PMDG Boeing 737-700 | Real Airline Pilot | Full Flight Review | Microsoft Flight Simulator

PMDG Boeing 737-700 | Real Airline Pilot | Full Flight Review | Microsoft Flight Simulator

Into the Blue Simulations

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@GB-tc4hr - 24.07.2023 23:47

I might bee doing something wrong, but I followed everything I was told to do by the aircraft and the engines just wouldn't start.

@worlds_okayest_pilot - 09.05.2023 20:28

You left the engine two start switch in GND before you shut down the engines 😂 totally missed the “start valve open” indicator on the upper EICAS lol

@lilkris3008 - 22.02.2023 23:12

I like the depth of the default a320 as I get to push buttons but don’t need a checklist in my lap just to start it. I wish this came with a simplified mode I love the variants and model I’d pay 80$ just don’t have the time to learn something this complex

@Kpoole35 - 03.02.2023 11:21

lol why is Qantas and EasyJet at Sky Harbor?

@paulwilson8367 - 12.12.2022 19:30

No real world experience in the 737. That about sums it up.

@bandrea610 - 31.10.2022 17:42

This plane is more complicated than the f18 hornet for sure.

@mihalyfreeman5928 - 13.10.2022 07:49

What kind of review is this? You had plenty of opportunity to TALK ABOUT the exterior, textures, look at the plane from the outside but when you were out there you said ZERO! I thought this was a damn review? Then you went inside and started with the startup. Still you spoke about NOTHING except to start up the plane like an ordinary pilot. In future, dont clickbait your title with REVIEW cause you dont know the meaning of one.

@frontcentermusician - 09.10.2022 20:22

You have the cadence of a flight attendant announcing arrival.

@c1berg451 - 09.10.2022 18:09

Can you help me with one issue i have with 737, i mostly fly airbus so i'm still learning about 737 systems. On takeoff i don't get vertical magenta line (climb guidance) without vnav being turned on, when it's turned off i get nothing, only horizontal line is diplayed during takeoff, only when i pass 3000 feet and tun vnav on is when line shows up on display, what am i doing wrong? Airplane is set up correctly, as far as i understand, all the neccesary data is put into fmc, course and heading are also correct, both FDs are on, so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong?

@mattsgamesstreams6189 - 22.09.2022 23:37

San Diego to Phoenix, nice 👌

Also gonna say that the 737-7 is probably my all time favorite aircraft next to the 747-4 (I'm old school, I know 😂)

@goziennaka1524 - 20.09.2022 23:11

What atc add on are you using?.. Its sounds real

@agentm13 - 04.09.2022 20:57

Will the 800 700 and 600 come to Xbox?

@anthonysaponaro6318 - 26.08.2022 05:23

those engines leave a lot to be desired sound wise, the plane looks OK, cockpit could be better but still better than anything out there by far

@tonamg53 - 20.08.2022 20:22

There’s a button on the side of the throttle handle to disengage the A/T. You should use that. Don’t disengage it with A/T arm switch.

You want your A/T to be arm so you can use the TOGA button in case you need to go around.

@jmoss2407 - 25.07.2022 13:29

Looks great. Can you undock and have 2D Instrument panels? i.e. 2D PFD or ND?

@mastercko - 11.07.2022 17:41

Great video and review! But I noticed during shutdown after the main flight, you put engine two start switch to GRD, not OFF. Obviously not a big deal, but it was bugging me the whole end of the checklist! ;)

@Emilatif1990 - 10.07.2022 03:39

this is 1080p ? thank u great video

@simpilotspud8296 - 04.07.2022 16:57

Is the PMDG 737 only available for the steam addition? I have MSFS on PC that I got through the Microsoft store with gamepass ultimate. I currently use the flybywire A32NX mod so I assume I can use the 737?

@samuelcv6565 - 02.07.2022 01:58

Helllo I have question out of way , but did you make some overclocking of CPU or you have default motherboard setting?

@mrdan2898 - 28.06.2022 09:49

Nice video. One silly question, there was talking and coughing heard right before the plane was taxied off the runway, is this audio from the sim?

@ShaneJacco - 17.06.2022 02:03

How are you getting your camera to move like that? Is it TrackIR?

@santoshrane - 29.05.2022 22:34

Can we save flight states? One at take off and one on approach.

Takeoff state helps to simulate a engine failure and just look at procedures. The old pmdg for 777 it did save few flight states which worked most of the time.

Can this do it?

@CitizenGreyAG - 26.05.2022 15:11

You can go IRS straight to NAV? I thought you had to put it on align first for about 8 minutes if using real time. Or are you not using real time?

@TroyaJamilyn - 23.05.2022 08:18

It's at a lower price point than I expected. I have to save a little but I've been waiting so long for this!

@alaskanstrat6618 - 23.05.2022 00:21

The 2007 graphics make this very unappealing and before everyone starts crying about " its all about the systems " no actually it isn't . 8/10 for systems yes , but for 2022 the visuals on the exterior and interior and overall detailing are about a 4/10 . Was really expecting more from PMDG . Another over hyped aircraft to fit in the very arcade like sim .

