How Big The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Really Is

How Big The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Really Is

Insider Science

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@dineshtharanga8122 - 05.11.2023 18:56


@user-kz7wh2zk3b - 30.10.2023 04:10

we need to reduce trash for environment

@starfiretbt - 21.09.2023 23:42

aren't there organisms in the ocean that can break down the plastic? There's organisms on land that can do it, look at meal-worms and microorganisms that consume long chain polymers. Isn't there some kind of plankton that can consume the energy rich molecules of plastics after they have been broken down by the ocean?

@oGrasshoppero - 06.09.2023 19:56

Imagine if we spent all this time and effort cleaning up the trash we have on land...but instead we are spending our resources bringing more trash onto land. One of the most effective ways to break down trash is with exposure to the sun over time. That's why trash on land needs to be constantly circulated so everything gets some sun exposure. Out in the ocean, trash automatically arranges itself to have maximum surface area exposed to the sun...we simply dont have that kind of surface area on land to have the same effect. Bringing this trash back on land will be even worse!!

@user-xk2su6gh1c - 04.07.2023 06:54

Please translate for me

@stevestadinko6045 - 26.04.2023 14:57

My favorite part is when they never show it, because it doesn't exist.

@Questiala124 - 24.03.2023 15:59

I found a potential fix to most of the gpgp, I think you could genetically modify mealworms to eat specifically plastic and styrofoam as they already have the ability to eat it they just choose not to, if a person somehow manages to make a mealworm that eats plastic and styrofoam only most likely using CRISPR then it has a chance it could get rid of a mass amount of the great pacific garbage patch. Could this work

@janbadinski7126 - 23.03.2023 22:26

There's also a huge garbage patch in the Atlantic as well. Disgusting.

@iamthegreatcornholio7836 - 13.03.2023 19:07

check your math. volume of 100 757's spread over two texases equates to a thickness of about 0.0002 inches or 1/50,000th of an inch.

@iamthegreatcornholio7836 - 13.03.2023 18:55

is this a thing??

@ConleyFitness - 18.01.2023 18:40

We need communism asap

@noahrenschler2130 - 14.01.2023 19:08

Lmao did she just say that the garbage is the equivalent weight to all of our fish in the world? Clearly not true.

@frodobaggins941 - 14.01.2023 07:20

Found plastic beach

@Worldwielder - 11.11.2022 08:39

She said not to throw my bottle in the trash; but why is she dumping my trash in the in the ocean?

@idkyoyo8864 - 28.10.2022 06:26

fix it then

@fw.kr1stennnn - 14.10.2022 07:36

damn 💀

@tangoalpha94 - 03.10.2022 11:07

Can we nuke it?

@WarzoneVictoryWins - 11.09.2022 15:50

The corporations that created the plastic should clean it up.

@jeremy4052 - 21.08.2022 04:30

To this day nobody on Earth can show me one satellite image of the Pacific Garbage Patch I haven't seen one picture I haven't seen anybody on a boat I haven't seen any from a plane nothing which again proves that it's not real

@nateez3898 - 13.08.2022 16:23

I guarantee this isn’t coming from the states.

@DiarrheaBubbles - 18.06.2022 01:35

Notice there are no photos or videos of the patch.... anywhere. Because it isn't a patch or an island or anything of the sort. They use this language because it gets attention.

This is why people don't take climate change seriously, if the media would stop exaggerating and using hyperbole and dishonest language we could pass effective useful legislation.

Media only cares about ad revenue. This kind of click bait is holding back progress.

