Preston Dennett

2 года назад

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Born in 1960, Jill Wheeler (pseudonym) had her first UFO encounter when she was only five years old. A group of three-foot-tall figures dressed up like teddy bears entered her home and told her to follow them. A closer look revealed them to be typical grays. A short conversation ensued, at which point the ETs brought out a mysterious black box and set it up in the middle of her bedroom. A strange procedure followed, and after a little while, the grays left. That was Jill's first experience. But it wouldn't be her last.

Around age nine, the grays returned, and began to teach Jill secret lessons. Unfortunately, Jill couldn't remember what they taught her. The grays returned a few days later and shared more information with her. And over the next three years, they visited more than 100 times, always with the purpose of teaching Jill secret knowledge. The visits were always pleasant and fun, and Jill looked forward to them. In fact, the ETs showed her how to call them down using a special signal. Then, after three years, the encounters abruptly ended. And as the grays had warned her, she forgot about them completely.

A short time later, Jill and her best friend had a dramatic close-up sighting of a huge metallic craft. It was an encounter that would convince her that UFOs were real.

After that, Jill's life returned to normal. She grew up, got married. She and her husband bought a home in a small town in Nebraska. She got pregnant with her first child, and shortly later had another kid. But it was shortly after she gave birth to her third child that weird experiences began to occur.

She had been diagnosed with tuberculosis as a child, and she had to have annual lung x-rays to monitor her condition. One year, Jill went to the doctor, and they discovered a strange unidentified object in her lungs. Doctors were unable to explain it.

More weirdness followed. Jill was changing her new baby's diaper when a tiny object fell out her nose. She instantly saw that this object wasn't natural. It was white and looked like a miniature spool. But what was it doing in her nose?

Following this event, Jill's health began to decline. She felt sick and dizzy, and rapidly lost weight. Her health slowly spiraled downward, and after three years, Jill was extremely weak, and was passing out multiple times daily. Doctors were unable to diagnose her condition. All they knew was that Jill was very sick.

Then, one evening in 1995, Jill was walking across her living room when suddenly she found herself inside what appeared to be a huge underground base. There was a domed ceiling, hundreds of small cubicles, and Jill was inside one of them lying on a cold, steel doctor's table. She was dazed and disoriented, and like other people who were there, was trying to figure out where she was.

Suddenly, a strange nine-foot-tall humanoid entered her cubicle and said, "Okay, it's your turn now, Jill." Jill screamed in terror as the being began a mysterious medical procedure on her body.

During the procedure, Jill lost consciousness, and the next thing she knew, she was back in her home. Only now, her family would not wake up. It took her more than twenty minutes of shaking them before any of them would wake up.

Jill had no idea what had happened to her. But that evening, as she put her infant son to bed, he pointed at the moon and said, "Mommy! I went on a ship to the moon! Went on a ship to the moon!"

Jill was shocked. Had her son been taken too? Even stranger, Jill noticed that although her body was very sore (a condition which persisted for two weeks,) she was feeling much better. In fact, the next day, she didn't lose consciousness at all. And as the days passed, she never passed out again, and she began to gain her weight back. Had the ETs healed her? And if so, why her? She was just a housewife from Nebraska.

Not long after that, Jill had another close-up sighting of a UFO that paced her car. And after that, she was taken again inside a UFO. This time she was shown a little baby who didn't quite look human. The ETs told her, "This is your baby."

Jill could ignore it no longer. She began doing research about her experiences and learned that she was a UFO contactee. But still she wondered, why her? And who was that nine-foot-tall alien? Had she really been taken to an underground base? Was that weird-looking baby truly hers? She still has many questions. And these are only some of the many strange encounters she had experienced.

This video presents the lifelong UFO encounters of Jill Wheeler, and is surely one of the strangest and most bizarre contact cases on record. To hear more about Jill's incredible encounters (and many others) check out the book, "INSIDE UFOS: TRUE ACCOUNTS OF CONTACT." Now available!


#UFO #UAP #ET #alien #extraterrestrial #unidentified_flying_object #flying_saucer #contactee #abductee #experiencer #alien_implant #unexplained #paranormal #supernatural #Inside_UFOs #Preston_Dennett #unidentified_aerial_phenomenon #gray #humanoid #healing
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@aclearlight - 22.03.2022 11:12

Great art work!

@adriaticseaeyes - 22.03.2022 20:39

Another episode of yours I didn’t want to end! Isn’t it amazing how some experiencers have been asked to take and care for the hybrid children .. even though most contactees are told they cannot stay with their hybrid offspring.. I can’t help but notice that if The objective for the ET’s is to incorporate more biological emotion of love in the hybridization program they seem to be missing the mark entirely as even young babies and children who are hybrids appear detached and somewhat unemotional

@wonderXweapon - 26.03.2022 09:22

Wow - great courage she showed in dealing with these ETs , the Batman costume guy with red spikes for hair was so interesting - I got the impression at that point he watches our movies 🍿.

