THE EASIEST Way To Switch From Lightroom Classic to Lightroom Cloud (Desktop + Mobile)

THE EASIEST Way To Switch From Lightroom Classic to Lightroom Cloud (Desktop + Mobile)

Brian Matiash

4 месяца назад

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@ricoschwartzberg6653 - 06.02.2024 14:55

I'm a professional photographer that's been using LR Classic since the very first release of LR. But as a software geek I recognize that technologies and tools change and I'm happy to have found your channel and appreciate all the education and thoughtfulness you provide on the difference between LRC & LR. With the addition of local storage I'm this close to finding LR a suitable alternative to the LRC catalog model.
The only true obstacle for me as a professional photographer is the lack of tethered shooting. For years now I've switched back and forth between using LRC and Capture One as my capture software. Once Capture One switched to a subscription model I had to draw the line on yet another yearly software fee and have been relying on LRC. Hoping that LR will incorporate tethering before sunsetting LRC.

@chicodug - 05.02.2024 17:11

Just got back from a winter trip to Yellowstone National Park. I’ve been using Lr on my iPad for a number of years when I travel. For the first time I ran into two photographer sitting in the lobby of the Mammoth Inn hotel and they were both using dongles to load their images to the iPads and we got to talking. We wondered why others didn’t use Lr as we were. I’ve told others dozens of times how Lr mobile is so great on the road and never got anyone to take it up.

@perryelder5045 - 05.02.2024 05:18

I have completely converted to Lr

@bruceatkinson932 - 04.02.2024 21:49

Brian you indicated you don’t personally use keywords, but many people do and it would be useful to provide some information on this in relation to LR vs LrC.

@rogercarlsson1878 - 04.02.2024 17:57

Great session!! I have switch to LR from LRC witch I used since it came out. I dont miss anything from LRC. LrC demand more data power than I have but LR don`t need so much but have all I need and more :). I save my photos from camera to cloud at first. But after I picket the ones I want to "process" I want to save all the photos to my harddrive. I use the cloud as a "work desk" where I also keep photos that is done. Also I want to save some space in the cloud. Got 2 T but ... Have you done any YT on the topic of saving photos from the cloud to hard drive? /R

@DavidOddy-si2gw - 04.02.2024 16:33

Hi Brian, enjoyed watching this thanks. My problem with cloud storage is the problem storing tiff files and the issues they cause re downloads and syncing.I now edit the raw files in lightroom classic then refine in photoshop keeping the tiffs on separate hard drives and store high res jpgs on the cloud. The issue with this is that I do not have the original raw files. Any advice?

@justinkaplan5919 - 03.02.2024 16:25

After migrating some catalogs over from LRC and scrolling around in LR one thing stands out and that is the 1-2 sec rendering of each image. In LRC it is using the embedded jpg and there is zero lag when scrolling.

Will LR render theses in the background and I just need to wait a few days and hope it will be just as fast?

@carlosoperti - 03.02.2024 05:24

Hi Brian! Very good lecture! I myself was a Nikon View NX and Capture/NX Studio for the past 18 years or so, and decide last couple years to go full Adobe. And at first I was concerned on wether start with LrC or go all in with Lr (coupled with Bridge, wich I find a better image preview and rename/metadata sw). And I'm very happy having decided to stick to Lr and leaving LrC to very specific demands.
But I think Adobe could pay more attention to the workflow between Lr and Lr Mobile, and also improve the workflow for mobile users. It could have a batch rename/metadata like Bridge, and a better share/export set of options, like the ability to share images to a GoogleDrive folder in full resolution, or chose the folder where to export. Also, being able to pick and rate images from the local storage. It would be game changing for photographers who want to deliver the work while istill in the field (and maybe be able to link the cloud adjusments to the files in your desktop folder, once you get home and download the pictures to the computer, and/or keep the adjustments also in XMPs in the mobile device folder). Hope Adobe reads this!

@ScottBaker1 - 03.02.2024 03:21

So happy you did this. I was really hoping to catch this live to ask a few questions but unfortunately work got in the way.

So a few questions, I shoot mostly on my iphone but do some wildlife on my dslr for that extra reach. Iphone photos I want to edit get sync'd to LRM and I edit them, or will hop on my MBP and edit them in LRC, toss em in a folder, hop back to my phone and export to share on social media. My DSLR photos get imported into LRC, edit them, toss them in a folder and export on phone to again share on social media.
I recently moved my catalog to an external HD, just to free up some space one the Macbook. LR and Cloud seems more and more appealing all the time, as I have the 1tb photographer plan.