@jamesfiaco4922 - 07.06.2022 23:54

(oo)=%$ The Alternative to plastic/petroleum-based products is hemp for it makes over 26,000 different things. It has even been proven to be 10 times stronger than steel and 30% lighter stronger and lighter than concrete, stronger and lighter than brick. Far more versatile making the design possibilities practically limitless, at the same time being easier to work with on-site' equally as amazing 1 acre of hemp! Can produce enough bio fossil fuel to fuel 10,000 vehicles for a year at about a dollar per gallon. One of the major differences is hemp bio fossil fuel only releases the same amount of carbon dioxide unoxygenated air per mile as a person does when the exhale versus coal, oil, and gas. Which release tens of millions of years worth of petrified death per mile. The real winning sales pitch" is 1 acre of hemp! Produces 3 to 4 times the amount of oxygen as a acre of trees at the same time sucks in 3 to 4 times the amount of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, deadly unoxygenated air as a acre of trees plus it rejuvenates and replenishes the soil back to Garden of paradise type of quality after every harvest even if the landscape has been previously stripped, robbed, and depleted from overharvesting things such as cotton and corn that has been marinating in petroleum-based fertilizer. Not to mention it has the same nutritional value as rice, corn, wheat, barley, and milk combined is one so we can easily deal with people being. Hungry Over fed and undernourished In layman's terms we can rebuild faster much more efficiently at a fraction of the cost in half the time of what we are doing today without leaving any excess poison is toxic waste behind. In other words we can manufacture, mass-produce, distribute products that every country, city, and continent is going to be happy to spend top dollar. Example, hemp clothing distributes moisture across the body more efficiently than any other material leaving a person feeling, smelling, and smiling their best even under the most extreme circumstances don't forget about the limitless design possibility plus it promotes good respiratory function so if a person has asthma, allergies or other breathing complications just by wearing its clothing you will alleviate those symptoms with the potential of diminishing them all together. Hemp has even been successfully grown on radiative soil. So in theory if we grow hemp along the shores of our rivers and lakes we will greatly improve upon the quality of that water shoreline. Nonetheless we definitely will improve upon and maintain the quality of our air, water, foods, landscapes, working/ living environment, habitat, ecosystem wildlife and every day home products to the highest degree that is humanly possible by producing 3 to 4 times more oxygen per acre than we do currently. At the same time sucking in 3 to 4 times the amount of carbon monoxide greenhouse gases un oxygenated air per acre as we do currently, as a added bonus everywhere we grow it we will be rejuvenating and replenishing the soil back to Garden of paradise type quality even if the landscape has been previously stripped, robbed, and depleted of all its value from overharvesting things such as cotton and corn Keep in mind America has about 800,000 acres of available farming land. So again we have the manpower, woman influence, technology, resources, substances, capability, and technology to create clean high paying jobs from coast to coast that will improve upon and maintain the quality of life in such a way.That will gradually consistently, constantly, systematically almost effortlessly and naturally thus allowing each person's generation to become stronger, smarter, healthier, happier, better off physically, mentally, financially, possibly spiritually then the previous generation. With that type of leadership, loyalty, and devotion to one's self and country People may start finally having The resources substances jobs, products, power sources building materials that will allow them to be healthy and wealthy enough to live enjoy their life all the way through out retirement. And far beyond. You can't do that would dirty low-paying jobs. That come from outdated power sources, inferior materials, poisonous, toxic substances, pesticides, and chemicals that never change their killing composition which means whether it's solid, liquid, or burnt off in to our airways atmosphere as a vapor is always going to be poisonous, debilitating, deadly to the body at the same time polluting, corrupting, and devastating to mother Earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. The bottom line you cannot promote life by doing business with materials, resources, and substances that have been scientifically classified, religiously verified as petrified death or worse. Think about this because it's a simple logic basic concept if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper. I guarantee it's not so would you like to know how souls and spirits have paid out are picking up the tab on the end results of dirty low-paying jobs. Would you like to know how souls and spirits have paid out are picking up the tab on a diminished quality of life? A better question what do you think the spiritual cost is to one's own soul and spirit living dying to the lowest standards of quality opposed to the alternative which is the highest standards of quality? Case closed. Mercy, forgiveness, death and spiritual welfare are not changing these facts. Protecting, carrying, and compensating any whimpering, whining, crying souls and spirits that are freely connected to a life that is not living up to the pleasure, potential, responsibility of femininity and masculinity. You're either part of the world solutions or you are exacerbating the world's problems either way there is no playing it safe in the middle every one of us is being held spiritually accountable for each and every moment.I Laugh, smile, grin, chuckle with confidence I say now i wish and pray for my soul and spirit to be held spiritually accountable to the statements I proclaim to the way I'm living personally professionally. I guarantee you never see hear another body, man, woman in power, persons of legal, religious authority, leaders ever freely validate the statements they proclaim with that level of certainty. One reason could be the don't have the best interest of the majority of the population's needs at heart. Another reason could be they cum from a bloodline of cowards! One is genetic hereditary the other is A simpl generic synthetic learned behavior either way it is physically, mentally, financially and spiritually useless to freely live and die in such a low quality manner especially if that reckless self-neglect stupidity, ignorance, and desperation stems from being soft, lazy, out of shape, over fed, undernourished, overworked, underpaid with dirty low-paying jobs. In these points have been scientifically classified religiously verified as the only way to constantly consistently make each and every moment physically mentally financially spiritually beneficial. S.R.F.

