Skyrim Civil War: Why the Stormcloak ending is the best side to choose #PumaTheories

Skyrim Civil War: Why the Stormcloak ending is the best side to choose #PumaTheories


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Hey guys, so I finally got around to making my first Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Remastered Theory or Lore video for you guys! Today I figured I'd start of with Skyrim's Civil War Between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. I will ultimately be discussing why I think the Stormcloaks are the better of the 2 choices and should be the side to for the Dragonborn to choose.

Otherwise, let me know whether you think the Imperials or Stormcloaks are right in the comments! As always, leave a like if you liked this video.


#skyrim_civil_war_stormcloak_ending #stormcloak_victory #skyrim_stormcloak_vs_imperial_war #skyrim_civil_war_which_side_to_choose #skyrim_remastered_stormcloak #Skyrim_stormcloaks_or_imperials_which_is_better #skyrim_who_is_right_stormcloaks_or_imperials #VinylicPuma #VinylicPumaGaming ##PumaTheories
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Gabriel Cruz
Gabriel Cruz - 05.10.2023 11:46

god i love Skyrim

Phoenixfede1989 - 11.08.2023 20:33

Skyrim winning the civil war and leaving the empire is the death for all of mankind. The wareffort of the stormcloaks are supplied by the THALMOR!!!! When the Stormcloaks win, they lose the chance to get supplielines from Cyrodill, the litery richest nation of humanity, aswell the supplielines the Thalmor gave them during the civil war. The civil war cost hundreds or thousands of good men and womens life while the Altmeri Dominian can sit back and prepare for the second great war. And all that just that the nord of skyrim could worship Talos a few years earlier. You say the empire betrayed Talos, ask yourself: Did Tiber Septim aka Talos really think about it if someone worships him or not? Would he mind that the worship of him is banned for a little time to ensure that humanity has a chance to survive and win the upcoming second war with the Altmeri Dominion?

Also the Nord could still worship Talos in secret, they just had to be quiet to not draw the attention of the Thalmor. And given that Tullius, a high ranking general of the empire, didn´t mind that much that his second in command is a Talos worshiper herself in secret says much more about the true stance of the empire to Talos.

Jank Foots
Jank Foots - 20.06.2023 11:55

You make fair points but I could never support racists. The Stormcloaks want to rearrange the social structure and put nords on top. The Empire is fair to all

George Leach
George Leach - 18.06.2023 00:30

Also, if the storm cloaks win, they would have the dragon born who is utterly over powered in the lore.

Anthony P
Anthony P - 08.06.2023 03:56

I think the Dragonborn should rule all of Tamriel but I think he should I think you should create a second Nordic Empire and Windhelm should be the capital

Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺
Commander Shepard of the stormcloaks team black🇦🇺 - 31.05.2023 18:35

The imperials work for the Thalmor that's what all you imp dogs always forget.

Death to the empire and there Thalmor masters!

JavertRA - 24.05.2023 11:03

I was turned against Ulfric just by how much of a dick he seems when you meet him in Windhelm. A shame, because his lieutenant seems like a decent guy. As does his successor as Jarl of Windhelm, who isn't all "Skyrim for the Nords" and starts to help the Dark Elves in Windhelm.

Evan Knight
Evan Knight - 21.05.2023 21:19

The storm cloaks are racists that deserve eradication

Sir Sir
Sir Sir - 12.05.2023 16:25

The emperor gets assassinated anyway making things even more complex. The Legion can't even protect their leader from a assassin. The army is so weak it can't stop a rebellion. What if there was a real crisis in Skyrim and Skyrim needed the Legion? It's not there. I mean Solitude is so tied up in politics the most powerful Necromander almost rose up again under their nose and would of been a Catastrophe for all of Skyrim. Their Court Wizard is a vampire pulling strings. That is extremely dangerous Considering she likes knows and is downplaying it. Also with the rise of Harkon it could easily become a real problem. The Empire seems blind to the growing dangers or indifferent them Which isn't just bad for skyrim but for everyone. They ignore the Forsworn problem. One Of the biggest arguments is that thr Empire brings food and stability to Skyrim but look at Winterhold. It's barely surviving and they don't help it. I used to side with the Empire. You know saying that they got the bigger army and that you're just biting time till they can fight again. But it's been almost 20 years since they signed the treaty and Banning Talos worship might be overlooked but they have thr Thalmor Literally kidnapping and torturing people. They don't even acknowledge you as dragonborn while Ulfric does. You can basically blow back and entire Battalion by yourself and the Legion doesn't even care. The legion doesn't even seem to really care about the dragon while the holds do...

