Prepare to Cry Remastered ► The Legend of Artorias the Abysswalker

Prepare to Cry Remastered ► The Legend of Artorias the Abysswalker


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@TheParryGod - 16.10.2018 06:55

I cannot express how grateful I am that I could play a part in the making of this masterpiece. The fact that a story told as much as Artorias' still draws a lot of attention says a lot, not only about the quality of Vaati's videos but the Dark Souls title in itself. Over at my "channel" I set out to do a short cinematic of each Soulsborne title and some other games that deserve this kind of attention. Take a peek if you're interested.

Thank you all and have an awesome day!

@jahboidb - 12.12.2023 04:28

There are very few moments in all of media that give me so much feeling as the alternate sif scene. I remember reading you get a different cutscene if you do the dlc bit before the fight, and the first time i saw it was so profound in how it spoke so much while doing so little

@bricedestree5800 - 02.12.2023 07:52

alright guys i usually never right a shit on comment but this one.. i mean ive seen a lot of vids of you vaati.. but this one this one got our souls in it a soul made of dark and warmth than we all share into the very sun that you provide.

how can humans not tear up for sif choice to simply join his sunbro is death like even the way he pawn you and sniff you like u can tell he is broken to take the blade but still he bite it for you for him and for his fallen master that he wish so much to meet again..

Glory to Artorias even if he isn't real his legacy leave upon of us that even in doubt we continue to struggle for eternity for a greater goods even if sometimes the prices isn't worth it

Truely a Goat.

@carl3678 - 11.11.2023 09:12

I purposely wear different armor sets when both times I meet Sif to trick him into thinking I'm someone else....that's my copium

@stray_starving_wolf - 30.10.2023 05:41

Some paths should never cross, some start together but split apart eventually, but your path with sif it's one that started half way though splited only to cross again but on other sides.

@bigboy8421 - 18.10.2023 14:39

I always thought of the 4 knights basically as a DnD party in a flight based war. Kidan was the scout, Gough took them out of the sky, artorias blocked the attacks (he's the only one with a shield), Ornstein delivered the final blow.

@HalcyonEX - 15.10.2023 04:49

I played dark souls when it first came out and when i got to sif i was like awesome! A giant wolf for me to kill! And when he started limping i had to turn the game off i couldnt do it

@SirKnightArtoriasOfTheAbyss - 13.10.2023 05:48

fuck the abyss

@AbyssWalkerV_XI - 11.10.2023 12:06

12 years. Remember Artorias 2012 :'(

@yamzors3048 - 06.10.2023 23:05

So, it is your destiny to bring the age of darkness. Bring upon the unstoppable abyss sooner..... That is the "right" choice at the end of the fight with Gwyn. Incredible

@SenUchitana - 05.10.2023 08:25

Thanks for the Cinematic Videos Man, just bought Dark Souls because of Elden Ring, Just Met Sif and uncovered the Secret of Abyss Walking 😭

@florentinolloyd9849 - 26.09.2023 19:28


@hofile6765 - 22.09.2023 22:49

Change DON'T CRY failed I am balling like a child

@nathan5770 - 20.09.2023 23:18

first music name pls ?

@braedencampbell9407 - 16.09.2023 17:42

Holy sh1t what a fantastic video. Thank you so much for the time you spend to make noticeably superior content

@Fembro - 11.09.2023 11:37

Still to this day nothing comes close to the sadness in dark souls 1.

@michaelcabaluna9687 - 10.09.2023 21:27

Just replayed DS remastered, I thought I got good with parrying, but damn I couldn't parry the feels 😢

@darkshadows7817 - 09.09.2023 09:35

So sad sif and artorias were my favourite characters

@dancampbell703 - 06.09.2023 02:32

Fuck. This is the only one that’s got me

@chrissaccary524 - 31.08.2023 20:16

I know its very late but when a solitary wolf howls, they are lost, mourning or both. After recognizing you, seeing that and him defaulting to honor artorias' legacy is....yeah..

@zserna62 - 31.08.2023 02:59

If you don’t feel bad for killing sif then fuck you , rip such a good boy

@Cautionary_Tale_Harris - 30.08.2023 23:25

On my second playthrough.
Original game disk on a Playstation 3.
"Is buying the DLC worth it?"
Sweet mercy, yes it is.

