Warp Terminal — a reimagined terminal experience!

Warp Terminal — a reimagined terminal experience!

Coding in Public

1 год назад

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newrlan - 19.09.2023 13:57

Хрень и не терминал

damickillah - 23.08.2023 06:14

No it isn’t the terminal of the future, or maybe it is. I think it isn’t simply because it requires login credentials in order to use and therefore it is most likely doing data mining. That doesn’t fly for me. Can’t speak for anyone else.

Richard BENNETT - 29.07.2023 22:20

Coming over so much.

Fudzer M Huda
Fudzer M Huda - 20.03.2023 05:52

can you review Zed code editor

Joe Brig
Joe Brig - 16.02.2023 06:24

You really have to have an sign to use the app? Phones home? Spyware? Hard pass.

OmidYT - 05.02.2023 02:17

Login BS and paid features!! Nope.

Mitchell Matheny
Mitchell Matheny - 17.01.2023 01:25

Tried it out on my personal laptop and really liked it, but no way would my IT department support this product. The fact that output is sent and stored on their servers is a huge security concern. Too bad really.

Ronny Watson
Ronny Watson - 26.12.2022 04:00

I just installed Warp. I would have expected a high contrast default setting like iterm2. The existing settings are beautiful but there's no substitute for a high contrast default.

MyurrDurr - 07.12.2022 22:12

Turning the terminal into a Google Collab style interface.... strange!

Mauro Lima
Mauro Lima - 07.12.2022 18:39

I'm a complete newbie, so I'll keep using terminal without warp till I really learn Terminal, but after that, in search of productivity, this thing will be awesome.

DANRUNGG - 07.12.2022 01:08

i dont know maybe i am lagging behind but i really dont unterstand the usecase for a collaboration terminal

Андрей Иванов
Андрей Иванов - 06.12.2022 22:02

It's not fair that Mac and Windows get new cool terminal apps, while Linux has to deal with supporting 30-year legacy >_<

Pranshu Aggarwal
Pranshu Aggarwal - 06.12.2022 17:29

Insane, felt the need for something like this for a long time

Biomorphic - 06.12.2022 04:40

I will try it. I am using iTerm with fish and a theme, but this looks better.

lucas - 05.12.2022 16:55

not opensource lol

savire.ergheiz - 05.12.2022 03:02

Haha, terminal was designed so that you don't need mouse to operates it or hell you don't even need a monitor. You can basically linked it to your old typewriter to send input and receives output from the typewriter outputs.
These new generations of dev honestly should learn their history.
Not everything shiny are useful and yeah just because its coming from ex-Google its also wont guarantee its good.
Google has a lot of bad products and they kills it as fast as they flip their customers around 😁

Ash1Kh - 05.12.2022 00:59

Any linux user would be laughing by watching this terminal. After using a while most linux user modifies their terminal to their own likings and work needs. To that point warp feels like it targets the most basic users who is recently discovered computer is a miracle box.

Uli Troyo
Uli Troyo - 05.12.2022 00:17

This is a good project, and I believe the founders' hearts are in the right place as far as their trepidations about open source licensing their business.... It's hard to strike that balance between wanting to make money by building a great product and... y'know all the good things about open source, shoulders of giants, user protection, security, etc. I... ultimately can't see myself using a proprietary terminal with a paid model, personally, unless it becomes extremely popular and self-sustaining. Which is a paradox, because how else is it supposed to become popular and self-sustaining? I want Warp to succeed, but I'm sticking to vacillating between WezTerm and Alacritty every few months.

Foxsoul - 04.12.2022 18:53

Thank you for that nice video! ... In your Thumbnail you have a Agnoster like theme for Warp. I tried to get the same but i am not sure where i can find that theme for Warp. I only find "normal" themes.

duwang - 04.12.2022 10:33

The fact that it sends my commands back to some server, as far I as I know you can't even opt out of it and what's more it isn't FOSS, is a huge red flag for me. While the idea looks novel, I have no reason to even try it.

Also not sure how tui apps will even properly work and that's kinda a deal breaker for me.

