Warren Buffett: Most Financial Advisors Know Nothing About Investing

Warren Buffett: Most Financial Advisors Know Nothing About Investing

The Long-Term Investor

1 год назад

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@sneakyquick - 17.12.2023 08:48

But a low fee index fund and never touch it again. Just buy it regularly and never stop. You will beat 90 percent of "advisors"

@johncostello2948 - 01.12.2023 09:16

I miss that old weirdo, the Munger. RIP.

@bogardan666 - 09.11.2023 22:55

Which annual meeting was this clip taken from? It would be helpful if you could reference the date somewhere.

@KDean22 - 06.10.2023 12:01


@jvolstad - 19.07.2023 16:44

I love Peanut Brittle.

@ringaleavo - 07.06.2023 13:40

Fiduciary my a$$, they're salespeople that could have been working at Sleepy's last month selling mattresses! Word of the year "Fiduciary"

@ronkistner2672 - 02.05.2023 21:55

he mumbles more the older he gets

@Dilbert0123 - 20.04.2023 14:41

Only dumb rich people listen to Wealth Advisors. And we all listen to Warren Buffett. Now you find the mistake in the equation.

@michaelwoods4495 - 11.04.2023 05:46

Warren said, "One of my heroes was Ted Williams"--presumably for being a .400 hitter, but to me he'll always an American patriot, a Marine fighter pilot.

@fred_williams - 10.04.2023 03:39

The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn't depend on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the word. This is still a good time to invest in various stocks, Gold, silver and digital currencies.

@bensonblake3483 - 09.04.2023 08:52

When was this commentary recorded? Does anyone know?

@edwinwise6751 - 07.04.2023 20:40

We now are the proud owners of our own “ Brazilian wealth curve”, where have you gone Teddy Roosevelt

@brasdhonneur - 03.04.2023 18:00

Your only advantage is that you were born before and have no competitors and tax systems were not yet settled.
Whoever does anything in this empty space could get rich easyly.
I don't buy the tales you wrote after you got rich.
You are richer than me because I was born late, old people.
If I had been born under equal conditions as a woman in your time, I would have taken all of you out of my pocket, but blocking and exploiting women is another life purpose of yours.

@MrZakatista - 03.04.2023 04:21

Charging for skill and delivering closet indexation - exactly.

@jamesnguyen3428 - 03.04.2023 02:53

They think they are smart ass , but can not make living by themselves, just to deceiving people

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:48

I don’t have the time or money right now to get the movie Prometheus so somebody to watch that for me then I’ll get answers out of it set means like if a whole lot of people could watch that movie for me I’ll get a whole bunch of answers out of it because I’m busy here clean and filters thank you have a great day and figure out the other problems to just think about and that’s all you Gotta do just think about thank you have a fantastic day

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:45

Once they see that your problems are gonna start getting fixed so you might want to turn down the doubt system that you got a run an item to see if you want to fix all the problems that you got and I’m talking to the computer not you all

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:45

Here you guys love money so here’s the thing anybody absolutely anybody out there that can come up with a solution to those problems that I gave you is going to start seeing money funnel into their pocket into their bank account and all kinds of things like that they’re gonna get free cars they’re gonna get free houses just watch and see if you think I’m full of shit try it just fix one of those problems I told you and see what happens tomorrow morning just fix one of those problems that I told you and see what happens tomorrow morning Christmas and even this fucking big

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:44

So the thing is to stop worrying about whether a rainbow exists or not or if the worlds flat or round or four in one time line or another and just fix those problems think about him that I was telling you when you do that you’re going to get closer to seeing exactly what I see it’s not like somethings going to magically happen it’s already there see but the answers this thing really doesn’t have them and it needs some and explaining that to anybody is like literally impossible there’s some people out there that I’ve already got it and it’s slowly starting to fade through the works but it’s going very slowly and like I told you one of the checks like a valve that checks to make sure that the thing don’t blow up it’s called doubt it makes you doubt everything so that the computer don’t blow up but then again there’s something wrong with that doubt system and that’s what we’re trying to fix also if that makes any senseAt this point I put so much information out that I’m not too worried about people thinking I’m nuts because there’s people out there that know damn well I’m not because a I can prove it on a piece of paper and be nobody on the planet can prove me wrong absolutely nobody not even Einstein actually I finish part of his equations but they’re not mine I told you there’s absolutely nothing in my head it’s just an empty flash drive and it’s getting loaded very quickly but it needs information from all your flash drives to load the main drive to come back down here now you’re starting to get on board of the game that is just trying to get on board in the game