@StonedUnicornPersonManThing - 30.08.2023 18:54

Tryna explain Artoria's story to someone who doesn't play Dark Souls and having to stop every so often cause you keep choking up ;-;

@mistersleepyhead6923 - 25.08.2023 05:24

Praise the Sun bros

@AlexHyena-dv4mb - 25.08.2023 03:12

y’know coming back to this after Elden Ring, The Abyss seems more align with Frenzy than a visible darkness.
Imagine mankind waiting patiently as the age if fire prospers, posing no threat, but as soon as the shackles were locked upon them as they were, mankind goes mad at the betrayal - and that madness spreads like a sickness, eventually corrupting even Knight Artorias with whispers of the freedom to do as he saw fit and not be a tool of someone else. I doubt many of the most loyal could resist such a cry

@drugsAreCrazy-yx6ft - 24.08.2023 08:11

Watch this couple times now sif was my friend 😢

@gui1palmieri - 23.08.2023 02:51

Oh god, the ending. Sif best doggo

@ryanschultz4119 - 21.08.2023 04:49

The Japanese description states that yes Kaathe told the people of the grave of primeval man. But warned them to leave it be. And not only did the people of Oolacile uncover the grave of primeval man. They desecrated it in search for Dark Sorcereries.

@minecraftmaster12245 - 20.08.2023 21:37

artorias is literally me

@drugsAreCrazy-yx6ft - 19.08.2023 22:49

I remember first seeing sif didnt no any lore but my first thought wen he steps over wasnt to kill but idk just never knew why😢😢😢

@ZampanosCat - 17.08.2023 05:23

The end of this video had me tearing up fr. Artorias’ + Sif’s story is the best one in Dark Souls lore

@thesinaclwon - 16.08.2023 18:45

Doggy with a sword always gets me

@hi_may730 - 16.08.2023 09:26

cant cry in my classroom

@RuskiFuze01 - 15.08.2023 08:54

Question, how do we know Manus was from the Ringed City? I like it that Manus came from there but I don’t know where that’s implied or written.

@alucard4480 - 13.08.2023 00:41

i watch it again and it still hit so hard thanks for this great video again

@SuperMediaGeek - 12.08.2023 02:46

Amazing video. If only you didn’t have to fight Sif. Sifs the reason I started looking more into the Dark souls lore as I’m on my first play though and I’m obsessed now.

@sodankaiku2167 - 11.08.2023 20:06

I hate you for making me cry despite the warning.

@NoahIsNeon - 11.08.2023 09:30

Such a beautiful video about a beautiful story

@Shadowfall411 - 09.08.2023 23:59

RIP bes doggo Sif 😔

@kamu3350 - 07.08.2023 23:54

I’ve always hated killing Sif weather it be before I met him in the abyss or after it pains me knowing why he is fighting and each time I kill him I feel sorry

@EmpressSectonia - 28.07.2023 05:32

I always thought Sif was a female wolf, but then again, Sif's gender is never 100% stated in the game, but Sif is a female name as it's the name of Thor's wife in myth.
I hope that Sif found Artorias again in death and spent eternity together in peace.

@Notskibiditoiletfan - 21.07.2023 20:56

Artorias In my eyes was the guy who stopped the abyss even tho we were the one that ended manus artorias stopped it’s hold to make time for us and sif to be safe and I feel sif and artorias are proud of what we have done it’s just remembering how heart wrenching the fight was the devs knew that making both sides feel sad and hurt they have to put an end to one or the other makes it ten times worse knowing the fact sif didn’t want to fight us but also knew he had a duty to up hold

