Elden Ring Magic Build Guide - How to Build a Sorcerer (Level 50 Guide)

Elden Ring Magic Build Guide - How to Build a Sorcerer (Level 50 Guide)


2 года назад

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danteelite - 11.08.2023 17:38

Glintstone Arc is absolutely clutch for castles and dungeons. I’m tight corridors you basically send a blade of death that fills the whole corridor and it doesn’t stop on walls or most obstacles… it will clip through corners and some cover, letting you just mow down enemies in the tight spaces without needing to aim or anything.
Arc is amazing. It’s fast, great for groups, dominates corridors and it really shines against zombies and foot soldiers.

Dx Hearted
Dx Hearted - 07.08.2023 05:20

Damn i cant remove 1 faith from the stat

cgeyik - 31.07.2023 14:47

Bear in mind that this guide is outdated. For example, Determination will not buff the weapon (staff in this case) in your other hand.

TupanHD - 14.07.2023 15:18

Great video. Great explanations

sensenmann3000 - 20.06.2023 18:22

The wiki page mentions that this build is outdated and no longer works from patch 1.03 onwards. Why is this not mentioned in the title or description? 🤔

True god
True god - 09.06.2023 03:54

When do I add to hp and fp ???

I keep running out really fast

Zennyo - 07.06.2023 22:07

Wouldn't it be better to use sacrificial axe over the dagger, or is 16str too high? You can put Determination on the axe, and it gives 3 FP back on kill.

Mehod - 06.06.2023 21:49

Great vid, thanks

Gabriel - 03.06.2023 17:23

What does AOE stanbefore you're doing this with the? I've done this a million times and everybody else knows everything is well type of teaching like. I don't know what you're talking about half this thing then

Gabriel - 03.06.2023 17:22

I use rock sling with the meteorite staff as well as great glenstone shard and meteorite roxlyn combination is my Is bread and butter

Gabriel - 03.06.2023 17:19

Don't you think also? It would be a good idea to give us at least the location of the talismans and the items that you want. We should use when you just say it's like OK great. But it's also in there with about 10 million. Other items that ar easily forgotten because there's so many it seems like a destination would be a good Addition to the explanation of its importance

Gabriel - 03.06.2023 17:17

I wish that you would give visual aid along with all this complicated explanation because you have the ability to but instead you're just showing you know random killing. Of enemies. And random gameplay when it would be so much better. If you would show us what you're talking about as you're doing it because I don't understand what you mean when you're saying 10FP is. Situational because 10FP is super cheap. It seems like you could just use that forever. I don't understand how it's only a situational use. I don't understand determinations Relationship with the buffing and I just don't I don't understand

Gabriel - 03.06.2023 17:15

I don't understand it seems like it would be good in every situation. I don't understand how it's situational 10FP is like nothing. I don't understand how it's just situational I am not understanding that

Robbie Eby
Robbie Eby - 02.06.2023 20:19

i play the game and i got the staff and i got the armor at the same place as the staff but for some reson i can not use it for some reason can someone please tell me how i can use the staff and put on the new armor i just got please

Chris Beardsley
Chris Beardsley - 11.05.2023 00:42

I wonder how many times he said staff

Clueless - 21.04.2023 02:47

You could have titled this “ How to play like a P****”.

Griffin McKenzie
Griffin McKenzie - 14.04.2023 17:02

Less than two minutes in and the word "staff" has lost all meaning.

Hank Wankford
Hank Wankford - 19.03.2023 05:42

'How to be a sorcerer' - stand at range and spam buttons.

If you wanna be a Chad play melee.

Caldys'74. - 09.03.2023 20:20

Thx Cass !! (On twitch tv regularly. )

Cysubtor - 16.02.2023 21:04

Was wondering why I hadn't heard of Determination being suggested over the Jellyfish Shield (which is a lower 20% boost yet for 30 seconds) and was fearing I was missing out, but then learned Determination has been fixed in a patch and no longer works this way.

Sid - 14.02.2023 16:46

can someone tell me if the determination still works like that with spells or is it nerfed? and what about the crystalsword that scales with int isnt that op too as a second sword to use? in situations where you dont have fp anymore for example? thx

foxxrider250r - 06.02.2023 00:59

How can I get 3 talisman slots? Only have 1 right now :(

TwIzTed_JeZTeR - 11.01.2023 22:41

For those watching this now and you haven't read the patch notes for 1.03, the ash of war: determination will no longer buff your spell damage this has been updated in the crystal mage guide.

