Ori and the Blind Forest | The Completionist

Ori and the Blind Forest | The Completionist

The Completionist

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The Completionist
The Completionist - 28.01.2019 23:37

What childhood film hit you hardest in the feels?

Shadethewolfy - 15.11.2023 00:03

I think Ori is meant to be androgynous, but I see the little Kodama as a female, personally. Even though they're technically either.

Killua Morales
Killua Morales - 11.11.2023 21:53

Hey, did anyone cry when they walked outside saying that they were going on an adventure?

nobody - 10.10.2023 21:39

"That I can find common ground with even my worst enemies, like Ted"
"Wait WHAT" lmao🤣

ZON3 - 10.09.2023 06:01

A studio having this be their first outing is an amazing sign for their future

Felepa Opinions
Felepa Opinions - 02.09.2023 23:01

Someone plsss recommend me a similar game with stunning visuals and a magical story, I’ll forever be in your debt

Killua Morales
Killua Morales - 10.07.2023 22:22

This makes me wanna go on an adventure

Muhahahahaz - 09.06.2023 13:40

I just finished playing this 3 times in a row, but I’m not done yet. First on Normal (100%), then on Hard (100% again), and lastly without the ability tree

I’ve been trying one life mode, but it’s tough. I haven’t even made it past the Moon Grotto so far (where you get the key for the first dungeon lol)

After that, I might still have the speedrun to do. Though it will be interesting to see if one life just naturally takes under 3 hours anyway

engineer gaming?
engineer gaming? - 23.05.2023 18:35

it's fun untill you try one-life mode

Joe Hayes
Joe Hayes - 05.05.2023 03:18

One of my faves. The sequel is even better

IronGod1640 - 23.04.2023 17:40

Anyone know the name of the game at the 30 sec mark?

Guy from Poland
Guy from Poland - 16.04.2023 01:44

i really like how storry is made impactful but still straightforward and simple to understand
you can feel all the intended emotions and what characters feel, and aren't forced to having to undertand it and instead can just take in more of the experience

Oscar R
Oscar R - 24.03.2023 20:58

Feels like I'm almost done doing my 1st complete play through. I'm absolutely in love with it. I have no idea how you managed to do a no death run, wow. Excellent video, can't believe this is my 1st time visiting the channel.

You're really cute btw. grrr

TransGenderObsession - 01.03.2023 07:54

My only complaint is why is ori as tiny as a micro ant 🐜??

Lasse Vendelin Brun
Lasse Vendelin Brun - 01.02.2023 15:50

Absolutely love this channel, kkep it going

shadowofcat - 03.01.2023 10:08


Mr Bransformer
Mr Bransformer - 31.12.2022 20:44

It’s no Hollow Knight, but damn it’s beautiful

Dante Grimm
Dante Grimm - 14.11.2022 01:41

Great game overall but I can't figure out the gravity puzzles in the forlorn ruins, I keep flying past the cubes. Easily the worst part of the game.

Samaron - 11.11.2022 03:03

I truly wish that I could play these games, but alas, for some reason playstation seems to be the one thing they aren't on.

Whesker Austere
Whesker Austere - 03.08.2022 20:32

Death and speed run are really easy. If you don't die it isn't hard to get both of these at the same time.
Really easy to do this too as you can save a second file so if you die reload the back up. Anytime you save and didn't die save over both you can always reload if you die or if you waste to much time in one area accidently going the wrong way.

No upgrades boost was probably the hardest but felt the greatest to do.
Play smarter not harder (these were all still difficult even with save and restarting a ton)

Whesker Austere
Whesker Austere - 03.08.2022 20:29

Easy... game takes 8 to 10 hours 1st time through. Allows you to have fun and explore.
Save function is super important if you want an easy completion.
First temple/dungeon you can't go back to so make sure you 100% it for map achievement. Create a second save file in case you miss something and end up at 90-99% so you can redo and score that 100% before moving on.

