Chess Lesson # 75: Get The Most Out Of Your Tactics Training

Chess Lesson # 75: Get The Most Out Of Your Tactics Training

NM Robert Ramirez

3 года назад

37,868 Просмотров

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Karan Arora
Karan Arora - 23.10.2023 20:00


Sc4ndal0uS - 19.10.2023 10:14

Great content. I watch you for like 2 weeks, already my rating went + 100 elo in rapid and blitz.

Floating Sunfish
Floating Sunfish - 06.10.2023 14:22

This is an underrated piece of advice.
You will get a lot more from chess pizzles this way.
Many thanks as always, coach! ♟️♥️

Amlya D
Amlya D - 10.09.2023 20:44

Thats awesome approach

Emmanuil Mushynsky
Emmanuil Mushynsky - 27.08.2023 19:20

Like + subcribe + comment below the video is the least what i can to do for you for creating these free chess courses

Anouk Adel
Anouk Adel - 04.08.2023 16:28

Great advice, I’m trying to finish the first tactic against the 3200 rated engine, but I can’t. I’ll keep trying.

Vikas Reddy
Vikas Reddy - 24.07.2023 17:32

Why are you teaching us for free? The lessons are freaking wholesome

Italo - 12.07.2023 12:52

😊 awesome class

Rodrigues da Silva
Rodrigues da Silva - 25.06.2023 09:39

My thoughts:
1) Black are threatening mate in 1
2) The black rook is not protected
3) We need to make checks until checkmate or until we win the rook or maybe the queen...

Re8+ (if Kh7 then Qd3+ and we win the rook)
Bf8 Rxf8 Kxf8 Nc8+ (the idea of Nc8 is not to block the b1-h7 diagonal for the fork to be possible and if Ke8 then Qe7# possible)
But then i realised that there is now Kg7 and no more checks, and sacrifice the second rook Rg8 seems to give nothing...

Then i thought, ok what else has the knight besides Nc8? What if knife f5? :)

Nf5+ with the idea to take away g7 from the king, and remaining the control over e7.
Kg8 Rd8+ Kh7 Rh8+! (sacrificing the rook because of Kxh8 Qf8+ Kh7 Qg7#)
Kg6 Rxh6+ Kxf5 Qd3+ (with the fork on the rook)

Account account
Account account - 10.06.2023 18:20


CHESSGODTHEYCALLME - 28.05.2023 22:42


Steven Decker
Steven Decker - 17.04.2023 18:59

my original plan for exercise #2 was to check the king on the back rank with my rook, forcing it to H7 where i can move my e3 to fork the king and rook, gaining material.

Mohd Mustafa
Mohd Mustafa - 15.04.2023 02:20

I started chess 2 months ago my rating was like 160 rapid and i started this course now I am at 600 rapid 🎉

cranexe - 26.02.2023 20:31

It is a great idea to play the game after solving a tactic. I've thrown the game many times where I've either given my opponent the win, or I've end up getting a drawn position. The practice of playing the game after solving a tactic will surely help me. Thank you for all the great videos and explanations, and for acknowledging the fact that even though we're solving more advanced tactics and positions, many people have still not caught up, with phrases like "This one is pretty hard". I'm very proud of myself for being able to solve the 2nd puzzle. Keep on making great videos!

Raphaël D'harcourt
Raphaël D'harcourt - 28.01.2023 00:06

#2 1.Te8+ Bf8 2.TxBf8 KxTf8 3. Ng6+ Kg8 4.Qf8+ KxQf8 5.Td8# #3 didnt see Rd3 #4 1.Qc3+ Qg7 2. Qc8+ Qf8 3.QxQf8# #5 failed didnt think about 2.Qxf6+

Gambit Move
Gambit Move - 08.01.2023 12:59

Hi NM Robert Ramirez, I am extremely grateful for your help! Thanks a lot!

JAMAL UDEEN - 30.12.2022 18:06

For puzzle 🧩 2. Ree8+ Bf8 Rxf8 Kxe8 Nf5+ b4 Rd8#

Some Guy
Some Guy - 26.10.2022 02:20

I stumbled onto this by accident in lichess puzzles. I solved a bunch, went away for a bit. Came back and couldn't figure out what to do in one of the puzzles. Then I looked below and saw that it was already solved and said "continue (to next puzzle)". So I had gotten the tactic done but didn't know what to do next to press the win. Thanks for the great training tip... learning to convert the advantage into a win.

