Which CLASS to Choose in Neverwinter? BEST to WORST Rankings! Mod 21

Which CLASS to Choose in Neverwinter? BEST to WORST Rankings! Mod 21


2 года назад

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Aragon - 27.08.2021 01:54

Again these class rankings are mainly just from my personal expeirence running as and with these different classes and from the people I talk to to get their pov into consideration. Feel free to click the link to Tiermaker and make your own ranking and we can get an average of what ppl think.
Admittedly tho, i probably shoulda put the Rogue a little higher but ah well. ;p

Heath Hafemann
Heath Hafemann - 27.07.2023 04:09


Julien Frisson
Julien Frisson - 04.05.2023 16:15

I don't agree at all with this video, better dps, magician and barbaric, clearly, the figther too, my paladin and just zero in 1 vs 1 the same in high level aoe

Mystra - 18.02.2023 16:07

Best solo class? Like if I want to solo dungeons

Petco - 30.01.2023 18:00

I assume this list is no longer accurate right ? :D

Sirius Bizniss
Sirius Bizniss - 27.01.2023 06:59

The golden age was up to Ravenloft. Once undermountain came and class mechanics were reworked, they went to 💩.

JanMartinBrenden - 24.10.2022 00:53

I agree much with list. I Played a little all classes. single target i say ranger is best dps. For Aoe i might put rogue or barb on top :D

Dan Dare
Dan Dare - 25.08.2022 15:20

I remember happier days of premiere of Neverwinter online when you not only could easily be a tank 'Great Weapon Fighter" (known now as tank) but it was most viable 'siphon tank' excelling at 1vGroup fights being able to heal themselves quicker than damage was dealt to them through middle-class armor.

Sadly: that was gone already around Paladin came out.

Still it was on and off possibility to tank in this class. Now? I know your debacles are really reliable and I swear I am very fond of your hard work but even with this vid being 11months old I guess Barb Tank is still the worst class to go as... this was my experience 14 months ago (when I've tried to 'return to the game'). Sad as it was my main character - a jokingly done as Woodelf girl with a Giant Sword. I recall the times I was able to be MVP of the Castle Neverwinter raids once they were still new thing as a weird and unconventional tank that still held 2nd-3rd DPS and could CC pretty well - that turned into weirdly unreliable, rather squishy and very poor at CC tank that I would kick out of party myself >_<

Oh well... last time I've checked the game there were no Bards and I was awaiting this class since forever, so time to check (my 14th character!)

PS: I recall once Sharrandar (old) 1st came and Ranger became a thing I was annoying people around in PVP to 9th heaven with some shenanigans. With proper use of terrain and blind spots you could wipe enemies even 1 v 3 and some skills were so OP they could half HP of tanks if used properly. not to mention Close combat experts which were whole other story (I was Ranged Ranger, still annoying for enemies I admit XD). I still remember people complaining that it should be nerfed ASAP and enemies leaving pvp matches 2 min in as I was fragging the 'out of nowhere' on capture points 2-3 at a time.... oh, nostalgia. Funny to hear Rangers are still strong now though :D

Paul Croft
Paul Croft - 24.08.2022 18:23

thats a very good opinion and video (i'm a new ish player so it has been very helpful as a guide)
ofc no need for anyone to get upset if they see there class at x rank as we all know if you know how to play your own personal char properly its by a million miles better than having a better ranked class player who is not so wise on how to play there char.
if your happy with your choice what does it matter what others think.

Feral Magick
Feral Magick - 11.07.2022 06:15

Just started playing on PS4. chose tiefling barbarian. I'm doing okay so far. I think my experience with both online MMOs and couch co-op games like the original dungeons and dragons game, Champions or norrath and baulders gate and Diablo 3 have helped me out alot

Publaa - 07.07.2022 14:40

Can i ask for appearance items for tank paladin?

Elmer Homero
Elmer Homero - 22.06.2022 07:42

This combat animations look insane but how is the game rn?

Da_Most_Shady - 12.06.2022 22:05

Ouch, my Wizzie just died inside.

SIP - 09.06.2022 21:41

Rogue dps is godly

Shadow Wizard
Shadow Wizard - 25.05.2022 20:57

i so fighter with spear, is there 2h spear to?

Shadow Wizard
Shadow Wizard - 25.05.2022 19:21

i think they did paladin dirty a bit sins in neverwinter nights paladin was support puffer and tank with decent DPS, so hes roles should be support tank/support DPS, not just tank but support tank meaning tank with buffs no need for so many normal tanks better 1tank that actually does 2support roles (tank and buff) while other1 is pure wall self sustaining for party like usual tank like fighters 1role, 2many tank classes that just tank

Giovanne Moreira
Giovanne Moreira - 20.05.2022 09:57

But wich of warlocks is better?

Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 07.05.2022 21:06

Very informative guide, and the gameplay while you're explaining the ranking was a definite bonus for me as a new player!

TommyH - 06.05.2022 16:26

After playing nearly every day for about 5 years, I don't find this game fun whatsoever anymore. It's a shell of its former self.


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