I came back to retail after 8 years, and this is how it went

I came back to retail after 8 years, and this is how it went

Hat the Bear

1 год назад

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@MrRickeo - 28.11.2023 18:19

Just found this video after being COMPLETELY lost after hitting 60. How do I dragonfly? My iLvl was so.low i got killed by everything. Went on AH and couldnt afford more than one Green. How do I get heirlooms? Help!!

@spamanator666 - 26.11.2023 02:09

It was twelve years for me I came back one year ago for Dragonflight. Still don't really play much, but it is fun to play now and then, only a few times a month lately, but that is fine.

@ShadKats - 24.11.2023 19:25

I really enjoyed listening to your voice.

@janmajer4662 - 22.11.2023 03:37

Main characters: "you did it once again....champion!"
Me: "say my name"

@Basteal - 21.11.2023 19:46

This is my exact situarion. Im no longer special :(

@namshimaru - 21.11.2023 10:42

I also quit during WoD, thinking about coming back now.

@maxchan179 - 19.11.2023 05:50

stopped watching when this guy said that leveling felt amazing. hahahaahhahaha. what a douche

@balls433 - 18.11.2023 05:29

I miss the old wow. I was there for the opening of ONY and MC.

@TheOfficialblue - 17.11.2023 06:28

I came back after leaving just before cataclysm. I leveled up to level 43 with 2 level 8 items and didn’t even notice, lol.

@ShyRaiGaming - 16.11.2023 11:34

Amazing only druids only know this game.. @ 60

@taylrthegreat - 13.11.2023 01:30

The Game Can't nearly be as bad as everyone keeps saying it is. There's no way it'd still have a server if it wasn't at least somewhat decent it's just not as perfect as it used to seem to be or perhaps people have grown older and more capable of seeing thru the cracks that were always there or maybe the free time doesn't just feel as justified because there's a lot more to do nowadays than there used to be as a video game player.

@EdwinHeida - 10.11.2023 22:51

I can totally relate to what you're saying. I started in vanilla back in 2005. The music of the Barrens or Elwyn Forest really trigger many emotions within me. But every time I resub now I never really get that feeling back even though I honestly do enjoy the new stuff to a degree. But like you said that ongoing bullshit about being this chosen one, the big hero is so irritating. I miss being the nobody, the noob and just being in the big world. And even Dragonflight, while being certainly decent, started out great but is quickly fallling back into the same grind and every new area / quest hub / catch up bs just quickly made me lose interest. It feels dead to me.

@BuNNDoGG - 09.11.2023 22:36

Thanks, I've been playing since wow was first out, preorder. No add ons. played most every mmo and retail seems good. be nice if comes out in vr with haptic suit. i hope to live that long. thanks again.

@zachsmith8967 - 08.11.2023 00:17

I love how in the cinematic the dragon grabs a giant watcher and holds him in his claws...you get on your dragon and you're 1/3 the size of it

@Sladde81 - 07.11.2023 22:06

your story is much like mine ... Warlords was the last expansion i finnished and then did a bit of Legion and then left the game ...ive been watching the game over time and with the upcoming expansions i have an itch to play .... but i am kinda scared to get back into it again and if the game will be too overwhelming ....

@Spacemonkeymojo - 07.11.2023 18:59

I've just jumped into Classic again and have been enjoying it. Was curious about the state of retail so found this video. Absolutely crazy how long WoW went being absolute garbage, what the f*ck were Blizzard thinking? I swear the fact they're publicly owned makes them such a sh*t company these days. Even if you're saying that Dragonflight is good it just makes no sense to go back to retail after all the sh*t they've pulled, people out there literally have /played in hundreds of days and Blizzard basically just said to them "F you" with all the sh*tty expansions they released. Even now they're going to release Cata Classic, so people have to live through all the previous missteps they took all over again, seriously? Absolutely absurd what Blizzard has become overall.

@lightesthour - 07.11.2023 11:02

damnit fine ill play again. damn you old vet like me just when i think im out you drag me back in!

