UTM parameters in Google Analytics 4 || GA4 campaign tracking with UTMs

UTM parameters in Google Analytics 4 || GA4 campaign tracking with UTMs

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Rebecca Perry
Rebecca Perry - 10.11.2023 21:41

only 10 minutes into this video, and just want to say, after watching and searching for training on this topic...this is by far the BEST tutorial I've come across.

Lorena Flores
Lorena Flores - 10.11.2023 04:23

Hello! but what happens when within 1 session we have more than 1 URL with UTMs? GA4 will only show us 1 URL under the "session campaign" condition? Because I understand that for the pages is not enabled the dimension of "campaign, medium and source" but GA4 forces us to use "session campaign, session medium and session source", isn't it? So... if I want to see more than one URL with utms in the same session, how can I do? Because I don't want to see only the URL with which the session was started, I want to see all of them.

Parker Goldman
Parker Goldman - 02.11.2023 18:39

With the migration to Google Tag from GA4 Config, do you recommend allowing GA4 to track UTM parameters on its own, or create URL Variables for the UTM parameters and pass them via configuration settings parameters to the Google Tag?

B B - 18.10.2023 22:40

In GA3, I could directly click on a specific source/medium to view its data. In GA4, however, all source/mediums for the entire site are displayed together. This means I can't get a summarized view of conversions for a specific source/medium. Instead, I have to manually calculate purchase events, a feature that was straightforward in GA3. Is there a workaround for this or am I missing something? Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Tommaso Squarzoni
Tommaso Squarzoni - 21.09.2023 01:46


midgamer - 15.09.2023 23:42

how can we see the destination URL attached to UTMs in GA4? Like UTMs are telling my where my traffic is coming form, but where exactly is it going to? If I have multiple URLs with some matching UTMs, there should be a way to see the destination URL

MFX Ecom
MFX Ecom - 10.09.2023 20:37

excelent! thank you

MRB RSD - 09.09.2023 11:22


Jocelyn Patrick
Jocelyn Patrick - 25.08.2023 20:05

This is a great video with clear explanations and illustrations.

Smarter Tutorials
Smarter Tutorials - 09.08.2023 16:47

i cant finde my campaigns inside my report :( does i have to track them via GTM Event?

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions
Infinit-I Workforce Solutions - 04.08.2023 16:10

how do you track stats in Google Analytics GA4 on a 301 redirect?

Steve S
Steve S - 27.07.2023 18:36

This is so far the best training on GA4. He has a great way of explaining the concepts and make them easy to understand.

Huy Du Trần
Huy Du Trần - 19.07.2023 17:22

Thank you for your shot
I want get realtime of utm_source, utm_medium, But now Beta version API hasn't dimensions. How can get realtime with API?
Thank you so much!

Nitin Kayyath
Nitin Kayyath - 10.07.2023 21:39

It was very informative and helped me prepare for my interview.

Felicia Forbes
Felicia Forbes - 04.07.2023 06:55

thank you very much for explaining UTMs. I'm confused about one thing. Are we also suppose to insert the UTM parameters on the URL of the website campaign page itself? We are using Wordpress. We tried adding the parameters and it didn't work. Instead, it created a redirect! :-0

Butler - 03.07.2023 19:38

I'm only seeing a fairly small % of UTM in GA4... seems off, especially when using the ad content parameter!

Matthew - 29.06.2023 18:27

I have noticed that in GA4 only 10% of the UTM parameters are being passed compared to GA Universal. As a result, in GA4 I see more referral and direct users. Would you know why this is happening please? Thanks

Trailerimport • Ifor Williams
Trailerimport • Ifor Williams - 27.06.2023 14:39

Why is my Session medium presented as "referral" instead of the actual utm tag name I gave it? The traffic was from an online banner. Tnx in advance!

Vittorio Fattore
Vittorio Fattore - 04.05.2023 12:16

Hi, thanks for your video. I wanna ask you something, I've always used dynamic UTM's instead of building it manual, like on Facebook: utm_source={{site_source_name}}&utm_medium={{placement}}&utm_campaign={{campaign.name}}&utm_adset_name={{adset.name}}&utm_ad_name={{ad.name}} , do you think there's a difference between manual and dynamic in terms of quality while tracking on GA4? Can I still use dynamic UTM for Facebook and Google? Thank you in advance

Kevin Ramirez
Kevin Ramirez - 03.05.2023 22:37

I can't get any UTMs showing up in GA4 - I feel like Google just messed up this whole launch - I'm not sure what they were thinking. Hightly disappointing.

