HondaJet HA420 landing in Genessee County, NY

HondaJet HA420 landing in Genessee County, NY

P6 Aviation

3 года назад

1,838 Просмотров

Part of our mission is to provide mentorship for pilots at every level.

We employ very experienced flight instructors that guide new pilots through decision-making, communications, aerodynamics and landings in single-engine Cirrus Aircraft.

Some of our clients continue their progress into jet aircraft, which begins a new learning trajectoy — requiring new skills and a new respect for cockpit management.

Here’s one of our clients flying a perfectly stabliized approach — on speed, on glidepath, fully configured — to Genessee County Airport (KGVQ).

#p6aviation #aviation #flighttraining #change #adventure #success #perserverance
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