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:42

I still have to give you all a simple comparison. Because I keep filling the doubt roll around in the doubt it’s going to stop absolutely everything from happening so here’s how the doubt gets shot clean out OK I’m sure there’s parts of the world where they’ve never seen a rainbow if there is no pictures of rainbows how would you explain to somebody that rainbow actually exist there’s your answer to your doubt right there how would you explain to somebody a rainbow exist if there’s no pictures of it and you’ve never seen it do you know yourself and there’s several people around there that go yeah I’ve seen them and then there’s a whole bunch of other people to go you guys are full of shit

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:38

I like games to man but when stuff is serious we kind a need answers not games you did part of it like I said that you play games the other day and that helped out because in the computer learned a lot from it but now it’s come back with some other questions it’s asking me and I’m trying to figure them out but I can’t do it I mean I literally have no idea how to fix those problems that I mention but people thinking about it they can that’s why I keep coming back here and putting stuff because I feel those thoughts come flying through my head like what about this what about this what about this and it’s like man I’ve already went over that now I got to explain it to them

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:35

If you’re anything like me I’ll just give you the solution on the first part that you keep going to like how do we get in the situation I don’t know I’m working on that myself you’ll fix the situation problems I’m still working on that part you just talked about because as far as I can tell we wouldn’t be in this situation right now if it had answers to these questions so super mom computer needs us to figure them out for her or it or whatever because the computer don’t know how to do it itself

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:34

So bump pass that like I told you we need answers we don’t give a shit what happened I’m working on that one I’ll let you know as soon as I know but we need people around the world to think about solutions for these problems you’ve seen the world starting to change pretty quick I’m hoping that you understand why

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:33

So it’s like if the computer designed everything the money doesn’t mean anything money it’s just basically a poker chip and so like all you can do is trade one poker chip for another because the money doesn’t exist really if you’re getting this and it never did if you’re still getting it just like what is the world flat around I don’t know I can’t remember what is the world round or was it flat and if you think about it long enough and if I show you you’ll see it’s actually both

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:31

To see the fixes you don’t give a shit about that you just bump past and you go how do we fix it before the car rolls to a stop at a dead stop see

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:31

It’s like the game ran out of data space and it doesn’t know what else to do so it’s just driving us into the dirt literally I think that’s it

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:30

It wants us to design a new computer program from the ground up how would you do that but then it’s got a Tie In all the ethics of The economy the engineer of product .And a lot of other things but the computer program is going to be a big one I don’t even know how to do that silly stuff I get lost in about one or two loops of program I look away and I have no idea what it looks like when I look back

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:26

And at the same time we have to do it at an ethical level at the same time we have to fix all of the situation here on the planet and at the same time we got a try to Create a starship that isn’t going to crumple like an aluminum can. ....Now you see how easy and fun it is

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:25

So it’s literally like putting us in at three with a call at three Legget race with a bag on two legs together and then it’s telling us to run and it’s like well we can’t run like that dude we weren’t design like that and we got to figure something out to help it out like we got a turn sideways and start running in some kind of rhythmic fashion I don’t know or flip over on our hands and start running with our hands I don’t know but this thing doesn’t know either and that’s the problem there’s absolutely no the problem and that that’s the actual problem

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:24

So it’s borrowing our aptitude to try to figure that out and what it doesn’t understand is you have to absolutely release all of us mentally for us to do that but at the same time the system has a safety catch that isn’t supposed to allow us to do that now do you see the situation

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:23

Say you got a artificial intelligent system that doesn’t know how to make it self smarter we’re done next

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:23

It’s literally a game like a board game or a computer game and we’re just looking for solutions but the game was set up a certain way and to change that is not impossible but it is literally like re-programming what did you guys call it Pascal to DOS to UNIX and wiping not wiping but changing up which needed to happen holy crap that’s it how would you re-design an entire programming system to a simpler modified level that’s what we’ve always been shooting for I forgot all about that so next

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:22

I’m catching rounds to the head right now but it’s OK ate it gives me parts pieces of what’s going on and then I have to try to figure out the rest because like I said it can’t figure it out itself so next

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:15

I’m still curious why this happened like what the situation was that got us into this situation that’s a question it keeps running through my head while I’m doing all these other silly stuff

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:15

So you don’t get worried it’s just a game OK and if you were going to go ahead and actually go from here to whatever planet wouldn’t be kind of cool if you could run the game through as many times as possible and find the absolute best solution before you went ahead and wasted time and money and human resource meaning humans to find out none of it works and that was the last time you had a chance when you wanna go ahead and run as many scenarios as possible since you found one that was a golden child and it actually worked that’s what we’re trying to do when you guys are laughing about it and holding up time and the time is running out. PE are I OD. Period