@jamesfiaco4922 - 07.06.2022 23:53

8 simple concept basic logic if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper it's not. So the question one may wonder is the spiritual cost to one's own soul and spirit for having lived and died to the lowest standards of quality for so many years now global pollution has diminished the quality of life to the point where today's people are living, dying and yielding the worst spiritual kickback that has ever been manifested since the beginning of life only getting worse. The polar opposite extreme to that is today's people should be living and dying to the highest standards of quality which would make each and every moment physically, mentally, financially and spiritually beneficial. S.R.F.

@supericeshorts6264 - 02.06.2022 19:13


@ShadowFifa8273 - 24.05.2022 07:44

go look at Mr beast's team seas pick up 30m rubbish

@TheBetterChessMaster - 23.05.2022 21:20

*Phil Swift kicks down door and says*NOW THATS ALOTA DAMAGE

@proapocalypse1448 - 18.05.2022 23:49

I would like to see an actual picture or video of this alleged garbage patch but nobody has one.

@kurestero-0292 - 16.05.2022 18:37


@donensminger3337 - 13.05.2022 16:59

Man-made plastics are terrible for marine life on mother Earth. Cleaning what humans have created(plastics), most people would get behind.
Natural occurrences such as volcanoes that emit more pollutants than people have since the industrial revolution, we're chasing the wrong problem.

@bullymaguireyes8049 - 05.05.2022 23:53

I have to do an assignment on this bruh

@laurentomich6105 - 29.04.2022 02:33


@dannix1353 - 28.04.2022 06:23

How come I can never find a drone capture of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? You would think that if there was a great big garbage patch twice as big as Texas, someone would have video documentation of it. I know there is garbage in the ocean, a lot of it, but if you can't show it to me, how am I supposed to believe what you say?

@beanboy12.1 - 22.04.2022 03:45


@someguy3522 - 21.03.2022 21:06

Every time a boat leaves port, pay them to pick up a portion and take it to the next port so it can be disposed of. As many ships that are in the ocean, this should knock out a significant portion.
In the meantime, find an alternative for plastic.

What can you do in the meantime? Use less plastic, and then throw away (in the recycle bin) what you do use. You can't do it all, but you can take care of your part.

I know this sounds really simple, but sometimes that's what it takes.

@siuuueseba2258 - 18.03.2022 13:30


@zerowastehomestead2518 - 07.03.2022 00:51

This is just one reason why I try to live as zero waste as possible.

@mattyust6127 - 04.03.2022 12:44

This video is the only piece of garbage I see!

@jdad8726 - 24.02.2022 16:12

this is why i will pay as much as i can to recycle and none of my neighbors recycle feels hopeless

@ParkwayProduction - 27.01.2022 18:52

this is sad to see, but this information will change things

@big_mouse199 - 17.11.2021 17:59

Hindi mein dalo

@CARRJ142 - 11.11.2021 04:08

Another great video.

@gameplaytate0915 - 07.11.2021 08:36

Well we can make a difference we just DONT. People just post these videos for likes and subscribers. If everyone were to pic up 20 pieces of plastic each year, it would help ALOT. Then people who volunteer could pick up the rest. People just don't care. But teamseas is helping do this! So if you actually care about a difference then donate. Thank you!

@jonc9799 - 06.11.2021 02:56

Its the last line of this video that kills me. What most dont know is that even when you recycle, a lot of it ends up in the ocean anyway. We ship a lot of it away to other countries to be "processed" and most of the time they're just dumping it in the ocean. We've known this for a long time and still we just continue on and act like we are not complicit in the west. We've got to wake up and realize that we shouldnt be producing anything that lasts 100+ years if its useful lifecycle is only a few months at most. Even after these things degrade they are still polluting the environment as microplastics and that just becomes part of the ecosystem. We, along with a lot of other life on earth wouldn't fit into that new ecosystem, I suspect.

@snehlatakumari4374 - 02.11.2021 18:37

Dormamu we need u

@ranchdressing1037 - 23.10.2021 20:26

I hate existing.

@TureRealD - 21.10.2021 06:38

It's nuts that people don't know this is completely fabricated. There is no garbage patch. It's literally a myth, but people are so so stupid they have no idea.

@maciejslojewski3170 - 14.10.2021 11:07

3 statues of liberty ? Seriously ? So it is NOTHING actually.

@maddygarcia5662 - 13.10.2021 00:50

i bet elon musk and jeff bezos have enough money to help

@leeknivek - 10.10.2021 03:19

how come nobody can mention that this is largely due because of china?

@Father_finder - 24.09.2021 06:32

No poop