@00justincredible00 - 07.11.2023 04:04

I too resubbed after a very looong layoff .. the game is still fun but they have made everything too ez and fast track everything,it's almost like you can't take your time or enjoy content because you lvl soo fast ,I also hated the fact that they have you start in bfa and do bfa content right out of the gate .. maybe I'm alone here but I enjoy old world content and seems imo thats where everyone should start at lvl 1

@AliciaOnlineGameplay - 06.11.2023 07:01

I actually love dragon flight, it felt much more grounded and not like im the champion of azeroth being better than all npcs lol, it reminds me of pandaria and i loved questing theough those zones.

I think the leveling experience is fucked though, like you get thrown into stormwind dubbed champion of azeroth and youre like lvl 10 lol.

I love that we had the same experinece of shaowlands intro hahaha i will NEVER go back jesus i hate that place and you still cant fly even tho its an old expansion...

@hellsong23 - 03.11.2023 16:05

I levelled 0 - 60 as a holy priest in vanilla wow. Man, did that help me learn my role. I quit after Cata because questing in WoW became more and more diconnected with 'getting good' with your character and more funky UI bars and vehicles etc. I came back for Legion and enjoyed that expansion, then dropped out again. I do get the pang to dive in again at some point. Maybe the next expansion.

@autumnstar9475 - 03.11.2023 01:18

I quit after lich king. We killed heroic 10 man like 12th in world and then i quit. Sometimes i think of going back. then i remember all the people I played with quit long ago abd the players themselves became toxic

@itiswhatitis1512 - 01.11.2023 03:42

I quit in 2009. Came back for dragonflight.

@Kfo221 - 23.10.2023 15:27

Legion was pretty good though

@Gredddfe - 23.10.2023 08:40

I started playing Dragonflight, and couldn't figure out the permanent profession decisions. Every guide was like "It depends on what sells well in the AH" and I lost interest soon after that.

@brianmarini1888 - 19.10.2023 22:15

No matter how you feel about WoW as a whole, what your favorite xpac was, favorite spec, your opinion about game balance or features... there's one thing we can all, ALL OF US, agree on.

Shadowlands was really stupid.

@DrRussPhd - 19.10.2023 16:37

OK, now you are 7 months into it, so you still like it?

@charlesdu84 - 07.10.2023 19:09

Bro you’re 35, stop crying about a 20 year old game. Stop talking and just go play classic. P.S. If you’re looking for something new in life, try sex. It’ll make you less whiny.

@Ironbuket - 07.10.2023 09:13

I recently reactivated my account after an even longer break. I hadn’t played since the Cataclysm. I was confused for a long time and still am. The levelling is way too fast. I can’t collect gear quick enough to keep up with the levelling. The only solution is heirlooms or buying gear in the AH. For me, one of the best things about levelling was getting new gear and keeping it for quite a long time until you eventually upgrade. I have no sentimental attachment to my heirloom gear as I just clock to attain it with zero effort. Playing WOW now seems like just a conveyor belt to get to 60 where you cant slow down the levelling even if you wanted to

@McWaffles86 - 05.10.2023 19:37

Play classic xD

@MrWutra - 27.09.2023 19:10

negative less dude if you dont like it go private servers

@mrkca222 - 27.09.2023 07:58

I left right before Warlords of Draenor dropped, back when PvP was epic and fun was pre Mists of pandaville... god i hated what they did to PvP. So much so i left and never went back, although i thought i would need methadone the withdrawals were so bad lol was actually thinking about coming back but i would only be chasing that high I'll never feel again... the thrill and rush of the arena with my buddies

@user-nz2ph4qc7z - 25.09.2023 20:37

I know what you mean. I play through the quests on one character just for the story and achievements but I avoid it afterwards. I just like to farm honor and be a BG hero at max.

@TheDynastyWarrior13 - 25.09.2023 16:44

Personally, I still don’t enjoy retail WoW. I can recognize that Dragonflight is probably the best thing to happen to WoW since at least Legion, maybe even MoP. But it still doesn’t even kind of feel like the same game as classic.

I loved the earlier version of the game because the world felt big and worth exploring, the game was incredibly social and encouraged you to make friends and group up, questing was an adventure and as you leveled up certain zones and areas felt less dangerous (thereby giving you a sense of growing power), nothing was overly complicated acting as a huge barrier to new players, and things besides endgame content actually mattered.

