Make Dead By Daylight Graphics Look Better And More Vibrant

Make Dead By Daylight Graphics Look Better And More Vibrant


1 месяц назад

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@OPKMNV - 08.05.2024 20:30

Yay I’m early

@Thedreadrogue94 - 08.05.2024 22:21

I’m not on PC so none of this is useful to me 🥲 most of the survs I go against are PC players and I win pretty consistently so idrc

@MegitsuneSwe - 08.05.2024 22:42

small thing to mention, but for anyone using ReShade, enable performance mode. It'll be at the bottom of the pop-up menu, and essentially pre-compiles the selected effects. This will lock you out of the ability to customize each effect (although you can still enable/disable individual ones). It'll take a minute or two the first time, but after that it'll be fairly quick.

This can improve performance, and more notably lessen, or even prevent stuttering caused by ReShade all together. Essentially, performance mode locks the shaders you've put, and makes it not have to redo the shading work everytime you boot up the game.

if you've ever played Fortnite, you'll know just how stuttery the game is the first few matches regardless of your PC specs, because there's no pre-compiling of shaders there. Pre-compiling helps a ton. Hope this helps! <3

@Dreadinghope - 09.05.2024 04:53

I'm here how many subs do you have

@LanaNoMana - 09.05.2024 16:00

How is this on the red map? :)

@thiagohpl5585 - 13.05.2024 08:13

I downloaded your files from Drive, what do I do now? To leave it as your configuration?

@Vigilant_US - 28.05.2024 21:09

i have a question if anyone can answer i play dbd from the xbox app (im on pc) and i have all my stuff there i wanna mod my dbd and stuff should i buy it on like steam would it be better? would i be able to do these kinds of things? will it run better and will it be easier?
