How did Muslims conquer Arabia? - The Start of the Caliphate - Part1

How did Muslims conquer Arabia? - The Start of the Caliphate - Part1


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Knowledgia - 18.12.2020 15:59

Update: - At the Battle of Badr, the Meccans were not led in battle by Abu Sufyan, they were led by Abu Jahl also known as Amr ibn Hisham. We are sorry for this mistake.
After hours of research, as we tried to present the major events in 10 minutes, we knew that we missed a lot of important details. We also know that many Muslims are following our channel. So, if any of you would like to fill in more information about this period, please reply to this comment. We'd love to hear more information from you :)
Thank you very much for watching! 🙂 As-salamu alaykum

D9 - 09.09.2023 15:20

What is wrong in wrong in seeing god in an idol?

YASSMEENE عشيره اللهيب♡LEBANON♡ - 05.09.2023 05:04


Brigthsideafterthestorm - 05.09.2023 03:45

Thats not the real story man.. ur talk is muslim muslim Haaa, they sre both islams vs islam... muslim is the name of religion.. u worship Satan in mecca the black stone. We know the real histoty now.

Maria Hlavacova
Maria Hlavacova - 03.09.2023 19:27

Yes but that time people inside the Kaaba worshiping idols

Richard S
Richard S - 22.08.2023 11:58

After Mo died 632 his position was then filled by a series of Caliphs, they continued the expansionist policy of imperialism and colonialism as they spread Islam by the sword. I'll outline the history into Europe, but don't forget the expansionist policy also spread west into North Africa all the way to Morocco, and further East to China.  I'll be brief in my outline:

By 668 jihad manifested itself outside the walls of Constantinople

711 Islamic armies invaded Spain

800 years of fighting followed until 1492

The jihad engulfed more nations than the Palestine-bound Crusades (there were 8 of these between 1096 and 1270, less than 200 years, they wanted to establish themselves in the holy land which was formerly Christian)

Far grander jihad continued as Muslims wanted to take and occupy Europe and Islamize it. Large parts of Europe were taken and occupied for centuries, sometimes devastated and some of it Islamized.

Eastern and southern Russia

All Jihad battlefields where Islam conquered or was conquered. Many of those lands were occupied by Muslims, in some cases by Arabs or Moors, in others by Ottoman Turks, usually for hundreds of years.

Spain 800 years
Portugal 600
Greece 500
Sicily 300
Serbia 400
Bulgaria 500
Romania 400
Hungary 150 years - a place particularly ruined/plundered and ravaged and it took 200 years to recover.

Muslims came and occupied a huge part of Europe, the Turks besieged Vienna twice in 1529 and 1683. Their cavalry raided central Europe, riding into Bavaria almost as far as Nuremberg. They fought in Poland and the Ukraine, crushed Hungary, occupied Belgrade and Budapest for hundreds of years.

The Moors and the Arabs took Spain and Portugal, invaded France through the Pyrenees, turned Sicily into an Islamic island, raided Rome, sacked St Peter's and obliged the pope to pay tribute. From their base near St Tropez they raided Switzerland as far as Lake Constance on the German border. The pirates of the Barbary coast raided England, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland and brought back thousands of slaves for the markets of Constantinople (after they had turned it into Istanbul) and North Africa. The Mongols threatened Moscow, occupied the Crimea and became Tatars. The Persians marched into Georgia, so did the Turks, who also occupied Armenia.

Some imagine that the sack of Jerusalem in 1099 was the start of the hostility between Islam and the West, they handily ignore the capture of Jerusalem from the Christians in 638, the invasion of Spain some 70 years later by the Arabs and Moors, and the subsequent 800 year occupation in whole or in part of the Iberian peninsula.

When the Moors (these weren't black africans) invaded Spain they had help from locals, from the Jews who were being so badly persecuted by the Catholic Church and ongoing waves of Inquisitions that they were safer under the Shari'a in humility and dhimmitude than left at the mercy of the Catholic Church. Some significant help also came from one or two local Counts for reasons I'll explain.

