Exceptional Extraterrestrial Encounters: Ten True Cases

Exceptional Extraterrestrial Encounters: Ten True Cases

Preston Dennett

8 месяцев назад

21,866 Просмотров

Almost all UFO encounters are interesting, but some are exceptionally interesting. This is especially true with cases involving landed UFOs and extensive interactions with humanoids. This video presents ten exceptionally strange cases with bizarre or unique aspects. These ten cases (coming from across the world) contain powerful evidence for the reality of the alien presence on our planet, including landing traces, medical effects, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions and more.

“IT’S NOT HUMAN!” Around 8:00 pm on Aug 23, 1967, two 15-year-olds (Erik & Inga) were walking near their home in Kolmarden, Sweden, and saw a glowing red craft in the sky, then land near them. Feeling like they were being watched, they fled. Moments later, they came face-to-face with a weird humanoid. It held an odd device in its hand and pointed it at them. The children ran in fear. Afterwards, landing traces were found.

ALIEN CAR MECHANICS? At 3:00 am on Apr 27, 1969, Mr. NN was driving south of Slagelse, Denmark when he had a feeling he was being watched. Suddenly a UFO appeared, zoomed towards his car and landed. His car engine and lights died. Four tiny ETs exited the craft and surrounded his car. Then a tube-like device extruded from the craft and snaked towards his car. After the craft left, landing traces proved the encounter.

UFOS INVADE IOWA FARM. In 1969, researcher Glenn McWayne was contacted by an electrical lineman about strange burned circles of vegetation in Clayton County, Iowa. In the center of the activity was a rural farmhouse. The family reported an ongoing series of sightings, landings, and even face-to-face meetings with humanoids. One of the kids saw a humanoid, and watched it remove its helmet and stare right at him.

THE ET IN THE CAGE. One summer morning in 1971, an anonymous nurse from Iowa City, Iowa was drove to work and saw a cage-like object dangling in the sky. To her shock, a figure in a white, thick, overall stared down at her from the cage. Unknown to her, many people in the area also saw the humanoid. Reports came into the local police station who began an investigation, but were unable to identify it.

THE SILVER-SUITED ALIENS. On the evening of Oct 22, 1973, Debbie Carne drove along a road outside of Hartford, Indiana when she saw two short silver-clad figures cross the road in front of her. Minutes later, Mr. & Mrs. Donathan drove along the same road and came upon the same entities. They reported them to the police. Gary Flatter was at the station and went with another officer to investigate, and saw the ETs himself.

THE ET IN THE GRAVEL PIT. At 2:00 pm on Mar 24, 1977, “Dan” walked by a gravel pit near his home by Wildwood Lake in Ontario, Canada when he felt a blast of heat. Looking down, he saw a strange metallic craft. Shortly later, he saw it again. This time, he approached and knocked on it. Then a strange-looking humanoid exited and stared right at him. When it moved toward him, Dan fled. But his encounters weren’t over yet.

ASSAULTED BY ALIENS. On Nov 24, 1978, Angelo D’Ambrose was collecting firewood near his home in Gallio, Italy when he saw two strange humanoids standing only three feet away. One of them lunged forward and tried to grab his woodcutting tool. After three failed attempts, the ETs fled. Angelo chased them, and was amazed to come upon a flying saucer., and watched as it departed. Nearby, other people also saw the UFO.

A WARNING FOR ALL HUMANITY. In 1979, Mr. DL of Edinburgh, Scotland was distressed to start hearing voices in his head calling his name. A visit to the doctor brought no relief. Later, on the evening of Feb 16, 1980, events came to a climax when Mr. DL saw a UFO hover. Suddenly he was struck by a beam of light, then was approached by three ETs. One approached him and issued a dire warning for all humanity.

THE PEEPING TOM ET. One evening in Mar of 1982, “Mary,” was taking a bath in her home in Hespeler, Canada, and saw a strange humanoid silhouette peer into her bathroom window. Then it happened again. When it happened a third time, there were two of them. Shortly later, she was shocked to see a UFO land in her backyard. Soon she would have another encounter!

