HOW TO HINT TO YOUR CRUSH THAT YOU LIKE HER (Lesbian Edition) ️‍ Lesbian Dating Advice

HOW TO HINT TO YOUR CRUSH THAT YOU LIKE HER (Lesbian Edition) ️‍ Lesbian Dating Advice

Christine Loveridge

4 года назад

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@lilyanrs - 23.08.2020 09:08

This helped a ton ThAnK yOu <3

@izfynn - 26.08.2020 01:40

I need some advice, I kinda have a crush on my best friend. I know she is gay, but I really don’t want to ruin our friendship :( wut do I do?

@mejk1063 - 15.09.2020 13:22

I have a Crush on my best friend, around last year she told me she liked me and I said I liked her aswell but that was about it we don’t really talk about. I still Love her, what do I do?

@ash4794 - 15.09.2020 19:47

Nice video! I’m just gonna vent here bc I don’t have a lot of places to do this so don’t mind me 👁👄👁 uh so I met this girl about a year ago at a party for my ex’s friend (we were coupled at the time). I thought she was fucking beautiful and I never really stopped thinking about her and she actually appeared in many of my dreams. We followed each other on ig and would talk sometimes but not super often. Anyway, we recently started hanging outttt literally a year after this party and shortly after my gf and I broke up (not due to the girl or anything- it was a long time coming). Anywaaayyy so this girl has a boyfriend and she’s bisexual... anyway, I go over to her place often and end up staying the night and we’ll be up drinking, smoking and talking for hours and hours. And like, she intentionally sits by me- one time she asked me to come sit by her on the loveseat when I was sitting farther away😭 and she just generally will choose to sit near me if we’re in a group. we’ve fallen asleep spooning each other andddd idk I can tell we both intentionally let out bodies touch casually and don’t move away and it’s so nice. She told me I’m the most beautiful person she’s met 🥺 also one night we were v drunk and I kissed her best friend twice and she seemed jealous 😳 I think about her A LOT and we’ve joked about me joining her and her bf as a triad except I’m lesbian as fuck and am not interested in her bf (though he’s actually really cool and nice). One night us three sat on the couch together and held hands and I had my head on her shoulder while she played animal crossing 😭🥺uhhh yeah so basically I’m in the middle of having intense feelings for this girl and trying not to because I don’t want to get my hopes up and my heart broken.. but it’s so hard when we flirt and touch and how she says she only wants to hang out with me and shit 😭😭 LIKE WHAAATTT ugh I hate but love being a lesbian I swear!!! VENT OVER

@artblockproductions8280 - 03.11.2020 16:59

I am a closeted gay. And my best friend is openly gay and she even says “I love youuuu” but she always says in a friendship way and I am getting mixed signals and I’ve only said “I love you” to her once and even then it was about friendship.what do I do!?
Edit: we call or at least once a day and we text more than once a day.and only yesterday I revealed to her I was gay/lesbian
And only she knows and I knew I was lesbian the whole time but yet I kept convincing myself liking girls is straight(bit weird).

@HANNI-wn4kb - 15.11.2020 03:22

Well I have this online best friend we live hours away from each other I know how she looks like She knows I look like. We always talk to each other. I got a crush on her😅 How can I give her hints online?...

@selfhatingangelofthursday - 22.11.2020 10:18

But what if she REALLY LIKES SOMEONE AND WONT GET OVER IT and that “someone” is dating a different guy....

@bbg5859 - 06.12.2020 09:40

Ah.... I’m here but she’s my ex we both weren’t ready for a relationship but now I regret breaking up with her. But we both flirt just it’s on and off

@honeybeezerothree5473 - 22.12.2020 03:42

Ok so me and my friend met when we were much younger, Went over to her house and hung out with her a few times after meeting on the Fourth of July because we want to the same spot to watch the fireworks and boom friendship, And then when corona happened...We didn’t talk to eachother for a really..really long time.. but recently we added eachother on hangouts and we are now at the age where dating is ok and not one of those strange elementary school relationships that last for two days. So my brain went brrr and now I like her and don’t know how to tell her 😔

@kayla-bs1fh - 13.01.2021 08:30

What do I do if we know each other through online school? I’m so sorry

@charlotteanjones8841 - 14.01.2021 09:59

I’m in love with my best friend’s sister I don’t know if she’s lesbian i’m just gonna watch the straight video

Update: she’s a Trump supporter and a Christian 🥲

Why life why!!!!

@illfor3verloveyou - 19.01.2021 23:23

Can you ma is a vid on how to make ur lesbian crush like u and how to mend ur friendship if confessing goes wrong

@Zerothegreathusky - 28.02.2021 19:32

I never been attractive to a lesbian.
But my crush is exception unfortunately she have a girlfriend she did not get my number or ask me to hang out but she is nice with me. How will I move on?

@Layaworld550 - 04.03.2021 16:05

My crush is my best friend..... I came out to her but her reaction was really supportive but she said to me that she sometimes feels like she love girls a lot and boys....

I wasn’t strong enough to tell her that I am in love with her cause I am chicken... my dumb ass told her that I love her like sis... idk what to do 😭

@bobablox8610 - 10.03.2021 02:46

Ok. The girl i like is bi. She gave me her number! But i don't know if she likes me

@air6264 - 11.03.2021 08:54

not me scared of getting rejected by my best friend-

@kayleejohnson1027 - 23.03.2021 03:04

Well mine is my bff and we just had a sleepover and when she ran into me She almost kissed me and I just want to ask her out idk what to do

@finleycallaed2211 - 01.04.2021 07:29

Thx this help I can’t wait to tell my crush I love her :D

@kawaiifroggy1047 - 06.04.2021 05:33

i'm not really sure what to do, my crush is pan and they have a boyfriend, i really want to tell them that i like them but i don't wanna mess anything up between them and their boyfriend. i always forget that they are dating cause they don't talk about him very much, i'm not sure what to do, any advice

@unknownwerido1718 - 18.04.2021 12:47

So I have this crush she doesn’t know me, I don’t know if she is part of the lgtbq or not, i’ve been wanting to talk to her but I don’t know how to.

