Vitamins D and K2

Vitamins D and K2

Dr. John Campbell

3 года назад

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@stevenalcorn3460 - 04.02.2024 04:41

If a practitioner is unwilling to titrate one on vitamin D consider finding a new practitioner.

@simonmaverick9201 - 03.02.2024 17:45

Would it be safe to take high dose Vitamin Kx if you are taking anticoagulants?

@maalikserebryakov - 02.02.2024 23:03

you’ve aged horribly and got wrecked with Androgenetic alopecia despite being a health expert.

Hahahahaha. Your knowledge couldn’t even save ur own hair

@Reymundodonsayo - 02.02.2024 02:54

Covid is a WEF culling. Even Russia snd China are involved. We (slaves) are not needed anymore and theyve all agreed to exterminate and shorten our collective life expectancy.
We are being exterminated, the wealthy only will be allowed to access the new life extension technology. There is a secret society in Antarctica where people like the Queen, Henry Kissinger etc are rejuvenated.

@thirdnorthwind2176 - 31.01.2024 15:13

Sauerkrut is easy DIY. Instructions on the net, for the lazy good idea to buy couple jars with burp-lids & weights. I make the non-cooked variation. Do not much like the taste, but eat daily a forkfull or put little on salads etc.

@MrBrotein - 30.01.2024 16:58

What a national treasure, thank you for making these videos! 🙏🏻

@user-bj5qd6uz3r - 27.01.2024 20:42

my 25-OH test showed 10.12 ng/ml. how much should I be taking? there is 200,000 IU injection. can I take that?

@kahlospirit24 - 26.01.2024 22:36

??? Somewhere I think John says how much vit d he took for 2 wks to raise his vit d levels and then a maintenance dose.
Anyone remember what the dosages were? And how much K2 alongside?

@gmdyt1 - 25.01.2024 18:04

What I would like to see a discussion of to put your video on firm foundations is what are "normal" levels and how are they defined? This is important. It defines what a deficit is (maybe the norm is defined partly from what a defecit is). You also need to be clear that just because a deficit can cause harm does not mean that mega doses give you even more of the benefit gained from making up the deficit.

@MattSeabolt - 25.01.2024 15:00

Dr. John, I have 2 friends that I know quite personally who have developed adult onset Rasmussen’s encephalopathy. This is such a rare condition for a child, much less 30-something’s in my peer group! I make no attempt to draw parallels to any recent global health concerns and this may simply be CRAZY coincidence but thought that I would share such an oddity. This has been devastating for these otherwise healthy individuals.

@ebutlink - 25.01.2024 13:28

vitamin D is not a pharmacy money earner hence the low key put downs, Big Pharma the money suppliers prefer prescription methods. Carry on for sure with OTC vit D at least , Vit D and K2 better. . The world would be a better place without WEF. WHO, and the influence of money bags Bill Gates.

@karttu1 - 24.01.2024 22:07

Thank you again very much from Finland for educating us. I might have been interesting what K2 levels Dr. Campbell had. Thank you if you did.

@frederick6008 - 24.01.2024 20:11

Dr C, Oastioperos is from a lack of kidney function and bone CALCIUM. The para thyrods release a hormone to signal the kidney to either leave it of remove it.

@marianstokel - 23.01.2024 20:43

I began watching you during the lockdown and have continued watching and listening to you. I’ve learned so much and am grateful for you. I will discuss with my Doctor this Vitamin K presentation. Thank you!

@SolomonBlankenship - 23.01.2024 15:08

This video is just what the doctor ordered.

@buasteira-kr7wk - 23.01.2024 05:48

it's not so complicated,as more your inside and as more you exercise and as havier and older you are, as more you need the hormon D3🙋🏼‍♂️

@theclotshotdidit3115 - 22.01.2024 02:38

Great video, watched the day it came out, I wouldn't just take medical advice from anyone, not even yourself, without checking another dozen sources and reading the papers myself.

I just got my first cold in over 5 years, might have even been covid, a bit tired and headache for a week was it, no sore throat, runny nose, congestion or anything like that.

I have upped my vitamin D from about 70kIU a week, to about 250kIU, with some more K2.

Stopped nearly all pharma meds.

Need to get stuff added to the blood test, before I see a GP again, I only use them for stuff i can't do myself, I can get Ivermectin and antibiotics etc online.

@shaunjones6049 - 21.01.2024 10:39

Fermented food🍺 🥴
My Gramp lived on fermented food 🍺.