“THEY WEREN’T HUMAN.” On the evening of Jul 21, 2001, “Jeff” was playing with his cousins near his grandmother’s home in rural Geneva, Pennsylvania. Suddenly the noticed a blue light in the woods. Going to investigate, he was shocked to come upon a landed UFO and two humanoids, who were picking up things off the ground. One of the ETs looked at him, and then the other.

When a person has an extensive face-to-face encounter with an extraterrestrial, they are forever changed. With so many cases occurring all over the world, supported by multiple eyewitness testimonies and physical evidence, the ET presence can no longer be denied, ignored, or covered up. The time has come to accept the truth of extraterrestrial visitation.

PRESTON DENNETT WEBSITE: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/


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Peggi w/Crockett & Tubbs
Peggi w/Crockett & Tubbs - 01.11.2023 02:29

These stories were very interesting. They seem benevolent too. Happy HALLOWEEN TO YOU. STAY SAFE ❤

Scarlett Fire
Scarlett Fire - 31.10.2023 00:56

Preston - "My Favorite Martian" Investigator !

DeeGee Kay
DeeGee Kay - 31.10.2023 00:29

Two things to cover in the upcoming Live Q&A are what plants and animals should be avoided out there, and whether sci-fi concepts such as antimatter, force fields, and teleporters are real or not.

Sós Dóra Gabriella
Sós Dóra Gabriella - 30.10.2023 23:01

6 rabbits, a racoon, an opossum and several cats. Interesting!

DeeGee Kay
DeeGee Kay - 30.10.2023 15:23

Considering what Safran says about reincarnation, would she know where that "Friends" actor is now?

Atlan Gozozal
Atlan Gozozal - 30.10.2023 13:31

Somehow Italian sitings keep being the weirdest. The Bilhook stealing aliens look a lot like the Hopkinsville Goblins. No Idea why they fly the Dutch (mine) flag😂😂😂

Vicki Campbell
Vicki Campbell - 30.10.2023 03:26

Thank you, Preston!! You're always blowing my mind with new-to-me cases. I appreciate all you do for us. << Nanu Nanu << 😄👽😄

Sweaty Alcoholic
Sweaty Alcoholic - 30.10.2023 01:55

Found you on reddit, glad I did now. You're content is awesome man love this sort of stuff, main reason being ive had a handful of encounters myself. You definitely earned a sub here. Love from Ireland 🇮🇪

steve hassler
steve hassler - 30.10.2023 01:04

wow! keep ‘em coming preston. you’re definitely putting a dent in any doubt of experiencers. ☮️&❤

Ian Hull
Ian Hull - 30.10.2023 00:00

Another awesome episode, thanks so much Preston x

Science Bob
Science Bob - 29.10.2023 16:21

Good show Preston

We Are All Vultures
We Are All Vultures - 29.10.2023 12:50

Fun! 🖤✨

Tommy Sands
Tommy Sands - 29.10.2023 09:22

another cool video! do you use a AI generator for some of those images?

Brian Morgan
Brian Morgan - 29.10.2023 08:09

Hells ya Preston! Fell asleep watching rhis last night so came back to finish seeing the rest. Thanks as always brother!

skate dd
skate dd - 29.10.2023 06:40


Antichrist Rahab
Antichrist Rahab - 29.10.2023 05:34

Preston is the MAN!!! Thanks Preston for all your work bro! 😃👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Dominic Lamon
Dominic Lamon - 29.10.2023 04:54

I'm Happy seeing your subs and Views rising......at the end of the year,i hope 20k is reached.
I share,share and send as hard as i can as an individual.

Lvx Leather
Lvx Leather - 29.10.2023 04:33

Preston has the BEST UFO channel, I can listen to these for hours, and have done so many times. I always suffer from lost time after too, weird! 👽🛸👽
