Laura & Massimo have an argument about the baby (The Next 365 Days)

Laura & Massimo have an argument about the baby (The Next 365 Days)


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GOOD MUSIC LIVE!! - 19.09.2023 17:50

We buy in to the allure of a toxic relationship envy jealousy affairs but if anyone has ever been or seen these types of relationships it can be messy tiresome relationships are not easy and if your heart is shallow in it it can last if you have a stamina for toxicity.. lol not funny but yeah we humans you know. ☝️😌 I really enjoyed these films. 🙃

TYBALT.videos {[5]}
TYBALT.videos {[5]} - 23.08.2023 23:02

Does anyone take these movies seriously??

chea mea
chea mea - 17.08.2023 21:19

I don’t like Laura nomore.. how u gon do my man massimo like that 🙄

Cherry Saunders
Cherry Saunders - 09.08.2023 02:23

Here are my thoughts....Yes Nacho is very caring, different and sweet towards Laura but he's still a Snake... he's still sneaky.....He manipulated Laura and she "fell for it". He only wants to be with Laura to feel more powerful and to know he had his Wife (Massimo). Now Laura, she needs to calm "her hot pocket" down... that's Massimo's and only his.... she's too confused and acting off her emotions with her unstable ass. She belongs with Massimo, she really does. Now Massimo, he Truly, truly loves Laura. He is very protective of her, he cares for her deeply and he is Her soulmate. The hurt and pain he felt when he heard of the baby dying .....totally crushed him, he is so hurt and I do believe, he will be a Better person to her and they will come together. Laura stop playing with this man's heart and go back to your husband!!!! He is willing to look past the fling with Nacho but it will only work if she allows him back in her heart. Massimo's words at the End were the deepest and most heartfelt words I felt through this entire movie...he said "If you really love something, just let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, it was never meant to be.” That only is deep, super deep and Laura knows what her heart is telking her, she knows. She knows it won't and can't work with Nacho. Hopefully Nacho will understand and there will be no further issues from it. But Laura, please open your heart to Massimo, that man loves unconditionally, he's Amazing!!!

Thousand Miles
Thousand Miles - 03.08.2023 01:30


Sara - 15.07.2023 23:57

Their biggest problem is the lack of communication.

Cathleen Warner
Cathleen Warner - 11.07.2023 22:17

Massimo never opening up to Laura was always there biggest problem

Mai Koka
Mai Koka - 11.05.2023 02:41

هى مش المفروض ماتت فى الجزء التانى؟

Kimberly Cortez Felix
Kimberly Cortez Felix - 26.04.2023 05:00

I would slap him

sadushi shakya
sadushi shakya - 05.04.2023 04:28

Give me this film link

Latraiavice Maner Young
Latraiavice Maner Young - 22.03.2023 05:41

I love me some damn mossimo

Patricia Mak
Patricia Mak - 13.03.2023 17:00

Whaaaaaaat!😳🤯😱 Omg I wish I can watch but it's shame they can't make this movie with English subtitles on dvd.😞

Rise Shies
Rise Shies - 05.03.2023 14:50

Touching love when it's went out I'm so sad

Rise Shies
Rise Shies - 05.03.2023 14:50

Love be understand of love

Rise Shies
Rise Shies - 05.03.2023 14:49

Something mistake please don't leave

Piper Mclean
Piper Mclean - 26.02.2023 12:05

Romanticising abusive and toxic relationship that's all these movies are

Serrina Cameron
Serrina Cameron - 17.02.2023 22:31

Uh uh uh
s up

Monah Dali
Monah Dali - 08.02.2023 23:14

I love Laura and masimo than nacho 😒

YukiAsian,Dream - 20.01.2023 14:56

The ending confused me

ikram saadi youtube dz نور شمس ذئبة
ikram saadi youtube dz نور شمس ذئبة - 16.01.2023 05:02


Tyty Ngigone
Tyty Ngigone - 07.01.2023 18:52

En français svp

Юлия Филоненко
Юлия Филоненко - 06.01.2023 14:40

Мужчина моей мечты

Sehun Enthusiast
Sehun Enthusiast - 02.01.2023 11:01

And then she sulks like how Nacho was so caring for when the glass broke…..mann, Massimo literally lost his BABY, okay? So you can’t compare the glass incident where who was more caring. Massimo’s rage is valid.

Albina Simakova
Albina Simakova - 22.12.2022 13:46


Jayk Musumbe
Jayk Musumbe - 14.12.2022 15:09


CA3053 Murray
CA3053 Murray - 04.12.2022 08:50

She can't and don't take responsibility for anything she do. She don't want to be responsible for another war, yeah right. What does she think choosing Nacho is going to cause. She is such a sl*t

James Lara edu
James Lara edu - 21.11.2022 16:03

I think Laura is playing with massimo because she is not showing him any love I can't wait for the next episode ❤️

NeCe Love
NeCe Love - 26.10.2022 19:38

" would have never happened if you had told me about your twin brother" REALLY did she just say that.. GIVE ME A BREAK! But Nacho and his Father were responsible for everything that went WRONG. She had NO RIGHT to keep what happened to his Baby from him! If she had told Massimo I believe things would have been different. And why didn't Laura question Nacho's motive for showing up at their home as a FN GARDENER. He was plotting and scheming then!

Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia - 20.10.2022 13:53

Laura kötü kadın ihanet dolu kadın.massimo mafiya hem de güzel hem de laurayı seven erkek.laura ve arkadaşı birde naço kötüler

Madhumita Paul
Madhumita Paul - 17.10.2022 02:17

When I watched the first I so loved with this movie just because of Massimo n Laura love. But after watching part 3 I just hated it. I have never seen a selfish women like Laura she is just sex addicted for her love is sex. I feel pitty for Massimo he loved the wrong women . Whoever the writer is he or she should stop writing the garbage

Babybug646 - 12.10.2022 16:05

Wow this dude makes Christian look like a Saint

Amaia Thompson
Amaia Thompson - 01.10.2022 21:36

Massimo forced her to be with him. She never loved him if you ask me. Massimo gets her into all this drama and Laura needs freedom at this point because he cannot protect at all.

Minecraftmegan11 - 01.10.2022 08:24

I really wanted Massimo an Laura to end up together even all they pass true. Massimo loves her

Peggy Wiley
Peggy Wiley - 28.09.2022 00:48

He is a great actor

Gülsüm Karaca
Gülsüm Karaca - 27.09.2022 01:17

What movie is this scene in?

Trish Villa
Trish Villa - 25.09.2022 21:18

I Agree , Laura Never Loved Massimo ….

Zhivka Radeck
Zhivka Radeck - 24.09.2022 20:59

the third part is somehow too close for me. I don't like to see people suffer. I don't like seeing Massimo suffer. he made a mistake. he didn't tell about his twin brother. Laura didn't follow her heart but believed her eyes. She hurt him a lot. I suffer with Massimo. it touches my heart ❤️ . it was the right decision by Massimo to release Laura and hope that she will come back to him out of love. The question is: "Could he forgive for cheating and pretend that everything is forgotten?". very difficult. 😔😔

NeCe Love
NeCe Love - 23.09.2022 23:54

I love all the debates! I guess you can tell I've got a boring life! I love reading comments! But at the end of the day my logic steps in and I will never understand why Laura married him and then cheated after she found out Massimo did not cheat on her. I don't get it! She should have left. She should not have ever married him! Laura knew he was a Gangster -- A Mob Boss "The FN Dom" for heaven sakes! Their lifestyles are totally "unorthodox" and scary! When Massimo tried to protect her -- she felt smothered. He would send his bodyguards with her but she acted like a spoiled brat and didn't want them around! She was too immature to handle that life style. She went to the club with that "cute" dress on and get's attacked because she was flirting with that guy and then she blamed Massimo! Dominico told her "this isn't a GAME" but she started playing around with the wrong people and then Massimo felt he had to shoot the Guy! I mean, I don't get it! But it's fun and Entertainment at it's Best! Last point IMO --. Laura is the Problem! And, MASSIMO made a mistake - you can't be kidnapping females, I don't care how "amazingly hot" you are. I don't think he really understood what he was doing was wrong! He needs a beautiful lady that knows the GAME!

Dynah Vel Vixin.
Dynah Vel Vixin. - 22.09.2022 13:55

Who did she choose in the end?

Katherine Palmer
Katherine Palmer - 17.09.2022 12:58

How many what espiodes of 365days is up 2? I've only seen where they get married on 365days . I've seen the other espiodes of 365days is it her dad dies on it . Hi overseas people and g nite to Australia . Well plsz text in English not in different languages do u understand that

jovana pavlovic
jovana pavlovic - 16.09.2022 17:12

I know this is just a movie, but I understand both her and him. You can't keep a woman by your side if she doesn't want it, but I feel sorry for Massima in the end because he didn't deserve it...

Sarah Bannwart
Sarah Bannwart - 16.09.2022 00:54

Some say Nacho...boy is responsible for Laura losing her child.🤦🏽‍♀️ His family responsible for Kidnapping her.
Massimo...not much different, but loyal to Laura(monogamous).
Laura would sleep with whomever...these characters are all over the place.
Wouldn’t pick either, and they should all go their separate ways. Yikes!!!

Melede Jones
Melede Jones - 13.09.2022 02:36

I’m confused! Didn’t Nacho’s family try to kill Laura twice and if we’re being honest Nacho’s family is the reason that her and Massimo’s baby died , but Nacho is who she should be with . Nachos dad basically admitted that they were responsible for her accident. She has no loyalty, at least not in the movie! Even her best friend tells her how ridiculous she sounds. Laura is selfish....

motu jack Russell
motu jack Russell - 12.09.2022 15:33

Of course he has the right to question Laura bcz it was evident that she was in love with nachos. This movie truley showed that Laura only loves sex....😑😑😑

Rhianna JD
Rhianna JD - 12.09.2022 05:57

This movie series really does suck lol. Netflix glorifying abusive relationships yet again

KME - 11.09.2022 00:49

Is it wrong that I laughed when he threw the glass? That grunt sounded funny 🤣

Arfa Khatoon
Arfa Khatoon - 10.09.2022 18:16

Nacho is better than Massimo
Nacho is much more caring and loving ❤️ and I like the bonding and chemistry between Nacho and Laura
It gives different vibes

evalikklemiss - 09.09.2022 14:09

I want nacho and Laura together idgaf what anyone says Massimo is toxic

phoenixkp 5
phoenixkp 5 - 09.09.2022 07:38

Why does this sound like a bad soap opera?

HarleyLilo88 - 09.09.2022 02:11

Honestly this movie shouldn't be romantic abusive relationship. I mean you kidnap a girl against her will.tell her she has to do what you say. Tell her you have 365 days until you love me. I mean the girl developed stock Holm syndrome. But if you think that's love it's not. I ve been in abusive relationship for two years it's not romantic it's not at all it's scary. The two actors are amazing but the story no.
