Iqbal and Democracy

Iqbal and Democracy


4 месяца назад

128 Просмотров

Democracy in the estimation of Iqbal shares a sort of ambivalence with Islam and till we dont spirtualize the same it has potential of being hijacked by the forces which are loaded in favour of human beings who are ill informed but can constitute numerical superiority as compared to well meaning citizenry.The task of ethicalizing power operating from democratic spirit or otherwise should be the motto of any system towards realization of that goal.As far the role of state is concerned it has to realize and facilitate the spiritual in man with higher values of compassion,truth,justice and fellow feeling's ,even though prevailing western democracy with it's attendent baggage of negative forces was seen to be inimical towards attainment of those lofty ideals which Islam entails when seen from Iqbals worldview.
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