He swore by it , he said it was the best food ever 🍺

The more food he drank the more he swore ,

The fermented food killed him in the end 😔

He was ran over by a Guinness Lorry 😳

@missliz5039 - 20.01.2024 23:59

I took vit D with K2 for one month.
I was lucky enough to have my Dr test me before and then again in one month on my levels and surprised to see that my vit D levels doubled.
I have never had them over 20 ... until I took the k2.
So I would suggest since I'm not a Dr. to try it for one month at least yearly. As always consult your Dr.
Who is clueless, lol.

@DaveEdmonds-wp6ue - 20.01.2024 00:00

I love your videos, super informative , I thank you and keep up the good work.

@Linz2869 - 17.01.2024 05:25

I was deficient and my Dr stopped mine during Covid even though I was classed as high risk. I took my with vitamin k2 as mk7.

@geoffoutdoors - 16.01.2024 15:57

You've got to eat the naturally fermented sauerkraut... non-cooked and jarred because that kills the good bacteria, cannot have vinegar in it either ... We ferment our OWN sauerkraut here and it stays in our refrigerator and bubbles and is alive and full of good bacteria and Vitamin K2 :)

@jeanmader2302 - 15.01.2024 08:48

Dr. Campbell, so good to have you back...We went through Covid together, but you certainly had no ideaLOL...My husband and I never did get the jab, and did very well on the protocol of vitamin D3, C, zinc, and E. I have extra responsibilities recently, and I had skipped a few days. All of a sudden, vertigo sneaked up on me, and became almost disabling. I wondered what was going on, and I researched, and discovered that low D can cause vertigo. Bad timing, on my part...too much to do to be a dizzy gal. Glad to see you still putting out such valuable information. Kudos!

@mm-oh4oe - 14.01.2024 06:45

As usual Dr John, food for a great deal of thought. Thank you very much!

@raeb4451 - 13.01.2024 20:20

Are there any preservatives in your sauerkraut? I found the same brand at a store near me, and a few of the ingredients are strange like white wine and ascorbic acid.

@davidridley247 - 09.01.2024 20:17

Totally agree, everyone in the UK should have their vitamin D levels. Current reference ranges are probably determined on a population that is historically vitamin D deficient due to poor diet, lack of exposure to sunlight, overuse of high factor sunscreen. What the "real" normal blood levels are unknown. What we do know is that exposure to sunlight that causes a skin reddening on white skin will produce unto 20000 IU's of vit D. By this measure taking 400 IU/10mcgram daily (ie the NHS guideline) is a trivial dose. It is now known that over 300 cellular biochemical process require vi D and all cells in our bodies have Vitamin D receptors, ie 30 trillion cells, thus 10 mcg is more than trivial. Even without VitK2 the thought that high VD consumption is toxic has been disproven except for people with rare genetic disorders.

@boudika100 - 09.01.2024 03:47

Im taking vit D and vit k2 combined with a subscription from future you...i compared the dose and the price with h&b and theirs was double the price and half the dose....

@orbitingeyes2540 - 06.01.2024 00:21

I take 10000 IU of D3 with K2 and 50mg Zinc every other day. I used to get sick every time I got on a long-haul flight, but not anymore!

@Aggravated-audi0 - 27.12.2023 09:53

Best supply of vitamins.. … natural..

@tanm9260 - 25.12.2023 19:15

I was told i am vitamin D deficient my level is 11. Can i take 50,000IU of Vitamin every day? Please help if anyone has done this

