The Beautiful Story of The Eye of Eden

The Beautiful Story of The Eye of Eden

kk plays sky

3 года назад

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Essie Bell
Essie Bell - 18.09.2023 07:33

The " dark dragons" are called krill

Hana De armas
Hana De armas - 31.08.2023 22:16

my first time in Eden I was scared as hell, now I just go there Every weekend with goofy music in the background or just drag my friends to die together

VICKY - 31.08.2023 18:51

So I did eye of eden the first time alone, because i thought it was just another realm but more scary. I didn't search on the internet any information what it was about. I just went for it. And when I saw the statues, and that i could give my winglights away, I thought hell no, I have to get to the end. To the big red thing in the distance. Of course I didn't get there. I died and thought, oh no, do I have to do this all over again? Now I've done Eden at least 4 more times, and saved as much statues as I could.

LittleMull3 - 24.08.2023 19:41

I remember my first eden run, i struggled a lot but met this person that was on the same journy as me so we helped each other, all the way.

Xivi Wants to Levitate
Xivi Wants to Levitate - 23.08.2023 16:07

ngl, when i first finished eden, i thought you were supposed to gather lots of light, dying again and again.
so that the final time that you die, you had gathered enough light to awaken all of the fallen and you team up with them to stop the red rain and bring back the stability of eden.
wouldve been a good ending, seeing the amount of sacrifice you had to go through to finally fix the mistake of the elder.

Rnum - 20.08.2023 01:15

From the world of knowledge i faced This game head on, on my own. You said Eden hates seeing people alone but i persisted. I face Eden and everything that came my way, on my own. And i've actually never felt prouder considering it was my first time. sometimes i may have fallen, and i've met the strange lone person who'd help me regain my light, but i'd push forward and calculate every step, every threat. the red rain, i counted 10 seconds to get to someone and back to a flame. and i made it. i may have died, but it was worth it.

Stolen Star
Stolen Star - 14.08.2023 07:58

I remember my first Eden run. I was scared to do it alone and eventually a veteran helped me and another moth through Eden. I've since then done an Eden run partially by myself and a third one entirely by myself. I still sometimes see the veteran that helped me through Eden but i haven't seen the other moth in a while.

:D - 20.07.2023 21:51

Eden has a ekder thats bigger than the rest but nobody got to see it

Jack Haro
Jack Haro - 19.07.2023 16:39

Great video! I'm brand new to Sky. I should've been playing this game a couple years ago.

Suhasini 123
Suhasini 123 - 16.07.2023 15:00

How to play sky..

Boba_Lover - 13.07.2023 01:52

Bro when I visited the forest for the first time, I was too scared to come back 😭

silent snake 47
silent snake 47 - 08.07.2023 05:28

I want them to add dark kids lmfao after doing maybe eden 100 times without saving a single kid going as far as u can for power of dark maybe elder spirit of eden appears and turn us dark child our candle is like red shard draining light from other players hahaha

rosella - 04.07.2023 18:59

Guess what- my first eden run i went with a really nice pro that showed me the roots and around the end my sky broke and me, a lone tiny moth scared and alone concurred eden- kinda- ( i died-) And then when I was reborn I saw my pro friend and I immediately rushed forward to say hi, only to realize it was a bot- haha- strangely I haven't seen them in a while I hope their doing fine.

isthatandreas - 03.07.2023 07:14

this is old but i love the repetition in wording and visuals to set the mood and build suspense

alien creature 👽
alien creature 👽 - 02.07.2023 00:34

This game is so good, makes me cry.

Rona Riza Gonzales
Rona Riza Gonzales - 28.06.2023 15:29

Quick Question: is Eden a very important thing to do when u have completed half of the game? The last time i went to Eden, i was already giving my light out to the fallen people in Eden aka section 3 when i have 4 winged lights left, i was scared because i was alone and my friend is so far behind me. As soon as i give out to those who are fallen, i got really scared. So scared that i quitted playing Eden then after a few days i went back to sky but there is one problem, i cant play in one of the 6 realms unless i finish Eden’s section 3. I think thats what the game meant when u first go to the end of section 2 saying “there is no turning back, do u still want to continue?” or something like that. I dont want anymore so i unistalled the game and installed it again lol 😅. Then i promised myself that i’ll just do basic things like doing Shard Events, candle running and doing events from passed Seasons. Thats when i saw nearly everyone in the game went through Eden already and i felt like i was the only player who havnt gone Eden yet 😢. I feel so lonely so i wanted to try out for the 3rd time but im too scared especially because of my Winged Light 😭. I dont wanna die yet and i keep telling myself its ok for me not to be reborn. Thats why i am asking this question sorry for the long story lol 😅.

