Garrett Watts & Andrew DONE with Shane Dawson...?

Garrett Watts & Andrew DONE with Shane Dawson...?

Tea Spill

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B May
B May - 29.08.2023 05:16

I love garret & Andrew. Unfortunately garret isn't very consistent though

samaaa - 14.08.2023 10:18

The shane dawson cancellation was so dumb. Like why bring up shit from the past wtf? Garret and Andrew left Shane at the worst stage of his life, I can’t imagine how hurt Shane must have felt and Trisha is NOT a trustworthy source.

Fae_Blossom37 - 10.08.2023 11:19

I feel like jeffree ruined alot for shane

QuietEyes - 29.07.2023 09:06

Respectfully, no you can’t blame them, but they left Shane in his darkest hour. Shane was cancelled on accusations that no one batted an eye at, at the time those “controversies” were released. I couldn’t imagine worse friends. I wouldn’t give them any further credit either. It was BECAUSE of Shane that they gained the recognition they did. I just think there’s more than one perspective here and neither side is totally innocent. Sorry, not sorry.

SeaweedCat - 17.07.2023 06:51

Took me years to realise Andrew is the reason why I liked Shane's content so much

Jesse Salas
Jesse Salas - 17.07.2023 04:05

I don’t think they left on bad terms. With all the drama going on and then Shane's cancelation time, they probably said it's time to move on away from all that drama. They probably even mentioned their plans to do more spooky content and do a podcast together, so Shane let them go. As that clip from Shane you put in said, sometimes they just grow apart.

Maria Neighbor
Maria Neighbor - 28.06.2023 01:43

Since WHEN is trisha Paytas a trusted source? She pretended to be transgender and pretended to have DID (a mental disorder causing split personalities that is caused by EXTREME trauma before age 6, not something to joke about!) and when disassociaDID understandably spoke out about this Trisha literally TOLD her fans to go hate on her and send her threats. Trish is so beyond mentally ill, she can never be trusted

Jada Rose
Jada Rose - 23.06.2023 11:19

I wish Andrew and Garrett nothing but the best. But, no matter what, we don't know these people personally. Whether it was Shane's idea to not talk about it is his decision. And I think it's best if we all just, move on. Because I think that's the best you can do and not dwell on the past. Make new friendships, learn from your mistakes, become a better person, and just continue to grow. And I believe Shane's going in the right direction. I'm so proud of Shane and I'm glad he has good people in his life, especially Ryland. They bring out the best in him. I'm in no way shape or form, justifying Shane's actions. But, people do change. And I think Shane is improving now. I've always loved Shane, for about 10 years I have watched him grow. I wish nothing but the best for Shane.

delilah trujillo
delilah trujillo - 18.06.2023 23:54

I wouldn’t call Trisha a reliable source….

Dramatically Yours,
Dramatically Yours, - 15.06.2023 05:37

All I am hearing is Garret and Andrew were hanging out with Shane for videos and the second it got hard, they left. I am sure that hurt Shane a lot. Sucks to have friends who aren’t really there for you

☆Ritzypizzapie☆ - 07.06.2023 17:27

I'm watching this haunted apartment video right now.

G Fiat 500
G Fiat 500 - 23.05.2023 01:46

But they all still follow eachother? Maybe it’s not as deep as it looks. And they don’t want to address anything bc they don’t want more drama?? I’m not too sure

Baboeshka M
Baboeshka M - 02.05.2023 04:46

I just love him he so cute

no u
no u - 30.04.2023 16:02

anything jeffree star touches gets ruined esp the makeup community

Charish and Cody
Charish and Cody - 24.04.2023 20:41

I think Trisha was referring to drew monson

Tia Smith
Tia Smith - 20.04.2023 18:09

I love Andrew and Garrett's friendship so much, it's so wholesome

Muhammad Khan
Muhammad Khan - 16.04.2023 19:05

I Miss the gang when they would go out ghost hunting I loved those I really hope the group could get together

Allison Davis
Allison Davis - 14.04.2023 08:09

trisha has always been problematic, but now that she's supposedly spilling "tea" on Shane, y'all believing her now?? Or is she jumping ship like the rest of them and trying to distance?

Savvy Rose
Savvy Rose - 12.04.2023 08:00

I love all of them and will support everyone in that group whether they are all still friends or not

Slyx - 07.04.2023 21:55

Garret and Andrew is what made Shane videos 10x better

Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha - 19.03.2023 04:43

It’s very unnecessary to be digging up Shane’s past and then judging him for life with it, coming at everyone he’s friends with, coming at him and his family, making it impossible for him to ever make videos again, making it impossible for him to HAVE friends, because they’ll get judged for it, all because of something that happened 10 YEARS ago💀
I hate how some people can’t let go of some dumb stuff. Some of the things he did and posted was also very normal back then and he shouldn’t be the only one who got cancelled for it.

N. L.
N. L. - 15.03.2023 22:47

I genuinely loved garret and Morgan’s relationship. Really sad to see this go esp that she had nothing to do with it.