Sooo the question is, given my workflow above, would i just keep doing what Im doing but use LR and just skip the external HD? Or how would I do the import of the dslr photos? Import them into LR but save on the external hd? ive got about 15k photos now in my catalog/external HD.

Thanks again sir!

@eastbayjay - 02.02.2024 23:37

This is really helpful. I want to make the switch but I use tethering. Is Lightroom cloud good for product photography?

@johngrant765 - 02.02.2024 18:53

I’m so glad to start seeing tutorials that are clearly about Lightroom CC. Hard to cull through the videos that conflate the two in terms of title but then teach only classic.

@johnschiraga6670 - 02.02.2024 18:48

The thing that neither you or Matt ever mention is that there is no way to search your local drive in LR. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with Adobe and they confirmed this.

@davosuzuki - 02.02.2024 16:27

Brian, I'd like to switch but LR doesn't have the same Stacks features for bracket sets, and no export presets.

@PervalDelCarlo - 02.02.2024 15:30

Thanks for the great class. I've made my move to LR because I was sick tired of the LRc catalogs. The only feature I really miss is the maps tab to geolocate my photos

@iqueque - 02.02.2024 08:05

I just hope that LR Classic survives another 5 years because after that I doubt I will be around to care. In the meantime I’m not planning to abandon a system I have used since inception and can use intuitively. The ability to use LR ‘on all my devices’ has absolutely no appeal. I cannot imagine why I would try editing a photograph on a phone or tablet when I have a perfectly good iMac.

@eanderson1956 - 02.02.2024 03:22

Thank you Brian. Your description of the differences between LR and LRC is very helpful.

@drwatsonismine - 02.02.2024 03:08

The photography 10.00 plan I have doesn’t have enough cloud storage. What do you do if that is the max you can spend? Can’t take advantage of everything in that case, correct?

@drwatsonismine - 02.02.2024 02:31

I don’t understand the G key or move to another image as saving edits. That seems unintuitive.

@reggiebroom - 02.02.2024 02:21

Brian, thank you for this video! Well Done! I have watched your other videos regarding the new Local capabilities now in LR and listened to podcasts with MattK and yourself discussing Adobe's probable departure away from LRC. I agreed with everything the two of you discussed. After using LRC for many years I decided to migrate from LRC to LR. I wanted to make the change all at once because I feel strongly that LR is the future of RAW editing with Adobe. I believe updates to LR will include some/many of the features some photographers feel are missing and I think updates will continue to make LR even more appealing to LRC users. I suspect updates to LRC will not be as frequent or as significant as those Adobe will make to LR. Adobe doesn't want to alienate thousands upon thousands of LRC users so they will take their time in encouraging/enticing LRC users to migrate to LR by the additional features they provide in the future. They don't want to upset LRC users. They want to bring them in to LR and make updates to it by providing them with everything most all photographers presently using LRC would reasonably need. I travel a lot and having all my photos on all my devices without the hassle of a catalog is a wonderful thought. I emailed you regarding how to migrate photos from LRC to LR all at once a few days ago and didn't get a reply. I am sure you have a lot going on with the new course and keeping up with all of the changes to LRC and LR so no worries. I mention that because other photographers may be wondering about that as well. Turns out that can be done. Adobe has information about that on their website and they are happy to help with that process by contacting their support number. I spent some time on the phone with a very capable individual who worked with me without success because I had some errors in my catalog. So I had to take a more time consuming approach. What I am doing may not work for everybody but it works for me. All of my many thousands of photos have been edited so I am exporting them as a JPEG files of the highest quality without a limit on the size. I am recently retired and I export the photos by folders in a methodical way and it has worked well thus far. Per one of your topics on video or podcast I have deleted hundreds of photos. I just wanted to bring up the topic of mass migration from LRC to LR to you in case that was something you wanted to briefly mention or discuss in more detail on a future video or podcast. I searched in vain online for a long time as no once mentioned it and it may help someone else who has the same question as I had. Once again, thanks for all you do in bringing over past LRC users such as myself to the wonderful new world of Lightroom Everywhere!

@alanplatt888 - 02.02.2024 00:20

LR on the web WOW !!! 3400 unedited images in raw, I need to cull some of them ;-)

@alanplatt888 - 02.02.2024 00:16

Another great show, I picked up a couple of nice tips. Its a long road when your not sure of the way but I think Im heading in the right direction, thanks
