How To Fix Windows 10 PC Automatically Restart After Shutdown | Windows 10 Restarts after Shutdown: How to Fix It | FIX: Windows 10 Restarts Instead of Shutting Down
An annoying problem is that computer restarts instead of shutdown Windows 10 whenever you select the shutdown option. Why Windows 10 restarts after shutdown? How to fix it?
Countless Windows 10 have complained of their computers experiencing shutdown problems immediately after they have been upgraded to Windows 10. The most common of the shutdown problems that Windows 10 may bring to any computer that is updated to it is the computer restarting instead of shutting down whenever the user shuts it down.
In such cases, your computer will restart 5-10 seconds after it powers down regardless of whether you turn it off by clicking on the Shut down button or by ordering the computer to shut down using a Command Prompt. In addition, putting your computer to sleep by clicking on the Sleep button also results in it waking up after 5-10 seconds. Even if your computer goes into Sleep mode if it is left idle, its screen will turn back on in a couple of minutes. The only way for Windows 10 users suffering from this problem to actually turn their computers off is to unplug them from their power supplies, remove their batteries (for laptops) or hold down their power buttons for 3-10 seconds (for desktop computers).
The cause of this issue has now been revealed as the fast startup feature that Microsoft has introduced with Windows 10 – a feature that is actually meant to allow Windows 10 computers to boot up faster when they are coming out of a shutdown. The following are the two solutions that have proven to be highly effective against this issue:
If your computer or Laptop starts restarting after Shutting down or Clicking on Sleeping Mode, then you are at the right place. I will help you to fix this Windows 10 Restarts After Shutdown problem. It will take only a few minutes if you follow the process step by step. Because of some problems the computer which is running on Windows 10 starts restarting when the user clicks on the Shutdown button.
Windows 10 may unexpectedly restart after you select the Shutdown option or put the system into Sleep or Hibernate mode. Here’s how to fix this issue.
Why Windows 10 Restart instead of Shutting Down?
This problem causes many reasons as some users told that they are facing this issue at the time of shutting down their system frequently.
Fix Windows 10 Restarts After Shutting Down Issue:
Quazi Mahmudul Huq
Senior Faculty
IT System Admin
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