@alansolis5709 - 19.07.2023 00:17

good lord this fucking hurts

@Jujuthesavage - 16.07.2023 11:22

This makes the Sif fight 4x sadder tf did I watch this video for

@thedeathwatchers8682 - 15.07.2023 04:00

في عصر النار الذي بدأه "غوين" كان هنالك أربعة فرسان وبلاء تميزوا عن الآخرين أولا كان هنالك "غوه" عين الصقر الذي قاتل في الحرب الأولى ضد التنانين استمجد في متعة الصيد بالتقاط التنانين من السماء بقوسه العظيم لم يمر الكثير من الوقت حتى لم يتبقى من التنانين أثر سوى في ذاكرته التي زارها من دون توقف الذي حارب على الأرض كان "اورنستين" قاتل التنانين استخدم رمح برق صليب طويل يُمكِّن من اختراق جلد التنين الصخري تصميمه المثير للاهتمام ذكر الكثيرين بإله حرب كان قد تم نفيه لكن لم يتجرأ أحد على النطق باسمه وبعد ذلك ظهرت "كيران" التي مهاراتها اختلفت كليا عن الاثنين السابقين قاتلة خفية لم تكن ندا التنانين لذا وجب عليها القتل لخدمة "غوين" في عصر النار الذي تبع. ابهرت أعدائها بخطوط من الذهب في عتمة الليل ثم لدغت بالسُّم الشديد لخنجرها الفضي. لكن في عصر البشر القادم لم يكن احد متجهزا لمواجهته بقدر الفارس العظيم "ارتوريوس" فلم يكن هناك شيء. لا التنانين، لا الإنفصال، أو حتى أعدائه قد تمكنوا من إرعاب "غوين" مثل الظلام. روح الظلام الخاصه بالبشر ملأت حاكم النور بالخوف لأن يوما ما، عرف "غوين"، أن النار ستزول وأن البشرية سترِث العالم. عالمه هو. لذا بينما كان لازال لديه الوقت والقوه بدأ "غوين" بصنع العالم لصالحه. وقفت البشرية مع صفوف الذين انطلقوا لقتل التنانين القديمة وكرمز لامتنانه قدم "غوين" للأقزام والبشر "المدينه المطوقة" مدينة عظيمة مطلية بالذهب متواجدة في نهاية العالم. الاسوار كانت بطول الجبال وفوقهم وُضع "ميدير" تنين قائد خالد كان قد تربى من قبل الآلهة. نامت في الأسفل الابنه الصغرى لدى "غوين" الأميرة "فيليانور" امرأة ذات ايمان وقوة كبيره التي قدمها "غوين" لحماية الأقزام إلى حين نهاية العالم. من النظره الأولى، قد تضن أن هذه الأفعال خيرية قد تضن انها كانت بدافع لطف لكن في النهاية كانت مجرد خدعه من النور الاسوار لم تكن للحماية كان لدى التنين واجب أزلي لمحاربة الظلام ولم تكن ابنة "غوين"،"فيليانور"، لترى والدها مجددا هدف "المدينة المطوقة" لم يكن حماية حاملي الروح المظلمه الأصلية بل كان لسجنهم كطوق من النار التي تحيط بظلام البشرية ووشم البشر بهاذا الختم نفسه "وصمة الظلام" وعلى الرغم من الدليل القاطع لبطولتهم في الحرب ضد التنانين لم يتلقى "فرسان الظلام" رتبة النبلاء خدمتهم لذلك ليس من الغريب في ان كل أعمال السحر وحرف الشعوذة الي انبثقت من البشرية شيء واحد بقي على ثبات انها تشتهي ارادة حره لها وتقاوم قيودها ربما اول مثال على هاذا كان "الملك الهائج" كان من أسرة ملكية للأقزام وتمرد ضد النور ليس لدينا ادنى فكرة عن الجرائم التي ارتكبها لكن لابد من كونها فضيعة حيث حُكم عليه بالموت من قبل "شيرا" فارسة "فيليانور" لكن "الملك الهائج" لم يكن ليموت و "شيرا" مع "الملك الهائج" مرتبطا حول رمحها بطريقه مستحيلة لم يكن لديها خيار سوى أن تحمله بهدوء في غرفة مظلمة إلى نهايه الزمان

@Borislks - 13.07.2023 15:37

For truly, it was Havel who defeated Manus. At least in my case. Got my stone armour, equiped dragontooth and bonked that dark father back to the abyss. First try

@lv7pieromancer779 - 12.07.2023 02:01

I'm happy videos like these exist, because a large amount of these details I just never discovered in my one playthrough. You help me appreciate the lore even more
