CPanel Tutorial - How to Backup and Restore Your Website Files

CPanel Tutorial - How to Backup and Restore Your Website Files


6 лет назад

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Shakeel Mirza
Shakeel Mirza - 07.08.2023 22:45

time waster

Flaviushz - 18.07.2023 03:09


Nicole M
Nicole M - 29.06.2023 20:33

I don't see the back up option under files?

London BANDARA - 12.11.2022 00:16

nice one thanks a lot

Retag Ibo
Retag Ibo - 28.08.2022 20:34

U r the bad teacher ever i saw ... i knew why u have soooo many dislike

Manuel Figueroa
Manuel Figueroa - 11.03.2022 01:53


Manuel Figueroa
Manuel Figueroa - 11.03.2022 01:29

Enough with the Why, just show how.

Sumit Verma
Sumit Verma - 31.01.2022 10:11

Hello sir,

I was a2 hosting and that I did take backup before one year now I am start my blog after one year with new hosting hostinger. I had domain name and buy continue but didn't buy a2 hosting.

Now I want to my site restore data but I forget that where I did store the data.

Please help me to restore my data.

francesca kray
francesca kray - 16.01.2022 22:04

The, concepts of Computers, has always confused me. I thought that a Computer (PC) automatically stored the information on to a hard drive.
But, apparently this is not the case, correct?
Thank you for your short informative video. 👍

shany levisey
shany levisey - 14.08.2021 18:51

But this backup download does not work after you delete files accidentaly it always give you the latest backup

Mark Eljohn Vesales
Mark Eljohn Vesales - 08.03.2021 07:12

can you help me please, my website is gone after I installed wordpress using my domain in cpanel and it changes to a new website! What should I do? THANK YOU

Scott Urbanski
Scott Urbanski - 08.02.2021 21:21

Hello sir, I am in need of help. I bought a web host and had somebody upload a website for me using CPanel. I'm wanting to move that website to a new host. Would I want to do a full backup download and then just upload that backup to the new host?

shipsinthenight - 28.01.2021 15:35

Wht is the difference between taking backup from wordpress and also from cpanel?

Kannada Videos World
Kannada Videos World - 14.01.2021 21:12

My data is delted from cpanel can we backup ??

westfield90 - 22.08.2020 00:48

I have a two different servers at godaddy and one is messed up. I sporadically can log into and cannot upload a file and cannot download a file without the connection disconnecting. So if I created a full fullback and it stores it on that corrupt server how do I retrieve it? When I cannot connect to that server for more than a few minutes.

Sahin Shaik
Sahin Shaik - 21.08.2020 09:10

We applied for the renewal of our server for 6 months. During this renewal, the server was deleted by Hostgator. The entire company was wiped off. 150 employees became idle. It was a catastrophe. We had our back up placed in the server itself, but the entire server is gone with all files and databases. Our Account was showing as blank with no server attached to it. Hostgator support had simply took their responsibility off and advised us to start from scratch. Everything from beginning. A $100000 monthly business was shut down and wiped off in a fortnight. We tried everything, but Hostgator gave us no hope. It's all gone and the accusation was brutally placed on us. We were almost ruined. Finally our developer realized that all the files exist in hostgator server and the link to our WHM was broken. We relinked the server with the old IP and it started again. Hostgator became somewhat numb and we are about to file a lawsuit against them. I don't know whether to term this as sabotage or negligence, but you MUST always keep back up in your local drive. Thanks for the video.

steve jackson
steve jackson - 29.07.2020 02:35

Sir back 2 days i dont know how i lost emails of email ids unfortunately i hv not taken any back up is there any way to get back up back.please update me

Mukesh Jaiswal
Mukesh Jaiswal - 26.07.2020 23:41

Does full backup includes all. Media files, Post, Pages etc?

Abigel White
Abigel White - 23.07.2020 13:30

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Aaron Wilson
Aaron Wilson - 16.06.2020 06:04

I ran a full backup using the back up Wizard in CPanel. It took the site down ( I get a 504 error). I assume this is because MySQL locked the tables. Is this normal? It's also taking many hours. Note to others, run this after-hours.

Sumit Chauhan
Sumit Chauhan - 19.04.2020 11:45


suraj - 29.03.2020 02:13

very nice video i m shocked to see why u have so many dislikes ):

Khandakar Abdullah Al Numan
Khandakar Abdullah Al Numan - 13.11.2018 10:21

where is the restore process?????????????????????????????????????????????????
