Thank you Dr. Murphy!
Ответить@yammyspeed13 I knew he would show up sooner or later. And here he is: Milton Friedman and his apologetics for American slavery. You worthless fucks never give the fuck up, do you? To quote Woody Guthrie: "All of you fasscists bound to lose / you're bound to lose / bound to lose "
Ответить@yammyspeed13 That's the nicest piece of propaganda I've read in a long time. What a joke. American culture and freedom?? YEAH RIGHT.
Ответить@MariluLane dude that ws't for me what are you talkng about
Ответить@MariluLane our mind state has enabled us to live on the planet for thousands of years,that is the problem with the west ,YOu only see what is before your eyes,nothing more
Ответитьthat is just not true dude and its sad that you believe that
ОтветитьRight money they did it because it was no longer adventagous to undergo it the same as the supposed freeing of the slaves throughout the world,it was not some philanthropic effort as if they suddenly had a moment of clarity,and your statement that they didn't start it is ridiculous,also the constant slave revolts had quite a bit to do with abolition Haiti discouraged many
Ответитьmac where did you get that info that is rubbish its sad that people actually believe such foolishness control murder and rape are a part not of white culture per say(sp) but are part and partial with the building of the West
Ответитьyammy that was funny as hell,and why did they end it may i ask?
ОтветитьIt's just like your people to say that. "Yeah we raped and killed and segregated and stereotyped and made up lies about you but at least you aren't in africa." Africa wouldn't be so bad without the whites stealing their resources. The stealing of resources and the wars to take over and colonize africa by the europeans is what caused the conditions that we see today. There is no way to take your people out of the equation. It would be different without interference from whites.
ОтветитьThe answer (when you count the murders that they commit at home and abroad) is America. The thing is that most white americans have this idea that usa has always been a "good christian" country but that's not true. There is rape and murder in Africa and all over the world but look who's hands are usually involved in starting the wars to destabilize those so-called third world countries. Then sit back and point the finger as if they have clean hands. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
ОтветитьIf you look at the world, who is the one stealing killing raping and murdering on a grand scale? It is the European nations. They are responsible for the deplorable conditions in the so-called third world countries because they have gone there and pillaged and destabilized the countries. It is known that the CIA is involved in starting wars in these countries. I'm not saying that there wouldn't be murder and rape without them but you are pretending that white hands are clean and they're not
Ответитьthat doesn't matter. the fact is that they started the slave trade (triangle trade of the Africans) and just because they chased down some chinese slave ships, you think that makes it all better? who cares where the word came from?
Ответитьwhat's that prove? they started it so why would that mean they should be comped for that?
Ответитьi agree
Ответитьwell im considered black my color is brown, what im saying is walk the streets of harlem and thats what the original native americans looked like
ОтветитьWe are quick to define certain countries as developed and others developing withou establishing the 300-500 years of colonialism,slavery,genocide and looting of resources belonging to the countries we now term developing.
ОтветитьUSA,Britain,France,the Netherlands,Spain and all the countries who benefited from slavery should realise the wrongful acts commited by their forefathers and make reparations to those who were wronged.
ОтветитьAll the things about the slavery was about money.People made money from slavery.Slaves worked years but did not get any pay for the wealth they helped to creat.Those who are enjoying the wealth through inheritance should be made to give part to the descendants of the slaves who now live in poverty in America,the Caribbean and AFRICA.