@jamesfox3478 - 03.05.2022 23:05

Hello Mr. Dennent I am a new subscriber I enjoy your stories very much. I have always been interested and intrigued about all types of paranormal. I have seen UFOs on 4 occasions. I live approximately 40 miles away from Kecksburg, PA. I have always wondered from what UFO/USO - Aliens & ETs a few things first why do aliens do the cattle mutilations? Do you believe BigFoot is a type of alien being or sun being put on earth to see if they can survive in our environment/atmosphere. And Finally I’m sure you know of Mr. Phil Schneider. He said in his conferences/videos there was like 53 lows 50s of the number of aliens that have busted the earth. Do you know what that number is?
Thank you Jim from PA

@garyhillman4993 - 28.05.2022 07:02

Preston I’ve heard about people driving and feeling bad n head achy before a UFO would appear They must send a signal somehow before they arrive

@darkjimmy33 - 03.06.2022 15:46

Yes 8 ft & up they come, I seen them as tall as 40 feet

@dudefromtexas425 - 07.06.2022 07:56

Awesome 👏👏👏

@joe-5D - 19.06.2022 11:00

Amazing! Do you know here blood type? Thats important!

@dluscombephantom86 - 10.08.2022 04:41

A couple years ago, my friend and neighbor told me to call him day or night the next-time I see a UFO. It was only a few weeks later around 10 PM, I see this amazing fuzzy red cone-shaped UFO that appears to be within a few miles, maybe closer. I call him and tell him to just stand out his back door and look to the North. He refuses, citing that he has already crawled into bed. I tell him, "Tom this is one of the best UFO's I have ever seen!" He responds, "It's probably a helicopter." Me, "Tom there's no aircraft noise, no position lights and helicopters do not look like red fuzzy cones laying on their side." Him, "It's probably a secret military project." Me, "Even if it is, don't you want to come out and take a look at it?" Anyway, I was perplexed by his complacency, and had theorized he was afraid. Today, I believe he was the subject of telepathic mind control. I believe the ET's do this to mitigate witnesses, but it also is letting those of us that see them know that we are either immune from this mind control or we are selected to be able to see them. The story of "David" refusing to look at the UFO reminded me of this phenomenon.

@gibsonbrigh - 30.08.2022 00:27

Amazing stories. Some of them I already read or watched in other places. You got my attention anyway.

@davidlancaster8152 - 28.11.2022 10:37

You have such a deep facinating catalog. I keep finding these treasures you've produced. I'm inclined to believe her, unless you're a would-be fiction writer. LoL. Thanks for all you do and the way you do it. Appreciate

@amanitamuscaria7500 - 09.12.2022 02:07

that was unusual.....but familiar in places as well. The teddies were to make her feel comfortable, I think. I would love to know why they choose some people and not others.

@anthonyhudson3136 - 20.07.2023 00:25

for strangeness you really need to cover the SAM THE SANDOWN CLOWN case ,

@anthonyhudson3136 - 20.07.2023 00:26

it seems to me that the foil seemed to make them uneasy, there was a case with a guy, his name escapes me but after an encounter he was cured of t.b

@robertoveson3688 - 28.08.2023 00:29

The alien looks like Rocky Dennis

@jackbuaer3828 - 22.03.2024 08:50

You're supposed to put the tin foil on your head (in the shape of a hat), not on your windows! This whole experience could have been avoided if Jill's family took the time to do things right.

@mikeohms1699 - 24.04.2024 10:39

That's crazy I have lots of the same experiences

@DarthDickhed - 14.05.2024 10:54

Preston thank you for what you do, ive seen ufos since I was young and had two very close ufo sightings and others close by but not like these two but anyways I remember as a kid or young teenager maybe I had this experience where four puppets or stuffed animal type beings (its hard to remember ) but they were outside my window all in a row and they started moving towards me like they were going to walk through it maybe but that's all I remember. what I do remember is it felt so real that I thought it was a dream perhaps but ive always felt like it was more than that. it felt real to me. another time I woke up in the middle of my washroom standing up facing the mirror and I was shocked that I was standing there and waking up there. what I do remember is that before waking up there I was " dreaming " that I was in a military hanger running for my life. Always felt like it was real just like the puppet thing. the other day watching your video I realized I experienced missing time even though it should have been very obvious to me and now this video. I feel like maybe what happened top me actually was real and I feel so much better as I can never forget these things. I'm 43 now and still think about it all the time. in fact I always think about my sightings and I'm dying to know what's going on as I have no memories of meeting ets or being in a ship or anything like that but I have so many ufo encounters that I know something strange is happening with me. Thank you so so much Preston, I mean that from the bottom of my heart! Im so grateful to you!

@wilfredodiaz3445 - 18.05.2024 17:33

I have to say that these accounts you share with us here are both: fascinating and bizarre to listen to . I do , however wish it was possible for you to enhance these stories with digital images or Computer graphics to give your viewers a more first person perspective of what these people experience. Maybe its not something thats affordable for you to do but they sure would be more visually entertaining and informative. Great episode nevertheless 👍👏👏👏

@aclearlight - 22.05.2024 17:05

Great stories and a compassionate offering to the contactee commumity. I hope this one finds its way to all the people out there who need it. Thanks, Preston!