TIKTOK MODE😤 - 18.10.2022 15:11

You talk to much just get t the point!

Forex Learner
Forex Learner - 11.10.2022 08:00


Save Your Unit Link
Save Your Unit Link - 05.10.2022 02:47

This fill my hole of Tactics Trainning. Thank you.

PawPaw Mark
PawPaw Mark - 30.09.2022 21:55

Everytime I set up the board and choose continue from here, it automatically moves first. Any thoughts on what to do so that I get to move first? I did select which color I'm playing.

Mahaswin Giri
Mahaswin Giri - 22.09.2022 13:35

Your explanation is so nice. Keep on making vid's

Dharsh m
Dharsh m - 09.08.2022 13:02

5 answer f5 gxf5 bh6+ kxh6 qxf6+ exf5

Dharsh m
Dharsh m - 09.08.2022 13:01

4 answer qc3+ qg7 qc8+ bd8 qxd8+ qg8 qxg8#

Dharsh m
Dharsh m - 09.08.2022 12:59

3 answer rg1+ kh6 rf7

Dharsh m
Dharsh m - 09.08.2022 12:57

2 answer re8+ if bf8 rxf8+ kxf8 nf5+ if ke8 qe7# if kg8 rd8 + kh7 rh8+ kxh8 qf8+ kh7 qg7# so for re8 kh7 means qd3 fork we get the queen

Archie Woosung
Archie Woosung - 21.06.2022 22:53

Would have been helpful to post the positions as text so we could paste into LiChess!
Thought #5 should have ended in a (quickish) mate, so go extremely frustrating against the engine!

jeanLetourneau1 - 15.05.2022 15:35

Thank you Robert for this great video. I like very much your practical approach to the game. Keep it simple. When you played against the computer, you took no risk: secure your Bishop, secure your King, avoiding all complications, take your time, and go for an easy pawn endgame. I learn a lot from your comments when you are playing. But to be better at chess, I need mainly to improve my tactics.

Howie Dick
Howie Dick - 04.05.2022 11:03

Playing out tactical puzzles against a computer is horrible advice. Let me explain...1. tactics training is about pattern recognition. It's not about closing out a game. New players should spend no longer then 30 seconds on a puzzle...then they should look at the answer and revisit the puzzle a few hours later and then again the next day... remember it's pattern recognition. 2. Playing chess , believe it or not doesn't make you a better chess player. You can go on any chess site and find 1200 ELO players with 50k games. 3 there is generally a mix-up between the ideas of chess tactics and calculation. If u r training calculation..yes one problem can take hours to solve..but if you are just training tactics... pattern recognition is key.

Pierre-Emmanuel Gallais
Pierre-Emmanuel Gallais - 20.04.2022 10:52

Makes a world of sense if you ask me :)

Kyle N
Kyle N - 02.04.2022 13:52

This is a great training tip. Some might think that “but now you don’t get as many problems done”, but as you play the game, in your attempt to win a winning position, you will have to encounter additional tactical threats. This is very practical

quagapp - 31.03.2022 18:25

I do that I solve quite a lot of difficult problems but then I get stopped but I also play the finish out. It would also be good to be able to repeat it. Position 2 I saw almost instantly -- the idea --- Re8+ if Kh7 Qd3+ or if Bf8 Rxf8+ the KxQ sacs on f8 and forces mate....with Nf5+ etc (Rd8 mate or the Q mates on g7)....

Metabolic Rift Gardens
Metabolic Rift Gardens - 30.03.2022 17:19

The difference between me and Canelo Alvarez is that he knows how to finish a fight. I have a lot of tools and often have no brainer mid games that I just lose, either because I get bored and careless, or overly cautious. I would stop pushing forward and fix my structure, and accidentally let them exploit an opening. I think it would be beneficial for me to start thinking about all possibilities instead of just looking for easy checks on the king and queen in one or two.. so yeah this is very helpful advice

Harper Huynh
Harper Huynh - 03.03.2022 04:11

wow, I just watched to the part where you revealed the answer to position #2. Didn't see a lot of that!

