Why *EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE* is a Love Letter to Cinema

Why *EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE* is a Love Letter to Cinema

Trin Lovell

1 год назад

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@deeviousrat - 18.10.2023 06:57

this movie both lifts me up and destroys me. all the things i could’ve done or been gets to me sometimes. evelyn’s arc of self-acceptance and using all of the talents and dreams she doesn’t utilize day to day makes me feel good. it’s still in us somewhere, and we can use it to better ourselves and help others around us. it’s hard to remember when you’re stuck inside a bagel. this woke me up. i’ll always love this movie. i cry at waymod’s laundry and taxes line and evelyn’s monologue at the end every time i watch this.

@BagheerathePanther - 26.09.2023 04:59

The people that got sucked into the bagel died. That's what the bagel meant to me: the inevitability of DEATH. That realization that all things end. Eventually, even the entire universe will wind down into a lifeless void where any sentient life has long been extinct well before the last stars became cold and dead, and nothing matters.

@BagheerathePanther - 26.09.2023 04:38

I don't get the (seemingly universal) visceral reaction to the hotdog finger universe. To me it just seemed funny but understandable, that in an infinite multiverse you're going to have some shit that to us seems weird.

On reflection I decided that it's no coincidence that Evelyn is with Deidre in that universe. That audience reaction was something the filmmakers knew would happen and counted on. To give the people that aren't homophobic a taste of what some people (like Evelyn) feel deep down inside when they think about homosexuality.

@StoryMing - 04.06.2023 05:49

Re: red pill / blue pill — interesting to note, Evelyn essentially chooses the blue pill, not just once, but TWICE: she goes to her appointment rather than to the janitor’s closet, and then later, given the chance to live up to her ultimate potential, she prefers to lie there instead. But despite this, she is not ultimately allowed to opt out.

@marisandoso - 21.05.2023 14:52

i also hated the sausage hands BUT the thing about it that i found it interest, is that the classical music playing on this scene is out of tune. like, the sausage hands couldnt play the instruments right.

@WithmeVerissimusWhostoned - 10.05.2023 22:02

Hotdog fingers universe is very essential altho' abhorrent. The movie takes you on a rollercoaster ride thru' a spectrum of positive and negative emotions and both the disgust and loathing, which hotdog fingers seem to inspire in so many, contrast and thus accentuate all the positive emotions you feel thru'out the movie... in other words, because you felt bad emotions the good ones will feel even better. 😶‍🌫🤟

@utumnc - 09.05.2023 07:54

If I’m gonna be honest I think the bagel represents somewhere along the lines of suicide

@KaeMcSpadden - 29.04.2023 07:49

Yeah, I don’t like the hotdog fingers in the mouths, it looks phalic, I gagged.

@mandyb2245 - 16.04.2023 11:03

I haven't watched the movie yet because I get lost easy...my ADD would kill me.

@spicytunapod - 13.04.2023 03:00

"How do you watch a movie and you relate to a rock?" 😂😂😂

@ivaklc70 - 09.04.2023 04:03

finally someone who hated the hot dog finger universe too! I hate this type of humor and the fact they had to do ridiculous things as jumping pads... but everything else was A++++
hope this movie propels hollywood to be more experimental and MOVE ON FROM REMAKES AND UNNECESSARY SEQUELS FOR OLD MOVIES.

@thomasjones4570 - 01.04.2023 00:03

Ugh, Half my family is Asian (Chinese) and outside them I know dozens of other Asians. Not a single one of them that have seen Everything Everywhere liked it and call it "What white people think Asians are like and what they think we want to see".

The movie was so bad it bombed in the Asian markets for that very reason. It is literally an American take on Asian movies. They all also know that the only reason the movie was nominated ONLY by American and European award shows is due to fake wokeness feeling the need to cram in as many non-white movies and actors as possible.

@CribNotes - 30.03.2023 09:31

"In another life, I would have liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." In addition to a pinnacle expression of romance, it's a giant hug encircling the basic movie plot tied in a bow! It's where the movie begins....and where it ends. Reminds me of an old Chinese shaman once saying "Value your plain and simple life."

