How to ATTACK MOVE & KITE like a PRO - League of Legends

How to ATTACK MOVE & KITE like a PRO - League of Legends

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@LonesomeSparrow7 - 30.11.2023 02:33

Attack move should be removed. Elo inflating shenanigans

@nefceh2227 - 26.11.2023 16:52

Ever since a few years ago I use my space bar to attack move without the range indicator. It's not been that long since I've learnt that most people use a with range indicator. I do use that for laning phase because I have less attackspeed and can control it but after that i usually use space bar

@zedus4042 - 10.11.2023 11:12

Just wanna say that if you have both very fast and precise mouse movements, you're good to go with just the most basic right clicking on enemy target and then right clicking to move away and repeat.

@fxllxn_xngxl7090 - 05.11.2023 18:15

This game is more shit as before

@QuasarVortex - 03.11.2023 16:12

Not using Attack Move requires out of this world accuracy. I myself often don't even see the location of my cursor XD

@QuasarVortex - 03.11.2023 15:53

This is the most important thing in LoL but I never learned it😭😭😭. That's why I always play with Singed 😅

@lord_mordio - 18.10.2023 15:16

Very good tutorial

@HighLanderPonyYT - 10.10.2023 12:45

Use attack move and stop. There, saved you 11 mins. I wonder how tf these videos get almost 1 million views. You could ask me or anybody else who played LoL for more than a month about this.

@theScHoCkEr100 - 05.10.2023 00:46

As an ADC Main, I never really could get the Attack Move to work for me. After seeing all the different ways to do it in this video, I finally found the way that works for me. Now I play a lot more confident, because I deal more damage while dying less simply because i do not missclick while fighting or farming. Also the guides on wave control and mid game macro helped me improve. After peaking around high gold/ plat 4 before, I am currently on 75% wr in high gold. Thanks!

@LiFsWo - 14.09.2023 17:04

OMG! I played attack move all the time, but didnt know you could make it so you attackt he cursors nearest target! Thats all I ever wanted ( besides ignore minions, only target champs attacking move, which lets be honest, would be op). Cant believe the quality of adc improved. Actually a wonder I made it into higher elo without knowing about it. Thanks!

@mikegamerguy4776 - 06.09.2023 21:51

Turning off minimap movement is a terrible idea. You can easily click to get pathing and move your camera while you are on the way in a lot of cases. Turning off minimap move hurts that a lot. Another benefit of quick key attack is if you are running from a champ, you do not have ot move your mouse at all in a lot of cases. you just left click, A, all in the same spot and your champ will turn and throw attacks seamlessly.

@jordymaas5227 - 02.09.2023 17:57

hello guys, i have a question, on minute 7 and (55 seconds) there stands treat target champions only as a toggle, where is that setting right now. i don't see it anywhere?

@ZEFFENWULF - 02.09.2023 08:14

Attack Move Click on T = gg

@Mighty_Wizard - 29.08.2023 01:10

So what is the downside of using level 3?

@kalebdkent - 27.08.2023 07:04

why does my target champions only key still allow me to attack minions and turrets? I know there are a toggle and hold settings. I see the cursor turn red like it is supposed to but it only prevents me from attacking jungle monsters... ?

@nazurix689 - 24.08.2023 01:43

i dont see the circle when pressing "a" wven with option enabled

@callmetravesty8762 - 22.08.2023 05:02

It makes a big difference.

I've been just using right click like a mad man for 8 years.

Now I'm use to attack move, I realise how much time I've wasted making it harder on myself 😂

@We2Fail - 11.08.2023 21:17

having auto attack on is also very useful as a support to check if bushes have wards (if you are a ranged sup you are gonna autoattack minions from the bush)

@sniperboy419 - 11.08.2023 06:13

Playing League since 2011 ( Season 2 ), right now im gold 2 playing Senna with 650k and did not know how this works. I envied ADC player who used this, i was pretty sure they are just way more precise klicking than i did.

BUT HOLY SH*T !!!! Using this feels like i am cheating. Sometimes i was thinking ADC players are scripting when just using this method. Thanks for the info, I hope i can reach the new Emerald Tier with this playing Senna

@bombigiussz - 07.08.2023 14:27

Let me know when "Player Attack Move Click" works with "Target Champions Only".

@Sonic_Ancap - 04.08.2023 05:00

Can't find "Bind auto attack move to left click". Was it removed?

