FORCED PIERCING Ends In DISASTER | New TikTok Piercing Fails 26 | Roly

FORCED PIERCING Ends In DISASTER | New TikTok Piercing Fails 26 | Roly


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Indigo-Twin - 27.11.2023 23:36

Adore your channel! I live for the what WhAt WHAT? lmao

mydogeatspuke - 27.11.2023 22:55

I've been to some really popular, highly rated, repeatedly recommended piercing places with big social media profiles and very expensive jewelry in their studios and certificates all over the walls, and still had really bad experiences. Poor placement, poor skills (slow needles are agonising), and incredibly poor attitudes when trying to address issues. It's not even worth trying to warn people as nobody believes it anyway because of all the brightly coloured and edited pictures and likes and 5 star reviews, they just have to experience it for themselves and then get bullied into silence too.

Kasi Kaos
Kasi Kaos - 27.11.2023 14:15

I legit wasn't given a choice, the morning I got my nipples pierced. My so called "bestfriend" at the time woke me up my slapping me with the money. Enough for me to get them pierced. And she pulled out her wad of cash saying she refused to get hers done by herself. Considering I already had A LOT more than she did at the time she assumed I'd be the one to do it with her If anyone would. I said I don't do piercings on a whim. Especially without looking up everything first and doing as much research about them first. She reassured me she did all the research and that there would only be a bit of a pinch and it'd be done. 😪 I wish I'd of done my own research. But I trusted her that she did. I wasn't really keen on getting them done that day without at least a week to think it through. But she took advantage of my groggy state and the piercing parlor was less than 2 blocks from where we were staying. So we walked therea little hung over, another ABSOLUTELY STUPID MOVE ON MY PART! SHE WAS MUCH MORE HUNGOVER THAN ME AND DECIDED TO TAKE A SWIG TO "EASE HER NERVES" BEFORE WE WENT. IDIOT!!!!! I thought. I at least ate an apple, drank some juice and 2 bottles of water before we got there which I assume might have been my saving grace!!
We got there and she forced me to go first of course. To see how I handled it and give her time to back out If even i with over 30 piercings couldn't handle it. It didn't hurt, I got a little woozy. But nothin I couldn't manage. And of course she was next. She got in the chair and tried to back out. At this point I was LIVID!!! I DIDNT EVEN WANT THESE TO BEGIN WITH!! SHE DID!!! SHE'D BEEN TALKIN ABOUT GETTIN THEM DONE FOR MONTHS!!! AND I FINALLU SAID NO YOURE HERE THEY TOOK YOUR MONEY YOU MADE ME DO IT WITHOUT ME EVEN WANTING TO!!! I said I'd come for support but that wasn't good enough for you!! You've made me mutilate myself when I you're the one who wants this! Do it and shut up!! It doesn't hurt! So she finally goes through with it. Kicking and screaming the whole time. Lmao! It really seriously was no where near that bad. My hips and back dimples were much worse. Not to mention my 3rd eye. She fainted though of course because, well booze. And not taking the right precautions. Which I tried to tell her to do. But it went in one ear and out the other. She thought she knew best. She was out for almost a half hour... she got lucky.
All I know is that mine are still in and perfect. And she had to take hers out for some reason. Idk because after that we were no longer friends. I saw her true colors and I didn't like them. So here I am now, with my fiance in a totally different state, been clean for 8 years thanks to him and his family, new jobs new life! A much HAPPIER one at that. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary on Nov 20th
And my birthday the day before. Lol!!! I've never been so grateful for where my life has lead me. ❤❤ whether you read this or not. It was nice to get it out. And I love watching your videos. It makes me glad to be the piercing I am. Lol. Oh yeah, I'm also a piercer. But since I've moved I have to get recertification here. So we'll see where that takes me. I refuse to go to just any ol place. Ya know? But thanks for your time.

Thea West
Thea West - 27.11.2023 09:52

Tattoos heal easier but are more painful while getting them. Piercings are harder and more painful to heal but hurts less when getting them. Yin and Yang

PhynnsStuff - 27.11.2023 04:47

I want my friends to have an "lol moment" and book me a $75 piercing, lmao

daisy macy
daisy macy - 26.11.2023 23:36

If anyone was like that girl i'd ditch her right now

Just_me - 26.11.2023 20:04

For the fishwire tongue splitting stuff. The way you'd usually do it is to split right through the middle and that has a reason. Your body is mostly formed in two halves meaning that your tongue is also made out of two halves and two muscles. The exact middle of the tongue is the sweet spot you gotta hit when doing a tongue split otherwise you're gonna cut through the muscle which might numb at least one of the two halves. And that's all beside the fact that you could nick through blood vessels. So yeah. Go to a professional to split y'all's tongues.