@gracegardner8203 - 27.03.2023 19:21

I’m so happy that Ke won an Oscar for this movie he soooooo deserved it

@a-trainofthought4989 - 20.03.2023 17:53

I literally bawled my eyes out when the planets collided and Evelyn and Joy hugged

@a-trainofthought4989 - 19.03.2023 03:16

A love letter to cinema, life and to the Asian community especially Asian families

@a-trainofthought4989 - 19.03.2023 03:10

Trin, Michelle And Ke Huy Quan won!!! And EEAAO WON

@esha7975 - 16.03.2023 13:28


@soulscyther666 - 16.03.2023 05:05

I'm here because it recently swept Oscars, and i think it deserved every rewards and recognition it got. One of the best modern masterpiece i've seen in years. Besides an interesting theme done well (multiverse), over-the-top hilarious action sequences, great editing and heartwarming drama, it's philosophically thought-provoking too.

It tells the opposing approach to existentialism that questions our life's purpose and cripples most of us. Pessimistic nihilism vs. optimistic absurdism. The yinyang of everything bagel (black outside, white inside) vs google eyes (white outside, black inside). Empty void inside vs pure core inside. "Nothing matters so might as well die along with everything else" vs "Nothing matters so might as well enjoy life". Waymond taught Evelyn and us the latter.

@emmabellon1623 - 15.03.2023 09:04

I watched this movie with my parents. My mom didn’t really get it and was off-put by the weird humour and crazy graphics. I found the chaos all the more beautiful to embody complex emotions and the simplicity of real life. I love my mom, but we can sometimes have a tumultuous relationship. I think we are both strong women who are really similar. A lot of the things I want to work on in myself I see in my mom. So we can get into heated fights. When I came out to her I was terrified. She accepted but it took her a long time to understand, so she can be a bit distant about things she didn’t understand. This movie was a beautiful representation of a complex, tumultuous, loving, mother-daughter relationships. A bad one can really fuck you up. And I know a lot of people who feel the same way. Seeing that acceptance in the end really made me cry. But I was disappointed that my mom was not able to understand. She didn’t understand why I felt like the movie took me on an emotional journey about life which started and ended with a mother-daughter relationship that spoke close to my heart. My dad understood the message and the humour, but we don’t have conflicts in our relationship lol.

Just wanted to share this story and how this movie impacted me. I plan to rewatch this movie to better understand my feelings and maybe share with someone who will understand.

@jashchakma4343 - 15.03.2023 08:40


@Brendan.Day76 - 14.03.2023 14:05

Oh that’s him, the kid in Indiana jones , goonies?

@Brendan.Day76 - 14.03.2023 14:04

Would you react to Saving Face ?

@Zireael83 - 13.03.2023 23:52

best movie in years! <3

@wnose - 13.03.2023 21:56

Feb 12 2023: History was made last night! EEAAO won 7 Oscars!

Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Screenplay!

@giabaonguyen8285 - 13.03.2023 19:19

I wouldn't call Jackie Chan father with him disowned his daughter because she's a lesbian 🤷

@GKFF9872 - 12.03.2023 03:28

Anyone who dislikes this movie is a square, they’ll never be a part of the circle. 😎

@IDrinkForAReason - 11.03.2023 19:58

I fucking love this movie and I fucking love you!!!

@nepxtreme - 10.03.2023 17:38

Apart from the wonderful reaction and commentary, you seem like such a lovely and fun person. And I can't get over the fact that you look like Hayley Kiyoko. Also, you are really pretty. ❤️❤️

@a.a.g.h.1679 - 10.03.2023 07:56

oh i was SOBBING during this movie, i was trying not to cry to loud to not bother the other people in the theater lol

@ashtro1763 - 09.03.2023 04:40

The whole point of the hotdog fingers being really really weird and uncomfortable yet still familiar to our lives is kinda the point in a mulitverse movie. Yeah showing love by shoving your fingers into someones mouth and then mustard and ketchup comes all out is weird and unnecessary, but kissing is placing your lips into another persons lips, which is the same thing you use to eat. A lot of people out there do weird things, even in the standard of our universe, to just be turned on.

Sounds really weird and uncomfortable on paper

@Xphaedos - 08.03.2023 23:51

I recently watched a behind the scenes video on this movie, and the directors just told Michelle Yeoh in the scene where the lights are on her face to 'look like you're looking at your husband for the first time' and she completely improv'd it all - the laughs, the expressions. It took two takes.