Tomi Francis
Tomi Francis - 07.04.2023 00:48

>Likes the stormcloaks because "muh Talos".
>Says "Tibber Septim".

Checks out.

Kaleidoscope - 02.04.2023 00:04

the best side to choose, according to the Thalmor

Typical JayDJS
Typical JayDJS - 22.03.2023 02:23

Please not that the empire has better resources to train troops and equip the troops. So yes same people will be fighting but in one instance they have better equipment and training. Also it’s easier for units that have the same type of training and same command structure to function when attacking, so if all the troops where of the empires then it’s better command structure and better communication (both of which is proven to be most important things in war)

Justin M
Justin M - 18.03.2023 22:35

yeah, Septims would have never signed the treaty.

Unsc Headshotz
Unsc Headshotz - 02.03.2023 22:49

Stormcloaks forever

deathdog1392 - 12.01.2023 19:08

Idc, it's cannon that the Dragonborne sides with the Stormcloaks. The Dragonborne met Ulfric while arrested, Ulfric uses the Voice, you are clearly meant to follow stormcloak after the dragon. Nord is default race. They clearly had written it that the Dragonborne was meant to side with the Stormcloaks. If it's not that way in ESO 6 I'm gonna be mad because it's an obvious retcon.

V. H.
V. H. - 21.10.2022 11:51

neither stormcloaks or imperial will win, the Thalmor will.
In my opinion The Elder Scrolls series is a sad story, there won't be a happy end. It just tells how xenophobia prevents people from uniting against a great threat, and how the villains will win because of it.

I refer to this quote from Michael Kirkbride :
"On the Thalmor (11/03/2013) : The Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the Aurbis. Moreso than Talos.They cannot be understood. They are the Other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality. And they're going to win in the end."

KingBritain - 20.10.2022 22:46

I picked imperial legion because there’s lots of crime and bad racism🙁in windhelm

Starbaby Angela
Starbaby Angela - 02.10.2022 21:42

Imo whatever side you pick is going to beat the thalmor. The dragonborj is dumbed down in game to make it more balanced throughout the game, but if this battle happens outside of a game, the dragonborn of legends would be able to absolutely demolish the thalmor. It's really about who you want to have the honor of successfully defending Skyrim- the stormcloaks or the imperials

Eli ace Frank official
Eli ace Frank official - 24.09.2022 12:26

They got to get elder scrolls 1 and 2 remake or something

Imperial Commissar
Imperial Commissar - 21.09.2022 01:33

There is no way for the thalmor to invade skyrim. 0.
Not until they take over the rest of Tamriel.
Think about it for a second, how isolated from the aldmeri dominion Skyrim really is!

To the west is High Rock, a land still firmly in the hands of the Empire and Bretons, do you really think the Empire is going to allow a thalmor army through their territory, and do you really think the bretons would tolerate this if it came to pass? And the border here is mountainous, a natural barrier against invasion. A few chokepoints there and there and it would be an impossible, herculean attempt to even try.

To the south is Cyrodiil.. Again, will the Empire really allow the thalmor to willy nill start a total war on the land of fellow men (as rebellious as they might be) which will inevitably lead to an attempted genocide? Come on, even the emperor's own generals would rebel! Also, again, mountaineous border. Chokepoints and its over.

To the east is Morrowind. The dunmers don't like the altmers. They don't like the Dominion. Mountaineous region, chokepoints all over, put fortresses and fortified gatehouses around and you'll stop an entire nation in no time (unless the altmers have dragons, which they don't...)

To the north then, through the sea of ghost... Yes, I'm sure this is an excellent plan. Let's invade a foreign land halfway across the globe through the most icy and dangerous waters in the known world to assault a position that could ALSO be defended fairly easily from the coasts! Not to mention.. Can you really imagine the logistics of a thalmor invasion through the sea of ghosts? They may have the largest navy around but any naval commander would see the folly in this kind of ambition.

Even if we ignored all of that... Hammerfell fought the entire dominion alone (well, with limited Imperial help admitedly, but very limited, and officially unrecognized) to a standstill and forced the damn elves out, in a land with much less natural barriers (although I'm sure the environment and extreme heat was a blunder to the damn elves) than Skyrim.

I don't see the Dominion mounting a succesful invasion, especially considering that, whilst the races of men can breed fairly quickly, the Altmers are especially limited by their mating lenght and additional eugenics, so they'd have to rely on their client races to provide raw number : the bosmers (whom, being mer, also have a presumably lesser fertility rate than men, but not as much as the altmer due to the lack of eugenics) and the Khajiits.

Bosmers and Khajiits invading skyrim.. Yeah, it doesn't really bode well for them. Bosmers might have more of a chance, but yeah..