Brooke Spencer
Brooke Spencer - 26.11.2023 08:36

Roly's tattoos look so good. I love the Simpsons but my favorite I've seen is Courage! 🖤

watsinstyle - 26.11.2023 05:57

Your Unbreak my heart was such a good song Omg best version I’ve ever heard!!!

JACKLEGAMING - 26.11.2023 05:41


Rory Adam
Rory Adam - 26.11.2023 04:23

I got my nose pierced with just a sewing needle, surprisingly enough it healed fine. That was was 15 years ago now and Ive left it out for years at time and then put something in without hving to rebreak anything, kinda shockin to me really.

Dawn Price
Dawn Price - 26.11.2023 02:42

Can judge anyone. I pierced my own nose with a badge. Stupid I no but thank god it turned out fine.

Jenny McKevitt
Jenny McKevitt - 26.11.2023 02:21

Do you see blue

Jenny McKevitt
Jenny McKevitt - 26.11.2023 02:07

Love the tattoos

Jenny McKevitt
Jenny McKevitt - 26.11.2023 02:02

The eyes do it for me 😊😊😊

Wyphone Ma
Wyphone Ma - 26.11.2023 01:07

The people of color being prone is true. I had an industrial piercing, which I didn’t know I didn’t have the anatomy for but I was 14. Im blaming the piercer bc they should’ve said something. But anywho, I got 2 keloids on each side. My dermatologist said that POC are more prone. Doesn’t mean it’ll happen to you if you are a POC, like I am. But there’s a higher chance of it happening. Best advice I have for that, if you have a piercing and can tell it’s becoming a keloid, REMOVE THE PIERCING!! My DUMBASS didn’t and had to get the keloids cut out. My ear now has some rough edges ( you can only feel them luckily ) and an area that’s thinner than before. The healing after it being removed, hurt 100x more ( in my opinion ) than the piercing itself. Just be cautious and careful and go to a professional!!!

Shannon Scelza
Shannon Scelza - 25.11.2023 23:35

The belly button one takes me back I had my bellybutton pierced at a very young age like 15 and slowly, but surely it rejected. I took very well care of it with peroxide, not knowing about the bear aspirin trick yet, so needless to say at the end of the day, the skin in between holding the piercing in, just shriveled up and pushed itself out, fell on the floor one day, lol it healed really nicely as if almost it never happened so… I figured maybe give it a second go take better care of it Use surgical steel and bear aspirin and that it would heal. Know I got a huge infection keloid underneath the scar tissue which by the way it hurts so badly getting the piercing done because they had the purest under and through scar tissue almost threw up, and my threshold for pain is high I have piercings on my face, but for whatever reason my belly button rejects, no matter what always go surgical, steel and bear aspirin and salt water for any infection/keloid🎉❤

h e n r y ' s  g i r l f y
h e n r y ' s g i r l f y - 25.11.2023 21:37

what can I do against a (very) small Keloid? It's at my Tragus and salt spray didn't work at all (tried it for 2 weeks) :/

Dr Shilpa Kamat
Dr Shilpa Kamat - 25.11.2023 13:16

Hi🎉I'm new

Erin Lee
Erin Lee - 25.11.2023 11:29

Body piercer here! Melanated skin does indeed keloid more easily and more frequently :(

ToddTMH - 25.11.2023 11:25

i am 36, i hade quite a bit of piercings so i am not knocking any thing , the best part for me was taking them out for the last time and letting them close

Miss Toots
Miss Toots - 25.11.2023 07:58

Absolutely ridiculous telling people to have large amounts of sugar 'so your adrenaline can cope ' that is not how your adrenal gland works and sugar does not help in any way 😔

☆ star_stickerzz!!
☆ star_stickerzz!! - 25.11.2023 05:33

honestly that first piercing is just begging to reject within a week, it is SO thin and not to mention it's a dermal.

fruitygemini - 25.11.2023 04:49

Generic loving customer compliment here before I get into the video!

I know purple is your favorite color (blue is mine!) and I’m happy to see your custom contacts here! Pretty! Lovely! So cool!

Thank you for being you, Roly!

Victoria Lefley
Victoria Lefley - 25.11.2023 00:06

That girl with read hair and the anti eyebrow peicring that "rejected on video", you can literally see the bars all the way through her bridge peicring and her two upper lip piercings. The lip peircing bars look visible when she has her mouth wide open in shock.
Why on earth would you keep lip peircings, especially, in if they're rejecting?!

