YOUTUBE IS DELETING VIEWS (I Lost Thousands of Views)

YOUTUBE IS DELETING VIEWS (I Lost Thousands of Views)

Original Dante

1 год назад

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@FiringSquad81 - 28.04.2024 20:13

Ok so what other social media would you recommend? There is one I heard that pays for each view.

@aakashchhetri8755 - 30.04.2024 16:35

I had 245 views few days ago now its 206. Why?

@BeenPaidRayy - 30.04.2024 23:29

Bruh i got bout 60 to 70 views my vid then went back to 0 the next day, it then went back all the way up to like 80 then dropped back down to 0 again today🤨

@SomedudecalledLuca - 02.05.2024 22:17

I had 56 views on a video the most views I had then it dropped to 1 single view and this is happening to all my videos 😢

@AfricanTalesByMoonlightTV - 05.05.2024 03:09

Its still happening. Its not a minor hitch😢

@Fearagen - 07.05.2024 20:45

I have started experiencing this weirdness as well. Had a video mimic search that was at 50 views and now it is at 3 for some reason.

@TheHeartsetCoach - 07.05.2024 23:09

I have multiple videos that went down to zero!

@jumpersfilmedinvr - 19.05.2024 06:48

2024 it's still happening.
I have a small channel. Lately I've noticed my documented views decreasing. How do watched videos get unwatched by the same viewer on videos they've seen already?

@Laffbreak - 24.05.2024 17:44

Not only that, the moment I post a good shorts video which receives more than 2000 views within the first hour, I receive more dislikes than likes, and than I lose subscribes and then click through rate changes and then views drop and then it becomes a flat line. Which follower would dislike your video for which they already subscribed for as long as you post within your niche and there's no swearing, no bad scenes, no offenses, no pranks, etc... I gain 20 subscribes and that week I lose 10 of them. That's a cheap game and we're like little nonames with no impact and no say. This is their platform and they do whatever they want.

@VanillaAbstract - 29.05.2024 02:18

How is it even possible to go down in views? This has been happening to me too

@bristolmagazinetheplug - 02.06.2024 06:36

Why do they take your views away ?

@LadyAnTMusic - 06.06.2024 10:41

1 year later..... Its still happening..... 😡

@kousick.p2707 - 13.06.2024 08:22

I had 10k views on my shorts channel.. And within two days it dropped down to 3.6k☠️

@cyberspyking3306 - 14.06.2024 20:38

This is exactly what is happening to me right this moment, I had 40k vies now its 39k, I had 78 subscribers, and in 15 minutes, it went down to 65

@Retrosheep - 15.06.2024 03:31

I had 250,000k achievement from them lol and now 235,500 have gone missing , all content is missing in the anlytics i have reported it and they just told me to wait 72 hours , ive gone from over 250,000 to 14.5k ... Like WTF ... what is going on

@just_dimi3 - 22.06.2024 15:02

From 300 views I failed on 109 views on my latest mashup

@LifeinLyrics-fd4no - 28.06.2024 21:40

I don't think they want to pay us.

@BEATRIZMAG1111 - 05.07.2024 11:21

Happening right now. 2024 July. I did a livestream and saw the visualization dropping in front of my eyes . I just could. It believe it and I searched the subject. Here I am, 2:20 AM trying to understand this crap glitch

@askrealtorpatrick - 08.07.2024 20:48

Views are still disappearing in 2024

@PixxyPuffOfficial - 08.07.2024 23:42

Is this still happening? How do we stop it. A short I poster was at 1k and then dropped in half to 500. Went back up to 1k and again dropped.

@PeterStrachanMusic - 12.07.2024 22:52

Up to a year ago.. I would upload my songs each for a 4 week period and would average views of 800 to 900 up to 2000 to 4000. However, over the last year, my video views have shrunk drastically.. In day one I can have 200 to 300.. By day two it might creep up to 400 or 500.. Then on day 3, it can drop to below 150. As I keep uploading, my views are being hammered to less than 200.. Lastly, in the past year my subscribers have more than doubled to over 850.. I find it soul destroying.. Do not understand what is going on???