And whilst this is happening, the dominion would have to ensure it won't get attacked by the Empire.

So, in the end, I don't think it is feasible for the dominion to assault Skyrim even with a stormcloak victory.
They could use thi sopportunity to seize more disunity sure, but who's to know what would happen afterwards.

The Unseen Path
The Unseen Path - 13.09.2022 23:51

Not all the Nords hate the Empire and in regards to Talos worshiping it's not enforced by the Empire. Ulfric's rebellion is also a joke but the Empire while weak is still stronger than they are. Watch other videos on how powerful they actually are if they are as weak as you say the AD would be swallowing them up by now.
What do you mean fearing annihilation? The AD lost that war, yeah barely but still a loss, they should be fearing annihilation.

Goose in a suit
Goose in a suit - 27.08.2022 05:28

I don’t really wanna side with racists

Gameware - 24.08.2022 21:50

I prefer imperials as I feel like the empire is going to war anyway, but they can't really fight the thalmor when there's a large thalmor presence in skyrim to the north. Alone, I don't think skyrim could cope with an invasion against the whole aldmeri dominion, as that's all of the summerset isles, valenwood and elsweyr's millitary force against an independant skyrim. The redguards barely scraped a victory, and I don't think a recently war-torn skyrim could do much, as a lot of their men have died fighting on the imperial side. If the imperials win, then they can mobilise with cyrodiil, black marsh, hammerfell, high rock and morrowind to defeat the aldmeri dominion and drive them out. Talos worship would most likely be restored soon after, as it is still "legal" in some regions anyway (e.g. markarth due to the markarth incident). Good points though, this is just my piece on it. Also cause Balgruuf.

Russell Ragan
Russell Ragan - 16.08.2022 12:21

I think with the way the dark brotherhood has you kill the Emperor, and Martin S. being dragonborn. I think they should have it Canon as the Dragonborn uniting Skyrim by having the chick in Solitude marry Ulfric and after all the events of the game uses the eye of magnus to retake the empire as the new Emperor and with a Dragonborn siting on the throne they stand a chance again the AD

1 - 18.06.2022 18:09

You hit the nail on the head man. It was an easy choice for me

SandStorm - 13.06.2022 16:54

When i saw the title i thought "whatca dumb bitch, when stormcloaks win tulius said that the thalmor wanted stormcloaks to win" (before watching)

Almendra Tlilkouatl
Almendra Tlilkouatl - 10.06.2022 00:40

Stormclocks = Trump fans of Skyrim

Θ - 22.05.2022 00:36


austin berkley
austin berkley - 03.05.2022 23:03

There's two huge flaws you don't include in you're argument, 1. YOU ARE THE DRAGONBORN a few well placed shouts and the entire altmeri dominion will cease to be. 2. the empire has 20 legions sitting just outside skyrim that have been given orders to alt f4 skyrim should General Tullius and Solitude fall. The dragonborn could side with the racist stormcloaks but in the long run what good is that, just makes easier pickings for the altmeri dominion too sweep the risk board after all the humans have cut eachothers throats. or side with the empire, become the new emperor make some Just reforms bring Hammerfall back into the empire and alt f4 the altmeri Dominion. not to mention as the dragonborn you control the weather, atleast 4 dragons if not more many guilds assassins, spies, warriors and enough wealth to hire 10000 mercenaries. The Dragonborn in skyrim is nerfed Severely so the game play can be enjoyed, but in lore you are legit a demi god.

COSMIC WARTOAD - 01.05.2022 04:33

Del the Argonian's made it her personal mission to get the different porvinces to put their differences aside and unite against the Thalmor ands it's her personal mission to kill all tbe thalmor she can and it was her village that started an uprising and drive the tlamor out and keep Black March independent and neutral

Hey Eat
Hey Eat - 16.04.2022 09:27

Anyone who’s an imperial who joined the stormcloaks

George Moore
George Moore - 09.04.2022 03:43

the stormcloaks are racist imbeciles so you must be too...lmao 🤣 however the treaty was wrong & so is the persecution against the talosians...the nords cant talk since they stole the land from the foresworn ..i hope the same happens to all colonizing countries in the world today ..karmic justice..😉

Arto - 04.04.2022 18:41

stormcloacks win, bretons see this victory and a part of them starts a rebellion, Nords and Redguards helps the rebellion so High Rock gets independant, they three forms an alliance, they take over Cyrodiil, they reform the Empire, placing the Dragonborn as Emperor, the Dragonborn kick elvish asses.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood - 02.04.2022 07:24

Thanks for that analysis.

