EVERY Killer Rework Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight History)

EVERY Killer Rework Ranked Worst to Best (Dead by Daylight History)


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@Grandpa_Pootis - 05.02.2024 01:26

As a clown main, I can totally understand.

@grenadier4702 - 04.02.2024 15:53

Sadako's 7.5.0 rework after some fixes is not good anymore

@dasmaffin1633 - 04.02.2024 13:27

Trapper doesnt exist

@annemccormick2561 - 02.02.2024 17:37

People please I preach to you out of love belive on the lord jesus christ and trust in him for you salvation and not in yourself christ came to die for our sin we have all sinned and deserve hell but god is so merciful and jesus died on the cross to take our punishment so that who ever belive on him will not perish but have eternal life john 3:16 romans 10:9 if we confess with our mouth jesus is lord and belive in our heart that god rose him from the dead we will be saved we can not earn salvation it is the free gift from god❤❤❤..

@itsblackburst3475 - 02.02.2024 06:35

I really miss old Freddy powers, I wish they would’ve just added the micro sleep timers to his O.G power in some way.

@FryingPanOfDeath - 01.02.2024 19:12

skul murchent

@donround4142 - 31.01.2024 16:59

This is why he’s the goat, my DBD goat man, keep up the good work chief

@brent9041 - 31.01.2024 05:05

I just played the Billy rework. Haven’t had this much fun in a while.

@hotpot328 - 31.01.2024 01:06

As a former Deathslinger main, that rework was brutal for me. Stopped playing him. Pls Behaviour atleast fix his leg and make him 4.6killer

@serhan8047 - 30.01.2024 14:38

Whenever i watch ur videos i cringe about your nerdy laugh

@Legend27999 - 30.01.2024 11:34

Honestly I’m gonna cry they nerfed my boy sadako in the ground! So trash now😭

@OfficialMaxXimusK - 30.01.2024 10:12

I love that Billy can camp again 🤪

@Shub-Nagruth - 30.01.2024 01:19

I think you can edit this video to added the new post-nerf sadako during the 7.5 ptb now :)

@crastipeter - 28.01.2024 16:03

Hello, this is Behaviour! After careful inspection of this video, we have come to the conclusion to nerf the Pig. Thank you for your input and hard work!

@tuno5588 - 26.01.2024 21:17

I will never forget Billy’s rework patch notes💀
Basically what they said: Yah, Billy has a high learning curve but is rewarding and is fun to both play as and against Billy. Very balanced character. So here’s how we nerfed him into the floor!

@justtaboo6721 - 26.01.2024 18:24

aaaaaand the day of this vids release they announced they nerfed this new version of sadako into the ground

@zestydbd6830 - 26.01.2024 17:16

I miss old Freddy i loved the mind games you could do!

@waveeyes - 26.01.2024 10:08

Personally I'd add Pig's "Key rework" as a "good" one.

Prior to it each trap had a pre-determined box containing the key making it incredibly RNG dependant and potentially more or less shutting down the whole power due to bad luck (it also allowed that cheese strat of spawning Survs with traps and body blocking a box which while unreliable wasn't fun to face).

But now when the RBTs require x searches rather than finding the right box it feels far more reliable.

@brandonkiernan6602 - 26.01.2024 08:41

Spoke a bit too soon for the new sadako rework

@raidengoodman8754 - 26.01.2024 06:52

“The rework sucked Billy dry.” No, that was me, sorry 😏

@sickmosquito0067 - 26.01.2024 06:07

God i miss the old freddy

@vividwizard6166 - 26.01.2024 05:40

This is probably a strange question but I am strangely curious, what was the method you used to find the information for this video? I can't imagine actually having went through every DBD patch in the game just to see what reworks happened.

@FreddyKruegerOfficial - 25.01.2024 19:08

I fucking hate you BHVR

@ChosoMyBeloved. - 25.01.2024 18:47

Ur cat is so cutee

@jaymatsu2367 - 25.01.2024 18:26

Sadako’s stack rework is pretty much outdated since they gave her an unnecessary nerf :(

@black-knightstudiosstopmot2986 - 25.01.2024 18:14

Blight had what Chuckys pov should have been💀

I still love Chucky tho

@casedistorted - 25.01.2024 14:32

Hillbilly getting the most obnoxious and annoying yell of all time, when using his chainsaw makes him no longer scary at all, and in fact, quite annoying to play or hear. One of the worst DBD changes in history.

That and the new injured running animations for survivors.

@sebzero9969 - 25.01.2024 14:29

The Billy Overdrive Rework isn't only a really good rework but also the perfect example for the gaslighting of bhvr. They told us only Chainsaw Billy is a problem and gave him his Overheat mechanic so you get punished for using ur chainsaw too often. And now they even reward you for the same way to play as you got punished before? Makes sense to me. Anyways I'm looking forward to this because it seems Billy can finally get out of his deep hole and has another time to shine

@TheGloriousLobsterEmperor - 25.01.2024 14:03

I haven't played Dead by Daylight in a while. I played the first Sadako rework and honestly didn't care for it, but the new rework might actually get me back into the game!

@MaritinleYoshi - 25.01.2024 13:57

As a deathslinger main prior to his rework, I do have to say that I still feel a bit robbed seeing how bad the terror radius nerf is. I get longer ADS activation and deactivation, but I don't even use it that often, I prefer going in with perks like unrelenting and trying my darndest to play stealthily even now, which I can thankfully sometimes still do thanks to Tinkerer. Prior to the rework, I could sometimes surprise survivors, but nowadays they hear me coming from miles away and I can't really play like I used to, so it ends up too often to be games where I mostly lose precious time being distracted by one survivor on a loop where I can't exactly punish even with the ADS. And yes, let's not forget the addons that barely do anything, really. I get that it's fairer to survivors and yes, maybe it was needed, but I totes understand why many Deathslinger mains stopped playing him altogether as I nearly want to. A bit too harsh of a major nerf in my opinion.