NEMO fishZ
NEMO fishZ - 29.07.2022 12:06

I never like the iron giant as a kid

atheris - 25.06.2022 10:32

I love both of the games. But as beautiful and lovely they are, to me it's overshadowed by many workers coming forward with how abusive and toxic the work environment with the two founders of Moon Studios is....

c_weir75 - 11.06.2022 16:15

Didnt get 100%cause of one missed area early that i couldnt get back to was rough

SpaceLifts - 06.05.2022 12:25

Without dying? Damn you are good, the amount of times i died in this game is unexplainable 😆

Trikki - 30.04.2022 13:20

God this game is so damn good I can’t exaggerate how much I’m loving it
Edit: beat the game 100% every map

Hania Happy
Hania Happy - 21.03.2022 12:01

Ori and the blind forest has the best graphics better then ultra realistic games
Change my mind

Paul Blyth
Paul Blyth - 04.02.2022 16:16

The prologue to this game literally wrecked me , still recovering from it , was only like half an hour ago I managed to book up the courage to play it as I new it was sad and I'm a softy but still, it's gonna stick with me for a long time, brilliant game too!

Elrmlk - 27.01.2022 16:24

Actually Ori is a girl

Zachary Przybyszewski
Zachary Przybyszewski - 20.01.2022 16:55

I recently beat Ori and The Blind Forest. I lost my voice almost every time

Floof - 10.01.2022 00:29

the only annoying part of the vid is how you call Ori a he. Ori is a she

highflyer011 - 05.01.2022 15:51

I'm about halfway through my first play through, and I never want this game to end!

Alasdair Sinclair
Alasdair Sinclair - 26.12.2021 13:08

"Who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to combat"
Me/Ori bash juggling a frog to death: are you sure about that?

Seven Red Suns
Seven Red Suns - 16.12.2021 07:24

unhinged achievement club woo woo, i have no life!

Pyro TF2
Pyro TF2 - 11.12.2021 02:33

Quick question which is better?

Will of the wisp?

Or blind forest?

Comment which one

_b - 01.11.2021 20:35

I can't say i'm enjoying ori much, i'm constantly fucking dying, low on health and blue orbs, the movement feels slippery as fuck, the world isn't making sense in my head, the combat feels janky. I really can't enjoy this game like this

Logan M
Logan M - 30.10.2021 20:21

I thought ori was female?

RandomGuy98 - 22.09.2021 20:35

Funfact: „Kuro“ is Japanese for „Black“

Brawler - 18.09.2021 03:27

I must say.Despite my stupidity in this game,I had significantly more fun here than any other game I’ve had on my console.Thank you Moon Studios.If this came out to mobile,it’d be selling like hot cakes I can tell ya that.

Danger_Dingus - 16.09.2021 14:17

I could have sworn that Ori was a female. I think there's a line of dialogue that uses female pronouns. Can anyone confirm?

oasisbeyond - 05.09.2021 05:12

1 life mode is cheated, you just reload, game is impossible with out dying.

KingPasta premiereDesignVIDEO
KingPasta premiereDesignVIDEO - 09.08.2021 19:01

What about the oneshot lasers

Cody LaDuke
Cody LaDuke - 26.07.2021 02:24

“Every family story starts with a vicious murder.”

Mia B-P
Mia B-P - 24.07.2021 05:24

Is one of the inspirations the Avatar movie?

TheMarionick - 22.07.2021 02:25

This might be the hardest game I've ever played. I had less struggles with Hollow Knight.

Also, fuck Forlorn Ruins, man. That whole dungeon was a random difficulty spike in the middle of the game. The volcano after that wasn't nearly as hard.

BGtv - 30.06.2021 03:06

Absolutely love this game with all my heart. Gotta love it, cause how could you not? Gumo is best boy

rockmacher - 28.06.2021 03:48

If you say you didn’t cry when playing this game then you have no soul

T - 14.06.2021 03:17

When I first started playing the game i was with my 7yo cousin when the family was in a retreat some years ago, I offered him to try playing, but he insisted on just watching it, so I had a little comentator with me. We couldn't finish the entire game in just that trip, so it took me a long time to actually finish, because I would only play it when we were together, and also I was bad lol.
I never really had a conection with him due to the distance and also the way he was educated and how he treated me and my sisters (misoginy baybeeee), but after the game we had mutual respect for each other, we would spend hours talking about what we thought was going to happen next, it was really good!
I already have the second game, but I'm waiting for the end of covid, so that we can meet again and play it together. The video mentions about the child-like wonder of it all, and I agree! This game really healed a severed relationship with its nostalgia and narrative that even a 7yo can get :) 10/10
