Hellbound? Official Trailer (2012) HD

Hellbound? Official Trailer (2012) HD


11 лет назад

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BobRooney - 20.12.2013 13:14

so in other words, we create words like faith and belief and twist them against people so we can control and destroy them as we please.  knowing and believing are always two sides to a coin.  I know something must have created all of us, so dont think i am a doubter but i dont believe it was good if it made us out of its image, since NONE of us are any good.  we do put up a good game of "pretend that we are good" though, you know, for keeping up appearances.

beindoter - 20.12.2013 09:48

Aaah but Bop, there is no god of religion, only GOOGLE who is the true all-seeing entity we live in.