The story goes that there was a woman, there always is. Florinda was the daughter of Count Julian who wasn't as much of a pussy as he sounds. Florinda was invited by King Rodrigo to learn the craft of a lady in waiting at the Visigothic court in Toledo. The randy king had seen her swimming, the rest you can work out.. so Florinda ended up telling her dad what happened, he could not do much because Rodrigo is king, despite the lack of honour and all that. Julian goes to Ceuta with Florinda and and seeks Musa the emir of North Africa, and tells Musa about the discontent in Rodrigo's Spain and about Witiza the son of the previous king that Rodrigo himself usurped. Musa goes for it and sends his army across the sea guided by Count Julian and let by Tarik a former slave who converted, he was tough and committed, swore by the Qur'an and the sword. Julian guides the invading colonising force to a safe landing site later called Jabel Tarik (Tariks Mountain) and later again Gibraltar.

Tarik and his army won for Musa, Count Julian and Florinda, and Witiza got his revenge although he would never rule as Musa sends a son for that job.
I think in this occasion it is very fair to say that this one wasn't a religiously motivated invasion, but one about territory and power, seizing opportunity. There was of course motivation from the religion, the duty and all that, but the invasion of Spain itself was not solely an Islamist Jihad

The unbelievers were pressured to convert and the only reason why in later years it became 'jizya and dhimmitude' rather than 'islam or death' was because it was financially beneficial. It even got to a point in Europe where people were converting to Islam because it was the most practical thing to do, to avoid the second class citizen status, that some Caliph's became concerned about their taxes from Al Andalus, but a later more pious caliph said "Allah sent his Prophet to be and apostle, not a tax collector" but he was the exception.

Dhimmis had a hard time in Umayyad caliphate of Al Andalus (elsewhere the Abassids were in charge, long story linked to the Shia/Sunni split and inheritance/bloodlines and Mohammed)
Dhimmis could not carry a weapon or ride a horse, into a donkey. They were not allowed to wear shoes and had to walk barefoot. A Christian who claimed that Jesus was divine was automatically executed. A Muslim who became a Christian or Jew was treated likewise. The ringing of church bells was forbidden. Christian religious processions were banned. Non-muslims had to stand aside if a Muslim passed them in the street. They could not wear anything with green in it. If a Muslim assaulted them, they were not allowed to fight back but we're only permitted to ask their aggressor to stop hitting them.

Their status in many ways was like the Untouchables of Hindu caste system, or slaves of the Deep South USA. They were the dregs, the bottom of the pile. If they failed to pay the tribute to their conquers, they were enslaved or executed.

All that said they weren't in Al Andalus at least, forced to convert. £££££ brother... Practical reality.

It is interesting that the west has by-and-large forgotten this history, but it hasn't been forgotten by orthodox muslims, those who see the eventual expulsion of the invading force as a shame, and who seek to take back the lands of Al Andalus etc.

It is in quite stark contrast that western Europeans do not celebrate their colonialist past, yet there are significant numbers of those within dar-ul-Islam who consider their colonialism to be a glorious one.

bob wayne
bob wayne - 12.08.2023 06:08

muhammad did not die because of an illness, if you read the hadiths it said that he died after being poison by a jewish woman

Raed Assaf
Raed Assaf - 05.08.2023 14:51

abu bakr wasnt the first male to believe in the prophet , its imam Ali

Its_Your_Bacon_Boi_With_Demin - 30.07.2023 14:32

Who loves islam puts a like

Q O - 28.07.2023 02:06

The title is a bit weird

Omae wa Mou Shindeiru
Omae wa Mou Shindeiru - 24.07.2023 06:59

This channel have so much disknowledge and hate among moslem, look at how he change the reql history about abu sofyan lead a caravan of trade and mohammad SAW try to raid them? Like.,, wtf man??? Where did u got the source mf haters?

Richard White
Richard White - 21.07.2023 23:47


An opportunistic merchant warlord.

Who knew?