@SLDM1962 - 26.05.2024 08:41

Fascinating.Why doesn't she do some regression under hypnosis ? This may answer some of her questions !

@macbeavers6938 - 28.05.2024 01:38

Fascinating as usual Preston. Your visuals are terrific and helpful. Anyone who can find a photo of a "herd" of skunks can find just about anything!

@dggd4617 - 03.06.2024 01:32

I first want to tell you how much I appreciate hearing the diverse range of experiences in your stories. Thank you and the contactees who share their stories.
So, many accounts have similarities, including the black box. Do you (or contactees) have any idea of the purpose of the black box? Does the box need water to function? Do tell. Thanks again. 👍🏽

@MariaUrias-mv9qo - 03.06.2024 07:52

Lab rats…..😢

@twangel46 - 13.06.2024 12:15

When i was thirteen in holiday eith mum and manfriend. She and I shared a bed facing french doors. At dawn i was woken up by a wizzened old man in monks robes like grey beard and hair. He was mad frantic rattling the door trying to open it, his eyed were wild he terrified me, i tried to wake mum but could not. Then suddenly as she came too eventually he disappeared like disolved into the air

@richardjstuart3978 - 27.06.2024 01:12

Interesting report. Two obvious reasons why they might heal her. First of all apparently some sort of botched implant. It fell out of her mose and she got sick. Hmm. Then they show up and fix her. She's also has anothe implant and she's part of the hybrid program. That would make her health important. Possibly to the little girl.

@Drew-do9wx - 28.06.2024 00:02

Thanks for sharing these stories with us! Not only are they interesting but you have a nice relaxing vibe. Keep the good stuff coming!

@ianwebb9859 - 28.06.2024 01:56

I remember one case where a hunter encountered a cube UFO in the forest and it disrupted his elk hunting. The ET was described similarly. With orange spiky hair, if I remember correctly.

@stellar808 - 28.06.2024 20:28

I’m always intrigued by these “life long encounters”. As it was conveyed to me, I was “going to only be told once about my assignment”. How quickly I evaluated this would be a grade point. Sorted, it would be left up to me to run with it. I think around the age of 14 is a more appropriate time for ET to relate mission statements. The human mind (or body) isn’t well developed enough before then. Of course, given the human condition, ET feel it’s risky at any age to place very much faith in us. To tarry observing how quickly we get the uptake is unproductive. The less they have to emphasize their agenda, the better for all concerned.

@SniffHeinkel - 06.07.2024 02:51

If I ever encounter an alien and it seems like they're trying to read my mind, I'm going to think really loudly, "You know it's very rude to snoop around inside someone's head without their permission."

@estefani6692 - 11.07.2024 09:13

Awesome ep!

@theunseen3 - 11.07.2024 18:44

It’s funny that the beings at the long table looked at her with pity as if to say “yeah right, YOU? YOUR GENES? INTELLIGENT?”. If they feel that way, why do they mix our DNA with theirs? Clearly we have some qualities they want from us that they don’t already have.

@johnryan2193 - 25.07.2024 21:08

Mr. Dennet were in the name of god do these stories come from , I think there is a smile on your face sometimes.

@titolino73 - 28.07.2024 08:13

That's ridiculous! What was it superman from the planet Crypton ? Common

@mtrest4 - 29.07.2024 06:20

Gentlemen, i propose
that the alien be named:

Slim Jim.

@omrigivon3725 - 04.08.2024 20:29

Probably healed her so she could meet her kid later on no?

@omrigivon3725 - 04.08.2024 20:31

Human love for their children seem to be valued by these groups, always seem to want the human parent to meet the child and embrace them.

@WooRidersDg - 07.08.2024 02:17

Hey yo

@budekins542 - 09.08.2024 00:06

Coming through walls and shape shifting isn't exactly indicative of flesh and blood creatures.

@jimbowen2726 - 13.08.2024 11:55

Were they putting the water in the black box? Definitely strange strange stuff 👍👍

@mkerimi - 16.08.2024 00:26

Seeing is believing they say, and i ain't seen sh*t

@carlomagno5151 - 16.08.2024 06:05

If the metal ring is in her chest up to this day with x-ray and other medical evidence then this might be a real deal.

@BehroozCompani-fk2sx - 18.08.2024 11:57

Jill is a hallucinator! 😂😂

@garymcewan5876 - 21.08.2024 00:57

She slept in a crib at 5 years old?

@trudyj945 - 28.08.2024 15:04

Love your videos Preston :) 💛

@richardminick4012 - 13.09.2024 04:02

Wonder if the 9' tall being was a real being or some type of thought form.

@Kanupleaseknot - 20.09.2024 21:50

I recall reading a story from a female abductee that was similar to this video about hybrid baby aliens. what always stuck with me was that the alien urged her to pick up and hold the hybrid babies in her arms because they kept dying from lack of human skin to skin contact.