@LifeinLyrics-fd4no - 16.07.2024 00:11

I m pissed. 0 views but the video has a thumbs up. how can a zero viewed video get a thumbs up! 140 people seen my videos but hardly anyone watched my video but yet its a total of 5-6 hours viewing the zero viewed videos. make it make sense.

@MindYourPerspective-1 - 16.07.2024 14:05

This happening to my new channel. I lost over 200 hundred views and my channel is barely 8 days old and for the past 4 days i having been losing views. Each day it is going down and the new views are delated. Why ? 😮😮

@caydence808 - 17.07.2024 03:20

So Can you talk about it again.. now in 2024.. I want to hear from other creators! I started at 13k to 1k to now 400 views.. I just literally watched a video i posted today go from 521 to under 500! and I am already on the low low with views now they want those too?

@Allmighty_Ny - 19.07.2024 10:33

My video went from like 800 views to 4 views smh .

@donnatrump1403 - 19.07.2024 14:30

Yeah, and they're running ads on the same video (150 views) while cutting the views.

@d.e.m.p.s.e.y - 20.07.2024 22:15

So you had 560,000 channel views in Dec 2023, then it went down to 470,000 the next day, I had a similar thing happen around the same time, went from 217,000 to 173,000 around the same time, any idea why this happened to us???

@kiddlynx - 27.07.2024 06:21

I'm currently experiencing this, I'm new but my videos will go from 30 to 0 views after being fine for a week.

@SixtyYears - 31.07.2024 07:05

I been having this issue for a while and I been doing YT for almost 10 years. That’s why I don’t really post as much anymore. It’s really getting to that point where I just can’t do it anymore, I already went from 6K to 5.9K which really stressed me out.

@thesteammachine1282 - 06.08.2024 16:19

I don't think this happens anymore . Now what they do is is the ai to cut down the promotion of your videos and visibility so that you dont get any views at all XD.
Happened to me like 3 weeks ago. Getting my normal 35-55k views every 48h as usual and than in analytics, boom a flat line . Mathematically impossible . Someone simply turned off the water .
And I highly suspect this has something to do with what you write . The intelligence is constantly analyzing you and making a profile . Probably when you reach a certain number of points ( yeah like a credit score ) you get a punishment . You dont have to swear or anything like that. By just writing facts and the truth is enough.

@GravityFallsFan2011 - 08.08.2024 07:10

my video went for 31 to 4.

@EtchAndSketch - 17.08.2024 19:44

Literally happening to me right now 🙄 going up then down then up again. Like what is happening??

@SoulSpark-7ks - 19.08.2024 09:38

Thank you for sharing your experience. This is happening to my super new channel which was getting at least few hundreds views on some videos or shorts, while others were around 30-40 views...but it was what I expected given I just started and have only 5 subscribers... but then in the past 10 days I'm getting no views and older views counts show now 1/5 of what they were...

@xxxLucySimsxxx - 24.08.2024 12:44

I recently achieved the milestone of having one of my videos reach 2,000 views, but then nearly all of them were mysteriously stripped away. It's amusing, really! I'm an outspoken critic of vaccination policies, and it's fascinating to witness how the online social credit system truly functions. Many people don't realize just how pervasive this issue is. They monitor your online activity, and if it doesn't align with their standards, the algorithm will catch up to you every time. It's a troubling reality. Who knows, maybe one day there will be a major pushback against them but I doubt it

@FenrirRagnulf - 30.08.2024 14:28

It's still happening. They haven't done anything to fix this problem.

@Grannyflo-Main1 - 05.09.2024 01:30

I have 20 million views missing GONE!!

@PCKarts - 06.09.2024 17:40

One of my recent short video experience the same now 😢 what can I do for that

@OriginalDante - 06.04.2024 23:02

If you’re here in 2024, I’m sorry. 😅 This still does happen occasionally to my Shorts - the view count will fluctuate.
