one to manually analyse music files. Could you kindly help with a session on this please? Many thanks in anticipation, DJ SaoTao.

@benmiles00 - 28.08.2024 12:13

THAT"S MENTAL! 127 to 106 in a tune? I'm stunned that was able to do that. DJUCED sucks donkey danglies in the beatgrid analysis department.

@vegaf2011 - 25.09.2024 08:48

My biggest question is why isn’t this stuff acceptable by the Dj community? Because recently I seen AI getting more praise than using an iPad or say a portable computer !!!

@DJQUAD1000 - 27.09.2024 14:19

Why doesn't Djay Pro 5.0 have tutorials on their site??? The deejay school is cool, but what about the software???

@blendmastertv9274 - 15.11.2024 21:51

Definitely the worlds best beat grids now

@Drum4Chops88 - 25.11.2024 17:24

Always nice reviews by the way anyway can you switch the effects to the Volume Faders?

@RealNuruMusic - 16.01.2025 19:55

Just got it today because I couldn't figure out how to use Apple Music in Recordbox. I see the icon in recordbox but I'm getting an xml type message and configuration crap. Is it even possible? Also I'm looking for the setting in DjPro for when speeding up and slowing down the BPM so the formant of the vocals or track doesn't change. Much help in both areas would be greatly appreciated. I like DjPro actually and it's user interface. One con so far is that the effects have to be selected within the software and not the controller which sucks a lot. So I'm on the fence about switching over completely or using it for Apple Music type mixes.

@123fourfivesix-g4i - 05.02.2025 20:05

So the cross fader fusion is similar to the smart fader on the flx but for all controllers?

@AC_Milan1899 - 10.03.2025 17:10

Are there bots in comments? So many 'i was blown away' or 'I've been using this for x years'. Nothing revolutionary going on here