It is what it is
It is what it is - 24.11.2023 20:37

What are the names of British TV shows you use clips from in you videos?

jennifer Foreman
jennifer Foreman - 24.11.2023 11:36

Yes that is true that people of color are prone to get keloids more often or easier than other people

SugaComa101 - 24.11.2023 10:56

As a person of color with numerous piercings, I haven't ever dealth with keloids

Akai-Shade - 24.11.2023 08:02

Roly where did you get that necklace!? I need it in my life

anna pascoe
anna pascoe - 23.11.2023 19:26

I got my lip priced without eating the fatigue came bit later but yup I was on the verge of fainting

AbdaltKnightYoutuber - 23.11.2023 07:51

I only have two piercings and there one each on my two ears

thecelticlady - 23.11.2023 07:50

To the naval piercing that was so gross from the rusty jewelry... i had to change mine out cuz everything but my navel was titanium and i started having a reaction to the sterling silver one i had in my bellybutton. Changed it to titanium and been soaking it a couple times a day and like 3 months later itll still flare up occassionaly. So keep an eye on your piercings cuz you can develop metal issues later that you didnt have before and never let your doctor give you gel antiobiotics for it cuz thats not great for the piercing to heal with.

Ziathyn Rose
Ziathyn Rose - 23.11.2023 07:43

So for the one where you say it's "claire's spray" it's actually not. It's Wound Wash, which is a saline solution that every piecer I've been to recommends for those who can't afford H2Ocean

lolitachild - 23.11.2023 02:47

When I had my belly button pierced he marked it while I was standing up and then did it while I was lying down. I think on women where we have more flabby bits it lies funny when you lie down, I dunno

Jari - 22.11.2023 09:30

I think for the eye, they put clear resin (or whatever material is used for prosthetic eyes) over it in a mould to give it a smooth surface, so the piercing is rather between layers than actually on top.

lindz w
lindz w - 22.11.2023 06:26

I've had a situation like that girl and guy w the nose but way insane. SO LONG STORY SHORT SHE WANTED HIM TO GET A JACOB'S LATTER SO HE WOULD FEEL PAIN SINCE SHE WAS ABOUT THEIR BABY IN A WEEK. Lol, but in the process of me getting paperworkhandle and setting up, I had to run to the waiting room because the guy saw what was about to happen and passed out!! 😂😂

Jen G
Jen G - 22.11.2023 01:27

I think The pierced eye is just filled over with resin afterwards to level and smooth it out

ZiNgOaPpELsIN - 21.11.2023 22:20

The belly button one I was unlucky my self!! In Norway Got a big houle and infection.. I got the tip og A Qtip in it!! -Katarina

Tyler W
Tyler W - 21.11.2023 20:39

Lmao the random clip of Jinkx Monsoon losing her pig ear 😂😂😂

Le Batteur
Le Batteur - 21.11.2023 20:01

Splitting your tongue is such a risky thing to do on your own- do people realize you can hemorrhage? Your tongue is incredibly vascular and if deeply damaged can cause very swift bleeding that can become life threatening quite fast.
Please, please do not try to do this to yourself, it could be extremely dangerous.

R M - 21.11.2023 17:01

Anyone else want to raid Roly's tshirt closet?

Ravenbird420 - 21.11.2023 16:39

I have had my nipple pierced for a year in a half and the healing process feels like it is taking forever, I keep it clean but it gets caught on everything. love the look of it but the healing process takes forever, but all of my tattoos took about a week to heal

Ravenbird420 - 21.11.2023 16:33

Not an apple babe, try an ice cube lol

ElectricWitch - 21.11.2023 14:46

When I had my earlobes pierced, it was with needle and hoops, but it was apparently because my earlobes were too thick for the gun and studs. They never healed, though. Maybe I was impatient. They weren't painful, just annoying. So I took them out, I can't remember how long they were in, maybe a couple of months. I never got a piercing again after that.

ElectricWitch - 21.11.2023 14:11

Would a piercer ever use brass or nickel on purpose if they dislike the customer? Or would they not risk that on purpose?

Justchaoz - 21.11.2023 14:02

Hi everyone!!! For those wondering what studio in stockholm it is i can inform you that its Platinum ink :) popular place run but half shady peeps

Just Eivin
Just Eivin - 21.11.2023 11:00

Cant lie Rolly i had a friend in Highschool who really wanted to learn how to pierce and being again uneducated teens all my friends and i would get her to pierce us. Needless to say most of those piercings had to be removed after a while because they just werent well placed

Bored Ginger
Bored Ginger - 21.11.2023 09:09

I agree on doing your research… I got scammed really badly, some guy took my deposit and then blocked me…. Lost almost $300

Abby Kub
Abby Kub - 21.11.2023 07:52

Omg omg omg i remember a 1,000 ways to die, this couple connected their tongue rings together and their heads fell off due to a bail of hay
