ОтветитьThou are worthy to open the book and unlock the scroll. 😢
ОтветитьPlease Good Morning Media Team, we don't have yet the audio message of yesterday's service.
ОтветитьToday is my first time watching
I connect my destiny and life
Monday rewatchers...lemme see your favorite emojis 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьI'm here again
Last nite I was battling with sleeping head
Koinonia is and will always be a blessing
ОтветитьMonday team gather here, Lord we thank You for breathing life in each of us. Thank You for your servant Apostle Joshua Selman and Koinonia Global
ОтветитьTake however long to finish the series Apostle. We are here to learn all that you teach.
ОтветитьLast night I cried while watching the service online, when apostle said God loves us the same. I knew that but needed to hear it over and over. God bless you AJS and Koinonia family. I don't miss the online services, they give life to my spirit. Indeed distance is not a barrier 🙏
ОтветитьAmen 🙏
ОтветитьGod Bless You all For Tuning in. Please Make Sure to Subscribe & hit the Like Button.
ОтветитьMonday morning, viewers gather here.
ОтветитьI am learning Apostles
ОтветитьGuyanese following Koinonia
ОтветитьKoinonia Global 's vision is to build
1) Spiritual Vibrant
2)Spiritually Furnished
3) Enlightened and Transformed
4) Thoroughly Anointed
5) Responsible and Purpose Driven people
6) Agents of Societal Transformation
7) Fulfilled People
Hello beloved koinonia media please allow the download button for " looking unto Jesus series ". Thank you for the great job you do preaching with our apostle...spreading the salvation message around the world. The world indeed has to come to the knowledge of The Christ and His power
God's willing, one day I really would like to enquire of you (face to face🙂) the way Sheba did with Solomon:
1. Did Adam ate the fruit out of love for eve or because of his lust for the fruit? Many interpret Genesis 3:6 to mean he was there with her when she ate. Did he fail to lead by watching her eat 1st and then follow after- rather than forbid her to do it in the first place?
2. He was quick to implicate Eve before the Lord in the Garden. "The woman you gave me..."
Was he trying to absolve himself from being responsible? Or simply placing apart of the responsibility back on The Lord? Was he blaming Eve?
And IF he did do it out of love, did he then love Eve more than he loved God?
I am leaning to believe that a large part of him did it out of his own lust for the fruit, his wife being the one offering it to him probably made the temptation less foreboding
ОтветитьOur God does not have grandsons! Glory be to God!
ОтветитьPowerful message. I was on the live now I'm here for the replay. Notes taken on the live. Notes being vetted on the replay.
ОтветитьRewatching to hear twice ❤
ОтветитьThank you Jesus
ОтветитьGreat teaching Apostle. I need to listen again & again to this teaching. God bless you Daddy.
ОтветитьPlease link to this by audio
ОтветитьI pray for your mercy and favour and Devine protection over my life and family Amen 🙏🏼
ОтветитьThank YOU JESUS as I commit this new week in your name
ОтветитьThank you so much, Daddy Joshua Selman and your amazing team for availing Koinonians the privilege to share their video testimonies.
Please, I would like to appeal that the time allocation for the video testimony be extended to attend least, 5 minutes, so that Koinonians that wish to do video testimonies will be able to express themselves, fully, as we know that the beauty of each testimony is in the details.
Take for instance the amount of time spent in reading just one testimony in each service and use that to compare someone that will be doing video and will spend just one minute.
It won't bring out any detail, at all and then, the flavour of the testimony, lost.
So, kindly look into it and see if it's possible to extend the one minute to about 5 to 7 minutes; all for our good🙏.
I humbly appeal to Daddy Selman and his Pastors and Ministers and believe that they will read this 🙏🙏🙏.
Thank you so much for the amazing job you're perpetually doing; you will never be weary, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Be ever blessed!
Guys does anyone know the song on the time stamp 2.39.47 😢
Ответитьdear lord,please help me pass igcse in flying colours and let everything work out for my good,please crown all my efforts with success and let me have retentive memory,God please as I tune in today please let my memory be retentive,help me to obtain a scholarship to the school of my choice abroad I pray that by this time next year I'll be preparing to travel to Australia or france or any country of your choice lord may your will be done,please grant me success in all my endeavours,please help me keep the right friends and may my secondary school journey be blissful from here on earth help me to have a quiet spirit and gentle mind help me to be enduring and patient and kind,help me to focus on the good things of life and give me the spirit of discernment and patience and wisdom and good direction, help me to excel more than my peers and may my testimony be a success,please help me to let go of old habits and focus on you,please forgive me for past sins lord help me to collect ash successfully on Wednesday, help me to ignore distractions and focus on myself and you lord,help me to be calm and gentle and have a gentle spirit ,help my dad to win his election, lord you know my heart both te one I've said here and the ones I haven't please lord answer my prayer,help me to leave school successfully this October and help my mummy to have a new baby boy successfully by the end of this year in jesus name amen,lord thankyou for everything and I believe that with faith all my prayers will be answered ❤️
ОтветитьKoinoniaGobalGhana 🇬🇭 🇬🇭 🇬🇭 🇬🇭
ОтветитьThank you Jesus
ОтветитьHello my Father!❤
ОтветитьHeavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I ask that the Books of the Courts of Heaven (Dan 7) show that I receive and I believe these prophetic (2 Chron 20 v. 20) and prayerful words to any and every extent that You intend them for me and/or for my family. I ask that these words be activated and engaged in my life and in the lives of my family members as fully as You intend. To the extent that Apostle Joshua Selman prayed, spoke, proclaimed, declared, decreed, and/or prophesied according to Your Word, Your Will, and Your Way, I say yes, yes, yes, and Amen and Amen and I receive them. LORD, I align myself with this ministry and I give honor to it—to the extent that You so desire. Yes, I call upon You today LORD for the mercy and for the grace to forgive and for the mercy and for the grace to have a pure heart, a loyal heart, one heart and one way (Jer 32), a sanctified soul, a willing mind, and a disciplined and an obedient flesh. LORD, please put Your fear in my heart so that I will not depart from You. Please rejoice over me to do me good, and plant me in this land, with all Your heart and with all Your soul. (Jer 32 v. 40) LORD, I ask that You incline my heart to Yourself (1 Kings 8) so that I give You my heart and let my eyes observe Your ways (Pr 23 v. 26). Please grant me the grace to purpose in my heart that I will not defile myself with the portion of the king’s delicacies. (Dan 1) Please turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things. (Ps 119 v. 37) Please revive me and quicken me in Your way. LORD, please cleanse me from secret faults. Let no iniquity have dominion over me. Please keep me from willful, presumptuous sins—let them not have dominion over me. (Ps 19) Please strengthen me out of Zion. (Ps 20 v. 2) Father, in the meantime, please hedge me behind and hedge me before (Ps 139 v. 5) and lead me not into temptations, trials, or testings {peirasmós}. (Matt 6 v. 13) Thank You Heavenly Father. Thank You King Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit.
ОтветитьJamaica koinonia global in the house,Jamaicans
ОтветитьI love Koinonia and I hope that in the near future, we will have a gender mix among the leaders who pray, take offerings, take testimony😂😂....???
ОтветитьWho is rewatching after watching the live stream?
I'm watching at 11:44pm before connecting to Hallelujah Challenge Day 20!!!
March to greatness!!!
Ответить🇹🇿🇹🇿🇹🇿we love you Apostle