Does Judaism believe in heaven and hell? | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV

Does Judaism believe in heaven and hell? | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV

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@microsphere07 - 16.01.2024 09:16

so tell me what happens to the guy with the small mustache? whats his punishement for the Holocaust?

@shaikh9990 - 26.12.2023 16:48

But why they have invented Talmud when they have Torah

@Tatiana-cp1fc - 24.12.2023 22:22

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father but except through him.

@myrmidon8008 - 22.12.2023 18:19

So all Hitler will suffer is a deep long regret?

@janisjunkie69 - 08.12.2023 21:57

Where in the world is he getting his information? Lol

@mswanged98 - 04.12.2023 09:36

People of the book believe in Allah before it's too late
In hell shall inter every non Muslim
There is more than black fire you will dring the pus and blood you bleed and eat spikes from hunger forever and ever
Save yourselves

@gsgidney - 09.11.2023 18:33

I wonder howbthat applies to Hitler, Jim Jones, Mousalini and others.
If you only get to reflect on what you "could have accomplished" then whats the point?
No justification?
No atonement?
No sentence?

@andrewsessions1602 - 14.10.2023 21:41

Fire and burning in hell was from the ancient Persian faith of Zorastrianism. And then they acknowledged that it was symbolic of the burning off the sins of the damned soul and purifying them in preparation. It was adapted in Judiasm and then spread in a way where the symbolic was misinterpreted as the real. I don't think actual burning in hell is accepted by any religion as what happens to the soul of bad people after death.

@crysis63 - 11.10.2023 21:58

you wont get closer to god if you don't believe in his son so good luck

@pleasantmailman2822 - 10.10.2023 01:15

i like that rabbi

@richardcezar8267 - 09.10.2023 00:23

I’ve seen a lot of arguing here in the comments section involving Jesus, Islam, Judaism, and so on.

The harsh reality is there is no way for us to know the truth about God’s existence or His nature. Even more terrifying - we don’t know what will happen to us in the end. Most religious people take comfort in their belief systems, thinking that they have the truth and that they are in God’s favor because of it. Meanwhile, atheists are confident that no divine powers are watching them and there is nothing coming after death. Yet anyone who honestly takes time to think things over will admit that they can’t guarantee anything. Religious analyses and debates have gone on for millennia but we are still just as blind as our ancestors. Any argument espoused by a believer or non-believer can be supported or criticized using compelling evidence. Even those of the same religion can disagree. Religious belief (or lack of it) is the ultimate guessing game. We are truly slaves to the unknown.

@Sam-bc6sr - 24.09.2023 02:04

It's baffling where the classic tortured-forever-in-flames Christian hell comes from, because it isn't even found in the New Testament. The most frequent references are to being banished to the 'outer darkness', which seems to be a state of separation from God. There's a single reference to those not found written in the Book of Life being thrown into the Lake of Fire, but if the whole chapter is read, even if taken literally it appears to be annihilation, not eternal torment.

@bettycalixte6494 - 18.09.2023 08:05

This was so interesting, because I grew up thinking of heaven and hell differently .. to be honest this makes a lot more sense

@movie30000 - 18.09.2023 01:30

Yes and No; Depending on who is the politician in power, and who pays the bills. As ridiculous than it can get. 2,500 years of manipulating humanity by stealing Zoroastrian beliefs and selling it as yours with a twist o manipulation

@tonyornelas9374 - 13.09.2023 00:14

Unless your religion says hell is eternal damnation then its satanic.

@Raven1821 - 31.08.2023 03:34

But I really like pizza.

@EternaResplandiente - 23.08.2023 23:04

Very interesting 🤔

@behumblealways2510 - 15.08.2023 07:01

The funny thing here is , the Rabi did not Quote any verse from his Book because Jews don’t have a Book to follow. It’s All about what the Rabbi said . In his thinking , you murder , rape and do Ponzi schemes and All you do is just regret ? So there is No accountability in Judaism.

@sid5734 - 21.07.2023 22:53

does this mean that Satan will go to heaven after a period of regrets?