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:13

I need answers not jokes I need answers not jokes jokes and go and fix the gas situation to get us to the next gas station you see it’s just gonna run out of time faster I don’t know why nobody’s figured that out yet the jokes and the ripping each other off is preventing us from getting to the next gas station it’s like you just dropped your sales dropped your anchor and then kick the engine off into the water and you guys are laughing you guys are laughing about that

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:12

So the reality check is like this you get in the car it’s just a game OK it’s just a game not for real it’s just a game ha ha OK you get in the car and you get to drive across the desert and everybody in the car starts ripping each other off for cash and one person has all the cash and they rotate it to the next person who’s got all the cash and then they rotate it to the next person who’s got all the cash they just keep ripping each other off like this until the vehicle runs out of gas in the middle of the desert now what are you do are you gonna eat the cash are you gonna eat the people or are you gonna eat the car cause you’re out of gas in the middle of the desert that’s the ha ha funny situation when we can get ourselves out of it but we got to make some quick decisions and stop laughing and taking around about it I mean literally we got to stop that otherwiseWhat’s the point at all if we’re gonna run out of gas in the middle of the desert with one person in the car with all the cash I guess you could burn the cash for warmth for a minute

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:08

Hack my words up that’s pretty funny OK so individuals who create messes don’t like cleaning their own messes up they try to hire someone for dirt cheap to do it for them that’s how slaves work and the ones who are laughing right now are the slaves and they’re laughing at me for trying to clean up their mess now do you see the situation the people who are sinking ship are trying to tell us to stop trying to save the ship from sinking .Why did the laughter stop I thought it was still funny it’s not funny anymore for some reason

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:07

You know the one thing that I always found very very interesting is the individuals who create masses really don’t like cleaning them up they always try to hire somebody else for dirt cheap to do it for him I think that’s how the slave trade worked but see they don’t get the ones that are laughing at me are the slaves themselves so now he’s laughing

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:06

Ha ha guys

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:04

It’s chopping my words we just need to fix the Ponzi scheme situation that’s it nothing more we just need to do it in an ethical way that’s it nothing more I think about it please come up with answers for me because I don’t know how to do this I told you that along time ago I’m just a speaker you might say or a microphone or whatever it doesn’t matter I’m just a device that listens to information and spits information back out so whatever that is that’s what I am I can think up some stuff but it hit me up this morning that I can’t do it all by myself and then it hit me why should I I need to get everybody to help me because everybody else is a hell of a smart and I am mostly

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:02

It’s not that we’re saying we want to be poor and it’s not saying that we want to be rich right now it’s literally saying how do I fix the Ponzi scheme dealing with a situation that has practically no ethics which now that went off the board so now we’re just stuck trying to fix the Ponzi scheme when we do that correctly I think it’s gonna learn some ethic values which is exactly what it needed to do but he didn’t understand it didn’t need to turn it upside down and sideways to do that but it did so anyway that’s to see it’s one of those it loops around and hit itself in the ass that there’s no point in continuing with that line of thought you have to move on to win just need to fix it and be done with it

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:01

And it helps me clear my thoughts so you’re dealing with like let’s say a child or something that has practically no ethics they don’t know right or wrong they just think success works and we all know yes and no on that one. Next

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 19:01

I say next because I’m saying next text because at some point I have to stop talking and move on to the next spot or you just get bored and stop reading next

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:59

Hey I keep getting these things they feel like spider bites or something and you wanna reach down and rub them don’t do that today just go ahead and absorbed up the spider bite him it’s OK I understand it now it’s happened to me like for last year and a half and I couldn’t figure it out and now I know what it is so like yeah I guess he wants to do the tattoos and ear piercings are gonna be a hell of a lot easier on this one than the rest of us but that doesn’t mean go out and get tattoos and your piercings OK it just means they’re going to have a higher pain threshold for this and it’s not even that bad it’s just like a spider bite and it itches and then just leave it alone and that way it does what it supposed to do because that’s why we got a spider bite it’s actually for a good reason it’s hard to explain just except it

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:57

Ethics means right and wrong

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:57

It doesn’t have any ethics holy crap all right when I get to work I’ll explain it

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:56

When I tell you about the Ponzi scheme you’re gonna both laugh and then you’re going to Stan cold and go what the shit

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:55

It’s not that I don’t care I don’t care for his fucking around OK

@marcocurrin8122 - 02.04.2023 18:55

Yeah you’re not gonna like this next part I’m a tell you when I get to work
