On 10/ 30/22
Talking about school board members
What about the tax payers
We pay taxes as much as parents
Also people running don't put if they are Dem/or Republican
They should be made to post it
Tucker looks shocked.
ОтветитьWhats the name of his song on a commerical break?
ОтветитьHow about the Bush lies that got us into Iraq and took away from the mission in Afghanistan?
Ответить when Biden "lies", as you call it, it's a massive scandal. But all the lies that Trump has told and continues to tell about everything from the war in Afghanistan to vaccinations to well basically everything... That's not a problem. Good God you people are stupid
ОтветитьI hope thier others candidates for 2024 and not PRUMP
ОтветитьJust started watching it. Great show
ОтветитьWe the people need to take back our freedom from these leftists and the lock downs
ОтветитьId like to see Mr.Trey Gowdy lead the investigation into ALL of the BIDEN'S
ОтветитьOMG, it's all so Crystal clear! EVERY statement you've made here 100% truth I don't understand why true facts just don't seem to matter anymore! Very sad how many people CHOOSE to keep their eyes and mouth's closed. Starting at the top I believe they need to start arresting these crook's and believe this, every single one will sing like a bird.
ОтветитьSounds intriguing. Oh, wait, the show really was just a pro Trump propaganda piece. Too bad.
ОтветитьYes let's listen to this English guy tell us how it is lol Send your money to trump. He needs your help after all hes done for you. Lmao
ОтветитьBullshitting Trash from serial liars.We are fed up with you🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
ОтветитьThe unbearable lightness of being. I read the book and saw the film. Was it a true story?
ОтветитьI'm going to vote for JOE BIDEN ha ha
ОтветитьYou talk like Mrs. Trump steve hilton
Ответитьexcellent show, but how do we get dumoctats to watch?
ОтветитьSteve is not with The Values.. Of Family and Truth
ОтветитьI love Steve Hilton ! He's amazing ! What a fighter ! Finally someone I can watch and not want to throw my shoe at my monitor ....More Steve Hilton ! Up with Populism !
ОтветитьVery disappointed he now plays identity politics 🖕Hilton
ОтветитьWe also need a station in Germany like Fox News!
ОтветитьLoving this guy! Love Tucker so much too!
I thought I had subscribed to foxnews, yet just noticed I wasn't 🤔
why would fox run this programme ? considering they're elitists. hidden agenda somewhere?
Ответитьi'm right conservative and i cant stomach this clown GET THIS ASSHOLE OFF THE AIR!
ОтветитьI hate Steve Hilton. He should go back to socialist Europe that friggin democrat. I wish I could just tell him that to his face then slap his bald shot so he has to walk about with a pink handprint on that billiard ball shaped canvas of his. Twiggy euro-trash two face
ОтветитьHilt on is so monotone it's hard to watch, borderline dull!
ОтветитьAnother Brexiter opportunist who having helped land his own country (UK) in the crapper, he flees to the US to make money by spoofing dumb right wing Americans. Enjoy suckers!
ОтветитьCouldn't Fox find a more annoying face & accent then this turd ? Bring back O'Reily.
ОтветитьIs hilton a US citizen?
ОтветитьG Steve, go Tucker!
ОтветитьWho else thinks Steve Hilton looks a bit too much like Doug Bradley (Pinhead from Hellraiser)?
ОтветитьSteve's show sounds great. Good idea. So many exciting things to watch.
ОтветитьGreat, lets get the facts. Those who can't handle them can retreat to their safe spaces!
ОтветитьGoogle Translate detects "covfefe" as Samoan. It doesn't provide a translation.
ОтветитьGoogle's translation of cov fe'fe from Arabic to English is "I stand up." Check out!
ОтветитьDo a story on 22 + solders dying a day from suicides and unknown illnesses! [email protected] or 830-688-0591. I investigate soldier's deaths and veteran's deaths from weaponized zoonotic diseases to opiate overdoses. Halliburton KBR water purification violations in 2003-2006 resulting in parasitic pathogens that infected soldiers and coalition forces may be the cause of soldier-on-soldier violence and veterans shooting up Airports or suicide by law enforcement.
ОтветитьLook into why people adopt foreign kids whose parents get paid to have kids and the neglect of kids needed the adoption in our own back yard
ОтветитьI will be watching!
ОтветитьStay true to what's right and honest! Can't wait for The Revolution
ОтветитьCovfefe FeFe is Chicago slang for a big Party. Cov = Coverage so it would seem to mean Big League Coverage Party
ОтветитьI'll be tuning in.
ОтветитьThis show could be awesome
ОтветитьLOL TUCKER ,HES TAKING YOUR JOB;)))))))))))))))