This Happens with Python .PYC Files (Step by Step Tutorial)

This Happens with Python .PYC Files (Step by Step Tutorial)


2 года назад

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Ben Nguyen
Ben Nguyen - 07.04.2023 18:02

Does the user have to have the same version of python that was used to create the pyc file?

And what about decompiling (pydumpck , uncompyle, etc)? For example, I tried pip install uncompyle6-3_8_0 . whl as command-prompt admin, but when I actually try to use it :

uncompyle6 file.pyc

I get the error :
# Unsupported Python version, 3.9.0, for decompilation

Alternatively, I'd like to convert a pyc file to an executable so that I can then run it in a sandbox, but cx_Freeze doesn't seem to support pyc extension.

Mr. Marcial Glori
Mr. Marcial Glori - 01.02.2023 14:10

Is .pyc is faster than .py if run?

Mr. Marcial Glori
Mr. Marcial Glori - 01.02.2023 14:07

I can now hide my code in 7z with password.

Şəhriyar Cəfər Qulu
Şəhriyar Cəfər Qulu - 23.12.2022 15:18

thanks master

M80 - 09.11.2022 21:20

Hi! Which program do you recommend to open these files?