@supremevegetable9452 - 12.07.2023 10:47

You had me at pizza party with beer

@marcolucius5083 - 01.07.2023 11:25

Strawman understanding of Catholic doctrine. It's a caricature to simplify Christian hell as physical. Art work is used to represent a spiritual reality.
The hell described is a little similar to Catholic purgatory.
The insinuation that a Christian idea of heaven is somehow less than that described is disingenuous

@ssridont443 - 26.06.2023 15:20

There’s just one problem with that idea of emotional pain, bad guys who die as bad guys never regretted the atrocities they committed.
Do you think hitler who killed six million as per Jews say will feel emotional pain? He wouldn’t even twitch. I used to think Jews are smart but after hearing what their intellectuals say about this topic is frightening. It always seems islam has the answer to everything. Their quranic verses are short and to the point but very vivid

@beautifullykayla - 20.06.2023 07:00

So what is the point of following God’s commandments if there is no hell? What is all of this for if there is no punishment for people’s wrong doings?

@Natalie-fj7fs - 15.06.2023 14:22

The Baha’i faith agrees with this view

@maseratiupgrades4363 - 12.06.2023 17:00

What does the the great mind of the Creator of heaven and hell say about Judaism? Like all other culture club cults (including Christianity) that are based on incomplete relics derived from the true one God's word, Judaism is not a true religion while containing elements (Ten Commandments) of such. The only true religion is sent down by the Creator and it's followers are those who surrender to Creator's will as it is sent through all of His messengers. Therefore, Abraham was neither a Christian nor a Jew, but a follower and keeper of the faith in the one True, and therefore holy, God (Quran). That is the proper religion whose adherents, when asked a question regarding faith will respond with 'Yes' or 'know': not 'Yes and No' which fuses opposites together in 'Con...fusion'. This confusion is coined by the cult's followers as 'wisdom', when, in fact, it is absurdity in one of it's forms (contradiction) touted as a bastion of the cult's faith or knowledge base.

Physical vs. Spiritual? Both better extol the Holy ones greatness-----
Throughout all this confusion, truths, such as resurrection after death, are omitted. So, drawing from the well's of self congratulatory confusion, the cult's adherents/leaders refer to only a spiritual afterlife, not being inclusive of both body and mind. This is part of a larger modern day Judaism 'God Complex'. wherein it's adherents, armed with the task of helping God complete His creation as His partners or associates, believe that, in the afterlife, their 'spirituality' will merge with God's in ultimate bliss. The truth is that God was, is and will remain (in the afterlife) transcendent, incomparable, independent and need free while his creatures will, should, and justly be reminded that they are created needy embodied forms always in need of Him Who is , on the contrary, majestically transcendent, incomparably free of all needs, worthy of all praise (Quran). The act of associating with the intangible all-creating God Who is intimately aware of those He creates re-creates, guides, evolves, judges, shelters and exposes in this life and the next (body and all), is a sinful act (Quran) by which the cult of Judaism defines itself.

Heaven is eternal. Hell is temporary?-----
To say that heaven is eternal while hell is not implies that one true God sacrifices one divine quality for another: namely, justice for mercy. It would not be just for everyone to go to heaven, eventually. That would make a mockery of those who endure and patiently strive in God's way, while the others flounder, rebel, follow their sinful appetites, rebel against God, oppose God, waylay others from the path of God, take for worship (rivals) other than God, worship God as long as they worship associates to Him, etc.. In so doing the day of final judgement is also mocked: one doesn't have to be patient and endure and strive in this life because after enjoying it as one pleases at the expense of others safety, peace, well being, and happiness, this person can just wait in Hell, however one wants to describe it (spiritually or physically) and , eventually he will join the rest in blissful closeness to God. Mercy is extended to all creatures, yes: if it was not for the Eternal's all-mercy, He would not leave a single creature on alive on the face of His earth (Quran). His mercy is endless, yet His justice is not compromised.

@Poco-tr9xw - 11.06.2023 20:24

Now you know why they do the evil crimes. They think they is no consequences

@aelin4950 - 10.06.2023 21:06

I don't think it's fair to be honest because there are some horrible people who did alot of bad things like murder, rape... and more they could be even ones who do believe in god so it's doesn't makes sense that eventually they will have a happy ending and go to heaven after feeling the regret

@riadtnsi5147 - 31.05.2023 00:44

so jews don't beleive that god can recreate us in a physical body ?

@Mindfultranslations - 29.05.2023 02:31

This was so logical… ❤

@Smooth17727 - 24.05.2023 03:48

So how does he come to these conclusions? What scripture is he using? Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

@serg.r4860 - 23.05.2023 05:56

That's the he'll adolf hitler is in?