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar - 06.03.2023 17:46

I am doing lead generation through ad words along with campaign name I also want the ad group name. How can I get details

Shane Firus
Shane Firus - 02.03.2023 15:57

Can we see UTMs in realtime google analytics?

Jess Smith
Jess Smith - 10.02.2023 18:48

Is there a way to see the utm_content in looker studio - I am building a report to report on our UTMs

Jon Faulkner
Jon Faulkner - 09.02.2023 06:18

Is there an auto-tagging override option in GA4 yet? Or coming?

Adam Ford
Adam Ford - 10.01.2023 18:41

utm_id isn't even mentioned in Google's utm documentation as linked here, even though they've made it mandatory to include this when importing cost data.
Has there ever been a bigger brand run by a bigger bunch of unprofessional clowns?

Kostas Drossos
Kostas Drossos - 04.01.2023 14:15

u started the video with having data already coming through, i have everywhere saying no data and im struggling to find a video that simply sais how to connect it initially

Vazgen Manukyan
Vazgen Manukyan - 02.12.2022 09:49

I want to ask about the revenue column. I use google AdSense and currently, it is impossible to link it with GA4.

Salud, Nutrición y Bienestar
Salud, Nutrición y Bienestar - 23.11.2022 12:33

In adquisition report I can see the Session Campaign data, but in the custom report I only see (referral) as in your example. Anyone know why is this happenning?

Anwar Nillufary
Anwar Nillufary - 21.11.2022 21:39

How do I set up my Google Analytic account to track links in my email Newsletter which are already tagged with UTM Parameters? My emails will be sent through Gmail.

Kamrul Hasan
Kamrul Hasan - 20.11.2022 16:19

thank you boss, really you are boss of tracking soluations ! thanks a lot

Rob TM
Rob TM - 03.11.2022 18:25

If you are sending in offline events through Measurement Protocol, is there any way to get Session Source / Medium to show up in standard reporting? Right now they're all none / none or direct because there's no option to show Event Source / Medium and there is no Session tied to the event.

Tobias Garreton
Tobias Garreton - 24.10.2022 16:07

Thanks for the video. Quick question: Does UTM Parameters track how the user navigated through your website? I would like to track how users from different mediums behave, and which events they have gone through. Can I get this data with UTM? Or UTM just sends data like from which source/medium/etc the user comes from?

Ben Stoltzfus
Ben Stoltzfus - 21.10.2022 20:15

I am trying to figure out will the utm_source relate to the default channel grouping. So would using "newsletter" as the source would make it fall under the "unassigned" default channel?

lextacy_2008 - 20.10.2022 07:01

Can I track a utm on a Twitter profile where Im putting in my website in Twitter, then appending the utm code, then can GA4 track this?

mstess164 - 19.10.2022 21:38

on my url builder there is a box for 'application ID", what is this, what does that mean? what goes in this box?

Jack Keith
Jack Keith - 06.10.2022 12:46

What would be the ideal way to tag GBP? How should the link look?

Felipe Wandscheer
Felipe Wandscheer - 05.10.2022 17:17

Great content once again. You also mentioned that there are some tools to help manage UTMs naming convention and catalogue them - curious to hear from you or the community which tools you've used. Thanks!

Priscilla de Groot
Priscilla de Groot - 05.10.2022 16:15

I try to figure out why I can't see any of the data from my UTM parameters in GA4 while I see everything in UA. Do you maybe know what I am doing wrong?

Ritvik Sharma
Ritvik Sharma - 05.10.2022 11:20

Hi Julius, does realtime report show correct First user source/medium for you when testing URLs with UTMs in say.. incognito browser window? I keep seeing "direct / none" even though the source/ medium params are correct for the page_view event.

M - 05.10.2022 10:47

You have a great way of explaining these things, thank you for breaking it down into easy concepts that can then be linked together !

SEO & SEA Freelancer in Berlin Spandau
SEO & SEA Freelancer in Berlin Spandau - 04.10.2022 23:41


Tamás Geiger
Tamás Geiger - 04.10.2022 21:14

I also strongly encourage everyone to start using utm_id (Campaign ID) next to utm_campaign (Campaign Name) since Cost Import in GA4 needs utm_id as a required UTM parameter that can not be left empty

Tâm Nguyễn
Tâm Nguyễn - 04.10.2022 16:00

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