Why wives should submit to their husbands

Why wives should submit to their husbands

NowBloom w/ Sarah & Adam

2 года назад

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@NowBloom - 16.11.2022 21:05

Thanks everyone for your comments! Just wanted to put this disclaimer out that this video is from a Christian and biblical perspective so if you don’t read the Bible then this video may sound very counter cultural to you. I also wanted to say that of course respect goes both ways, it is not just women respecting their husbands. I am stating ways that women can submit and respect their husbands as the husbands are the head of the household and are to submit to Christ themselves. As I’ve said it’s not about control, abuse, or anything close to that nature. If you don’t agree you can read the Bible and pray on it - please keep disrespectful comments to yourself as this is not the place to put men or women down. 🥰

@robertmills3830 - 05.02.2024 17:48

What the fuck? This isnt the freaking taliban lady

@user-di1hh1lw2z - 21.01.2024 09:59

A husband should be fully submissive to God Almighty so she can be fully submissive to her husband. The husband should love her as God loves his children. He's not to belittle or demean her or mistreat her . He is to love her . If He loves her he will protect her and respect her too. She will honor him. There should not be sarcasm from either. A woman is not under his feet or above him. She is beside him and protected. She is not his slave. She is there to support him. You are to lift each other up. There should never ever be abuse or belittling . Love and respect should be between both husbands and wives.

@Progamers0.0 - 20.01.2024 12:26

god bless you

@lw97nilslinuswhitewaterweb23 - 15.12.2023 16:09


@cardboardcapeii4286 - 26.11.2023 09:33

Good women want to be slaves to their man. They want to obey and be dominated by their husband. LIKEWISE good men want to be slaves of God and be obedient to Him.

@iexist7408 - 24.11.2023 21:51

You can’t use the term “submit to your husbands” because it has different meaning these days. Also respect goes both ways. Lots of misleading information in this video

@phoenixtoash2396 - 17.11.2023 14:15

Actually its worse than people might know. The flowery language is great. But ..neber hold a single meaning ful conversation or be intelligent that gets you beatings.

@phoenixtoash2396 - 17.11.2023 14:02

If i had known that this religion did not believe in love then i would have never even read the book. You can get an arrangement through your neighbors and she has zero choice. That is what would happen if i allowed my mother to sell me off like a barbie. To a disgusting man eewwwwww. I would jump out the nearest window. Before anything even happened.

@cupidcopia - 06.11.2023 23:33

nobody cares that y’all wanna be bottoms. Personally i prefer submissive men, it’s hot.

@user-bj7wf1js7m - 30.10.2023 05:21

Bro men and women both are equal human being why one should submit to another bro like religion does Crosses your personal boundary bro

@alyssaaa261 - 12.10.2023 06:35

I’m a women and I would rather be respected. Idc about this fake thing called “love”.

@TheElleCottrell - 01.10.2023 18:04

I really needed this message and will study those scriptures. Thank you

@michaelobgy - 29.09.2023 14:27

Lady you definitely have some real insecurities! If the lord disappeared you d be lost!damn bigotism!

@joelp3643 - 29.09.2023 10:58

Thank you for this message. Jesus bless you.

@copperhead2694 - 15.09.2023 18:21

I am a rare women.. I do not fit the norms of most women. I actually would prefer respect, and what I mean by respect is , how he talks to me , how he appreciates what I can contribute, how he would treat me . Is far more important than ,
Telling me he loves me. Or physically hugging on me .
I am not a physical affectionate person. I view the respect earned and giving and received as a form of love.
Because someone can. Life you or say they love you but then treat you with disrespect. But if you actually treat someone with respect it will transform how you love them .
I do not believe in blind submission or respect based on gender.
We all have free will , and just like the Lord wants us to come to him with our own free will and chose to love him, respect him, humble ourselves to him. But God has shown us he is worthy to submit to and follow.
Some men do not have that inherent ability to make good decisions, or to lead . Unfortunately they too have not had good examples how to be a good leader , head of the household. What people need to do is try to find the person that will best fit each other . You can’t just take a women especially like me , and say well now you have to submit just because your area women and that is what this book says. We have all grown up with different experiences, some have Trauma like myself, that has deep roots and it can’t be flipped over night or in some cases at all . This is where we need to find the person that we can fit with with in God being the head and can still be pleasing to the Lord .

