Travel Greece:  Preveli, Crete | MORE Than Just A Beach

Travel Greece: Preveli, Crete | MORE Than Just A Beach

Inbetween Zebra

7 лет назад

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@ΑπόλλωνΘηρευτής - 26.11.2017 17:07

Nice video, but can't understand why you use turkish music..Crete is Greece.

@inbetweenzebra - 26.11.2017 18:08

Thanks. I'm pretty sure its Egyptian music. I used the music because it had the vibe I wanted for the video... Yes, Crete is definitely in Greece. Amazing place!! Glad you enjoyed the video.

@TheWanderLife - 06.03.2018 05:05

Absolutely love the Greek islands! One of my favourite countries to travel. Never made it to Crete but it’s definitely on the list to do. That pool/lake looked so refreshing to swim in