Sabri Ismail
Sabri Ismail - 01.07.2023 17:53

The invasion of India by the Muslims in 711 A.D. was the epochal year of the Indian people, whoever knows history will not find it difficult to understand what great advances the Indian people have made at the hands of the Muslims, be it in science, architecture, society and in general that was one of the biggest cultural promotions in the world All of West and Asia should thank Arabs and Ottomans for spreading the PEACE RELIGION ISLAM❤

Cory - 30.06.2023 17:55

I didn't think anything could sound more like bullshit than Christianity but then I learned the story of Islam and how anyone falls for this stuff will always be a mystery

sami gamer 999
sami gamer 999 - 26.06.2023 11:10

Very bad video

WatWithADHD - 21.06.2023 01:34

me seeing arabic wrote not in it's regular form cursive ( we don't write it like that like english): heavy breathing you are a disgrace to society

Lol Brahim
Lol Brahim - 20.06.2023 22:39

As muslims we believe that islam was founded since our first father adam and that islam wasn't founded by muhammad peace be upon him

NO - 20.06.2023 16:06

Naaaareeee tarkbeeer

Allah hu Akbar

Kiran Mallela
Kiran Mallela - 19.06.2023 18:43

He is not a god but a human being.

t teros
t teros - 18.06.2023 18:43

The religion of peace.

MOHAMMAD ADNAN - 14.06.2023 08:26

Prophet Muhammad is not the gounder of islam @knowledgia

Ali Alaamri
Ali Alaamri - 14.06.2023 02:52

His people gave him nickname of Alameen .. he didn’t pickup the nickname by himself 🧐 you are transferring knowledge to people as you want them to feel of yourself.. believe or not .. show some respect to your audience please.

Ali Alaamri
Ali Alaamri - 14.06.2023 02:46

Why you said Muhammad is a founder of Islam.. he is the messenger of God (ALLAH) like previous messengers Jesus , Josef , Jacob….. the Gods Religion is Islam .. all prophets and messengers taught their people the same religion.. You people called names of Christianity or Judaism

jawad telleih
jawad telleih - 12.06.2023 18:25

The first 2 believers are ali and khadija

Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste - 12.06.2023 04:03

Muhammad was a gay rights leader, teaching homosexuals, to fight Christians; he did so, by aligning them against Jews, the doctors.

カゼツ - 11.06.2023 05:34

Funny watching the founder of a "peace religion" basically going around fighting just because he's rejected 😂😂

Inamullah Khan
Inamullah Khan - 09.06.2023 12:58

Please note Islam is not founded by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ... It is the religion of Adam pbuh Abraham and so on. ۔quran is the final book after previous holy books. ۔. Let me know if you need copy of Quran in Language you know.

Abdullah Ahmad
Abdullah Ahmad - 09.06.2023 10:59

The very first sentence is wrong, Prophet Mohammad S.A. is not the founder of Islam. He is the last Prophet. He did not introduce any new ideology, he preached the same things that all prophets taught, the 10 commandments.

Om Ghag
Om Ghag - 07.06.2023 23:16

I don't understand why the people following Islam are either too good or too evil, on one hand people who actually follow Islam are really nice to hang out with while on the other hand there are extremists a lot of them, we consider Islam to be a peaceful religion, then why did they invaded India? If they are so peaceful why convert so many people forcefully like Christans? , people in India argue who were morally right, the Hindus or Muslims , but they forgot that muslims were the ones who invaded Indian lands and India had no choice but to retaliate

Anees Ahamed
Anees Ahamed - 04.06.2023 08:00

They should have conquered South Korea , Japan , Germany , France , and uk

M. Isa Mario
M. Isa Mario - 02.06.2023 04:29

the death of Prophet Muhammad is the beginning of a bloody chaos

AQUA SHADOW - 29.05.2023 09:22

Ohh boy love it hope you upload more about islam and other things ,and wallIkum as salam wa rahmatulahi wa barkatu ❤😊😊the reply to youre sala.😊😊😊😅❤❤

Dustin Koellhoffer
Dustin Koellhoffer - 25.05.2023 23:28

Why did you neglect to state that Mohammed had his men raiding Meccan caravans, killing and thieving, and that is what angered them?

