How Smilegate can FIX Lost Ark in 10 Minutes...

How Smilegate can FIX Lost Ark in 10 Minutes...

Stoopzz Highlights

1 год назад

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@ZhierOrreih - 22.10.2023 10:03

How to fix lost ark. Remove pheons and remove the 1 mistake wipe and were good to go 😂 less gatekeeping.

@SolMrBadGuy - 29.08.2023 09:23

Delete gems, delete tri pods, delete extra stats off items.

Delete every extra system from the game.

Remove rng stats from gear.

@l2FARl - 28.07.2023 15:34

Ticket system for raids = no FOMO = easy time for gameplay = win/win

@Nscott285 - 07.07.2023 19:12

6 months? half the stuff you mentioned would take an experienced developer an hour on some things.

@ByakuroStories - 06.07.2023 05:48

Seems that all u ppl forgot a little thing called "engraving". In all the game 6 engraving at the maximum are used, all the others are useless. Need more variables in build, need more options. The market would be more efficient and active.

@TENiNCHMASSACRE - 05.07.2023 05:56

The massive learning curve makes this game unappealing to new players. Way too many mechanics and systems to learn to even start. I tried… and said nah I’m good and uninstalled lol

@Gintello9 - 03.07.2023 18:53

I played this game up to clown every single day and never missed a login... Even though I quit, it really does hurt to see guys like stoopzz, zeals etc having to make videos basically begging the devs to save a game that they still want to invest time in.

@Beastleo481 - 28.06.2023 19:00

Scale down the hp bloat so you arent forced to run penalties engravings. a team of 8 on item level should be able to clear it without min max (save it for ultimate mode). get rid of cards to reduce gate keeping. Keep raid wipes to either enrage timer or a specific last stage mode for raids. should reduce gatekeeping. have so.e diablo like dungeons again that gets you on par gear/ camos

@Paine981 - 28.06.2023 17:07

This is such a stupid take. People should not be allowed to hit the latest content in few days. They should work for it as it gives a sense of achievement. Saying that players HAVE TO play the end game content is just purely incorrect. No, they shouldn't. Why the fuck you and all other moronic streamers suggest that e.g. in a current state of the game THE ONLY CONTENT the game has is Akkan NM/HM? It is people like you who fuel to the FOMO of players and make them quit. If you want to fix the game remove alts. That's all. Everything else is not a problem. The problem is that you have to do things 6x to get anywhere as it is impossible to get cards/gems without playing alts and finally, there is nothing to do if you don't play alts. Remove alts and open a way for creating new interesting content. Players should be able to reach Akkan quicker yes, maybe in 2 months, but suggesting that they should be able to do so in a week is idiocity at its best. If you are so on allowing players to instantly hit the end game why not just removing starting the character at 1600 IL? What a great idea?! I wonder how many players would play shit like that.

@bencurtis777 - 27.06.2023 13:29

Not even the main problem no one is doing early raids Argos etc so you don’t get to have fun as new player

@chudyzal - 24.06.2023 08:36

It's dead game already :D

@byronguajardo7467 - 24.06.2023 08:24

make yellow wealth farmeable withouth rng

@cephalonbob15 - 23.06.2023 20:52

another idea: make legion raids once per week per roster, greatly decreases burnout for players

@Dat1ShotTho - 23.06.2023 13:50

godbless this game died already and 100% wont recover from that. Its nice to see that this dog company which completly failed in their decisionmakings didnt changed at all. Also im even more amused to see people crying legit everywhere (yt,reddit,forum) about dailys and weeklys tasks when they literally done them for a month or even year already🤯🤯🤯 idk the player usually chooses what he wants to play no? 😂

@whatisthat7874 - 23.06.2023 13:16

They can…but whether or not they wanted to is the problem lmao

@DoggyP00 - 22.06.2023 17:20

These are the stupidest suggestions even possible. You could try to think up stupider suggestions and you would fail. Stoopzz just despises the game. That's all there is to it.

@raymundverallo1967 - 22.06.2023 03:43

Kinda weird he's talking about grindy things, but now he's playing Maple 😮

@gaborvandor3662 - 21.06.2023 20:15

Never skipped a word boss since lunch, still no legendary Bleed rune... I consider my self as a min maxer, this is killing me, and since I realized after this long, it is just the games fault..