Edit: i also feel like that once u give up ur winged light to the fallen ones, u will be left with 1 winged light or none at all at the end. Thats my very first thought once i gave up my Winged Light 😅😅

Wanderlust - 25.06.2023 19:01

Oh no Spoiler alert-

ANITBIOTICS - 21.06.2023 23:36

lmao sky lore

Parodia - 18.06.2023 07:44

I love eden, it teaches us that death is apart of life and is necessary for everything around you to continue, and that the journey is much more rewarding than the destination.

Aila Davis
Aila Davis - 15.06.2023 01:47

"Eden hates those who think they can do it alone" ohhhh oh I know*. I did a "no friends run" for knowledge sake, cause sky oc. But omg it was *torture but possible!

Даниленко Л.
Даниленко Л. - 30.05.2023 18:24

I liked this video’s thumbnail!

CookieRat - 07.05.2023 20:16

edens def one of the best parts of the game, its sad you can only do it once a week :c

grr - 25.04.2023 15:23

my name is Eden

Melody - 23.04.2023 03:20

Lets just help the statue kids get rent they needed like poor them they get freedom for a bit then it’s over and repeat🤌🏻

A aja
A aja - 17.04.2023 14:23

Its not eden,but just hell…real hell

ilikekatchup - 10.04.2023 23:13

"Alright" fuck that was a masterpiece

Wheatley - 23.03.2023 03:25

Why is your voice so aggressive

M9io7 - 20.03.2023 16:40

😂 lol oter you video is 1000 or less viev but tat 📈yeeet

M9io7 - 20.03.2023 16:39

The real boss is the hole/step/gap in first place Wind and rock

M9io7 - 20.03.2023 16:34


p00gerz - 13.03.2023 10:42

Me who completely skips Eden 🤡

Alie The Artist
Alie The Artist - 10.03.2023 19:44

I love the overall purpose of Sky, which is that it rewards selflessness, compassion, courage, and generosity. Eden made me sad from the beginning, and now I'm on my fifth or sixth incarnation. It's still sad, but with every run through Eden I'm able to grow stronger and be of more help to other players. I love guiding others up the mountain, distracting the krill (dark dragons), and relighting other players who are hit by stones and such. Its a really satisfying game once you understand the point of it.

Arti Splatters
Arti Splatters - 08.03.2023 13:23

I went into Eden completely blind, and probably would've failed multiple times if it weren't for one of those "different players" taking my hand and noclipping us through most of it lol