Diree - 03.01.2023 16:41

I know these videos are old, but I'm watching them now out of curiosity and your fixation on the Blessed Dew talisman is ... fascinating. This is perhaps THE worst talisman in the game. 2 HP every 1 or 2 seconds? Really? That is so irrelevant. You can slot it in to regen your health AFTER a fight if you feel you need to save on flasks or mana to heal. Then you'll stand there for 5 minutes waiting for your HP to regen back to max, but after that you should ALWAYS replace this with a different talisman that will give you more combat effectiveness. While Stargazer or Magic Scorpion might be too early for a level 50 build, you could use any of the resistance talismans, the green turtle talisman, erdtree's favour or even one of the scarseals to boost your stats and do more damage or take more damage. You'd never want the HP regen talisman on in combat. It is literally worthless. Either you will die. Or you will overheal with flasks anyway. Or you will be dodging attacks for 5 minutes until your health fills up again, and there's not really a situation where this is likely to occur in the entire game.

Jamie Hughes
Jamie Hughes - 29.12.2022 02:40

Basically spam rock sling and meteorite staff until you get enough types of somber smithing stones and to make a better staff even better. And or comet azur + infinite fp tear

Austin Platt
Austin Platt - 26.12.2022 01:50


Dennis McDonald
Dennis McDonald - 27.11.2022 05:13

Sure wish I had found your site a 100 hrs. ago. Fantastic advice, thank you!!!

madrag - 16.10.2022 21:15

Qutation from wiki: NOTE: As of patch 1.03 Determination no longer applies the buff to any source of damage other than the weapon to which the Ash of War is applied. It can no longer be used to increase the damage of sorceries or incantations. See the next build for a similar updated variant of this build. Where is that variant exactly?

Squids575 - 27.09.2022 13:17

just to point something out, if you have upgraded academy glintstone staff to about +10 it is better than meteorite staff

SS Sandman
SS Sandman - 11.09.2022 06:04

Awesome videos and content. Truly Appreciate it! Just found your videos and then your Wikis. O my goodness, you have some very well made wikis and content. Thanks!

Playing a Samurai up to 38, then got a bit frustrated, and started up a Mage (Astrologer) and it feels like easy mode. So many of the things I had issues going toe to toe with melee wise at well above the level of the content. Then come in with a mage at the beginning and taking down giants and trolls, and now got the meteorite staff and working on gear, already up to 25.

I really need to work on the melee style I guess, but crazy what I am taking down without much of a sweat.

Rendrat van Donkereschrijver
Rendrat van Donkereschrijver - 01.09.2022 05:01

so the wiki says teh dtermination bufff dsent work on anything but the blade its on now so is tehre an alturnitive

Ben Waismann
Ben Waismann - 28.08.2022 08:53

I'm not getting the spl dmg boost with Determination. Somebody knows why?

Wesley Haines
Wesley Haines - 16.08.2022 01:32

Great video. Not sure I'll be able to bring myself to wear that Crescent Crown though. Haha.

Ayush Mandal
Ayush Mandal - 15.08.2022 16:25

I commented only for the cursed number.

T. K. Wellington 1996
T. K. Wellington 1996 - 25.07.2022 18:07

How much dex I need to cast spells faster?

RobRocks TV
RobRocks TV - 20.07.2022 02:30

i have 22 vigor 22 mind 20 intel 20 dex 18 indurance is that ok Iam on level 58

reefwade - 06.07.2022 16:52

@fextralife I read that Determination Ash no longer buffs anything but the weapon it is applied to. Can you update this build?

Snack_Happy - 06.06.2022 22:59

So my character is a sorcerer. I started out as a prisoner as that's what the person starting me in the game recommended for sorcerer. Is there a good ratio for points as you level? I cannot quite the feel for how I should be stacking my points as I go.

boostking101 - 02.06.2022 18:41

This buff no longer works for the other hand...

Kristian Kiel Albano Emplica
Kristian Kiel Albano Emplica - 30.05.2022 21:51

You can also use the sacrificial axe w/ determination as an off weapon, so when you kill enemies it regains some of your FP back even without the requirements of the weapon.
PS: it is relatively easy to find the weapon just kill the deathbird in the Weeping Peninsula.

nova2X - 28.05.2022 08:51

I just noticed he censored a boss name, great job though, caring for others without spoiling too much

sojourner - 20.05.2022 12:33

This got patched. Determination doesn't work like this anymore. glhf

ColdTruth - 17.05.2022 22:32

Just a suggestion for people like me who get hit alot, get the serpent god curved sword. It's passive ability gives you health on kills even when you kill something with your sorceries or incantations

Eric Lewis
Eric Lewis - 16.05.2022 00:54

THANK YOU. I call them Burger King heads and people have no idea what I am talking about. lol

Chiko Skiii
Chiko Skiii - 13.05.2022 16:44

i’ve got a battlemage type of build going (staff in one hand, dark moon greatsword on the other) because i find it more difficult to use sorceries in close quarters boss fights. anyone have any advice 😅

Anas - 13.05.2022 15:27

thx mate :)

Manawa - 11.05.2022 05:02

Cool info and all.. but the critical piece of information people want with these specialized schools of builds is the COMPARISON to the default school. How does this differ from a mage

Larry Crabs
Larry Crabs - 10.05.2022 16:03

The academy glintstone staff gets better then the meteorite staff after +10