@hiortintexasracing - 22.05.2022 06:47

The ATC traffic radio that could be heard once in a while, is that part of the sound scape that comes with the aircraft ?

@hjdtrumpet - 21.05.2022 03:09

Does the ATC audio come with the aircraft?

@Vigulfr - 21.05.2022 01:43

Those are some incredibly fluffy seats. Looks like a pretty decent plane. It ain't for me but should please the ravenous hordes of tubeliner fans out there so good for them! Those customisation options looked quite tasty. I did read on the forum thread that there's no actual full manual for this product, a decent tutorial flight manual but it doesn't cover everything. Apparently PMDG used to license out the real life docs from Boeing but not for a few years now. Still you'd expect a nice and precise manual from the Precision Manuals Development group eh? Ah well, I'm sure the tubliner fans already have extensive collections of various jetliner real life manuals they can use. Tickles the funny bone a bit though considering the name.

Cheers for the great vid as always. Been slowly catching up with them the past week and only a couple more to go unless you do something dastardly like release half a dozen more in the time it takes for me to get around to watching them!

@bwc1976 - 20.05.2022 20:45

Just as amazing as I expected, plus one pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting was how realistically the wings flex up and down while looking out the passenger windows. I don't remember any other simulated plane doing that the way this did, and it really adds to the immersion. Definitely looking forward to picking it up when they release the 800. And having lived in the San Diego area for almost 20 years and also flying in/out of Phoenix, I was touched by your choice of routing. Southwest is definitely one of the more decent airlines in the U.S.

@davidh7280 - 20.05.2022 11:37

I was waiting for the step from LNav/VNav to Appr mode? You seemed to go to ils without any mode selection? The aircraft does a nice autoland, you may want to show that if you do another video. Thanks for this one, she's a beauty!

@julianhall2008 - 19.05.2022 20:36

Great video, many thanks.

@emilmorganmullertz9979 - 19.05.2022 16:36

Is the airplane worth it

@Mark_Ocain - 19.05.2022 07:49

Love to see a decent 707 sim offering for the 2020 version

@SimHangerFS - 18.05.2022 10:02

Simply brilliant vid, clear and easy to follow. Thank you.

@aidanmochan306 - 18.05.2022 00:54

Have sat for 2 evenings painfully doing a complete reinstall of MSFS for the sake of this aircraft. Hope it's worth it, does this aircraft come with a manual and checklists or will I have to make my own?

Haven't purchased yet as my msfs install's still finishing off was really hoping to play tonight but I guess my internet has other ideas...

@Stan-ug9mx - 17.05.2022 18:17

Is this plane available in the MSFS store in the sim

@ysteineker7001 - 16.05.2022 12:15

Tested for a week - very impressed. A ton of details adds to immersion. The split second delay when switching to r/h bus. Detent when starting APU. Almost everything is correct.
A very few details are missing . The heavy Clank! noise when moving stick opposite of trim, but the trim stops correct. The sound of spark plugs is missing.
Cross bleed start works. I tried with low duct press to provoke a hot start or hung start, but not simulated well. Anyway it is simulated as intended.
In flight restart works fine. Hard to fly and set up restart alone, but find the correct altitude/speed envelope I guess a windmill restart works. I added x-bleed and the slow gain in EGT and N2 feels correct.
The study level is very deep. It deservers a much larger Ops Manual. For now - it feels like going to a 5 star Michelin restaurant and order a hot dog.
PMDG 737 airliner and Milviz Cessna 310 for GA. Do I need more addons? - Probably not.

@victorf.4599 - 15.05.2022 06:33

Where is the strobe light option? I don't see it

@Adventure494 - 15.05.2022 05:20

Great video as always ITBS, your graphics are so smooth, do you mind sharing your settings?

@shadowpuma5382 - 14.05.2022 18:51

This thing is soooooo overpriced. Crazy what hype can do to value.

@bravetoss - 14.05.2022 12:57

Best plane in the sim, hands down. I can't see many cons, if any. One could be missing tablet/EFB, but it's planned to be added later. Some people are complaining about the pricing, if you want all variants, it's pretty expensive. But for people like me who have no intention to buy other variants (as they are very similar) pricing is very good. I'll rather enjoy this -700 and wait for 777. Thanks for the review, but this was instant buy. Cheers

@TheMx5Channel - 14.05.2022 12:41

When i "end" my flight and I park at the gate. The game doesn't think i have arrived and still showing all the taxi ribbons. But if i take another aircraft it ends the game and saves it.
Does anyone know what this is causing? Now all the nav/taxi ribbons are still in my screen instead of ending the landing->taxi sequence. I know i can turn it off but i do use them, and normally they turn off themself? Also the rudder does funky stuff while other planes it works fine.

@RichardAsberg - 14.05.2022 10:48

What aircraft are you flying IRL?

@drewbowers5476 - 14.05.2022 06:52

Glad the PMDG 737 finally released! We definitely need better sceneries for KPHX since the default is terrible/inaccurate. Now we just need the PMDG 737-800/900 series which shouldn't be too much longer!

@hamradioshack9066 - 14.05.2022 02:48

Is this better from the MD 82

@tompasawicz - 14.05.2022 02:03

Excellent review, thank you, cap. This was exactly what I was looking for. :)