Michelle Allen
Michelle Allen - 10.03.2023 20:12

I find Shane sooooo annoying

Mr Gamingviper
Mr Gamingviper - 03.03.2023 22:26

I really enjoy watching garrets videos, the apartment and makeup studio ones were absolute gold, horror and comedy mixing is great, but I also love Shane’s podcast, and his haunted bridge video was also really good, I wish them both the best, I just wish they could come together and explain their falling out, or at least come to neutral ground and settle everything

Fired Lake
Fired Lake - 24.02.2023 13:59

Are we just gonna Ignore the Fucking fact... THAT DREW MONSON WAS APART OF THE SPOOKY BOIS?!?!?!?

masterlinx667 - 18.02.2023 19:22

So here's the thing people could learn from Shane. Don't make your friends the butt of your jokes. It's okay to be playful from time to time but doing it constantly and just to one person is really shitty and damaging. I can't count the # of people I've had to cut out of my life for that exact reason or groups I've removed myself from. I always felt so bad for Garrett because in every video he was involved in, Shane was always putting him and his interests down. Whether it came down to his hygiene, his interests, his opinions, anything, it was always dismissed or insulted and I don't know how Garrett didn't snap on him putting up with it for that long. I wish nothing but the best for both Andrew and Garrett. The ghost investigation series they're now doing is amazing. Be mindful of what you say to people because the truth is, they absolutely do not have to put up with it and if they choose not to, it's your own fault.

VeronicaMarce - 10.02.2023 23:31

Unpopular opinion but I just wonder why Garret and Andrew disappeared once Shane was under fire. At first I thought it was because they didn't get along with Jeffrey, but then I noticed they were still around when Shane was doing his documentary. Idk to me it just seems like Andrew was around because it was his j.o.b. And Garret ditched once Shane lost a decent reputation. That doesn't sound like great friends to me. But hey, there might be more to the story. I just feel like 99% of the comments I read are all about praising them when they literally ditched their close friend when he needed them the most.

Tai. - 05.02.2023 10:54

why are people acting like garret had to be featured in every shane video, they are friends not business partners. not to mention garrett & andrew knew about shane’s past, but only when people starting giving it attention they wanted to leave so they didn’t suffer as well.

Jordan JoRdAn
Jordan JoRdAn - 26.01.2023 20:49

Garret is so hot

Dan Sweet
Dan Sweet - 17.01.2023 08:23

I still love all the boys including Shane but the more Jeffrey came in I became less interested, I have a very checkered past but it wasn't really over drama it was more addictions and drugs, I always go back to Shane's channel to watch the spooky boys.

Kelly Gallagher
Kelly Gallagher - 14.01.2023 17:42

Wish they could repair and reunite more than anything. The videos they made were so fun

Kelly Gallagher
Kelly Gallagher - 14.01.2023 17:41

I love the entire gang all together.

Stephanie Hill
Stephanie Hill - 12.01.2023 20:26

Does anyone else remember Drew Garret and Shane friendship??( Drew with the long hair )

Sarah B
Sarah B - 09.01.2023 23:27

Was it just me or was anyone else waiting for Andrew and Morgan to hook up? There used to be a lot of chemistry it seemed.

Noelle - 24.12.2022 06:14

Ok...I just think it's funny how until all the scandals, which none are new, people just became more aware of them, they were stuck by Shane like glue. It's just weird that after shit hit the fan, now everybody wants to run out and do their own thing separate from him, it's like, now that it's not beneficial, there's no reason for them to stay. They've always known who he is, I mean they've been friends for years. I don't think anybody is as sweet and innocent as y'all take them for, honestly, they were all kind of in the same boat. Everything was cool til it wasn't.

Supa Dupaaa
Supa Dupaaa - 22.12.2022 09:20

The way people leave out drew in these videos 😭

Robin & Enzo
Robin & Enzo - 13.12.2022 17:26

100% those were some of my favorites video !

The Children
The Children - 13.12.2022 10:40

Andrew slid into my dms on tinder he’s like 30 im 18 I know his snap because he sent it to me he talked to me for a week and then he wanted to tie me up and then the next day he blocked me douche behavior

Mystical Goddess Gaming
Mystical Goddess Gaming - 22.11.2022 01:59

You trust crap that came out of Trisha's mouth???? LMAO Do you remember Covid? yeah that was a thing, people couldn't make videos together for years, then Shane and Ryland moved to CO. I mean hello ofc friendships slip into the past sometimes, especially under those circumstances. I wouldn't believe a THING that came out of Trisha's mouth lol

Linda Reeves
Linda Reeves - 21.11.2022 03:54

The first time I watched tea spill was probably two years ago and I thought maybe it was Rylan’s mom disguising her voice of course especially after I saw A very big computer screen on her desk and her home

Susie Kim
Susie Kim - 20.11.2022 08:54

They aren’t loyal friends..

Angy Flores
Angy Flores - 20.11.2022 01:32

Umm no his first videos ever were his best videos.

Rodolfo - 19.11.2022 07:24

I loved Garrett and Andrew in Shane’s videos since they were the comedic relief. Now watching Shane’s videos it becomes exhausting that a grown 30+ year old man Can continuously be so mopey. Like get a Danm grip, eat healthy and be active.

Chan Gaming
Chan Gaming - 19.11.2022 01:51

honestly I love garret and andrew but with them doing the spooky stuff it's like they're taking shit from shane's channel. like do your own stuff your own ideas like the podcast. like...they're both really smart?? why aren't they doing they're own ideas?

Tk Phillips
Tk Phillips - 18.11.2022 21:07

Who in the world are these people

JustAGirlWhoLovesBooks📚 - 17.11.2022 18:19

Can we be honest and admit that Shane also moved on, and seems so much more happy. It suck that people are still dissing Shane. He has a past, like everyone else, the only difference is his was publicized.

AusGirlJ - 17.11.2022 03:56

It's more fun watching Garrett and Andrew videos without Shane snickering and rolling his eyes at everything they do, lighten up and have fun..
Think it was obvious he used them for views as he hated everything they did especially poor Garrett he always rolled his eyes at him and the Harry Potter thing where he made fun of him for liking it when friends don't have to like the same things!