@hnkka8890 - 31.07.2023 12:10

LifeHack: Hold spacebar

@benoithaeuser6085 - 02.07.2023 05:04

I’m playing league from season 4 and I’m learning that now. O.o

@PappaLan - 28.06.2023 19:36


@HDWEBTVLIVEMUSIC - 21.06.2023 16:49

i have to play 0,75 speed to understand your video, seem you record with fast talk, but its great video content

@p33kin89 - 21.06.2023 00:18

LOL, I’m plat 3 and I didn’t even know attack-move was a thing

@ernest9868 - 19.06.2023 06:25

i use middle mouse click

@blakeconnell4261 - 10.06.2023 17:17

attack move click still hold me in place

@aboood661013141 - 10.06.2023 04:25

Can someone explain why attacking with A+left click mouse button is more accurate? Why you have to press the two while you can AA with one of them only?

@patrickortiz6431 - 31.05.2023 01:27

Its possible kiting in A (using keyboard not the mouse) and still see the range?

@Yo-ru8ch - 27.05.2023 13:03

This video really helps me alot thanks for putting keyboard display in the video

@spielesteven6831 - 20.05.2023 06:58

Thanks :)

@emsmonster1954 - 12.05.2023 20:44

i've tried this multiple times over the past several years. this doesn't really work and im a good player/gamer. My issue even after doing everything you say/show is when minions are around i still attack minions if they are closer to my cursor even when i have attack only champions toggled on and the center of my cursor is red. this makes no sense

@stadoner4473 - 28.04.2023 01:06

How can i make the Player Attack move while i use target Champions only ?
If i want to Kite enemy under His Tower , If i use target Champions only than i cant Kite so good , but If i Just use the Player Attack move i Hit the Tower , can someone Help me please , thanks

@klarenu1163 - 23.04.2023 08:39

How to not disable map movement while having left click AA turned on? I just want to rmb move the map and look lmb without moving

@addisonyoung9130 - 10.04.2023 06:24

“Think of your auto attack like an ability” Laughs in Zeri 😂

@dawoodajmi9377 - 09.04.2023 14:42

if you use attack move on left click, you cant ping...

@mzi3108 - 07.04.2023 01:41

the best method is to bind to have only to click but there s a big problem with that !!! Every time i lvl up i need to press the arrow to lvl that makes my champion move on its own!! That s the big down side

@Intelligenkeit - 03.04.2023 05:11

is there something, that does the same as you explained in the beginning, attacking the nearest target, instead of the nearest target just the same target that you attacked first, i hope you know what i mean, the champ you attack first, then you kite with clicking on the floor and you still hit the same target, not the nearest target, is that possible?

@Raspora - 01.04.2023 01:58

when i press bind left click . it technically not allow to shot skills with the left mouse button. so technically the A then right click version is the go to for me

@Rubenzito91904 - 31.03.2023 06:41

Hello all, i use Player atack move click, and now i add the Target champions only with the toogle, all works well,i can cs with the Atack move click but when im going to any jungle camp drake/nashor/crab etc, i cant atack the creeps with the Atack move click, and have to disable the atack champions only to atack those mosnters, why?

@pointfull - 20.03.2023 10:04

i really hate it when i get fed early on then a random a 1/8 ashe kites me and i cant even fight back
how do i counter this

@ghassenturki6972 - 03.03.2023 03:19

i suggest using spacebar for the attack move click, because clicking a is using the same finger as using q but if you use spacebar you'll use a different finger so it'll be faster

@plompy7124 - 25.02.2023 12:12

not gonna lie I use R for attack move and T for my ultimate, target champs is on c. It feels natural cause I use bard and mainly just do a combo of R and Q to get an auto attack and cosmic binding off really quicky. I feel like having shift click takes away the pinky from Q and using A and left click makes it so that its 2 inputs and shi

@johnzajicek9597 - 24.02.2023 21:00

GOD DAM WHERE WAS THESE STUFF WHEN I STARED PLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you guys thank you for making these vid my first game of lols 7-4-2012

@DJRobotPanther - 24.02.2023 11:49

I think spacebar should've been recommended as well, especially for adc players, changed everything for me personally.

@nytrobomb3971 - 23.02.2023 18:38

The only downside to "Target Champions Only" is it only affects CLICKING to attack, it does not affect your Attack Move. So regardless of whether you have it toggled on or not, your Attack Move will still prioritize whatever is closest to your cursor, and that includes turrets and minions.