Harper Huynh
Harper Huynh - 03.03.2022 04:09

In the second position, I see that black has checkmate in one. so that if we can get some sort of checkmate, we need every move to be checks. In this position, I would play the move rook e8. If the king goes to h7, queen d3 would be a fork. On the other hand, if they block with the bishop, then I'll take it, with check. Again, if the king moves to h7, it's mate in one. So he's forced to take. After that, I'll play knight f5 with check from my queen. Now black has two options. If the king goes e8, queen e7 would deliver mate. And if he goes to g8, rook d8 is mate.

I hope that wasn't too much wording, but it's what i know.

Harper Huynh
Harper Huynh - 03.03.2022 04:04

In position 4, the move that leads to mate is queen c3. Only move for black is blocking with the queen. After that, I'll play queen c8 check. All of black's move leads to checkmate now. #1: Queen f8, takes, mate. #2: Queen g8, takes, mate. #3: Bishop d8, go back to #1 or #2. 😁

Hope that's useful info!!

Harper Huynh
Harper Huynh - 03.03.2022 03:53

In the third position, I would play pawn takes f6. Black's king basically has to take or we'll get a queen and black will have to trade a rook or something to stop it. So, after takes, The move bishop e7 will fork the king and rook.

The position is TOTALLY winning for white!

Ashley Eugenio
Ashley Eugenio - 27.02.2022 17:38

queen to d3 and followed up with rook to e8

ASK ASHUTOSH - 23.02.2022 05:44

Thankyou , that's really helpful toiling to finish the stuff against computer would sprout virtues in the respective player. ❤️

Rafael ER
Rafael ER - 09.02.2022 04:25

5/5 good video

Knowledge is my sword
Knowledge is my sword - 11.01.2022 07:50

we have to play till end with computer?

Aj - 09.01.2022 10:18

Your teaching is more understandable

Articuno_316 - 04.01.2022 19:18

It worked!

Detached Laconian
Detached Laconian - 01.01.2022 16:13

My solution attempts: (I created the PGNs on lichess AFTER I calculated every line in my head, so no cheating here.)

Puzzle #2

1. Re8+ Kh7 (1... Bf8 2. Rxf8+ Kxf8 (2... Kh7 3. Qd3+ f5 4. Qxc2) (2... Kg7 3. Rxf7+ Qxf7 4. Nxf7 Kxf7) 3. Nf5+ Rc5 (3... Ke8 4. Qe7#) (3... Kg8 4. Rd8+ Kh7 5. Qd3?? { I thought this would be a fork of the king and rook, because I didn't see the knight would be blocking the queen's attack on the king when calculating. Big mistake! :( }) 4. Rd8#) 2. Qd3+ f5 3. Qxc2 *

Puzzle #3

1. Rg1+ Kh5 (1... Kh6 { I can't figure out what to do here. I thought of going Bf8+ to force the king away from the h6 square, but the black rook just takes the bishop. I'd guess there's some way to threaten promotion with the e5 pawn, but I don't know how to execute the idea. }) 2. Rxh7# *

Puzzle #4

1. Qc3+ { Only legal moves are to block with bishop or queen. There's only one block that's defended, namely Qg7. } 1... Qg7 2. Qc8+ { Again, it is also possible for black to block with the bishop but it wouldn't be defended. } 2... Qg8 3. Qxg8# *

Puzzle #5

{ The position looks closed, so I'm thinking of pushing e5 to shred it open or maybe even sacrifice the queen with Qf6+, but I don't see any way to execute the idea and win material.

I also noticed black's knight and rook are aligned, so I wanted to attack them with a bishop or queen diagonally, but I didn't see how to do that either, especially with the pawn on d6 blocking the diagonal. }

AGILIS - 30.12.2021 03:09

Great tip!

ipl Games
ipl Games - 09.12.2021 19:11

#2 ans- Re8+,bf8,R*f8+,K*f8,Kf5+,KG8QF8+,K*f8,Rd8#