LeAaron Cooper
LeAaron Cooper - 27.02.2022 15:18

Best choice to have Skyrim invaded. Anyone who side with the Stormcloaks really read Ulfric dossier in the High elves Embassy, where they call him a unapproachable asset. He's there pawn doing exactly what they want him to do. The Banning of Talos was their trigger word after they released him from torture and manipulation. That's the whole reason why they were there at the beginning when you was in the wagon right next to Ulfric. Also seem to forget that Talos started the empire, and he was the first Emperor.

Jonaleth Irenicus
Jonaleth Irenicus - 25.02.2022 11:28

It doesn’t really matter which side you choose, you’re just feeding Nords to the great hall of feasting and drunken partying in Sovngarde.

Your Daily Dose Of Pineapple Facts
Your Daily Dose Of Pineapple Facts - 22.02.2022 10:20

I just wish the empire and the stormcloacks can come together and destroy the aldmeri dominion

F2P - 23.01.2022 23:09

When i was in high school, i chose the storm cloaks for very short sighted reasons.
The imperial nearly executes you at the beginning of the game.
The storm cloaks seem to be fighting for a noble cause.
Ulfric and you both have the voice so its natural to gravitate toward someone who can relate to you.
Fighting and changing the powers at be is cool and hip, its the “im an independent thinking trying to break away from the chains of authority because i can do it better”

Then i played through, beat the game, and felt happy with my choice. Since then i have played through and over time i find myself always choosing the empire for these reasons.

The storm cloaks dont seem to include many races outside of nords. Skyrim is a very mixxed pot, you arent going to defeat the thalmor without everyone bought into what you are selling.
The empire is the most stable form of government and defense against the elves that the province has. Overthrowing and totally overhauling the system wont bode well for an already unstable infrastructure. What needs to happen is a strong leader needs to take the thrown under the imperial banner, get rid of the corrupted officials in the government, and unite the province in order to re-establish their military might to drive out the thalmor.
Ulfric killed the high king using the voice, instead of showing mercy or even using hand to hand combat, he created a massive amount of controversy which will only result in an asterisk next to his name when he proclaimed himself king of skyrim.
High king needs to be elected, not taken.

prom night Dumpster baby
prom night Dumpster baby - 17.12.2021 01:37

The storm cloaks are funded by the thalmor! Fuck the storm cloaks! I'm just kidding,i like the thalmor lol storm cloaks are pussies though...

HelaDeathGodess - 07.12.2021 15:51

They're racist so the empire is better

Cowkiller - 07.12.2021 04:30

I made the wrong choice

David Drabick
David Drabick - 04.12.2021 07:24

I chose the Stormcloaks because of the illegitimate Mede Empire's Big Lies:
1) The Nords are uniquely racist!
2) It's all Ulfric's fault!
3) We are the Good Guys!
4) We have no choice but to obey the Thalmor!
5) We are the only choice to defeat the Thalmor!

Did I miss any?

Furthermore, continued commerce, and a military alliance between Hammerfell (whose people have a long-standing hatred of Mer), Skyrim, and Cyrodiil is entirely possible. But no more "Empire." Imps cannot be trusted ever again.

Bello Mori
Bello Mori - 01.12.2021 00:08

I mean if you think about it the red guards and no words or the backbone of the empire so by making them sign that treaty and piss off both they have now weakened the empire faster more efficiently than they could of in any war.

Troutwithclout - 16.11.2021 22:42

Isn't the stormcloak ending bad for skyrim? It's stated in a letter you find during the quest where you infiltrate the thalmor embassy that ulfirc and the stormcloaks are being used as puppets by the thalmor to destabilise the empire. Yes I am aware the emperor made a deal with the thalmor in the white gold concordat like you said but in the dark brotherhood questline you get the opportunity to assassinate the current emperor which will hopefully lead to an emperor that won't bow down to the thalmor and will pull out of the concordat.

LogeyPerogi - 31.10.2021 16:03

Y’know what, screw it, if Ulfric makes Skyrim better, then sure, he can rule Skyrim, but if he made things worse, I’d kill him and take over

DragonGold - 03.10.2021 16:29

its funny how there is an actual debate about the politics of skyrim
like I'm an imperial and think the thalmor are a bigger issue so splitting up because of a contract that will not be upheld is a terrible idea

アリ・サイード - 01.10.2021 15:52

Pov: you are a white person

vicnedel02 - 16.09.2021 19:19

You lost all your credibility the moment you pronounced "Tiber Septim" the way you did.

S. Plissken
S. Plissken - 16.09.2021 16:30

Empire was about to execute you for the hell of it despite your race. I'd side with Ulfric but I do love the dark elf, kajit, and argonian homies

Valence - 10.09.2021 13:23

Long live the empire!
