Using the PARA method with Notion

Using the PARA method with Notion

Marie Poulin

10 месяцев назад

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Nedyalko Karabadzhakov
Nedyalko Karabadzhakov - 25.09.2023 13:55

looks like you need a degree in notion before start using notion and time a lot of it.

Romain Petitjean
Romain Petitjean - 23.09.2023 04:56

Love the new haircut! ❤

Hanna Scanlon
Hanna Scanlon - 18.09.2023 00:18

Has anyone considered periodically moving items to an archive database? I’m thinking of quarterly clearing out my tasks, hopefully or help the database run faster. I could easily accumulate 100 tasks in a quarter. I know it would lose its metadata, which could negate the point of keeping it but might be worth it?

Brian Morroni
Brian Morroni - 17.09.2023 04:10

I loved Notion and your videos, but I have to ask how you can have so many relations and roll-ups and keep Notion from running so slow it becomes unusable? I left notion a couple weeks ago because I could not handle how slow it was and I did not have near the number of relations that you use.

LDAPtv - 15.09.2023 04:25

Thanks for doing these videos on the PARA method. I just discoved you one Tiago's site and look forward to learning more about Notion. I am in a professional doctorate program and we don't have a Share Point site to coordinate the cohort data (and the learning portal is not all it's cracked up to be. So I have venured down the road of Notion to build a class wiki and would love to incorporate the PARA method for notes section and help organize the instructors "pearls of wisdom" that drop all over the classroom forums :). My second Brain system includes a reference manager (Zotero), and coding tool with OpenAI tools (Atlas.ti), Microsoft Visual Studio Code (Markdown language note taking on PC with GitHub Backup for version control) and OneNote for mobile note taking. It is a little omplicated I know, but I prefer Markdown for notes so I don't have to deal with font or formating issues when taking the notes to Microsoft Word. Also, like the new hair style.

Nick Cox
Nick Cox - 13.09.2023 15:37

This is great and thanks for explaining. But it also seems incredibly complicated compared to Tiago's PARA. I suppose the trick with Notion is to get the added benefits from related databases etc. while also ensuring it's still quite simple to use.

Fynää Kurvinen
Fynää Kurvinen - 10.09.2023 13:45

Hey Marie, do you work for Notion? Sorry I'm new here and just curious of why they let us stucked with only 3 fonts

João Carlos Souza
João Carlos Souza - 08.09.2023 20:48

This video was truly amazing – thank you for sharing! It's definitely motivating me to continue organizing my Notion workspace. However, it also highlights some reasons why I'm starting to feel a bit concerned about using Notion as a personal knowledge management tool. Don't get me wrong, Notion is an incredible app, and I've been using it for years, but I've begun to feel somewhat confined by it, and the app still has several limitations when it comes to organizing information and sharing it in different formats.

Quentin Villard
Quentin Villard - 07.09.2023 13:21

Thanks, Marie! Awesome video. Just one thing I'm confused with:

You seem to be using the "OK Actions" DB for your personal stuff (e.g. "Haircut" action in your "Health and Wellness" area). This must be convenient for a small business owner managing their life in Notion too, but it also means all your OK team members can actually see your personal actions through the DB (even though they don't have access to your personal project dashboards).

Why this choice? Isn't that a problem when it comes to doctor appointments and other personal things like that?

Wouldn't you want to have a separate Actions DB dedicated to personal actions for Ben and you?

Not even mentioning the case where you'd have actions that you don't want Ben to see (e.g. bday surprises...)

Would love to know your take on this 🙏

Cmon Meow
Cmon Meow - 04.09.2023 07:06

I think a lot of people, including myself, fall into the trap of thinking that theres is a magical, foolproof taxonomy for categoriezing things in our lives.
The world is chaotic and mutifaceted. Characteristics and context change over time, and thats ok!

Dushan Bilbija
Dushan Bilbija - 03.09.2023 18:13

"tensions" database; what a great concept! Never lose track of open questions, ideas... just remember to regularly review and classify.

Vic P
Vic P - 03.09.2023 12:02

I love this video Marie. Thanks for sharing.

I have one question about sub projects. I love the idea of the personal development catch all with courses I am taking/have taken under that. In your main dashboard which you showed on screen I noticed it is only the top level projects that show. Do you have a checkbox or something to differentiate sub projects from your main ones. Would you change anything about your approach to this if you were setting up again?

Thank you🙏

Sahil - 03.09.2023 09:30

Hey Marie , really nice video! I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and also make a highly engaging Thumbnail which will help your video to reach to a wider audience .

madeyelashes - 02.09.2023 20:14

Thanks for sharing your thought process, Marie! You are a great teacher and communicator. Wishing you a happy birthday!

Lowkey ProduckTVT
Lowkey ProduckTVT - 01.09.2023 09:24

Excellent video , i know people will hesitate to say this but PARA method is too rigid to be applied for many people , it might be a starting point for a person who doesn't have any structure and gradually depart from it as the complexity of your system progresses or it creates friction

Danny Munich
Danny Munich - 01.09.2023 09:10

Great video! But it‘s a bit distracting when audio and video is not synchronized. Anyway, great job!

Stephanie Chrystal
Stephanie Chrystal - 01.09.2023 05:12

Loved this video! So excited to refresh some of my dashboards in Notion. 😍You mentioned using Zapier to create the actions task in Notion! I've been wanting to set something up like this. Do you keep a calendar for business and one for personal to differentiate the zap? For example, ensuring a doctor's appt is associated with the Health & Wellness dashboard is not a business project. Or are you using the filtering in Zapier to achieve this? Thank you again for another great video!

Amber Kristine
Amber Kristine - 01.09.2023 02:43

Thank you so much for sharing this! This is exactly what I needed❤

FlamencoDeniz - 31.08.2023 23:40

Great video and explanation! Especially loved the decision tree in the beginning

O Byor
O Byor - 31.08.2023 21:31

Hey Marie! 🌟 First of all, watching your Notion setup is like looking at the Sistine Chapel of productivity—pure artwork! 🎨

But let's be real, calling this PARA is like calling a triple-layer chocolate cake a "salad" because it has a strawberry on top. 🍓😂 PARA is all about that "keep it simple, sweetheart" life, and your setup is like 4D chess. 🤯

Maybe the video title should be "How to PARA-DROP Your Own Complexity into Notion" or something like "Flipping the PARA-digm: How to Build a Notion Cathedral!" 🏰

Still love it though! Keep being awesome! 👏👏👏

Irfan Adam M
Irfan Adam M - 31.08.2023 19:36

can't wait to see how the new automations will influence these systems

di di
di di - 31.08.2023 19:31

Marie you are so beatiful and you look fresh❤so huge difference