@jimmysjohn141 - 21.06.2023 18:04

Get rid of fucking pheons. Why the fuck does it cost pheons when I try to send my other characters my own fucking drops? I don't care whatever reason they have to say because it's just all bullshit. I don't care what other people do if they exploit or cheat, I don't. Stop making idiot systems "trying" to fix botting or exploits where the side effect is it fucks over normal players.

@sjroxiii4778 - 21.06.2023 17:50

honestly, 1 guardian/chaos per day still to much to do ,because u have at least 6 chars , holy F, around 10min x6 =1hr, then u start doing 3 raid per day that almost take 2hrs of your life, and once day when u logging in, u literally have 0 time to do any other things except raid raid raid

@deanbardsley7666 - 21.06.2023 10:01

Honestly, the game died in my mind once Oce pleading for servers got completely ignored, and the thread got removed even though it had over 100,000 upvotes. Roughly 25% of the player base was Oce players at western launch, which at the time that was close to 350k players. So yeah, I lost interest about 750hrs in unfortunately.

@ykcasual - 21.06.2023 07:54

i will never comback untill i can solo all dungs. Hate my time get wasted by other ppl that I cant mad at cuz its a stupid game.

@voodoo1069 - 21.06.2023 02:13

Any MMO should allow a new player or returning player to get to 90% catch up done in 2-4 weeks other wise people will just give because they can never catch up.

@ca9404 - 21.06.2023 01:04

People waste their time debating how they can “fix” these games pointlessly.

@ricardoboesche3365 - 20.06.2023 21:56

ngl all you said would improve the games health by a fuk ton and would make the community way more happy but sadly i doubt it will ever happen

@MelloIchimaru - 20.06.2023 15:24

So many good points!

@shinon7956 - 20.06.2023 07:18

Tune down season? West players are too horny for new content they can't stand having a content drought for 1 or 2 months. Always want everything new after capped their ilvl and all. While it's their fault for rushing it, getting bored, quit the game blaming nothing to do anymore. Dumb, yes, they are.

@Axely - 20.06.2023 05:13

raid rewards system needs to be change, i wanna do more raids, not getting restricted once per week bullsht

@aeowinh - 20.06.2023 02:12

I feel card system is stupid not only you need RNG but also IRL money to get 18 and 30 of the sets, is so much dmg behind such an insane time and money sink. The cost of honing is also insane and the gold you earn from later end game don't come close to the raw cost of gold and mats you also need for it. And the upkeep as many people know is also insane, unlike what people think even if you put money in the game you still have to play a shit ton to keep up is not fun is exhausting you don't have a time to breathe and chill in this game.

@Sadforeverr - 20.06.2023 00:03

My main, ignition Sorc pitted my Brel weapon from 12 all the way to 18. I stopped honing her and started to lose interest in the game afterwards. They SHOULD nerf the honing the make it easier.

@trust3537 - 19.06.2023 19:26

The letter just comes off as them covering their ass right before Diablo

@trust3537 - 19.06.2023 19:24

Man I’m glad you made this video. I have been thinking about quitting lately cause of some of these issues

@chururi8517 - 19.06.2023 17:22

I think they will eventually do this after they see that many players are leaving the game, which is already too late. Smilegate, think about the game's future instead of suck us dry. Like Stoopz said, people will play less Lost Ark, but they will be faithful players.

@ariefgunawan2196 - 19.06.2023 16:57

doesnt matter, they wont listen

@xibbas7055 - 19.06.2023 16:28

For my friends and I theres 4 major reason we quit. Alt requirement to keep up, dailies,P2W (P2W wouldnt be a problem if we didnt have to play an absurd amount of alts) and the Card System.