@sonjai3600 - 06.09.2023 19:51

Nice. Thanks for sharing

@jorge-7121 - 26.08.2023 02:26

Hello Sarah, thank you for your video, it is very good, I congratulate and encourage you to keep the good work, However I will correct you (Hebrews 3:13) in 2 points 1) You said in the past there was abuse 2) You said feminism adressed inequalities that needed to be addressed. Both statements are wrong. Since homo sapiens appeared on Earth, there has been gender roles, which were positive for human progress, and at least for almost 1900 years, since the advent of christianity women were the privileged sex, as chivalry in the middle ages show, for example There is nothing wrong with inequality, inequality has been created by God as we can see in sex differences biologically and psychologically (even brain are physically different). Also, abuse is common today not in the past. Statistics shows in the 1950s there were strong gender roles and everyone was happy. Today, after feminism, 25% of "partnerships" have violence, and 70% of non-reciprocal violence is committed by women against men and 53% of child abuse is committed by women in the US. Therefore, feminism is based in historical lies, rebels against God given roles, rebels against God given order / hiercharchy, reberls against nature , and rebels and seeks to destroy the image of God in a household Father and overtly dismantles the institution of family, and society so feminism is evil, yes. I will tell you why you need to submit to your husband 1) Men are more rational, so we make better decisions 2) Men are hard wired by nature to sacrifice ourselves for others, that is why you see more police officers, firefighters, soldiers,etc that are men, as the Bible clearly teaches in Ephesians 5:25 3) Women hate making decisions and taking responsability

@jackedpreacher6570 - 06.08.2023 12:45

I told my girlfriend that I want my future wife to be submissive to me. She didn't take that well at all. I tried to explain to her that if I'm her husband I'm the head of the family and the leader. That means that I would love, care, provide and protect her. But in return I want her to submit to me. That didn't help also... Do you have some advice on how I should approach this topic with her again?

@the.bodyguide - 21.07.2023 21:49

Thank you SO much for speaking about this: I’m finally experiencing the truth, relief and fulfillment in submission and really appreciated the examples and help! ❤

@joelmorgan1871 - 14.07.2023 06:28

As a christian i wish there was a loving supportive " faithful" woman available but from what ive seen its a myth, they do not exist, and the very few that might arent worth the search. I know hundreds of women from different walks of life, different backgrounds and in addition to NONE of them being faithful to their husbands they treat them absolutely horrible. Love like this is a myth, a lie, it no longer exists. You dont need a husband or wife to have love in your heart. Stay single, stay happy, intimate relationships, dating and marriage are a joke and horror show that are no longer worth trying to find. Get a dog, their loyal, theyll love you and youll be much happier.

@medkhalidbellaaguid3165 - 27.06.2023 21:29

Hello sister I'm not Christian I'm a Muslim and I have huge respect for Christians,what you said is sacred and totally correct ,may the almighty God bless you.

@amohungyo9771 - 23.06.2023 19:34

Next life I wish I had a children and a good wife who honour husband's authority. Lord will surely help me out in the next life.

@binghamguevara6814 - 12.06.2023 13:36

Lgbtqia radical feminism should be labelled as terrorism. Men and women respectability will be destroyed by it. Saudia Arabia are right to define feminism as terrorism.

@binghamguevara6814 - 12.06.2023 13:32

“The unbelieving husband can be saved through the believing wife” (Bede, 731 AD)

@HardDar8 - 01.06.2023 18:31

Good God that I don't wanna marry a man

@ella549 - 24.05.2023 13:35

My only questions: Why can't wives and husbands work hand in hand for the marriage with Christ as the center? Why do wives have to respect husbands and husbands love wives, not vice versa? Why husbands are the heads when another verse, I forgot, says that when a couple married, they become one? Become one in what if at the end of the day wives have to be submissive?

@bingo1232 - 21.05.2023 09:27

A women submitting to a man is the same thing as any human being submitting to a cult. Sarah , you're OK.... but that "submit" BS gotta go.

@bog11gie - 14.05.2023 01:02

Don't forget Genesis chapter 3 vs 16 & 17. 1Tim Chapter 2 vs 12-14

@lydiep6814 - 09.05.2023 13:50

These verses have been verses I’ve wrestled with and grappled with for a few years now. My problem worh these veredas are
1) men are not God so why do some women expect so much from them?
2) aren’t wr all supposed to be Christ like and Godly not just men?
3) the give up his life for her veres implies ‘death do us part’ / ‘love you until I die’ is only coming from the man and that the woman doesn’t have to live the man until the end of her life?
3) how far does this go with regards to decisions and having an opinion? Eg husband “I’d like four children” but wife “I only want two” do you then have to have four children because it’s want the husband wants?
4) where does the protection part form a man come from biblically, this doesn’t seem to be in the scriptures.
5) why can’t a woman look after herself and then help her husband why does she need to help or see to her husband ALL the time. ??

@christykeeney - 21.04.2023 12:41

As a man I believe that women are the lesser species. Men are at the top and women and animals are next, down to plants and insects.