@yaellacek4659 - 21.05.2023 05:59

Hell according to the rabbi does not have any accountability like Hashem gave in the Sinai where the Law was given to Moshe, when many died for being too rebellious people that would never go back to obey Him because He knew they had passed the point of not return. His explanation( The Rabbi) of Hell is similar in essence to the Catholic doctrine of the teaching of "The Purgatory": you sinned and repent afterlife for a while go to purge your sins then come to Hashem's presence., by the way, that catholic doctrine was taken by the multitude mixed of Israelite and idolaters that joined a false Israel( Except The Faithful Remnant Hashem knows) in the land more than 2000 years ago destroyed by Titus during the called Anno Domini; and the catholic church adopted during the roman empire and the development of a false called Christian church. ANY LAW ON EARTH TODAY IS JUST A WEAK IMAGE OF THE LAW OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, AND EVEN THOUGH MEN EXECUTE THEIR LAWS HOW MUCH MORE A LAW THAT GIVES FREEDOM FROM ALL KIND OF SLAVERY,; PHYSICAL, MENTAL OR DISTORTED SPIRITUALITY EVEN INTELECTUAL INNACURACY OF HASHEM DIVINE PURPOSES. HELL IS THE END OF ALL KIND OF EVIL THAT WILL BE DESTROY BY ITSELF BECAUSE EVIL HAS NOT ANY SIMIL WITH THE BLISS OF GOODNESS THAT COMES FROM HASHEM.

@sarahdavilio2575 - 19.05.2023 10:46

You get no answer but it is always not what the Christians think.....

@larryhammer5926 - 19.05.2023 01:55

jesus soul is not a jewish soul! Jesus soul had numerous life incarnations! There is only one god! not to be confused with the creator!! Jesus is not god! Jesus soul is not the son of god either! Jesus soul is just that a soul ! Jesus was only a man who died! If you have a soul you came from heaven & will go to heaven! This is not larry! This is the senior foundation angel!

@EpiphanyMindChange - 07.05.2023 19:53

How true. The worst pain is not physical pain.

@sandypeters2257 - 20.04.2023 19:09

It’s sad what happened to the chosen people. Such confusion. No concrete answers. The searching continues because they missed the Messiah. The end is here and Jesus is coming back and they missed it.

@bcdznxy-jr3hx - 07.04.2023 13:03

“And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their WORM shall not die, neither shall their FIRE be quenched; and they shall be an ABHORRING unto all flesh.”
— Isaiah 66:24 (KJV)

I will never join organised religion.
He is supposed to be a rabbi. He shd know the Old Testament !!
He talks abt other jewish writings instead .. written by men whom God hv not chosen to be His prophets.
See how they complicate God ..

@D.Yusef242 - 04.04.2023 07:36

rn im just simply a believer of God, not muslin nd jewish nd no shade but definitly not Christian. The idea of phyical torment seems like a fear tactic by humans to bring people closer to God but the jewish understanding of hell not being physical torment but rather emotional distress is something I believe God would go off of. Nd the pt about physical body not being there to be tormented makes a lot of sense since we will just be souls.

@magaman6353 - 23.03.2023 09:40

And just where does the Rabbi think Adolf Hitler may have gone?

@danielsmith7951 - 16.03.2023 07:27

It mostly makes sense for God's forgiveness for most people

@danielsmith7951 - 16.03.2023 07:25

That makes a lot more sense but I still have a question about some people that are so evil,no remorse for the terrible things that they've done, like Hitler,there has to be a limit to god's forgiveness

@hoslabara2703 - 13.03.2023 18:19

Does judaism believe Reincarnation and Moksha/Nirvana/Liberation(Submission of soul/Rooh/Atma and Lord/God/Supreme Soul) concept like Hinduism.

@TanjaVK1968 - 10.03.2023 19:00

You are right, burning hell is NOT christian concept :-)

@PuddingMamba - 25.02.2023 19:24

Im a Christian, and that sounds very good to me!

@RiberyGDL - 23.02.2023 18:42

This is me, I’m a human and there’s “Something” out there that created all of Us. And that’s it. No religion, no beliefs, no “my religion is better than yours”, none of that.

I realize that I’m a microscopic creation compared to the immense universe. Religions are beliefs not facts.

@smooth2477 - 22.02.2023 12:07

Islam makes more sense. This man did not answer the question of afterlife

@Legendkiller99 - 16.02.2023 23:20

There is no life after death we won't go anywhere the same goes for all the living organisms

@daviddevora7151 - 04.02.2023 07:49

Therefore, all Jews go to "heaven"...eventually. Did I hear that correctly?

@swaraykamarah9298 - 02.02.2023 04:16

If there is no hell then hitler has gone free 😂😂😂
