How to beat XCOM 2 Legendary Ironman like a pro

How to beat XCOM 2 Legendary Ironman like a pro


3 года назад

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Mark Fin
Mark Fin - 25.07.2023 08:58

I don't know if anyone already mentioned this but in Legendary the most important thing to understand is that sometimes it's best to avoid a mission, abort the mission and/or do the bare minimum of completion then get out. After all, even if the game is RNG, it's predetermined RNG meaning that unless your unit's aim is 100%, it's likely when your unit is standing on a tile to take a shot, that tile predetermines the unit will miss their shots even if it's a 99% shot.

What that usually translates to is that there are in fact missions where you are predetermined to lose. The AI, occasionally even makes that obvious either by adding enemies your team is not ready for or just adding a civilian just out of sight so you break concealment on turn 1, though that trap can be avoided at least.

L Bat
L Bat - 20.07.2023 11:44

The mental intensity of ironman mode was described to me as chess with guns.

AusDoug - 06.07.2023 03:42

Very helpful. I learned a lot from this. Thank you

Laires - 17.02.2023 03:41

I just lost my ironman legend run 3 months in due to council VIP rescue mission. 3 pods ('officer+mech' and 2x 'viper + 2 stun lancers' hugged the truck the VIP was in for like 4 turns and I had to skip a turn to trigger only 2 which led me to running out of time and it was a squad wipe. It was super unlucky pod spawn and super unlucky distance, the extraction point was literally 2 entire yellow moves from the VIP and the VIP itself was like 3 yellow turns from the starting spawn. I guess I should have just backed out of the other group's ranges and try to trigger the first group and then it would have gone completely different, but at least now I know. Trying to get value from the group concealment can be deadly on these time limited missions.

Jak Quinn
Jak Quinn - 25.01.2023 08:40

Some of the salt in these comments is hilarious 😂😂 lucky lucky lucky.

Git Gud.

Grimgariano - 10.01.2023 21:03

The wtf am i doing is annoying af, man. Besides that, thanks for the video

goldeneyekiller101 - 22.07.2022 07:38

Whats that outro them tho? Its fire

Quy Anh Nguyen
Quy Anh Nguyen - 17.07.2022 13:20

bro you open my mind lmao

kijangweb - 14.07.2022 12:35

to much talk

R B - 10.07.2022 07:02

Is there a reason why the Lost just didnt attack your guy? They were literally like 2 tiles away from your soldier and just walked up to them and did nothing

Gore Obsessed
Gore Obsessed - 09.07.2022 11:25

Dude I'm doing normal Ironman and getting my ass kicked the first month hopefully I can pull through alot of times I'll think their safe and the floor gets shot out from under em and other stuff I didn't know about lol

bumbalion - 27.03.2022 21:34

It's really surprising you dont have more subs considering the level of detail in your explanations.

cool guy
cool guy - 20.03.2022 23:18

I was thinking of quitting the game until I found your vids. Thanks you!

Tyler James
Tyler James - 20.02.2022 22:34

Very condescending tbh.

Raska The Slaanesh
Raska The Slaanesh - 08.12.2021 11:52

i wish the game gave us MORE INFO ... like i died mostly because of lack of info, like that 25% chance to roll 4 dmg with grenade and such... MORE INFO PLZ
or that some actions reveal repaer or dont... or that enemies can go this far or attack even when yellow moving... and such
or that enemies dont have distance aim bonuses ( or disadventages )

l-l-l-l- like WTF why doesnt it tell oyu ?

Aslo, tfw ALL THE PEOPLE get spawned at the other side of the map and your side is full of faceless... and aliens are on the other side of the map killing people in retaliation... and then Chosen appears... and they keep killing people.... ANGY

fgfanta - 19.11.2021 10:50

Something has changed in the sectoid not taking a shot if it cannot flank, at least in WOTC. Recently I had a sectoid one-shot kill a soldier with a crit, in a retaliation mission, and the soldier was in cover, not flanked.

DeadRick 716
DeadRick 716 - 18.04.2021 04:33

Now if aliens don't get aim bonuses, do they get the negatives like being to far?