Now with retail leveling is a literally useless joke because everything scales to you so that there is never any danger no matter where you go or sense of accomplishment as you level up (being level 30 and 40 makes zero difference). The world is so much emptier outside of the dragon isles, so no real opportunities to group for quests. With all the dungeon and raid finder tools there is no need to interact much to form groups and majority of the game has turned into sitting around a capital city queuing for stuff. There have been way too many systems introduced making the game too complicated and not very new player friendly. The one thing I absolutely prefer in retail WoW are the talent trees, this is the best they have ever been, bar none.

But on the whole retail WoW just doesn’t feel the same, it’s lost that magic touch that the early game had. The sense of danger and adventure and social interaction is all gone. I can understand why people might prefer it over classic, but for me classic is where it’s at and where I prefer to stay unless they come out with classic+

@ryans3795 - 23.09.2023 22:37

I played in at the end of bc through sometime cataclysm. Stopped for school until the very end of drenor. Really started playing in legion and absolutely loved it, leveled every charachter and for the forst time starter doing end game content.

Battle for azeroth was definitely worse compared to legiom, stopped playing at the end but made it most of the way through the expansion with friends.

Shadowlands just didnt hit me quite right. Played through the first patch and while there seemed to be more to do than battle for azeroth, by the time the first patch was done i stopped playing.

I did get dragonflight, but dropped it after the first week. I really like the change in the skill trees, they were so needed. The game still felt like shadowlands in a sense with way less to do.

Ultimately if i started playing again i would be on the BC or lich king servers. I just hope the BC servers are still around because i didnt quite finish what i wanted to do.

I am in grad school now, so that is very likely contributed to leaving the game, as my time to play would keep me irrelevant in the game and it wasnt worth the price for the playtime.

@qazqazqazqaz100 - 23.09.2023 16:50

the updated graphics are not great and broke the style of the game and made it into something for kids and weebs

@proudpups4652 - 21.09.2023 17:06

I just came back after 5 years away. Hooked again lol. A lot of people hate on wow. I love it. You can play so many different ways.

@mrpointynipples - 21.09.2023 10:18

I wanted to jump back in, but instead I set up a 3.3.5a WOTLK private server on my home network and I’m honestly enjoying that solo. Plus I can edit the world and add quests and open world stuff. It’s been a lot of fun.

@dannardozza7344 - 21.09.2023 02:08

Yeah I’m back and digging it for sure. Questing is fast and the pvp is awesome. New pvp season starts in october

@gungan5822 - 20.09.2023 21:56

Hard pass. Bloated, over designed, baggage filled, mobile wannabe expansions nay sequels, over dependent on addons, soft happy dragon Pixar art style, hold your hand every step of the way, chore treadmill, fee-fees, not WarCraft mess needs to die and start from scratch.

@HappyJoyKill - 20.09.2023 10:30

It's like he came back JUST to complain and let people know like we cared or wanted to....So strange

@xaulted1 - 20.09.2023 01:33

Most people absolutely HATE the "chosen one super mega mega high lord champion god-emperor of the alliance/hoard" thing. There are, however, a smaller but hugely loud group who demand it keep going...

@staei7457 - 19.09.2023 13:36

And then u realize m+ is the only efficient end game and doing same 8 dungeons for 6+ months gets old. And don’t forget the crafted gear u gotta buy a wow token to afford.

@Plutoquintana - 18.09.2023 22:15

Question, how do you know that this is the best wow has felt playing in a long time, if you haven’t played the game for 8 years? Just curious.

@EverythingSim - 18.09.2023 21:40

I’ve been away from wow now for about 5 years. I played legion for about 8 months and before that I played MOP for about 7 months. I’m An OG wow player having started in December of 04 and played almost everyday until the end of wrath. I’ve been feeling nostalgic about it though and wanting to play but no expansion has caught my eye. Maybe I’ll give this a shot 🤷🏻‍♂️ great video though mate.

@xRadiantOne - 18.09.2023 05:36

Was the storyline before all this....your character was just some grunt that didnt really meam anytbing while all the Hero characters did anytbing of value/affecting the world

@MrKlarc19 - 17.09.2023 18:55

Honestly i came back a few weeks before dragonflight and i quite enjoyed shadowlands. Granted i never got into the raiding because of time but I enjoyed the regions and found them entertaining. Besides the dragon flying I got bored of the regions.

@AdrianTether - 17.09.2023 16:00

i quit 2 days after legion dropped, wish i hadn't cause i came back for the last 2 xpacs , left again for classic retail is dogshit.