@shxdxw_wxlf - 25.01.2024 12:33

I personally didn’t really care about most of these reworks, only ones I hated where the two reworks for skull merchant, the first one for onryo and the one for hag. Also I don’t know what to think about overdrive yet, but at the moment I kinda tend to not liking it as well, but we‘ll see how it will turn out.

@YaMaTo999Vir - 25.01.2024 11:15

Idk. I hate clown rework. Of course its fixed him a bit, but not enough to upgrade him from joke. And i hate yellow bottle, cause without addons it is useless. Whats the purpose to speedup yourself for miliseconds instead of slowing down survivours? Its literally tge same.
Im still waiting for yellow bottle removing and his 1 bottle to have both effects. That would make everything much better.

@artemyburakh12 - 25.01.2024 10:54

I think you've forgotten about Wraith rework that happened at the same time as clown's one. It basically turned the worst killer in the game into a pretty decent reliable pick. (Scott Jund's seal of approval)

@Vengeanc34 - 25.01.2024 06:25

I am a true hillbilly main since the 2nd year I still thought he was powerful after overheat was added I hated when people said rip hillbilly when most people were to lazy to see him to his true potential man and now everyone likes him cause he’s strong again I played him before the new power was cool I was always there for billy

@p0p7art - 25.01.2024 05:10

What about the rework where chucky could move

@stieverhandittyaindra4798 - 25.01.2024 04:49

Regarding the blight pov rework, was his model also shorter back then? Or is it just his poc height?

@Motolmang - 25.01.2024 04:35

Clown main here

Kick rocks, bozo.

@hunterrio9216 - 25.01.2024 04:20

When hillbilly was nerfed I quit playing the game

@Rainiac1 - 25.01.2024 04:14

What you said about blight is simply not true, he was top tier even before the height

@MrxD-cg5xs - 25.01.2024 03:46

I don't think I agree with the Deathslinger "rework" being so high up.
Balance aside, these changes fundamentally changed how the character is played.
Prior to the changes he was a fast-paced, high skill and chase centered killer with ambush potential but very poor map coverage. The changes slowed him down significantly in chases, turning him from playing an active role into being passive most of the time, they made it impossible to land many higher skilled shots through small cracks or longer distances (maps being updated and Slinger losing a bunch of these small holes and cracks doesn't help here either) and they completely removed his ambush potential and he received nothing in return.
Basically they looked at what made the Killer fun to play and removed all of it.

Look, I don't care much about his add ons, I usually played him without any anyway.
The .6 second cooldown after lowering ADS is also something I fully support, IMO you should not use the power to slowly zone someone away in the first place. If you enter ADS, it should be because you want to take the shot.
I also get the ADS time increase from .1 to .4 seconds prior to a shot, from a balance perspective. Especially in modern day DbD a .1 second scope time would be too strong. Still, I believe he should have received a little something in return. This change in particular is what made him so much more passive in chases and removed many opportunities to take high skilled shots, so give him something that helps him play a more active role again- like not lowering my mouse sensitivity so drastically when in ADS for example, at least let me do flick shots!
Lastly the TR increase from 24m to 32m is to this day one of the dumbest changes I have ever seen. Seriously, Slingert had to sacrifice at least 1 perk slot to even unlock this playstyle and usually one more for tracking purposes. All of that so he'd be able to punish survivors not paying attention to their surroundings, because anyone seeing the tall cowboy staring at them from an open field (where he'd need to be so he could actually reel you in) and lifting his gun should immediately start running and be prepared to dodge the incomming bullet, which is really not hard at this range. This change was made specifically to cater towards players who refused to pay attention to the game they were playing and that greatly annoys me. But it had another big impact on Slinger: since everyone now gets warned of his approach much earlier, prerunning is much stronger against him. This means Slingers gameplay devolved further into holding down W while (very) slowly catching up to the Survivor, who preran when they started hearing the TR approach, making him even more passive.

I am one of the Slinger mains you mentioned who completely dropped the character after the changes. I hate seeing how slow and passive he has become. It feels depressing to pick this guy and playing him in his current state, knowing of all the fun I used to be able to have with him. I loved to take cool shots through tight gaps in map geometry, I loved surprising people who weren't paying attention and I loved how high paced and full of action he used to be. All of this is just gone now. He may look the same as before, he may sound the same as before, but he is a completely different killer now.
And I think this is something many people, who didn't play him a lot prior to the update, don't even recognize.

@Painstillhurts1 - 25.01.2024 03:32

Wait you live in the uk

@TheOneWhoReportsForDuty - 25.01.2024 03:32

Wait, when the Stranger Things content was no long able to be bought, they just straight up couldn't touch Demo anymore? Like, they couldn't even buff or nerf him? That sounds like it could have potentially been incredibly unhealthy for the game if Demo was overpowered at the time of "Unable to be touched."

@Aloharayray808 - 25.01.2024 03:12

That hillbilly impression spot on 🙌🏽☝🏽

@brais5001 - 25.01.2024 02:23

Hilbilly one is perfect,I feel is the perfect redemption for how weak become that dark day

@ryanbennett2806 - 25.01.2024 02:05

Pre-3.4.0 Spirit.
So powerful and easy that even Nurse mains switched to her.

@polardogXII - 25.01.2024 01:57

No spirit rework?

@AndrewToney13 - 25.01.2024 01:56

What about blights add on rework?