@rachelayvaz1579 - 06.03.2023 07:16

This is my new favorite movie

@LM-gm9yo - 02.03.2023 01:46

movie : aspect ratio changes
Trin : (s)creams

@Kiss_My_Aspergers - 24.02.2023 01:30

"Am I the Uptight Mom or the Lesbian Daughter? Who am I...?"

You're the bad-influence bisexual wine aunt. Duh.

@mayareitsma1311 - 21.02.2023 17:58

This movie broke my heart in the way I needed it to.

@wiiskeleton1646 - 20.02.2023 03:55

I love your voice

@pwlszm - 16.02.2023 00:03

No one talks about it but the bagel looks more like a doughnut

@whizcheese3452 - 14.02.2023 06:40

pls trin watch fantastic fungi youll never cry more about a fungis in your life

@hannahberryhill9706 - 13.02.2023 05:15

girl you had me ugly crying 😭

@her.nxtdoor9385 - 09.02.2023 05:06

knowing my mom would never choose me and would love to be in a different universe, when evelyn said she will always choose her daughter, i literally started sobbing

@noellecolosity1688 - 08.02.2023 03:53

the first time i watched this movie i was on a flight home after seeing my parents. the whole trip home i had been mourning the loss of the relationship with my mum due to the fact she didn’t accept my coming out. safe to say, the scene between joy and evelyn at the end had me fucking SOBBING on this flight. big, fat, ugly tears. i think the first time i saw this movie i cried out of a sense of jealousy and also because i felt so seen. because even with all of this suffering, evelyn still saw joy and after everything she loved her daughter fiercely. i just rewatched it tonight and i still cried like a baby at joy and evelyn’s scene but this time because all i could focus on was the sentiment of “i am my mother’s child” which i think is such a complicated and convoluted reality for so many- especially daughters. for some reason i think womanhood- especially between mother and daughter- cannot exist without one hurting the other. i cannot exist without hurting my mother and she cannot exist without hurting me. and jesus christ is that hurt painful. it’s so fucking painful and so life altering and sometimes it feels like you will never live to see the other side through that pain. but it’s the same sentiment that evelyn says (along the lines of) “something that explains why you came looking for me through all of this noise” because there is no one in this world who can know you like your mother can. even with the hurt, there is nothing as intense as the relationship between a mother and her daughter. god. i fucking love this movie.

@alejandraavina6604 - 05.02.2023 23:28

as a lesbian with a strained relationship with my parents, this movie ruined me

@Zumzizeroo17 - 04.02.2023 18:55

I remember watching this with my husband and the line where Evelyn’s husband says “ I would have just enjoyed doing laundry and taxes with you.” We looked over at each other and just started balling. 😭🤣

@chanhw - 04.02.2023 03:23

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)
Directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert 

Everything Everywhere All at Once is a movie about nothing. More precisely, nothing matters.

At first, I was not too fond of the movie. The “over-the-top” humor was too much for my sensibility. On the surface, it is a tired story about a dysfunctional multi-generational Chinese family in America. Underneath, it is about “nihilism” across the multiverse.

I notice more on each rewatch: (1) the set design, (2) the symbolism of circles everywhere, (3) the range of acting, and (4) the fight choreography. 

I realize that the over-the-top humor was intended to shock the viewers out of complacency and to think “outside the box.”

Michelle Yeoh (60), the main protagonist and actress, gave the performance of her life.  

Jamie Lee Curtis (64), the supporting actress, was hilarious.

Ke Huy Quan (51), the supporting actor, gave an award-winning performance. Ke was the 12-year-old Chinese boy in Indiana Jones 2 but quit acting to be a stunt coordinator.

Everything Everywhere All at Once led all 2022 films with 11 Oscar (95th) nominations.

@camillecreps - 04.02.2023 01:00

As much as I was blown away from everyone’s performance Stephanie Hsu hit next level she gave so much passionate and depth to her character and I really hope she gets more recognition and we see her in more movies in the future. I’m so glad this movie introduced us to this future star

@jayrose337 - 02.02.2023 01:45

this was the first movie i went to see alone ever (and i just wanted to waste tie and thought id have no interest in the movie anyways). it had me SOBBING and hugging my shopping bags fr. just so beautiful & such an experience
