Inkscape + GIMP: Geometric Photo Collage Tutorial

Inkscape + GIMP: Geometric Photo Collage Tutorial

Logos By Nick

7 лет назад

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@rus4lkaa - 20.12.2020 23:17

Great video.

@Jelly-rj8fz - 09.11.2019 02:56

i was so confused, watching a gimp tute withan inkscape looking programme, haha then I twigged!

@baconmangaming7002 - 03.05.2019 08:13

when i export it from inkscape, its not transparent, somebody please help me, please

@yesilili - 23.04.2019 08:03

muchas gracias, excelente tutorial

@100awesomeness - 08.10.2018 05:07

I'll recommend anyone looking for a wayout on Gimp to this channel. This is one the best channel i've seen so far , God bless you Sir for your good work.

@100awesomeness - 08.10.2018 05:03

I was told Photoshop is better than gimp. But your channel made me understand that all of that is a myth. I think i begin to realize is that, all depends on how you grasp the software and know how to walk around each tool and style of editing with ease. Gimp too is lightweight. Hardly experienced any system crash as opposed to Photoshop which just gets stuck, freezes and made me reboot my Pc.

@100awesomeness - 08.10.2018 05:02

Please is there a beginners video defining all terms used in gimp? As to all the tools, terms such as layer and layermasks, alphachannel including fuctions- infact all the basis.etc.
I was recommended to this channel by a friend, since i wanted to use gimp as i installed linux. And i was told the best photoediting tool was Adobe photoshop. So i could not access it in Linuxmint. And so i found gimp. And loved everything about it. But it's so confusing cause i started trying to learn out photoshop, but i had no means to fully access(coz i had to pay for it- and could not since i'm only a college student).
I switched to linux, because it was faster, i could tweak it, customize, also it has a good deal when it comes to servers and web stuff, which I'm into it.
My point here is this tool made me not to turn to windows and seeing your other videos and playlists on gimp and the other one inkscape seeing what i could do with these tools marveled me and i felt safe, not regreting leaving windows.

@musolo78 - 30.09.2018 02:15

Thanks! Could you make one more tutorial about Inkscape + GIMP workflow for something like mobile game ui elements. Or something of this nature.

@SuperWolfkin - 24.01.2018 23:21

OH SNAP IT"S BOTH AT THE SAME TIIIIIIME!! Yeah anyway super excited because taking svgs into gimp is a huge issue for me.

@benjabenja1972 - 22.01.2018 20:59

Nice video. I would expect using masks in GIMP instead of cuts. With masks you can move pictures underneath for better position.

@gargoyle2423 - 18.01.2018 20:00

Thanks a lot! This vid was a huge help. I had a collage to do for my digital capturing/streaming class, using my own photos, and this gave me a good solid plan. Not to mention, it introduced me to Inkscape.

@tomelegeert2037 - 17.01.2018 15:48

Just great!

@ww_4776 - 15.01.2018 21:12


@jujharsingh7466 - 14.01.2018 18:38

Love your videos bro

@vladdyboy2612 - 13.01.2018 10:53

Nick, you kinda sound like Tom Cruise

@ioisstudio - 12.01.2018 15:42

love your awesome tutorials ^^

@shater1164 - 12.01.2018 14:43

Wow every time something new and informative, thanks Nick :)

@kaljuk404 - 12.01.2018 13:06

Great video. I was wondering, why you used the path tool instead of magic wand?
I found that it would be a bit faster (and a bit less hussle) if I selected the area inside logo with the Fuzzy tool (magic wand), grow the selection by ~6px, invert the selection, select background layer and then pressed delete button to clear the selected part of the picture.

@surinfarmwest6645 - 12.01.2018 09:28


thank you very much, my Saturday afternoon "research", as I tell my wife, looks good fun.


@jeffreyyuvero3012 - 12.01.2018 06:16

Hey Nick so just found out about a graphic design software with nice interface. idk maybe you would like to try it out. It’s called Gravit Designer. Thanks for the video as always God bless👍🏻

@dmv_p - 12.01.2018 01:08

Nick you are the man ...

@collinslagat3458 - 12.01.2018 00:57

Amazing, didn't know how powerful Gimp was

@noel4182 - 11.01.2018 22:52

Thank you.

@donnytheflow - 11.01.2018 22:46

Nick simply does not miss! You batting on a thousand friend thanks again for your tutorials.

@bauruimportsify - 11.01.2018 22:42

thank you Kick, Great Work!

@jakubrpawlowski - 11.01.2018 22:18

Thank you Nick!

@watergoden2846 - 11.01.2018 21:58

Thats insane ! But can you make a Tutorial how we can make in inkscape an E-Sport Logo?

@rockmystyle - 11.01.2018 21:42

Very high level as always :) Nick how about some infographic next time?

@theOutsidersDz - 11.01.2018 21:27

Thank you a lot