@pajcsilol - 19.06.2023 16:15

I totally got burned out from the daily shit x2 times and alting every raid so I sold my account before Brel, it was Brel all gate ready 2 months before its release. (not bragging, or proud of selling, just stating it to understand my statement)

I saw the express event up to 1445 and express2 to 1460 1-2 months ago, so I was like "okay I give it a try, I still have some guild mate who plays the game, let's see". After 1 day I got to 1400 with express event and I realized even with the reduced honing cost the mats from express event is not enough to get to 1460, and since I was on a fully new account I have to swipe, grind orehas and Argos for some weeks (impossible to find a team and I actually have tons of experience), or have to ask old guildies to give me gold and carry.

That was the point I realized this game is dead af, no one will ever play it as a newbie because it is fcking impossible. The fact you can't reach 1460 even with express event insta is ridiculous. And I didn't even mention tha amount of side content grind you have to do.

It's sad because I really loved this game, the 8-9 months I played was really one of the best gaming experience in the past years.

@eeluot99 - 19.06.2023 16:06

I'll play lost ark again when they make materials unboundable. I got too many unused resources on my main.

@DarkCulex - 19.06.2023 15:29

game is already dead anyway this guy on some hard copium

@AkameGaKen - 19.06.2023 14:30

will never happen.

@rakeembeserker6400 - 19.06.2023 14:19

I would come back but I can tell it's to late to caught up and as a new dad I really don't got time for extra chores

@kevincepeda3868 - 19.06.2023 08:08

I quit the game because lost ark felt lime doing chores. Stop forcing players to play multiple alts to keep up

@magikarp-lostark4861 - 19.06.2023 07:58

Im sitting here 300 roster, 21 chars. And i dont want this. If you dont wanna do chaos or guardians, then dont do them? Its not worse than that. Its legit 6 minutes more each char, and most of you have 6 chars anyway. What excatly does 40 minutes change? Nothing

@magikarp-lostark4861 - 19.06.2023 07:56

Dont make the game for casuals, cus what we dont need is casuals

@magikarp-lostark4861 - 19.06.2023 07:53


@SpiritsofSouls - 19.06.2023 05:57

Got to brel and had my fun. Stopped playing with zelda came out and never went back lol

@thomasblake8504 - 18.06.2023 23:19

There is no point fixing a dead game (I'm speaking about Western servers), the very few people remaining are already paying to sustain the game and no one will come back to the game anyway. I burned out even though I enjoyed the game and just moved on and never look back.
If all thoses changes have been introduced a few months after the western release, I'd probably still be on the game. They said they would think about it, yeah, too little way too late.
those changes are very obvious and it doesn't require to be a genius to figure those out and yet they do nothing, so it must mean they are totally o.k with the state of the game.
I had a great time, Valtan is still one of the funniest time I had in over 20 years of MMo but the game needed those change before everyone else burned out and moved on.
It wasn't the only problem (hello bots, now the vast majority of the playerbase) but certaintly the one that made most people quit, predatory systems to push people into paying.
I can't blame them but they should have balance short term profit and long term profit better even though, like I said, the very few people remaining must be the 20% of the 20% who invested massive amount of money in the game.

@pedrooliveira8937 - 18.06.2023 21:25

You can do 1 guardian a day and never lose progress. there are even days where you dont have to do it, if you dont have rest bonus. You literally lose 0 progress because, unlike chaos, you lose 0 Mats if you do them on Rest, i have been doing this for months. Being allowed to do 2 is actually good. Lets say you have 100 Rest bonus, you can play on monday but you work the next 2 days. Well, then you are going to lose 1 day of progress. Having the possibility to do 2 guardian raids a day, when you can just do 1 without losing any progress is very healthy. If you dont even get this simple logical math problem then you are just dumb.

@stefy281291 - 18.06.2023 17:45

Dayum bro, you are so damn right with everything ! This game would be so much better if they just listen to you. Keep up the great content ! PEace !

@RoninRyae - 18.06.2023 17:12

I agree all of your suggestions, i really think if they make this changes game will be better

@rushdrift - 18.06.2023 13:39

I created a new account just to experience what new player experience is, its so bad the game is not friendly to new player, I got rejected 30 times applying valtan lobby till I finally got in which is a learning party what sadden me is all the player in that lobby are new player, I took over and teach them it took several hour till they finally finish, the problem is some of them told me they been trying to play the raid but end up paying bus for several week because of that they barely have any experience, this is a real problem dev need to realize this.