T0xiic_mxcha - 21.05.2023 07:27

Prophet muhammed (s.w.s) is no the founder of Islam please stop saying this

Rajesh Kannan
Rajesh Kannan - 17.05.2023 08:16

Such a shame many Kingdom become subdued towards a cult and folk tale

JESUS rose to life
JESUS rose to life - 30.04.2023 22:17

❤ thanks! Helpful!

Mikey Khan
Mikey Khan - 26.04.2023 10:22

He was not just a man he was a military tactician, a Leader of the people , a Father , a son and is our beloved prophet Peace and blessing be upon him and is my hero. he had so many hardships and lost everyone he ever loved but he never lost his faith so I aspire to be even 1% of the man he was

Amir Einav
Amir Einav - 25.04.2023 20:49

Such a peaceful religion

Aspirin Renaissance
Aspirin Renaissance - 25.04.2023 14:06

If theres a claim that religion this or religion that is a peace,why starting a war? Why need to conquest,why need to invade?! Always laughing so hard to a bunch of people who always convince me that i need to convert to this religion or to that religion.

In my opinion,a concept of religion as long as human runs a total nonsense.

Khalid Alqhtani
Khalid Alqhtani - 24.04.2023 21:10

There is a very huge mistake when you say that The Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him wasn’t interested to uphold the end of the bargain . The truth is that the Non-Muslim Meccans were the ones who violated the treaty, so that made Muslims resorting to invade Macca and conquer it.
Our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him would never ever break any treaty he made with others.
I think that you have to mention this mistake in your bio or adjust the the video itself. A such misleading mistake might tarnish the reputation of Islam.

Mowgli - 23.04.2023 11:23

May peace and blessings be upon our great Prophet. His achievements make him more special. Not from military background, he nevertheless made it to conquer whole Arabian Peninsula.

عبدالله - 21.04.2023 11:32

‏على صعيد المعارك العسكرية فقط، كيف استطاع النبي محمد مع رهط من الرجال لا يتجاوز عددهم العشرات أن يهزم الآلآف من المقاتلين. هذه معجزة أشار لها القرآن قبل حدوثها.

Coding Blues
Coding Blues - 20.04.2023 07:00

Lots of errors in the video. Abu Syfyan (RA) did not lead battle of badr, he was no where near it.

Tajreen Tabassum
Tajreen Tabassum - 19.04.2023 21:40

Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alahi Wasallam... was indeed a political genius, equipped with high battle IQ 😮

bardia kasravi
bardia kasravi - 18.04.2023 16:26

Wrong info. I understand why you got it wrong. Because the islamic sultans faked the real history. Muhammad was bor in Petra. Islam began from there and tens of years later came to Sausia Arabia! Everything in Saudia Arabia is fake. Real history of Islam is in petra go watch the researches of Dan Gibson. The video „Sacred City“ explains it very well the true story of Islam

Aniello L‘Africano🇷🇺
Aniello L‘Africano🇷🇺 - 18.04.2023 05:21

Abu Sufyan wasn’t The leader in the battle of Badr

راحواا، الطيبييين الطيبين، راخواا
راحواا، الطيبييين الطيبين، راخواا - 17.04.2023 23:04

They were just hundreds of Muslims in a desert with literally nothing, and we were victorious over the greatest empires in the Middle East, such as the Romans, Persians, Byzantines, and others. Yes, it was a period of time full of wars and killings, and Muslims fought until they lived among the greatest empires, and they were able to expel and liberate the Middle East from the West and the Persians.

راحواا، الطيبييين الطيبين، راخواا
راحواا، الطيبييين الطيبين، راخواا - 17.04.2023 23:04

They were just hundreds of Muslims in a desert with literally nothing, and we were victorious over the greatest empires in the Middle East, such as the Romans, Persians, Byzantines, and others. Yes, it was a period of time full of wars and killings, and Muslims fought until they lived among the greatest empires, and they were able to expel and liberate the Middle East from the West and the Persians.