Nadji Tan
Nadji Tan - 04.12.2022 08:37

So many new tech for terminal but gotta wait for windows support :(

Y-it-Earp - 04.12.2022 04:50

Was interested in this until you touched on the login - What is to say passwords won't be stored in memory etc? No thanks. oh-my-posh/zsh with Intergrations can pretty much do some of what is useful and user intuitive

Daniel Fallon
Daniel Fallon - 04.12.2022 00:53

How do you see 'workflows' differing from just writing a script? Just sharing/sync features?
Once I've run a complex command for a 2nd or 3rd time, I tend to copy it into a file and add parameters. It's only a few clicks and I have a large list of scripts/snippets I keep for reference. Sounds not dissimilar from browsing a list of workflows in this gui

Logan R
Logan R - 03.12.2022 16:11

Warp is super cool, I love the AI command generation for when I can’t quite remember the exact syntax of some uncommon command, saves me a lot of googling, but I can only comfortably use it for my personal projects, since I’m not willing to trust a closed source shared telemetry terminal to ssh into work machines with root access in a zero trust environment. If they made that feature optional, this would be the main terminal app for a LOT of people.

Nefrace - 03.12.2022 14:00

If a paid proprietary terminal with cloud integration is our future...
Then our future is really damned.

Moses - 03.12.2022 12:36

Sweet about to give this a try. I’ve used iterm for a while.

George Albany
George Albany - 03.12.2022 12:28

Nice ideas but the caveats are extremely concerning to me, the lack of selectively disabling specific features is also very problematic to me and the lack of a simplified core in the case the rest of the system fails is also concerning. Sounds like despite so many good ideas it fails on the KISS standard which is a good way to completely break these type of applications, which itself is a death sentence for a terminal, it should never be expected that every feature of any application always works, segregating of functionality will always be king and this terminal seems to violate this.

Casper S�
Casper S� - 03.12.2022 06:29

As a heavy terminal user, I dislike this honestly. But I have my setup the way I want it, and it's not this. - And I also run two terminals, one pull down and one regular window - plus the one that's in VSCode I guess

NoCultist - 03.12.2022 00:16

Everything now feeds the AIs, It's time to run the shadows. Charge up your cyberdecks.

Anon Anon
Anon Anon - 02.12.2022 23:16

>For Apple morons only

Esra Erimez
Esra Erimez - 02.12.2022 20:11

You seem to be conflating the terminal and the shell.

Hundvd7 - 02.12.2022 19:27

I need this on Windows like yesterday

DitchComfort - 02.12.2022 19:02

I never felt any particular way with Warp, and I don’t like the UX or anything… Yes probably some cool features but I definitely like a more minimal/normal terminal.

oerthling - 02.12.2022 17:20

I was very interested, lots of good ideas and potential.
But then I lost all interest.
Mac first and only? Lame.
Requires a login? Dead on arrival!

Now I'm going to look/wait for the open source, multiplatform (or at least Linux first), no login, alternative that will implement same/similar ideas.

rockfordone - 02.12.2022 14:52

for collaboration in terminal you can use `screen` with proper access rights multiple users can use the same terminal, but this is a little more complicated ex using vim in this collaboration is it a still terminal or just another ap?

Geoff Langenderfer
Geoff Langenderfer - 02.12.2022 04:49

is this closed source? How can I be confident to use this on a work computer?

Claudio Acosta
Claudio Acosta - 02.12.2022 00:59

Internet and AI connected console on my personal computer? F*** NO

soberhippie - 01.12.2022 22:11

They list a number of reasons why they require you to _sign up_, none of them seems convincing

James E. Spivak
James E. Spivak - 01.12.2022 20:35

Great informative video! Looks interesting, but I completely agree with your point about signing up... not sure how I feel about that one. That turns me off a bit ngl.

Darryl Hebbes
Darryl Hebbes - 01.12.2022 20:31

Do not ssh with this terminal

MrZapper1960 - 01.12.2022 06:45

What a shame about the login.. deal breaker for me

Mayavi K
Mayavi K - 30.11.2022 21:47

I heard Microsoft is revamping the Terminal...waiting to see how that goes..

rishav cnx
rishav cnx - 30.11.2022 19:47

Great if you live inside terminal. It feels different & defiantly more comfort to type (no more arrow keying).
I wish it can support fig or bring an alternative.

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 30.11.2022 15:18

Can you use warp is a non-Internet connected environment? FYI: ctrl r (reverse search) works in bash 5.2.9. I am not trying to minimize what you are explaining, just saying you don't need zsh for that feature. It might work better in zsh and I should probably switch.

perfectionbox - 30.11.2022 11:31

Login? Sorry that's a dealbreaker unless it can also cook breakfast.

Ervine4 - 29.11.2022 23:04

Login required, closed source. No thanks

David Broadhurst
David Broadhurst - 29.11.2022 17:26

I honestly can't see myself paying for a terminal especially when Windows Terminal is really good.