Purple - 07.03.2023 20:11

alternative title - i completely misunderstood what i had to do in eden

Elo - 24.02.2023 07:44

I almost forgot how foreboding eden is to moffs

魁_ - 21.02.2023 03:59

Eye of Eden : The backyard of our house :D

Sidharth Nagrale
Sidharth Nagrale - 17.02.2023 10:00

Well you know i started playing sky 5 days ago got 75th wing and do called 8th wedge, walked solo from isle of dawn to vault of knowledge even thou i can seek help i preferred it alone just to take my time and when i finally saw the doors of eden opening i kinda ok cool cool calm down "is it just a calm before the storm" ringed my head... still i kept it solo and walked forward ,i don't know where I was going just i solo drifted and drifted then i came to krill and battlefield i even crossed it ,well many people were in group of three and they wouldn't hunch for me so i still kept it solo and then in the battlefield the rock hit me and i lost some wing power not my full wing but some power ,i quickly sheltered to nearest light and until I realise i was late , many moved ahead leaving me behind so i have to keep it solo , soon i reached the winged light area and said is this the end b'cus they are rewarding me with so many winged light as like i passed a boss battle i was happy and merry until I clicked to enter eden's last area , i prefer headphones and the noise was killing me so i kept it low ,puffed the courage and saw many rocks coming and people calling in pain who were losing their winged light, as i realised it is time to go home i discovered i am trapped 🫠🫠 , i mustered the courage and still solo-ed my journey i was hit by multiple rocks and in first time ever in game i lost my first winged light, after that i still lossed 3 - 4 until i realised there is no sense in continuing journey i am still gonna lose my all wings ( i was still near starting shrines) so I decided to help people who never helped me and i let all my winged left winged light to the statues and thought they were real person 😭😭 pitifully i helped everyone in my way just by the thought that they will revive and help me in my journey all in the end i helped nearly 50 statues and died, so the screen was all boom and boom it showed me the people (statues) i helped and flew with me i and i still thought them as real person 😭😭 and then i realised that
You all know what I mean 🙂🙂

Pippin Nai
Pippin Nai - 13.02.2023 08:31

watching this when Sky has changed so much and its community too, hits hard. It has basically become a glorified cosmetics game and the new players dont really care as much about the lore and the huge meaning behind it all. It used to be amazing and meaningful and now it has become expensive, players only care about grinding for cosmetics and events that no longer release any significant or any lore at all. New "vEteRaNsS" making fun of moths for not having cosmetics and such. It used to be so different, it is sad. This video is awesome and reminded me of how nice it used to be. Thank you!

CandiCraveingCloude - 31.01.2023 05:06

I have hears 3 stories about eden:
1. It's highest difficulty because it's intentionally made that way
2. it's easy when you recognize the patterns and know how they work, the hard part is near the end
3. It's difficult but not because it's intentionally difficult but because it's glitch land

My guess is a combination of all three.

Update: I've been to some of eden myself and let me describe it in 3 words: Chaos Disaster Land

Bluerocket - 26.01.2023 15:08

I beaten the eye of eden like 5 times😂😂😂😂😂😂 edit: i also did it alone

Stan - 24.01.2023 22:21

I thought I could do it alone. I was impatient because I wanted to save the Little Prince. But I stumbled upon some other players and decided to tag along and help them along the way as well. I was the last one standing in my party, and I couldn't have gotten that far without them.

RoseBrier897 - 09.01.2023 19:58

I got near the Eye of Eden once.... I saw nothing. It is just a source of pain. So I went back and helped my fallen. I only lasted 5 minutes after I went to help my brethren.

Pro tip try to get as many star light for your Cape as possible. I got 61 I believe

Walter talked
Walter talked - 08.01.2023 05:03

Das war wunderschön, du verdienst den größten Respekt für dieses großartige Video. ^_^

Rip_shockシ - 05.01.2023 16:43

So the game is boring in the end how come you can’t keep you’re cosmetics and other things just wonder the world but you have to restart so I’ll never try to finish it

KorGTLive - 03.01.2023 00:26

Bro the “dragons” are called krill just to let you know.

Pendragon240 - 26.12.2022 07:04

I beat Eden and I must say I have never enjoyed a game more than this. The fact that you’re making the ultimate sacrifice, saving your fellow sky kids from the darkness? People need a reminder that sometimes you don’t get anything in return for your actions, and that’s okay.

Emma Lhures
Emma Lhures - 24.12.2022 21:47

I can’t believe I’ve only just discovered this game. What happened the first time I went to Eden will stay with me forever, it’s a core memory for sure. From the way someone grabbed my hand to try and go against the wind together and everyone else waited for us to succeed, to when I stood on top of the mountain purposely being targeted by the Krills so that people could climb up safely, to when I watched people giving their all to help each other and fail, to watching the last person of our group fall, to seeing them again in orbit, to being reborn with someone whose name I didn’t know. To finding a friend back Home, not knowing what to do next. This game is extraordinary.

srwa. hariri
srwa. hariri - 18.12.2022 22:11

i would rather go to voult of knoledge

Random Dood
Random Dood - 18.12.2022 20:00

Imagine the first person who sacrificed themself from the eye of eden and sees the rebirth process off guard that they got reborn and was thinking that the opposite is gonna happen to them.
