Choosing between Angular 2 and ReactJS - the Real Deal

Choosing between Angular 2 and ReactJS - the Real Deal


7 лет назад

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suhaib Hasan
suhaib Hasan - 30.03.2018 00:07

Today I learned to listen to old aged pioneers, yes even in technology

NoFavors - 25.02.2018 18:48

just stick to Ember. no hassle

gm gm
gm gm - 24.11.2017 04:51

angularjs its a framework

Pawan Sen
Pawan Sen - 14.11.2017 17:23

I have experience 4 year in server web development , i want switch new tech so in mind reactjs? what about my carrier for future React.js?

Tsering Lobsang
Tsering Lobsang - 26.07.2017 09:29

Javascript frameworks are waste of time. Frameworks have unnecessarily big learning curve for a very little benefit.
A simple template binding library like MustacheJs which I bet most people can learn in less than 5 minutes is more than enough for most of the front end stuffs.

David Basil
David Basil - 26.06.2017 23:32

First he says that angular is a library, then says that its a framework.
Plus he's reading from the script.

Egi Roka
Egi Roka - 08.05.2017 18:15

if u want make native mobile app with Angular u need Native Script too.... with React u can use the same code for both main platforms...

levantos - 05.05.2017 03:41

A perfect bite size summary of the two. Thank you!

Giovanni Far
Giovanni Far - 22.03.2017 22:17

angular 2 is a flop! it's just made for SPA applications. react or vue js are made for everything

Felix T-Rex
Felix T-Rex - 16.03.2017 12:29

The question I have, is, which framework is the best to choose if you are building a complex, multi-form application with lots of tables and modal dialogs. I am thinking of Java Swing and Extjs which can do that. I would like to know which of these two frameworks allows you to create applications like that as well.

Ivan Perevezentsev
Ivan Perevezentsev - 09.02.2017 03:55

I guess JSX is a superset of JavaScript, not subset

Jabreal Johnson
Jabreal Johnson - 21.01.2017 06:41

I started learning Angularjs2 (NG2) at the end of September 2016 and felt extremely comfortable by early December.

I have to confess, last 5 years I've been coding primarily in JAVA with a tad bit of Spring Framework and Groovy/Grails. I really like the CLI with Angularjs2 and can't praise it enough. The AngularJS2 CLI is what Maven is to JAVA and enables you to quickly get up and running with core plumbing for your NG2 application. Like JAVA and Groovy, Typescript is Object Oriented and has Interfaces, Enums, Dependency Injection... a lot to play with for a "javascript" framework. With the exception of the kids Xbox (I actually use a PS4 :-), we HATE Microsoft products, so I was reluctant to learn Typescript during that period--but the language was quite simple in fact. The support for restful verbs PUT, POST, DELETE, GET are all there. The schemes NG2 uses for validation is a far fetch from JQuery, and other libraries, but what it has is sufficient. It's integration with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation and Skeleton are unparalleled. If I am starting a JS software project from scratch, why would I use anything else?

So, in retrospect... the total time it took me to learn AngularJS2, the CLI and Typescript? 2 months.

On the other hand, I haven't given ReactJS a proper look that I should :-)

Skola u Prirodi
Skola u Prirodi - 12.01.2017 16:00

so if i want to learn react shoud i need previous knowledge of java, or javascript?

Brewzone Keeone
Brewzone Keeone - 29.12.2016 21:55

another 2 cents: imagine a slider with "javascript programmer" on the left and "java/c developer" on the right, most javascript devs would undoubtedly lean toward reactjs for several reasons.
- the code still looks like good ol' friendly javascript. Ever seen seen a button click set up in angular? Alien java looking
- react is a library and set up is simple compared to angular
- the learning curve is lower compared to angular
- some concepts in reactjs while new (eg mount or component) are more palatable then dependency injection, singleton etc
- reactjs may feel like javascript being used to code html, while angularjs may feel like angularjs comes up with new terminology (*ngFor) to accomplish the same

IMO reactjs is a javascript friendly library that let js developers LEVEL UP to new skills/concepts, while angularjs is a full framework for JAVA/C minded folks (traditionally not fans of javascript) to code their OOP way (which gets converted down to js)

i suggest choosing the one that fits your thought process better as both accomplish the same.

Lazar Lazarov
Lazar Lazarov - 14.12.2016 15:42

Great video.

Deep Learning
Deep Learning - 10.12.2016 17:22

Angular is enterprise level, React is DOM ( only for scale) and Vue is small dev

Vishwas Raj
Vishwas Raj - 10.11.2016 20:16

what about ember.js

Deep Learning
Deep Learning - 10.11.2016 13:18

whats the best for Noobs ? React or Angular ? Planning to create an SPA / PWA's

Elliot Wright
Elliot Wright - 21.10.2016 02:28

That was actually a great summary. I was half expecting something biased, and was pleasantly surprised!