Usersunited - 13.04.2021 14:35

wish i knew that that about crits.
Woulda really changed up my tactics.

Chaim Rothberg
Chaim Rothberg - 21.03.2021 12:13

Ronar going joker mode in this video

Gianni - 19.03.2021 18:59

Hey I know this is pretty off topic, but what keyboard are you using? It sounds way nicer than what I am used to hearing.
Also thank you for the tips video! I've been watching your videos lately to try and win legendary and it's been helping a lot!

Clenterra - 11.03.2021 23:03

Vanilla in my book always sounds like "without DLC" and not "without mods" but maybe that's just me

Ronnie Moore
Ronnie Moore - 08.03.2021 18:43

Dude because of your tips I went from having trouble with commander, to stomping out legendary. Thanks!

Aidan Magill
Aidan Magill - 15.01.2021 05:28

It's really not that hard. You've got so many tactical options in Xcom2 that it's pretty straightforward compared to Enemy Within.

ッDazeen - 30.12.2020 01:06

WOTC from my experience is a lot easier than the base game, especially if you don't tick the additional content, because I had to fight 2 ADVENT MECs on my 2nd mission. Vipers and Viper King on my 3nd mission. Mutons and Berserker Queen already on 5th mission. Like wtf? At least in WOTC you get a hero unit to carry early game. Chosen aren't even that strong so the only thing that could possibly make WOTC harder is that troops get tired but that's a minor inconvenience. I rather fight the chosen on my 3rd mission than the Viper King. Ruler's reaction easily most OP enemy ability in the game hands down.

Jeff Nicolas Olarte
Jeff Nicolas Olarte - 16.12.2020 19:13

Do you know the aoe range of the Warlock’s psi zombie when spectral rupture is activated? Can a psi zombie dash and still explode on the same turn?

Extruder676 - 15.12.2020 17:15

finally! realistic ironman guide.

Ricardo Ferrari
Ricardo Ferrari - 09.12.2020 08:35

Great video. I feel like I know the game well but I also really enjoy the discussion here

Your Boy Mr Mac
Your Boy Mr Mac - 05.11.2020 17:06

"if you take shots from anyone who isn't a basic trooper, it's a misplay"

ain't that the truth. I had a perfect campaign, zero soldier deaths going when I first met Shieldbearers. One of them sniped a veteran grenadier straight in the face and killed him on the first turn he was revealed. I've never even seen a Shieldbearer fire its weapon on the first turn it was revealed before! Full cover! Every other enemy on the map dead! That's XCOM baby

PowPowSkrrSkrr - 27.10.2020 20:37

Not doubting your skill but it would prove a lot more if you didn't have mods installed to make the combat easier....

Zack Carlin
Zack Carlin - 27.10.2020 19:55

How do you deal with the psionic device mission type? (The one where you get 4 turns, plus destroying nodes adds a turn)

Frank 66 Furter
Frank 66 Furter - 24.10.2020 12:54

Basically been doing what's in this video anyway, so none of this was helpful. I am just super unlucky...

Nice to know about target previews, but still probably get rekt...

Azali Hassan
Azali Hassan - 24.10.2020 11:12

Ronar is there any other games that would you love to play in the future? I would love to see you play other games.

Brush &Quill
Brush &Quill - 24.10.2020 00:41

Must say your play through meant I finally completed on Legend.

Dandy Guy
Dandy Guy - 23.10.2020 23:15


PS just be yourself

donkeysunited - 23.10.2020 21:40

"Advent kill 1 per turn"
I played a mission once with Chryssalids. They killed 4 in a turn and were teleporting across the map to attack my soldiers and all my soldiers were missing. It was a horribly glitched and completely unwinnable fight. Thankfully I wasn't in Ironman so could reload.
But even on normal (not glitched) fights, I've played missions where I would lose 4-5 in a single round. Every enemy pod had a go. It was completely impossible to win against.
So RNG isn't just about shooting accuracy, it's also about your chance of the game deciding to be a prick.

Dankerdood - 23.10.2020 19:53

Nice description.

inukealot - 23.10.2020 19:22

the transition between each point is perfect
