[10x28] How to install and use Pluto.jl (reactive notebook programming environment for Julia)

[10x28] How to install and use Pluto.jl (reactive notebook programming environment for Julia)

doggo dot jl

6 месяцев назад

1,846 Просмотров

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@sankarmaradana2195 - 11.12.2023 08:37

My pluto notebook is stuck on loading forever. Any way i can reinstall pluto ?

Edit: Removing Pluto and adding it back fixed it. yay.

@berntlie6799 - 10.12.2023 20:27

Great with a simple intro to how to start with Pluto. I haven't tested it yet, but probably should... A few questions:
* When you save a Pluto notebook, is there a "file browser" for where to save the document, or do you need to type in the entire directory tree?
* Seems like print statements show evaluation below the command cell, while markdown and ordinary statements are shown above the command cell??
* I use Jupyter notebooks quite a bit. These tend to become slow when I have equivalent to some 30 pages of html file (if I save the notebook as html...). What size of Pluto notebooks is reasonable?