@grantcorbitt9517 - 16.04.2023 07:57

This is my main problem in my marriage. I feel like i don't even matter to her. I don't know how much more i can take and i blame myself for it being this way

@jewishbride5010 - 03.04.2023 11:52

I bind myself to submit to my godly-ordained spouse who confidently knows how to lead me and is being held accountable for the way he leads me while binding to hell being led by any man in whom I should not put in any confidence when he is not taking up accountability of leading me rigtheously, in accordance with this word and ephesians 5:22-33, hebrews 13:17, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah:
"Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account."

@jude3180 - 12.03.2023 21:01

I created a whole philosophy on lasting relationships and you too seemed to have figured it out. Well, some of it. You are making great use of the golden rule which is really from the Bible. I'm not religious but I for reason spend all my time learning lessons from the Bible...

@ashlyconners1627 - 12.03.2023 01:41

As long as in your submission to your husband you are not disobeying the Word of God. God is #1, not the husband.

@sarahspeaksup - 09.03.2023 19:14

Love this thank you . As someone delivered from new age, I would have LAUGHED about submitting but now in Christ, submitting is a reflection to my submission to God and just another way I can express my love to God.

@daenerystargaryen1440 - 06.03.2023 19:56

As a feminist I personally can't see myself submitting myself to my husband. We are equal, and should have equal say in decisions. Just because he is the man doesn't mean he knows the best 100%

@missxmarvel - 05.03.2023 07:29

I won’t submit because I believe in respect.

Submission comes form slavery. And I would never do things a man will never do for me.

@biggboss9780 - 01.03.2023 21:00

I always aspired to be a good wife, who respects her husbands, who submits to him and follows his lead. But my parents are against this nature of mine. they always tried hard to make me more masculine and independent. but my basic nature is to be docile and to value love more than my independence

@reneishawilliams3204 - 15.02.2023 19:16

Glory to God for you putting this video out. I needed to hear this. Thank you Sarah!!🙂

@meilagreisberg6385 - 14.02.2023 03:30

Ah I am not particularly submissive woman and I am married — what is about this?

@laurelcrissman8801 - 12.02.2023 22:15

I understand and agree with alot of the video but I have a hard time with people saying man of the house, leader in choices, etc. Shouldn't the husband and wife lead together yes men are protecters and more dominant physically strong but women are caring and the mother of there childern they are two halfs of a whole I don't understand why women were made for man why we serve and have to be punished with periods and menopause and painful child birth cause we ate from the tree first? But on one hand serving is one of the strongest things you can do but u have always been a tomboy I dream of being a er doctor but I love to cook clean and kids I want a man that is all those thing too for us to be nice to each other in peace bring them up and live as equal idk even know what I'm saying anymore

@kevdoggSDC - 11.02.2023 21:48

I wish more women thought like you. You’re very awesome. God bless you and your family.

@danilaroche1156 - 04.02.2023 21:50

I'm loving this video. My challenge with exes is that they expected me to respect them but yet I felt disrespected by them. In addition, I have a history of sexual abuse (childhoo) from men. Relatives included! Any suggestions?

@DodgeDart - 04.02.2023 03:57

I love trad wives

@danilaroche1156 - 02.02.2023 13:40

Your so pretty. I love this video. I have a hard time being respectful or even kind with the man I'm going to marry. Why? I was abused and sexually tortured by my dad and other men for years. Beaten, harmed..everything for decades. I'm a strong Christian and God is healing me, but I still struggle. Please, please pray for me as I enter into marriage.

@Chimerawolf007 - 27.01.2023 06:50

There hasn't been any women in history that has made a major contribution in the world rather than giving birth to successful males that have changed the world.

The light bulb, cars, airplanes, architecture etc....

A Women main biological duty is to serve there men sexually be loyal and to raise and protect there children so later the daughter can become caregivers and the son the provider.

I don't meant it in a misogynistic way or anything like that, again i am talking core biology.

I don't think that women are less in general because again they are need it to give birth to both male and female so the roles can continue.

Women are more emotional caregivers and more social,

males are more rational and more focused on technology, science and things like that.

It's just the way it is.
This is the ultimate truth,
It's better to stop arguing with the irrational boss babes instagram models.

At least this girl knows her shit, blessings to her :).

Remember women are irrational creatures at the core.

@ynygylop4309 - 26.01.2023 05:44

A Great feminine video among Feminism videos.

@davidndero1398 - 23.01.2023 16:26

Your husband is blessed to have a women who truly understand what it means submission , coz so many families are falling apart, reason because Christians now days we don’t want to put into action the act of husbands to truly love their wives and wives also to be submissive to their husbands I am a born again Christian, husband and a father of 3 wonderful boys
But I never experienced what it means submission or respect in my own household.
Sorry for putting my privacy out there, I just can’t keep it to my self anymore
Remain blessed with your lovely Family.