@MrYorickJenkins - 25.12.2023 17:31


@aliciadishman - 24.12.2023 02:55

Speaking of Hunter/Gatherers the animals weren't being fed corn and straw [not greens as in (raw) grass greens] as cows are now. Chicken in western diets are also fed corn and 'scratch' where 12k years ago birds diets are wild seed, bugs, etc (what wild bird feed on still and makes their meat a different color as well as taste). Eggs from Chickens are effected as well, due to captive bird feed.
Greens are 'fed' chemical fertilzers due to soil depletion and affordability of chemical fertilizers. They are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides for insect and weed control. Sustainable farming would lead to less need for chemical fertilizer as plants would be stronger and less affected in destruction from insect infestations. Sustainable farming helps in reducing the need for herbicides in preventing 'super weeds' as well as naturally fertile soil producing plant that 'crowd out' weed in that higher yields of crop, therfore lessening weed infestation. Depleted chemically dosed soil is conducive to weed growth. All of these factors and more neccessitate GM crops which are not tested for deficiency in Vitamin K, D3, etc. as farmer lobbying groups protect them from investigation toward nutrient efficacy/proficiency in GM crops. If farmers weren't mostly giant government subsidized and controlled producers they would return to sustainability and reliable natural nutritional crops. The once projection of 'feed the world starvation' has proven to be false. We throw away more than we eat. If a crop isn't perfectly shaped, artificially enhanced with the 'perfect' coloration, etc. It is thrown away. Excess fills dumpsters throughout food industry as well as private homes trash cans and dumpsters. We ship to many cites and countries and still food is rotting and dumped in less than ideal crop producing countries.
So, I digressed into the deficiency of nutrients in recommended food products because were the intake adequate we will remain deficient in nutrients. It is complex but persons of deep thought and rabbit-hole curiosity comments can not be vague and ignorant. No, not know-it-all, merely a soul that digs, reads, listens and returns to topics repeatedly for furtherance of his/her depths of knowledge in human kind sufferings and insufficient future(s).

I now will go back to (almost) the beginning of this video to see if Professor speaks on K2 need in D3 guidance from muscle storage to brain, blood and bone (not sure I said this last but correctly😊).
Smart man, lots (?) to learn from him I hope, bfn ya'll!

@thamnosma - 23.12.2023 21:53

Extremely informative. Much appreciated.

@johnleigh349 - 22.12.2023 21:37

Hi Dr.John I have two(2) bout's of pneumonia 20/21 and 21/22 the second one I was admitted into hospital
I watched your first vlog on this channel so i now take vit.D3&K2 I have to say have never felt better for the winter time I discussed this with my GP who offered to give me Vitamin D injection I still take the vitamin A.K it works for me a BIG THANKS to you Dr Campbell 🙏👏👏

@joesteffe6155 - 22.12.2023 12:32

So far been taken Fit D3 and K2 for 15 days . So far nothinking at all . What should i feel ??? If any thinking ??

@TallPoe - 21.12.2023 19:15

As travel has become easier, it has never been easier for virus and disease. Being cautious is also a show of respect.

@TallPoe - 21.12.2023 19:11

Thank you for this. Merry Christmas 🎄

@TallPoe - 21.12.2023 18:57

Reminded me of a flu from years ago. Lost the ability to taste. Damn. I hate NHS medication. Last time I couldn’t stand up or sit down.

@timrawllinson4914 - 21.12.2023 17:13

I’m sure others have said this; kimchi, a live cu,tired and fermented foodstuff of Korean origins maybe more palatable than sauerkraut…?

@annereynolds6715 - 19.12.2023 16:48

Thank you for this public service,

@TLC26 - 19.12.2023 00:33

So k1&2 is good for high cholesterol?

@josephinemilazzo1587 - 18.12.2023 06:34

Does high levels of vitamin d cause kidney problems or damage

@GrumpyMeow-Meow - 15.12.2023 20:22

Throw that sauerkraut into a slow cooker with some brats and thank me later. Sauerkraut and brats are also great with morning eggs. For high fat grass fed, try kerrygold butter.

@NigelBall-tr2ke - 13.12.2023 22:34

My 68 years old brother has not been getting much sun exposure over the last five years or so, he has to have a hip replacement and has been told he has a furry heart value.
He lives in the UK. As far as I can understand from this video John is suggesting he takes 4000 iu of Vitamin D3 and 100 mg of K2, could someone say if I've got this right?
What I understood from another video i saw is that while taking this each day he needs to take certain oils, the one I remember is he can take 3 Walnuts with this, as the oils in the walnuts works with the fat solible Vitamins. I read that if he does not take this oil the Vitamins won't do their job, also if we take to much of this oil from having more Walnuts then this is not good either. Please could someone coment on this?

@plaubelmakina8916 - 12.12.2023 16:50

Put a pork chop on top of a plate of Kraut and enjoy.

@2e0deq - 08.12.2023 00:14

D3 and K2 together aid calcium absorption and help prevent calcification in arteries? I get my K2 from chicken.

@Alexandra_homesteading - 06.12.2023 00:40

I want to find out more about how I can achieve improvements through dietary regulation first before considering supplementation. I suspect food sources have far better bioavailability. Oh, and try Kimchi or fermented salads…

@frankrosati6403 - 05.12.2023 04:19

Well done - love the fact that you are presenting the underlying data from recent research; not relying on pronunciamientos from government authorities.