@user-re8lr6sy6l - 26.04.2021 08:28

So my friend/crush is saying she thinks she’s pan but then she’s been totally acting straight idk 😥

@jadahthompson9615 - 30.04.2021 15:19

Im still scared to tell her 😬

@IzTagz - 26.05.2021 10:19

I have an idea-

@tess1350 - 18.06.2021 07:17

this is late so idk if you can respond but I just have a question. I have like 2 months left hanging out with her and being able to see her before she graduates (because I'm a year younger.) and we only see each other two times a week, if that. and I feel so rushed and even if I did confess I'm worried that it won't be able to work out. any advice?

@-kranberry-6097 - 29.06.2021 18:12

My crush is so amazing and a lot of me liking her is from her personality (Not that she isn’t beautiful tho). And while we were at recess (break, whatever) and we were basically falling on top on one another, my other friend hinted that we looked like we were flirting. I obviously denied it (btw everyone but my family knows that I am bi). But that rly got me thinking. Then I rlized I liked her. But, of course, I have to wait until sometime in the summer to get together again bc it was the end of the school year when I realized it. A rising seventh grader and I’m already touch starved for my first female crush. (Sry if that last pt was creepy; I just like hugs) I hope she isn’t straight, but she’s refused or avoided the question every time I’ve asked. Have a good day :)

@MushroomBrain - 14.07.2021 18:35

I have this friend called millie shes pansexual and I think she's hade a crush on me for a couple I week and I like her back. I'm going to tell her soo!

@jime9525 - 05.08.2021 19:24

what if i'm in the closet🕴🏻

@kaayleelynnn - 27.08.2021 09:23


@nikkismagicshopisbangtan - 07.09.2021 01:59

There’s this Barista I saw a few days ago and I’m way too shy to tell her that she’s cute 😩 kinda crushing on her 🙂 the struggle

@BEASTDOLPHIN - 11.10.2021 02:16

She is on my softball team so what do I do

@alexcarter8734 - 16.10.2021 03:58

i go to a private catholic school and my last crush ended up being a homophobe 😀 but i’m actually hopeful this time because my crush now is best friends with someone that i know is gay but i still don’t know if she is 😭

@itzSlytherinapple - 13.11.2021 01:36

I did the first part but she said ‘oh cool I support you I’m straight ally’ sad times

@user-em8bx7dq1b - 09.12.2021 02:24

Its so hard.. She already has a girlfriend? I met her girlfriend and she seems sweet. I cannot steal her gf obv BUT I LOVE HER SO MUCH

@dawnmalec4417 - 11.01.2022 05:10

I really like my crush but I don't know if my crush is lesbian and she is my best friend and I don't know what to do should I ask her out 😖

@Yabadabadoo11037 - 17.02.2022 01:08

Oh crap-
I gave my crush today big of a smile :,)
She thought I looked creepy-

@5cats_cats_are_great867 - 04.03.2022 23:13

I don’t need to ask I have my gaydar.

@heathen272 - 08.04.2022 10:35

I have a crush on this girl since I was in the 7th grade, but I haven't talked a single word with her just because I have never got the chance and also because I panic. I dont even know whether she remembers me or not. How am I suppose to at least talk to her. Ugh help me 😫😫😫

@lestudio76 - 27.04.2022 19:49

Flirt and see if she’s receptive. If she’s not, let it go

@elisabethpasion2095 - 08.05.2022 11:29

Yeah Im lesbian and she's straight and she's my. Gbsf but she. Only lovce. Me. As a friens

@heshanaweerasinghe1302 - 16.09.2022 12:57

I don't know if my crush is lesbian...but I like her but she is mean...and how can I ask her if she likes me...but I have her phone number too 😫⚘

@Y-rukha - 20.09.2022 16:46

I have a crush on my close friend.. shes cute❤❤ but i think she had a crush on another guy not me what should i do? I dont wanna hurt my feeling 😢 should i confess?

@corinamartinez9166 - 18.11.2022 05:14

I want to know how to ask my friend to be my girlfriend but I am so nervous to tell her she knows already that I had a crush on her because I told her in a text message and she was nice about it and understanding but she never said how she feels The only thing she said back was that she kind of knew that I did so my question is how do I tell her we only gone out with my guy friend to get a coffee and then she came to my guy friends house for a friends giving but I really want to tell her but I’m scared of what she may say back or she may not be interested in me in the way I’m interested in her.

@_Lloud_OddAtelier_F_YG - 03.01.2024 21:12

I Have A Crush On A Friend Of My Friend & IDK How To Tell Her That I Have A Crush On Her Once She Screamed "I'm A Lesbian" & Then She Start Laughing But IDK If She's Joking Or Fr I'm Cofused & I Want To Know How To React When We Make An Eye Contact But Actually She Smiles Alot At Me & I She Keeps Looking At Me Alot & Whenever I See Her My Heart Start Beating So Fast & I'm Always Thinking About Her & Smiling Like A Psycho
I Think That She Like Me Back But She's Afraid To Tell Me & I'm Not That Kind Of Person To make The First Move Because I'm Scared That She Would Reject Me Or Something

@mobill93 - 15.02.2024 13:36

Bahaha i can barely talk to her 😂

@DREAMY_BL00D - 12.04.2024 03:25

I’m gonna ask her out soon.. I’ll update when I do lol.
